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what is up spider just we need to figure out who is the ugliest spy ninja because every day someone has been dropping off a present in the front of our yard look at this right here the ugliest that's yours dad not mine that's not my i'm in the other package i'm not daniel's it's bees well it definitely isn't me all right let's go look at all these packages we got spy ninjas look at all these look at all these packages here every day somebody has been delivering a brand new package outside we don't know who it is it's obvious someone wants to give each of us a present so someone is the most creative the best pair the smartest the best prankster the ugliest well obviously this present is mine i'm the best prankster here this one's clearly mine everybody what best prankster so i'm gonna open it yeah right pink this was for me i played the best prank on daniel actually all of you guys with my broken tooth in the skating video best prankster oh that was pretty good that was good oh yeah well i was pretending to fall down all those times i'm the princess no you're one thing all right have you seen my tick tock pranks all right so definitely the package isn't made for vegeta all right all right we are gonna do challenges to figure out who deserves each present first we're gonna see who is the best prankster let's go okay spy ninjas i have the best prank i am in daniel gizmo's lab right now and i've got a thing of aluminum foil i'm gonna cover everything in his room i've got an even better idea his chair right here instead of covering his chair and tin foil i'm gonna make a fake chair out of tin foil so when he sits in it [Music] i got excellent prop that's gonna get the whole team just wait and see for my prank i got packing peanuts and a brother melvin i'm gonna need your help distract chad okay i'm gonna hide behind here all you have to do is get chad to stand in this area okay yeah just stand in here real quick i already saw some hands and some [Music] feet [Music] white cheddar cheetos good job melvin i think that was a success i think i'm going to win best prankster and you guys got to clean this up all right i don't know if i'm the best prankster but i'm definitely not the ugliest it's the morning time and what is better to eat in the morning than donuts [Music] it tastes so good i'm gonna change that [Music] cream-filled donut it's time to prank little miss gennaro little miss genera hey regina hello wow it's early isn't it you know what people do when it's early they eat breakfast look donuts for breakfast you know sometimes you just gotta take a break from these silly challenges and eat some donuts you do something to these no look you just opened it tastes delicious right you gotta try these they're the donut holes they've already been open they're delicious see i love donuts you gotta try them on it's so nice you got it you brought me breakfast try the munchkins mmm that one looks good that one looks so good this specific one i don't know that one looks good too well this one let's see that was a good one you did something to these donuts he's telling me which one to eat guys i just want the best for you and that's the best donut i feel like i know what you did what you know my weakness we'll eat a donut together dink why did you choose this here no hey no eat the donut just eat it okay give it to me no eat the whole thing yeah pop the whole thing [Music] [Music] don't fill me free oh geez i didn't know you hated it that much you had no idea that means i'm the best prank do you see this mayo you know i hate mayo daniel it's a prank daniel you got him daddy how about something that's a little bit more edible oh i made you guys some brownie there's no mayo in it i promise everybody hungry yes yeah okay i worked really hard on these that is such a good wholesome family-friendly prank oh it's a pun honey melvin it's not a prank it's a pun i should have put more mayo in it no as you know we are doing pranks right now so why do i even try to fool you let me show you your daniel gizmo laughs what did you do to my lab man what happened over here is that mayo daniel i present to you the gizmo lab hey look what i did oh my gosh you aluminumed everything yeah my computer my keyboard my mouse this is uh [Music] my squishy fortnite hamburger right yeah oh i know what shape this is the project zorgo voice morpher man i can't use it like this chad you like my prank i covered your chair in tin foil daniel everybody wants to sit in their own chair wrapped in foil it makes it more sturdy yeah i mean maybe this is kind of a cool look you know yeah it looks cool and you know what yeah maybe it's more comfortable you know what i like your new look it backfired man it's cool it's all right fine have a seat in your chair let me just uh move on to my little workstation over here whoa what the heck okay what happened i don't know the tinfoil it made it so sturdy that it's now wobbling it's a little stream just sit you're sitting in it sit on it just i have a bad feeling about this hey fine chad i think i know what's gonna happen i knew it was gonna happen i knew it what is this made of cardboard wow oh my gosh i i i saw it coming from a million miles away chad am i the prank master do i get to open the present no no no because you haven't seen mine yet chad oh wait i don't have a prank oh [Music] i'm in the fridge right now elaine literally there are just so many great accessory props that i can make for my great pranks i can't wait i'm gonna win this thing hey the donuts are very good aren't you guys a little thirsty you know we want to like get some beverages out of the fridge yeah we all have a big glass of milk yeah you go ahead and get it over this little prank [Laughter] googly it's googly eyed salad so cute everything's googled wow hey mr coca-cola hey are you thirsty are you feeling thirsty boom you guys you you didn't react right you used to be i see you got a camera in here too so i'll satisfy your camera ready everybody gotta be scared now come on hey have you ever wondered if we were just aliens abducting the animals from the fridge and they were like oh no okay okay ready everybody oh i'm