Who Killed CHECKPOINT In Minecraft?

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Steven Guido have been murdered this is the story of how we were killed and how we taught the murderer red-handed the birthday boy is here oh man looks like everyone forgot your birthday yeah it looks like they did seriously after all the stuff I do for them this is ridiculous guys oh my gosh I'm so happy to see you you didn't have to do this happy birthday Steve it is your day today wow thanks guys and hey you even managed to bring Billy and Katie yep woohoo this is going to be the best birthday ever oh it's going to be even better than you think Austin go get the cake boo oh cake you guys didn't have to oh this is so exciting what are we talking strawberry vanilla it's your favorite mint chocolate chip it's a oh my gosh it's chocolate okay put it down I can't wait I know we normally do the whole thing where I blow out the candle to make a wish but I am literally so hungry from all my adventuring save a slice for me no way quido I'm going straight in oh guys what was in that [Music] cake I have been murdered on my birthday now I have to help my robotic companion Guido find the killer these are the suspects but can you figure out who the real killer is really what did you do to Steve he was our best friend and now he's gone it wasn't me you're obviously lying nobody else hates Steve as much as you do hey leave him alone I didn't want to be here at Stupid Steve's birthday party too stupid [Music] Steve you this actually it's pretty entertaining wait a second going they're trying to sneak away from the party did they kill me I mean I guess they did bake the cake oh I've got to get after them Guido could miss this Vital Information okay I'm going to beat them into the Treehouse and find out exactly what they did oh I'm going to be so much trouble oh they're going to hate me wow they are acting really suspicious I've got to get to the bottom of this maybe there's some evidence in this chest ah but the only problem is they're looking directly at the chest they're going to know someone's in here here staring blankly at this chest really is calming me down there's got to be some way to distract them uh wait a second I've got an idea okay let's go out this way go all the way around the back hey what's up little guy want to get inside this is going to distract Austin oh pretty bird ett what are you doing now that Austin is distracted I can see exactly what's hiding inside of this chest a big magnet doesn't exactly seem suspicious but I definitely could use this specifically to get Guido over here let's just PE it at the house now have you all calm down and I gotta Guido has no idea what's going on now I can just go ahead and put him inside of the chest there we go he's inside the chest now they're in the same room as Austin without Austin even realizing enough get out of here birdie I was just about to confess what I did wait what's off been talking about what I did to the cake the cake what did you do murderer murderer I'm not a murderer okay I'll tell you everything this morning I headed to the store to get one final ingredient for the cake and I spotted the perfect one chocolate but I couldn't reach it so I placed the cake down and I stretched so while I was reaching ing I heard somebody medling with the cake and when I look back I saw the cake had been switched for a chocolate one I didn't know who this kind stranger was but the only person I saw in the store was Billy so I think he's the murderer thank you Austin this is invaluable evidence why would Billy be at the store he wasn't excited for the party I'm going to go talk to them hi quo it would make sense for Billy to be the killer considering how much he dislikes me but I don't know something about this this just isn't adding up uh oh my gosh it's Sergeant Shaw leader of the police all right show's over I heard about this little party they started it and I'm finishing it you're all going to come back to the station we can't we have class well I did promise Mr P that I'd get you back to the school H you two are free to leave that is so not fair what about me I deserve to be free zip it blue boy you're going to jail for a long time no Sergeant Shaw actually thinks we're going to go back to school he's even more stupid than he looks we'll use some of the money we found lying around Chris's house to go on an all expenses paid vacation across the Multiverse next up the airport Billy's got to get away I've got to hell no way am I going to let them get away with this okay I've just got to find a car that I can possess right over here I'll use my ghostly powers to possess it nice now that I've got control of this car I can get after them where do you think you're going hey is that someone following us where's the driver get back here you two try faster sis oh my gosh this is getting really dangerous they're going into a public park they almost hit that villager oh no this is not good because as soon as they get over this road they're going to be so close to the airport okay maybe I can possess this crane look out that was a close one I just missed We Made It come on let's get on the plane no no no I might already be too late oh where are they where are they the luggage belt is so slow okay one more shot to stop them B help me and miss the flight no way no come back wow I can't believe he'd leave his own sister eh I guess it is Billy all right here