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is dead who did this come on wake up it's useless what's happening here this is terrible we need to find a Clues to resolve this mystery all right it's time to play the detective role [Music] these are our suspects hmm I'm gonna look at all what no no no no no tell us the truth I really am look I'll tell you what I was doing I was just eating some pizza on the cafeteria since it was my lunch time but even after finishing it my stomach wasn't really satisfied so I decided to eat a hamburger I found one just in the cafeteria and I was really close to getting it when I saw Jeff picture coming so I decided to leave it alone afterwards he thought there was something missing in his Burger so he went to look for some cucumbers in the kitchen that was my chance to steal it that's my confession IHF pictures hamburger but that's it that's the only thing I did wrong I swear please don't kill me huh you traitor that was my favorite launch um okay nothing's here yeah they couldn't make it now who's next who no why I'm innocent please just hear what I have to say okay [Music] stares on the love trying to make some science and experiments I must say I'm really good at that who then suddenly be damned appeared in front of my eyes I just ignored her because she's really harmless but I continued my project but something will happen my whole thing had just blown up well guess what snail was laughing at me I couldn't let her mock me so I brought on her back now that I think about it I think it was her fault it brought to failed so my revenge was coming a series of events happened because of what I had written on her I don't regret it though it was really funny [Music] that was a nice joke anything to say they are not what we are looking for okay we must continue with the investigation you me no I couldn't even kill a fly just tell me the truth okay okay I'll tell you everything I also like jokes and stuff like that you guys know my food are the monsters right so I saw fiddles chilling and I thought that was the perfect time to eat him I tried chasing him but he's a good runner you know I guess we kept running for like 10 minutes until he got really tired that was my perfect moment to confront him oh if only you could see the fear in his eyes how delicious I mean yeah I try to eat him and he almost did but he was saved by a miracle how unfortunate are you seriousness anything to say no I guess we are wasting our time they are not guilty the last one is you wait really and that's the truth you made it made it I created everything what are you talking about I'll tell you the whole story none of the things and monsters told you have been real who I thought everything happened for a reason you know this is how it went I learned coach pickles with a burger that was really easy I also added a secret explosive to Flynn's potion just because he messed up the whole project I couldn't let that happen I should be the only scientist in this place and he wasn't suited for that position no it was fun you're welcome by the way to think I actually saved you I'm such a good person and that's my alibi I didn't have time to Kill opila ah nothing get it again [Music] what where am I now it's time to judge you no please hey what's all that noise I fell asleep I needed to take my long nap but you will not what no ouch [Music] oh well I guess we misunderstood everything here you are done for now wait don't do it please what are you talking about [Music] what's going on pickles oh my God look at you this to me with his laser Transformer look over there he's gonna do it to everyone Oh my Jesus he's really gonna do it I don't want to be turned into a girl he's sick but why is he doing this it all started when Batman created business he was not doing well financially he couldn't afford to pay his players everyone started Living then he found something he couldn't believe the discovery he has just made he found a potion that would turn every living space into their girl version he was really hungry for money so he designed the laser Transformer instead of doing his first test with the very same potion bigster it all worked as planned so after shaking for a while the pig was now a girl he or what should I say she was pretty confused the second dude to fall was stinky Dino he was eating Pig's cake from the floor and Batman didn't hesitate on his decision would have now become ladies atrocities [Music] it'll happen so fast you could see the evil intention on his face I was almost [Music] and tries to get into the laboratory but for Hero's sake she's retained by me she couldn't understand what I was trying to tell her I tried my hardest but it just wasn't enough she wouldn't stop making noises I even weren't here by mimic but it was too late bun caught her but she just became another one of his victims I watched the whole transformation in front draw immediately afterwards she proceeds you babe and ban orders I've been hurt in her object I could find on the way so I run as fast as I could but snake was faster I was able to get away and quickly found a little place to hide for a while I really didn't want to get caught by snake she seemed pretty upset I thought I cut away but then appears with his stupid laser and didn't doubt the on me and now we are here that's what happened we need to stop baban he's gone nuts [Music] I knew this would be a success oh who is my gun stop it please stop it right now what the heck dude oh wow what's happening [Applause] awesome I will save all my friends [Music] I'm not gonna lie this is kind of fun oh you saved me bud well done look at that freak oh no no oh thank you for this so what about me it's overplayer [Music] um I'm still here guys [Music] I did this for us for the company oh no this is on yourself any last words [Music] this is so damn funny but I would like to see a girl version of you what are you talking about no way what are you doing get that thing away from you oh geez what have you done well but it looks good would you marry me hell no oh what am I dreaming no let me huh what's going on they made an experiment with me wait for me [Music] I can't do this I'm sorry oh God no what's the deal I'm gonna end you ouch of course I can kill them is she coming I guess no whoa oh my Molina hey how are you girl something terrible happened you really need to help me this time of course let's go he might be close I can't see anything hey what is oh my God oh did you see anything let me explain it to you as always bun bun was doing one of his evil experiments the process was really hard but eventually he found a solution the idea of doing a corruption ritual seems to be very good for him the ancient knowledge allowed him to make the biggest experiment they made and gave to bamban a strange potion which could do whatever he wanted but he wouldn't try it with himself so first he needed one monster to experiment why he could do that well I don't know oh oh god oh no [Music] who knows I'm not a peeler anymore I gotta Escape [Music] hurry up Harry I need some help here all right I have this card to open this is your run come on come on this is my fatality oh finally there's no turning bug at least I'm alive what's happening we need to run go there but monsters now you can escape from me little rods what are you hiding heck is happening um it's a long story bun bun has been always excluded from the social groups when he wanted to close to them they always found the body quality to discriminate him and laugh at him he went crazy but he didn't stop trying so he tried another time and again and again but the other group keep looking at him like a joke and they just kept laughing and laughing so bamban suffered because they constantly excluded him that was really unfair you know maybe I could understand his pain but his angry feelings were different and he transformed his feelings into evil actions well [Music] these are your final seconds oh is this happening I guess this is [Music] look at your friends they're corrupted now they really need to recover their identities don't you see that this is all my fault but don't worry hey [Music] can't my body hurt hey take this this is the solution oh what's going on here I'm Really Gonna fix things come on come on Amazing closure complete oh take this it's time to end this what oh who made this hey wow I'm not blind anymore wow hey wait stop right there oh no who's doing this I'm sorry no sacrifice your life for me I owe you everything what things [Music] [Laughter]
Channel: Hornstromp Fingers
Views: 4,121,762
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hornstromp, hornstromp fingers, garten of ban ban vs rainbow friends, rainbow friends vs garten of ban ban, garten of ban ban hornstromp, blue vs garten of ban ban, OPILA BIRD, garten of ban ban animations, Banbanela, captain fiddles, BAN BAN, stinger flynn, jumbo josh, GARTEN OF BAN BAN, rainbow friends, bestroblox animation, rainbow friends animation, rainbow friends chapter 2, garden of ban ban sad origin story, garten of ban ban vs poppyplaytime, garten of ban ban are girls
Id: nBxcl1l2nwI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 43sec (1003 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 03 2023
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