so thirsty that is so scary okay fine this was you know not the greatest it's not my finest hour well i think chad deserves the best prank i think the commenters should vote down below right now type in best prankster and then whoever you thought was the best prankster comment down below right now while you are voting down below next we are going to figure out who has the best hair oh no need i mean i'll just take it yeah no way oh come on now hey her hair is phenomenal hello have you seen my hair oh whoever has the best hair can't be the most ugliest then yeah yeah yeah so i have the best and who's gonna get this one i have the best hair i have a way to figure it out let's try to see who can come up with the best hairstyle the present for best hair goes to me i mean look at my hair i'm going to use this here it's the spine ninja headband i'm going to turn this into a hair tie made a bow that isn't that cute well i definitely got to win this one because who you know got long locks like this and a beard as full as this you guys think regina's hair is cool wait till you see this this is kind of a cool look who's got the best hair give me a break if i get the best hair that means i'm not the ugliest right i do not want that ugliest package because that would hurt my feelings okay i think i've got my hair just perfect perfect obviously i have the best hair i mean look at it for my hairstyle today i'm gonna be doing something real cool so all you gotta do is take a water bottle flip your head and take all of your hair and wrap it around the mountain dew bottle i think i did it guys this is definitely gonna win okay what better way to not get the ugliest present by getting the best hair present instead sure i could just style my hair in a different way but in order to get the best hair you gotta think outside the box but some hair coloring material look at this i'm like from the north pole all right i think i'm ready are you guys ready yet melvin and i have been ready for elbow show up to the kitchen wow oh my gosh what happened i'm a snowman i'm from the arctic and you look like uh frankenstein's bride yes hey are you looking at me you looking at me i'm looking at you not you are you looking at me please oh v so stylish [Music] that's nice what'd you do with your hair hey when you got good hair and you just don't care you put it in a hat what you think about that though you didn't do anything i styled my hair and then i put a hat on well i know chad loses this one we all did a really great job except chad bye ninjas who do you think won for the best hair comment down below right now type in best hair and then type in one of their names while you guys are voting down below we need to figure out who is the ugliest but before we get to who is the ugliest who's the most creative in order to find out who is the most creative we are going to test your drawing skills and i will be the model because who's ever the ugliest can't be a model there we go let me get my pose oh good luck holding that you guys can draw fast right i can hold this for like 10 seconds and you can draw that fast can you go for 20 sure i can hold it for 20. okay ready all right can you film it while holding that pose i'll try are you ready to show your creativity 20 seconds on the clock one two three go and i'm posing draw me i can't hold my leg much longer you got to keep holding i'm losing my balance if you can remember my poles you can continue drawing we'll let these guys dry for a little bit okay everybody let's check your answers if daniel's ready he can show because whoever has the best drawing will be winning the most creative okay danny boy what you got for me i'm the most creative you're just the best spy ninja i ain't ugly is what i'm trying to say oh okay and here's the proof i present to you mr clay whoa that watch i see something wrong here what's the problem i heard it man i heard you two down the path i didn't toot up there let me see that again pretty nice who's next okay here's mine look at my foot it's backwards my legs bending like this and then it's like flipped i'm still working on my eye you're left and right oh my left and right kind of creativity do you have here melvin uh whoa i tried to express your emotion because you couldn't keep still that looks like a horse's foot stop wiggling or how's your crease as long as i'm not the ugliest you know i when i take out my artistic artistic skills i like to uh capture the essence of the model she drew me she drew me really light so you know chad's a ninja gadget master yes so this is what i think when i see chad wow cw it says cwc on there yeah they're nunchucks b you're so abstract in your drawing however you did not actually draw what i was posing at i think that might disqualify you what no it's the essence you eat you know what we're gonna leave it up this binding just to decide it's not up to us is it vote down below type in most creative and then after that type most creative daniel most creative regina most creative melvin or most creative v while you guys are voting down below we need to figure out who was the ugliest but before we can get to who is the youngest we need to figure out who is the smartest i clearly won the last challenge so i'll host this one you just want to host this one because you know you're not the smartest hey i can name all the multiples of four let's hear it okay let's hear daniel two nope okay let's just play the game first question where can ninjas at home get their spy ninja merch you can get the merch at funergisto.com by ninjastore.comninjastore.com buy ninjastore.com so we have some different answers you know what though all of them are accurate they all work hey what color is the diamond on v's trophy my best lock picking skill it's gone because she gonna get that money it's called get the bag okay turquoise turquoise i don't think you spelled it correctly circus okay well spelling doesn't matter in the smart competition i wasn't sure the answer i'm gonna wait and see what all you guys said first and then i was gonna swear we go like that you can disqualify me for for writing so many answers you're wrong doing anyways the correct answer is green what look at that i