comes Billy go on you bully get nice and comfortable murderer because I am going to take control of this plane here's the pilot and possess we'll just take off like normal and then the fun can begin what's going on why is the blade flying like this stop my head hurt oh did someone say stop oh that was amazing and look Guido's already here I finally got you Billy and it's time for you to admit you're the murderer I already told you I didn't do it oh yeah then why were you at the store I was at the store because I was buying Steve a gift lawyer you'd never buy Steve a gift I'm not lying I was buying him the worst gift in the Multiverse I'd settled on buying him a potato when someone barged into me and knocked me down I went to call the police but the line was dead interesting do you remember anything else Billy well there were some footsteps leading all the way to the school wait a second I know someone who's a student at the school Katie H oh no she's gone she must have headed back to the school Katie Katy Katie where is she she's got to be around here she just went in that classroom ah you're finally back Katie we were just wait where's your brother don't know don't care yikes well before we begin this class I have a special video to play what is this Peterson I made this after I heard the terrible news about Steve it's a Memorial [Music] video I miss the little guy so much wow I had no idea Peterson felt that way are you kidding me Steve wasn't that important Katie Steve has saved the Multiverse countless times how dare you disrespect his memory plus I worked on this all morning get out with pleasure I'm going straight home oh no you're not weedo why won't everyone just leave me alone today because you killed Steve admit no but I will kill you wait where is she going uh oh my gosh is that an ex but why do want I you my TRS oh don't worry little guy I'm going to help you okay that should hold her off oh what was that here's ktie oh no she's coming in I've got to get Guido out of here uh oh there's a vent right here come on Guido get up there she has no idea that Guido managed to get away at least I hope he did I get out of here before she kills me too oh but it's so dark I can hear you Guido oh no now I've got you I can't let Guido die too I'm got to do something like this I think you got that the wrong way round now tell me where were you this morning fine I'll tell you everything I can remember I was in class I think wait I can hear footsteps that means the Killer is about to enter Chris what is he doing here could he really be the killer wait Chris can be the killer he's one of ste's closest friends that's it I'm calling him right now may I I remind you that Chris is in jail you are not permitted to talk to him what say who say me now don't call again there's only one thing for it I need to invade the prison oh my gosh Guido's going to lead an assault on the prison and for that I'll need an extremely powerful vehicle I think I need an ambulance I can't believe I'm about to rob the military base the final jet but you know what if it helps find Steve's killer it's going to be all worth it no no no what is quido doing he's going to get himself killed oh but if that's what Guido wants to do then I've got to help him okay uh I guess I'll start off by getting rid of these laser Fields let's see if my ghostly powers can hack into them and the next one man I should become a ghost more often this is useful oh no Guido's heading straight towards those soldiers okay I'm going to ever take them out of the way starting with this guy and then this guy and that should allow Guido to go right underneath them floating soldiers you see everything nowadays Now where's he go oh my gosh he's found the jet I am on my way oh my gosh he's going so fast I better get after him but that could be some useful stuff here okay maybe in a second okay made it to the prison now where is Guido he's got to be around here so oh my gosh there he is am come on out CH I'm not going to stop until you show yourself murder oh no there you are got some questions for you Chris I know that you killed Steve what how can you even say that I love Steve I would never hurt him let me tell you why I was at the school I was only there because I wanted to ask Katie if she was coming to the birthday party come on on Katie please come to Steve's birthday party there's going to be cake wait if Chris had a different reason to be at school then who else went there you Burger bolts what did you do I've been doing my own investigations sh you know like the leader of the police should be doing yeah well now I'll have to move Chris to a different prison oh then I've got to get back and get Billy and Katie back to school wait what sha needs to go back to the school wait it was you all along wasn't it you killed St of course it was me the entire Dimension wanted to but I was the only one that went through with it I heard about your little party the fireworks the loud music dancing all night no way was I going to let you keep everyone up all night night so I found Austin and switched the cakes around I left them with the poison cake ooh and when Steve sunk his teeth into it well you know the rest I save the Minecraft Dimension from one big headache and I do it again hey Sergeant Shaw what the how you you how are you still alive well I decided to hang around in the military base found these defibrillators then I went back to my body and revived