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In April of 2012, L.S. Riley was having  nightmares. He’d always been a night person,   staying up well after his  roommate had fallen asleep,   but now he had even more of  a reason to stay out of bed. Riley had once heard someone say that fresh  air was the best way to chase the demons away,   so he’d started taking night walks to avoid  the terrors in his sleep. But Riley was about   to learn a hard lesson: The worst nightmares are  the ones that come for you when you’re wide awake. This is the story of the Smiling Man.   What happened? Who is he? Why are some  smiles so creepy? And most importantly,   how could you survive an encounter with  him? There’s only one way to find out... Like we said, Riley had a habit of taking  nighttime walks. He lived downtown in a major   US city, and he’d been taking his nocturnal  strolls around town for four years without   any kind of incident. He’d once joked to a friend  of his that in this city, even the drug dealers   were polite. Maybe that’s why he let his guard  down on the one night that he needed it most. It was Wednesday, a little after 1:00 AM,  and Riley was walking further away from   his apartment than he usually would.  He was at a police-patrolled park,   normally as safe as your back yard.  He noticed that the whole town seemed   unusually dead tonight - he hadn’t seen anyone  during the entire duration of his walk. But as   he rounded the corner into a small, dark  side street, that was about to change. In the distance, he saw the silhouette of a  tall, lanky man, dancing. It was a kind of odd,   loping waltz, somewhere between a dance  and a walk. There was something off about   the man. Something uncanny. Riley shooed away the  irrational fears and figured the guy had probably   just had a few too many drinks at a local bar.  He walked out onto the road to give the stranger   more space on the sidewalk, but as the two got  closer, Riley realized he’d made a mistake. The man was moving a little too gracefully  to be a drunk. He was dressed in an old suit,   his face craned up, looking at the  night sky. Riley noticed his eyes   were practically bugging out of his head,  and most notably, he was wearing a wide,   toothy smile. The kind of smile that looks  almost like it hurts. A creepy, cartoon grin. Riley crossed the street to give the Smiling  Man a wide berth, but the man stopped,   perfectly parallel with him across the  street. He was looking in Riley’s direction,   still facing skywards. Riley kept moving, wanting  to put as much distance between them as possible.   A block later, he looked over his shoulder,  and saw the Smiling Man crouched in the shadows   a few feet behind him. Still grinning,  bearing his teeth like a predator. Riley was frozen as the Smiling Man rose  to his feet and began waltzing towards him,   faster than any person should be able to. He was  in grabbing distance when the Smiling Man stopped   in front of him. Terrified, Riley choked out a  desperate noise. He wanted to sound intimidating,   instead, he sounded terrified. But Riley  got lucky - the Smiling Man turned tail,   and began waltzing off in the other direction. Riley got moving again. He was closer to  his apartment; he just needed to get inside,   and then he’d be safe. But that’s when he heard  the footsteps behind him: Pounding at the asphalt.   He turned and saw the Smiling Man sprinting  towards him like a maniac, eyes bulging,   smile still freakishly wide. Lucky for Riley,  perhaps because of fear and adrenaline, he could   run faster. He sprinted until his legs burned  and he was finally able to lose the Smiling Man. He returned to his apartment that night,  traumatized but alive. He lived in that   city for six months after that, but he never  took a night time walk again. The nightmares   in his head had nothing on the nightmare he  encountered on the streets that one night.   Riley knew from something in the man’s face  that he wasn’t drunk and he wasn’t high.   He was truly, dangerously insane, and Riley  had been lucky to escape with his life. Riley posted this story on the r/LetsNotMeet  subreddit, a place for people to post real,   frightening encounters they’ve had with strange  people across the globe. It seemed like a freaky   isolated incident, but as it turns out, L.S.  Riley was only one of many people who’d had   terrifying encounters with the Smiling Man. He  was just the person to finally give it a name. In fact, so many people out there had had their  own experience with this terrifying grinning   phantom, they started the r/TheSmilingMan  subreddit to share their experiences. A user named PoptartMuncher relayed a terrifying  encounter outside his home. He saw a distant,   waltzing figure as he was pulling into his  driveway. When he got out of his car and   began walking towards his house, the figure broke  into a frantic sprint, just like in Riley’s story.   PoptartMuncher ran into his home in a panic,  locking all the doors and windows. That’s when   the Smiling Man appeared at his front door, trying  to slide it open, his face pressed up against the   glass. He grinned and hissed out the words, “I’ll  be back again for you”, before waltzing away. Another user with the appropriate handle  “grinningmanwatching” had the Smiling Man appear   outside of his home in the dead of night. He  lived in an isolated farmhouse out in the woods,   so when an unusually tall, grinning  creep appeared in his yard,   staring in through the windows, he knew that  nobody was coming to help him. He was just   lucky that the Smiling Man wasn’t able to  enter his home that night, and eventually   decided to waltz off of the property. Things  could have gone a hell of a lot worse. A former Smiling Man-skeptic with the username  Anonyme13 had the closest encounter yet.   While outside his home, he saw the Smiling  Man appear and begin waltzing towards him.   He looked so terrifying and unnatural that Anonyme  literally collapsed to the floor as he approached.   