Who is the Doctor? | New to Who? | Doctor Who

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[Music] who are you I'm the doctor the doctor is a character unlike any other when you can both travel in time and regenerate your body it really can feel like the potential for Adventures is endless we've been watching the doctor's Journey for over 60 years and we've seen them go through a lot in that time as well as a lot of faces but after all those Adventures those moments that have defined redefined and shaped the character the doctor still has a lot of mystery surrounding who they are who exactly are you well that's the question I mind to know who you are I don't know but before we get to know more about the all new 15th doctor in the upcoming series it's time to explore some of the doctor's past and discover even more mysteries of their character cuz what is a coin but a form of accident two things bumping together unexpectedly like you and me no but who are you why are you an expert in time traveling goblins they are not Time Travelers excuse me Time Travelers are great like the best like wow couldn't agree more so let's start simple no matter what else you're about to hear the facts about the doctor are these the doctor is a Time Lord they come from the planet galfer which was once home to more time Lords but the doctor now believes they are the last of their kind a long time ago the doctor ran away from galfre in an old stolen Tardis to see everything that time and space had to offer since then they've been knocking about the universe getting into trouble and saving the day wherever and whenever they can but they often find themselves Landing the Tardis on the planet Earth we have noted your particular interest in the planet Earth the frequency of your visits must have given you special knowledge of that world and its problems yeah yes I suppose that's true Earth seems more vulnerable than others yes when the doctor is about to die they can regenerate completely changing their face personality and even gender in the process we've seen them do this over a dozen times now and it never gets any easier to say goodbye here we go again I but here's where it gets interesting see it turns out regeneration isn't the only way for a Time Lord to survive um what's happening could you pull could I what can you what do you mean pull P just pull each way I don't know feels different this time ow what what what way by generation a mythical form of regeneration where the body splits into leaving both time Lords the same time Lord completely intact it may seem coincidental that the the doctor by generated but in fact there are a lot of surprising myths and legends that surround the doctor and their past I made a jigsaw out of your history did you like him firstly there's a chance that the doctor has an evil future self what it's the valiard played by the late Michael Jason the valiard was supposedly a future incarnation of the doctor made up of all of their worst traits y did you call him the doctor there is some evil in all of us doctor even you the valard is an amalgamation of the darker sides of your nature somewhere between your 12th and final Incarnation and I may say you do not improve with age the valiard appeared when the doctor had to stand trial before the time Lords his plan was to claim the doctor's remaining regenerations for himself but it is also possible that the doctor is the reason for the time Lord's ability to regenerate in the first place according to a Time Lord Legend the ability to regenerate came from an abandoned child from Another Universe and this Timeless child was also the doctor in another much earlier life I'm as lost as you are in here maybe you just summoned me where do you fit into all this were you me all that time ago were all my memories of you erased did they force me back into becoming a child how many more of me are out there great question let's meet some more doctors I've got a puzzle for you and try to keep up if there are 15 doctors but 19 people have played the role two of them are David Tenon three of them have played the first doctor but none of them are the valiard where do the others fit you have got to be kidding me first there's the mysterious fugitive doctor from an earlier point in time she went into hiding disguised as a human after escaping from a shadowy Time Lord organization known as the division sorry you got caught up in all this but if Gat is half the operative she used to be she's already figured out where we are and we need to be ready and we're not you also have the War Doctor a hardened Warrior who renounced the name doctor when he fought in the time war between the docks and the time Lords stop calling me doctor that's the name of in your head it shouldn't be I've been fighting this war for a long time I've lost the right to be the doctor yes wait to be Harding yourself could it be possible that there are even more doctors flying around time and space than even we know of how many doctors are there I think we're going to be here quite some time many things about the doctor remain a mystery and some things about them change with every new face but the One Thing That Remains the Same is their love for the universe and all of the weird and wonderful adventures way for them out there across all of time and space now you two if you don't mind there is a great big universe out there Colin and I've got to get going so off your pop old man oh you're the old man you're older than me actually that is true he's younger cuz you came after him so you're the older doctor okay kid I love you get out now we've got just enough time to mention one more mystery but I think I'll leave this one for you to discuss in the comments what is the doctor's name whether you know my name autod destruct in you whispered my name in my ear 9 8 7 there's only one way you know what ever tell anyone my name there's only one time I could three spoilers 2 1 don't forget to click below to subscribe to the official Doctor Who YouTube channel you can watch you can watch that one or or you can watch that one if you want or don't subscribe though please please please
Channel: Doctor Who
Views: 21,789
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: doctor who, the doctor, dr who, bbc, doctor who bbc, new to who, tyrell charles, theoriesbyt
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 42sec (462 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2024
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