myself and well then I found you guys H guess I'll just have to kill you twice then no you won't it's my birthday and I get what I want now that's what I call a happy birthday hey Steve you guys got locked up too Austin how long have you been in prison I don't know but it feels like forever well it's time to get this party started [Music] I had found my pillar but little did I know that someone was targeting my best friend Guido too wa this is my best batch of Pancakes yet look at that stack oh Guido they're ready huh not like Guido not to respond to a breakfast call uh Guido everything okay something is really wrong uh oh almost forgot the pancakes hello buddy everything okay up there okay this is really weird it's not like Guido to sleep in if you don't wake up I'm going to have to eat your pancakes oh my gosh Guido Guido has been murdered and it's up to me to find out who did it these are the suspects but can you figure out who the real killer is no no no this can't be happening dude wake up oh he's not budging How could somebody have snu in and managed to kill Guido right underneath my nose Okay first part of call I've got to check the body for any anything suspicious uh wait what is this that looks like a fingerprint this could be the most important piece of evidence I find today oh what the hey who is that they must have killed Guido I've got to get after them think you can run away from me huh trying to get away huh that's what you get for killing my friend now let's find out exactly who's underneath that hood come on show me who you really are wait is that my Arch Enemy Mesa hey what was that for you know exactly what that was for you killed Guido didn't you wait Guido is dead I was just trying to kill you wait what I mean duh I am your arch nemesis no no no no not that Mesa the part where you said you didn't kill Guido well I guess there's only one way to prove it I do have this fingerprint here let me just grab your hand real quick and yeah they don't match up H oh well there goes my evidence see I told you I didn't kill him but if you've got another enemy out there then I want to know who it is come on follow me wait what where are we going oh this is so weird Mesa what are you doing I'll prove my innocence by helping you check the security cameras outside your house oh that's actually a really good idea the Killer is bound to have been caught on the footage keep your eye out for anyone suspicious well there right there is my ex-girlfriend Lily I've got a restraining order on her there's no way she should be this close to my house Hey look it's uh Anthony MAA that's Austin and they won't invite to my house either what the heck is going on here look it's Chris and it seems like he's in a hurry oh what Billy love that little guy yeah my biggest bully he's heading inside the house too what's the plan Steve well we're going to head straight to Lily's house she's always hated Guido because she wants me all to herself GH Lily's Place always gives me the creeps I kind of like it Lily get out here with your hands up I've got a frying pan and I'm not afraid to B your brains in with it well Steve W she killed Guido Mesa come on you've done much worse Lily where are you uh she's not here maybe she made a run for it come on Mesa let's just go wa no something's not right here a come on H this seems out of place I wonder if I can just play Yay maer it's not that exciting okay what have we got going on here we've got oh a ladder that descends down to somewhere oh jeez M oh you got to stop being so reckless Lily is a very dangerous person oh my gosh what the heck is that looks like there's lava on the other side of this wall uh wait is this some kind of puzzle uh Mesa try stand on there I uh yeah you did okay so if I climb up here there's another pressure play okay Mesa now you come up now teamwork oh deep Lily Lily is that you where are you at I really need to talk to you you are such a flirt and who's that handsome friend you've got with you that's Mesa and he is not my friend yeah I hate you Ste I hate you too but we've got to work together to get through this yes nice job Mesa now you do me okay I'll jump across here and then ready to hit that button Mesa okay let's go okay and hit me with the next one boom yeah that was awesome uh we probably shouldn't be doing this I mean Guido is dead oh okay all right what have we got going on next it looks like we've got like a dead end or something oh come on boys use your brains hey we're trying we're trying okay hey hey Mesa hold that lever no okay uh are okay I'm fine I'm fine uh can you like pull it again maybe this is going to open up this way oh it does okay pull it again and one more time oh it actually worked what's going on oh I see yes so you just have to pull the lever with finally you know how to keep a girl waiting Lily what what are you wearing what is this uh excuse me this is our wedding Steve what Mesa this is this isn't what it looks like I didn't agree to this awkward that was the whole reason I snuck into your house you were supposed to find a wedding ring that I hid in your room and bring it here to the ceremony but you clearly didn't see it oh so that's why you went to my house uh okay well did you see anyone else in there yeah I bumped into that Dofus Austin they were acting really nervous nous I guess because I'm so intimidating but you don't think that right my sweet uh uh uh I I got to go I got to go find Austin