The Smiling Man crouched over him, and leaned  in so their faces were almost touching. Anonyme   described feeling the man’s breath on his skin: It  was cold, like a winter breeze. He got lucky, and   the Smiling Man let him go. He was able to get up,  limp back into his home, and shut the monster out. The subreddit moderator, a user called  HeckToTheYeah65, studied all the entries   on the subreddit to extrapolate the  best description of the Smiling Man.   He’s always above six feet tall, often wearing  an old-fashioned suit and sometimes a small hat.   He often looks up at the sky and can be  identified immediately from his strange,   waltzing gait. Many of the stories seem to come  from the state of Iowa, and he typically stalks   dark streets and isolated homes. And of course,  he’s never seen without his wide, unnatural smile. So who or what is the Smiling Man? He’s  become the stuff of Internet legend,   and fans have drawn parallels with a number of  popular creepypastas. These include Smile Dog,   the classic tale of an image believed by many  to be pure evil. If you haven’t seen our video   on Smile Dog already, the gist is that it’s  an image of a Siberian Husky with a wide,   demonic human smile. Anyone who sees the image  is haunted in their dreams by the monster,   encouraging them to “Spread the Word” and  infect more victims by showing them the photo.   Another, similar Creepypasta often associated  with the Smiling Man is “The Grinning Man.” In this story, the narrator’s friend dies a  horrific death. The only lead on what may have   caused it is an email he received, containing  a photo of a grinning face and the trigger word   “Desperation.” Exposure to this is believed  to cause violent insanity in victims. However,   this isn’t the only Grinning Man often associated  with the monster we’re covering in this video. And   if the connection holds water, the Smiling Man may  have been around for a lot longer than we thought. The town of Point Pleasant, West Virginia, is no  stranger to weirdness. If the name is familiar   to you, it’s because it was where the legendary  Mothman was first sighted. But a lesser known   monster was also sighted here by a sewing machine  salesman named Woodrow “Woody” Derenberger in   1966. Woody was driving along a hill just outside  Parkersburg on Interstate 77 when he encountered a   strange vehicle: It looked almost like a giant oil  lamp, traveling towards him on the road. He pulled   over in sheer confusion. That’s when a hatch  in the vehicle opened, and someone stepped out. He was a strange man with a dark  overcoat and an unseasonably dark tan,   but the strangest thing of all was his freakishly  wide grin. The man identified himself to Woody as   Indrid Cold, and told him that this would be the  first of several encounters. But Woody reported   that Cold’s grin didn’t shift once during this  conversation - he was speaking telepathically.   He even encouraged Woody to share the story with  the authorities, before climbing back into his   strange vehicle and disappearing. Two other men  reported a similar experience that same night,   describing the grinning Cold disembarking from  his craft and asking them strange questions. Cold kept his word and met up with Woody several  times after that. He told the sewing machine   salesman that he was an alien from a planet named  Lanulos, simply visiting earth. The 1960s were a   real heyday for mysterious, grinning figures. A  few weeks before Indrid Cold allegedly appeared   in West Virginia, two young boys - James Yanchitis  and Martin ‘Mouse’ Munov - encountered a similar   figure in Elizabeth, New Jersey. Both boys claim  to have spotted the “Strangest man they ever saw”   standing behind a chain link fence. He  didn’t say a word, he just stood there,   freakishly tall and grinning like a maniac. That  certainly sounds like the Smiling Man to us. Nobody could blame you for feeling freaked out  right now. Is he an alien, a monster, a demon,   or just a dangerous, smiling lunatic? And why is  a smile - a facial expression meant to indicate   happiness - so disturbing in the right context?  According to a research study performed by the   University of Minnesota, it all depends on  the type of smile. The study aimed to find   out what makes a smile seem likable, and what  makes a smile seem creepy or off-putting. The study found that the following features were  often associated with creepy and threatening   smiles: Being too wide, showing too many teeth,  and conforming to a “V” shape. Sound familiar?   According to a meta-study published by the BBC,  there are nineteen different types of Smile,   each one communicating something different.  The Smiling Man’s signature grin seems closest   to what the article calls the “Angry-Enjoyment  Smile.” These wide, fixed grins often indicate   a malicious intent, or a kind of sick joy in  hurting others. That’s why it’s often applied   to frightening villains, from Jack Torrance to  The Joker, and the Smiling Man is no exception. Sometimes, a smile like that of the Smiling  Man can indicate sickness and disease.   The rare illness Risus Sardonicus, often  associated with tetanus and Wilson’s Disease,   can cause facial muscle spasms that  force the face into a malicious smile,   or “Rictus Grin.” This definitely sounds like  the Smiling Man’s painful-looking cartoon grin. Finally, how can you hope to avoid the Smiling  Man? Well, according to the Smiling Man subreddit,   your best bet is to avoid going out at night -  especially if you live in a quiet or isolated   area - keep your doors and windows locked, and  if you ever encounter the Smiling Man himself,   don’t make a noise and get out of  the area as quickly as possible. The Smiling Man could be anywhere now.  Perhaps even a little closer than you think... Now check out “Scary Urban Legends  That Will Keep You Up At Night” and   “True Scary Stories - TRY NOT TO GET SCARED  CHALLENGE 2019” for more terrifying videos!
Channel: The Infographics Show
Views: 361,519
Rating: 4.9359226 out of 5
Keywords: smiling man, the smiling man, grin, creepypasta, creepy, scary, weird, strange, scary stories, the infographics show, infographics, horror, frightening, eerie, the smiling man explained
Id: uE7ZnV-9NvA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 10sec (610 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 22 2021
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