thought you would remember this because your color lock picking champion the quaint next question who is douglas evil twin oh my gosh don't talk about his evil twin he's an evil twin yeah he's got a little twin you don't mess around with that guy okay douglas's evil twin is der close i thought it was danlas he's right derrickless he took after you he wore the mask he wore the watch you talk like this guys you are all wrong everyone knows it's snoop doggy is it a snoop dogg oh my god am i wrong snoop dogg is a singer you goofball yeah daniel spelt it wrong i think v1 yeah i think so actually what's the next question i'm going to catch up last question does daniel like regina oh what the heck is that let me see it is that actually written down did you come up with that question i didn't write the question are you ready yeah i mean i feel like i know daniel's true feelings and i know regina's true feelings but i feel like it's not up to me to reveal the answers is their choice and they they should do it very soon so i think the answer is inconclusive since daniel's been cool he hasn't been paying a lot of attention to you hey bro that's true i know why is he like this you mean your hair is blue what's going on with it it's fine i don't even care whatever my answer was a girl glass does daniel love regina like regina well the answer is no because daniel loves his mommy and he's like oh jack something to make fun of i'm just being funny and silly i'm not being serious maybe you do like regina i don't know well duh i like regina but i like everyone this is a waste time we need to move on and figure out who the ugliest is why do you always ask this question yeah i like regina i like melvin i like v okay so in summary is inconclusive all right in summary i do think v had the wisest answer out of all of us and the winner who got the most questions correct who is the smartest spy ninja thank you there toby is there another trophy chat to my collection you get a present you are the smartest so does that mean she's not the ugliest then of course not i guess not well there's four presents left all right so who got the best hair you know i would have normally said regina had the best hair but regina your hair ain't holding up too well you got eyeballs falling out you got mountain dew bottles falling out but i do think daniel put in the most work look at this yeah you look so old since you ruined your hair and you ruined your whole face daniel i think you deserve best hair yes a lot of people voted down below for you i think yes give me that yeah get this away from me but do you guys think i'm the best prankster you guys agree with that it was a great friend i heard my booty real good yeah it was great it was very great oh i get the best prankster three laps guys i'm definitely the most creative oh no i am the most creative i make skittles art i'm not ugly i'm not ugly i am not ugly you're not ugly regina i think you got the most creative no really no kindness yeah clearly i am the ugliest of the spy ninjas i don't care though okay why don't we all just open up these gifts and see what's inside okay let's do it okay the smartest this mystery present what is inside i can't wait and i really wonder who has been delivering these presents to us it's so weird it knows from label on any of these maybe inside it'll say who it's from it's a moonlight oh what's in the most creative see what's in here the farting animals coloring them oh my gosh oh look it's got like a little bear tooting it's mr dolphin tooting wow we should put my picture of chad in there yes what's in mine you got best hair i won best hair okay oh bob ross he's like the most famous painter ever yes right here yeah he does she's got a great pro this will go for gizmo lab at a boy bob who would send this to me would you get chad best prankster what kind of present does someone who is the best prankster here hey let me try your technique it worked oh my gosh a wacky weaving inflatable tube guys it doesn't even matter that i got this i don't know it's for you i mean well any of this so far it looks like any of the gifts you've gotten could have been for anybody else maybe some days we're feeling smart some days were feeling creative and some days were just plain ugly yeah yeah and maybe today you're feeling ugly wait what is it whoa what is that a present inside of a present just kidding the toughest oh i am the toughest yeah this was meant for me i'm the toughest i'm pz-9 the best buyer wow you're so tough [Applause] you know what gulch stands for oh just like me that's awesome there you go our buddies can hang out they can yes whoever is sending us these presents knows us really really well they nailed all the twos and froms and but not the frums but hey we need to figure out right now who has been dropping off packages in our front yard every single day for the last five days we've got a camera out front we can look at the camera and see who's been dropping these off let's do that right now in fact over on v coin's channel tomorrow we are gonna figure this out we're gonna watch that footage we're gonna we're gonna watch that footage and we're gonna figure out who's dropping off these packages spy ninjas if you have a guess of who it could be leave a comment down below if you think you know who might be dropping off these packages we will see you tomorrow over on vcoin's channel when we figure out who's giving us
Channel: Chad Wild Clay
Views: 13,353,309
Rating: 4.7939239 out of 5
Keywords: spy ninjas, spy ninja, chad wild clay, cwc, vy qwaint, chad and vy, project zorgo, vy, chad, pz9, hacker, daniel, regina, melvin, fgteev, unspeakable, lizzy capri, superbowserlogan, sml, 123 go, preston, lucas and marcus, dobre, jelly, mrbeast, sssniperwolf, faze rug, ssundee, aphmau, mystery box, ugly, presents, craziest, nail, art, surprising, crush, gifts, 24 hours, viral, tik tok, gadgets, testing, dude perfect, dp, game, game night, stereotypes, coolest, hacks, popular, tested, fun, funny, comedy, challenge
Id: qrMjMjgzDbI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 13sec (1333 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 27 2021
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