okay no you're not leaving until you marry me oh fine say cheese wow it was so nice of Lily to give me a lie DET take to as a wedding gift yeah I find that a little weird I finally got you atin oh man they're not even here all that's here is this toy plane uh wait what is that noise uh Masa look it's Austin we got to get after them they're trying to make a break for it come on Austin I just want to talk I don't want to talk get out of here it's illegal to trespass Steve a detective should know that oh yeah well you just assaulted a detective now get back here you come on Mesa we can still sneak in through the ground floor let's just oh jeez we are going through the kitchen okay then how about the front door no way Austin's going to be expecting denied primary directive stop Steve at all costs ow no hey get away from me oh MAA do something those BS didn't mention anything about me so I should be able to go straight inside hey no stop you coward I have the perfect Hiding Place wow this hiding place is terrible sounds like you got a Mesa I'm on my way now I I've got you Austin oh please don't hurt me oh I won't as long as you tell me exactly what you were doing in my house dude well well I got this really cool new plane and I couldn't fly without batteries and you always have these awesome gadgets so I figured you would have some so you went it to your place and bumped into Lily you broke into my house because you needed batteries for your toy plane that sounds ridiculous it's what happened wait the detective says you're telling the truth yeah so if that was the whole reason then why were you looking so nervous I thought Lily would tell you about me breaking and entering I didn't want to get in trouble D Mesa Chris what are you do please wait here Austin sure Chris what are you doing what does it look like Steve I'm taking Mesa to where he belongs the prison no no no you don't understand mesa's helping me oh I've got to get him back Chris stop you're ruining my investigation I need Mesa no you don't that's just his brainwashing making you believe things I've got no way to catch up with Chris unless I could just catch the train hey hey you there get out of the seat I've got to take control of this train the name Steve multiversal detective people are going to love me when I throw you in prison Mesa uh you can't park there Chris ah looks like that crash broke my lie detector I'm going to have to do this without Chris why in the Multiverse were you in my house I saw Austin sneaking out of the house late at night I can't leave them unattended so I just followed them inside by the time I got there Austin was gone useless well did you see anyone else there I saw Billy leaving your room I totally forgot about Billy Mesa get up Billy is now our Prime Suspect you know Steve this place would make a really cool evil l no Mesa come on let's stay focused please turn to page 384 of the textbook class oh this is so boring at least last night was entertaining Mesa Mesa did you hear that okay we got to get in there oh Billy Steve you're late zet Peterson some things are bigger than School Billy you kill Guido I'm taking to jail no way you'll never take me alive bil just Dr a chemical yeah that can't be good by The Cosmic King's be is massive this is awesome this is not a billy the chemical has corrupted your brain it's irreversible you're going to destroy everything we can't give him Mr Peterson I've got to know if he killed Guido there's got to be some way to get up to him uh wait Mesa grab me some of that wire on gotcha catch thanks Mesa wow I can't believe I actually just said that okay then I'm going to use this wire on the two trees facing opposite from each other there we go perfect now we've got ourselves a slingshot stand back Mr Peterson this is going to be crazy all right let's pull back and when we've got enough power release wa is this Billy's brain I was expecting it to to be smaller anyway Mr Peterson said that Billy's brain has been corrupted by the chemical and H there it is so I guess if I go ahead and destroy all these blocks Billy should return to his normal quite short form a that's better now Billy tell me why you killed Guido wait Guido's dead I I thought he was just sleeping I was only there because I heard there was an expensive wedding ring up for grabs I stole it from Steve's room oh yeah and then what happened that doesn't sound good hey where did Billy go sorry Steve it wasn't Billy oh but that's all of my suspects and I still haven't found out who killed Guido may as well just give up guess I'm never going to find out who did it all that I can do now is put Guido to rest [Music] oh guo I'm sorry I tried my best to find your killer but I just wasn't good enough it's fine Steve we'll buy you a new robot I don't want a new robot no no no no no no what the what is this what is going on oh no they're getting electrocuted guys this isn't a way to behave at a funeral hold on there must Beason reason why both Austin and Mesa are acting like this uh wait Austin needed batteries to power that toy plane which they must have taken from Guido so Austin is the killer hold on Chris when Mesa was kidnapped by you Chris he didn't even struggle or even make a sound it was like he wanted to be taken away from the crime scene and what's more the fingerprints didn't match up with Mesa not because it wasn't him but because that wasn't Mesa plus he was being way too Cooperative oh it all makes sense isn't that right Mesa why you got me I was morphed into Austin's body this entire time it made it easy to get close to Guido remove his batteries oh and the toy plane was the perfect place to hide them oh I knew I shouldn't have trusted you Mesa I thought we were just playing a game Austin you're grounded you really think you've got it all figured out don't you Mesa well guess what I had a trick at my sleeve or should I say a plane at my sleeve okay that sounded way cooler in my head what that's right I figured Austin would get bored at the funeral so I went back and grabbed the plane but it also means that now I've got Guido's batteries back and I can just throw them in here hey what did I miss y go I'm so excited to see you I missed you so so much yay you know guys it would be a shame to waste a good grave I agree let's get him go guys get him get him in the grave that's right M Steve can I bury him oh go on then Austin y after saving Guido from mesa's clutches someone decided to get revenge and murdered Meson eggs you know Steve I think this is your best painting yet thanks buddy I really tried hard on this W you're under arrest wait what what did I do oh I'm going to show you what you did here wait a second is that my AR enemy Mesa has been murdered and now it's up to me to find out who did it these are the suspects but can you figure out who the real killer is oh I can't believe this uh shouldn't we be happy Steve mea is gone well yeah but everyone thinks I did it which is just not true I mean some shw why isn't everyone else locked up well it's obvious isn't it Mesa is your AR enemy so you must have killed her oh come on it could have been Austin look at those menacing eyes do you really like my eyes oh come on don't leave me I'm the only one tried to solve this case hey hey why are you laughing Chris Chris you get back here right now Chris it must have been him you know what I'm just going to break my way out of here let's go to the bastard take the okay guess that's not the way to go oh Steve look over there there's a control panel that must be powering the electricity so if I can destroy it we'll be able to bust our way out but how do I hit it from here unless oh I think there's enough resources in here for me to build a bow hey look at that a conveniently placed crafting [Music] table one more piece of wood wood there we go okay we should be able to make the final set of sticks here and now I can craft myself a bow and an arrow there we go fingers crossed that this works yeah ballseye okay now can I break through the bars yes I'm not getting electrocuted but this is taking a while Chris Chris where are you at uh-oh I don't know why steeve is so upset M IS F finally dead he should be happy you're not going to get away with this [Music] Chris no no justice Steve what is wrong with you you dented my car my beautiful baby what is wrong with me what is wrong with you I know you killed Mesa Chris no you better tell me everything right now no I didn't let me tell you what I saw I was just enjoying my day off with some fishing when I heard was that Mesa I rushed over to check what was going on interesting now on the way did you notice anything suspicious yeah I saw a knife floating down the river wait so that must have been the murder Weapon It's probably still there thank you hey what are you doing hello Sergeant Shaw Steve just dented my car oh come on oh no now sha knows that I got out the cell we' got findy that knife now oh my God Shan's still on our tail got to get under here and there it is Guido the knife yay oh sorry dude forgot about the water now I've got the knife we should be able to scan it for DNA and find the killer I really hope this still works hey the knif belongs the lily oh does that mean I have to talk to her oh jeez hey Lily listen I've just got ask you some questions about this knife okay H oh sure I'll just see you I know where are you going stop oh Lily come on cup guys comeing to get me ah Young Love stop it Guido this is not funny no I didn't expect to spend the day chasing my ex-girlfriend around she hates ma chesy oh come on come on oh that was my last Arrow there's got to be another way yeah I don't know dude I mean I do have this elytra but I need to be up high to use it oh hey hey Sergeant Shaw what in the Multiverse do you think you're doing get in this Chopper no oh Guido the investigation might be over there's got to be something we can do I don't know Sergeant Shaw's just going to take me back to my wait look how high up we are maybe I can jump out and get after Lily the next time you run I'm going to be forced to shoot on sight oh sorry Sergeant Shaw woohoo get back here [Music] this so strong cut the chitchat Lily you were trying so hard to catch me that means you must have a crush on me right oh I flattered this is why I didn't want to talk to her god dad you hear me dead Lily follow me do you think he can see us de no I think we're good he's leaving e we were so close underneath that sand yeah and you were so close to getting away with the murder of Mesa what no oh yeah then tell me why is your DNA all over this knife I was using the knife to cut flowers I wanted to make you a bouquet but then he ruined everything give me that knife you know give it to me to me my knife got washed away wait why would Katie need a knife uh thank you for your cooperation Lily no problem detective yeah uh I'm just going to leave Katie is my biggest hater if she's the killer then we have to be careful hey you how did you get out of the cell that's not important I'm trying to find mesa's killer and I think that what I think that you did it what did you say I said I'm trying to oh this is so annoying I can't hear you follow me wow ktie is being cooperative as well everyone must be really shaken up after M's death yeah I guess so all right we can talk inside thanks Katie so I think that you kill m because ow hey no let me out stop no let me out of here right now ktie no way detective you ain't asking me any questions unless you find the exit of the haunted house ktie are you still there this isn't funny it's really dark in here okay detective Steve you can do this you've just got to keep you cool oh what the heck is that thing it's like it's like a floating blue oh I got to get out of here hey a flashlight not really helping much is it yeah I I know dude but still something's better than nothing come on through this way we got to keep M wa what is that wait where did it go was that even real oh come on Steve keep moving we can't just stay blo to one spot oh I know dude we have to find that exit okay through here what the are you okay what's wrong oh oh my God jeez I'm going to be sick I'm scared I got to get out of here wait what is [Music] this this is hilarious oh my gosh this is so scary this is so scary wait exit I actually found it f from merse hey Katy what how did you I believe that we had a deal I find the exit and you answer my questions fine I'll tell you everything first question why the heck did you need a knife I needed the knife because I saw Austin practicing their fighting skills on an armor stand and they were really getting into it I really wish I had a knife right now die die die die now do you see why I wanted the knife yeah to stop it from falling into the hands of Austin I really wonder if they were capable of killing Mesa I guess we got to ask them Austin Austin come in out here right now huh no response maybe they're not at home now they're always at home Guido something else is going on here I mean look this place is completely empty very suspicious if you ask me what what is that why is the room shaking Steve is there yeah they must have got it from Chris's lap and now they're trying to get away very suspicious if you ask me well two can play at that game I'll just go into Chris's lap and find myself my own rocket uh Hey guys kind of forgot about the security hey let go of me quit it oh that's so heavy oh no is this a b time for you detective well clearly it is Sergeant Shaw boom self-destruct sequence activated [Music] no hey Steve Austin Austin cut this out I need to talk to you right now oh okay let me just park Wait Park wait wait wait no Austin did you kill Mesa y Mesa I just wanted to be like you so I was practicing what you were practic I guess that does explain the dummy what about the rocket why did you try to get away someone locked me up in there it was really fun you must have been the Killer I have had enough of this you're taking things too far you are no closer to finding out who killed Mesa I'm getting further than you sure and you're supposed to be the car just take your sorry butt back to the checkpoint okay enjoy your life now that Mesa isn't in it oh I guess he's right so that's it huh we're just giving up no you're right Guido we can't give up no while the mystery is still unsolved and there's still one person that we haven't investigated yet Sergeant Shaw what was that noise must have been the wind we're going to follow him Guido I want answers fine just make sure you're not being spotted don't worry Guido I'm a super sneaky detective hey Steve I forgot to compliment your wings hey he's heading into the police station well he is a police officer yeah but Guido maybe the answer was under our nose this entire time now we're are they going they're just wait a secret room this is getting more Sinister by the second I agree dude I don't like this what is this place all right let's see what we've got going on down here I told you I'd sh on sight boy CH what have you done let me show show me what where are you going don't leave me here wait another sergeant shaww understand how can there be two of you that's because I am me what I was tired of you always ruining my plans so I fix my own death made sure you were investigating all the suspects to leave the dimension exposed while I invade and guess what that Invasion begins [Applause] now no yes so what now are you just going to kill me no I'm keeping you alive so you can watch everything no not again let go up it wait the arrow we got him okay now let's go arrest him oh hey guys this looks case Clos
Channel: Checkpoint
Views: 1,112,469
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft one block, minecraft, minecraft gameplay, minecraft mods, minecraft funny moments, mincraft, minekraft, minecraf, minecraft survival, checkpoint, officialcheckpoint, minecraft mobs, 99 years in minecraft, steve and guido minecraft, pranking, minecraft pranking, hater, bully, who killed, 99 years, guido, steve and guido, who killed checkpoint, who killed checkpoint minecraft, checkpoint minecraft, who killed minecraft, murder mystery, murder mystery minecraft
Id: JnNtYIGDti4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 35sec (2495 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 02 2024
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