Who is the Best Fortnite Player of All Time?

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hey what's up guys it's cypher today we're gonna answer the question who is the best four night player in the world i don't want to trigger anybody with this list but i've got seven players who at one point or another were considered some of the greatest players to ever play fortnite and what we're gonna do is we're gonna watch their top five most impressive clips and i'm gonna rate those clips and add up the scores let's jump into this video and don't forget to hit that subscribe button we're almost at five million subscribers all right starting off we're gonna watch ninja's top five clips ninja especially early on during season one and two he was regarded as one of the best players to ever play fortnite so let's jump in and see what his clips are and give them some ratings so obviously thank you most of these clips from ninja are gonna be in pubs because we this is before we even had competitive events um and at the time this was an insane clip that got a lot of attention of course we see all these players they're standing still and ninjas hitting some really clean snipes um although the players are kind of not really moving it's still a very impressive clip for its time um so i'm gonna i'm gonna be a little bit more generous with the rating uh considering the timeline this was probably like what season two maybe maybe early season three i'm gonna give that one a six and a half out of ten i'll be pretty strict with these ratings just because i gotta account for you know skill set the time period and everything so grenade launcher using the grenade launcher to bounce it off the ground combat shotgun really good hits with the combat didn't miss a single shot very very accurate low on health is gonna go ahead and box in and go for the last player some good hits right here and at the time you know solo squatting he's playing with benji fishy and mr savage oh actually he might be playing against them he might be doing a kill race tournament i will say that one is a a six out of ten the reason i gave the sniper one a little bit more is because it was earlier on in the fortnite world uh now we have ninja in a 1v3 situation or 1v2 for the win trap plays and just for that i'm gonna give him some bonus points uh back in the day not a lot of people went for trap plays even though they were very powerful so to see him go for that is pretty great and right here he dropped 27 eliminations 27 back in a day was really hard to do it's almost impossible to do right now i'm gonna say that clip is an eight out of ten oh you know what this is probably ninja's best clip ever okay we have not seen the lmg be used like this at all when fortnite came out and he was 1v2 against cloaksy and tifu in friday fortnight the pressure was on 100 000 plus people were watching this and he was hitting shot after shot utilizing the lmg to take multiple squads out and rack up eliminations look he already has a 20 bomb and the amount of pressure that was on him in this clip and in this game to perform i think he ends up tying the score against closey and tifu um all by himself 23 eliminations insane performance insane performance 17. this clip did we win is a 10 of 10 the amount of pressure that was on him during that clip and his accuracy was unmatched all right ninja clutching up while playing with drake i mean you got you've got to know that there's a lot of pressure on him here to perform especially with nation if you get the pressure is on ninja's the type of person who doesn't crumble under the pressure he does rise up to the occasion and he performs honestly better when there's pressure on him i'm gonna say that one is a six of ten uh a lot of people uh like to sometimes hate on ninja or say that he was trash at the game or whatever and maybe p a lot of people have you know passed him up in skill because he doesn't play as much and he doesn't play competitive but early on in fortnite season one season two and even before season one he was regarded as one of the best players ever and there was a good reason why he rose to the top early on next up we have tifu okay tifu rose up a little bit later after ninja and he dominated for a very long time he doesn't currently really play fortnite and his skill level has probably diminished since he's been playing more call of duty but he still has some really impressive clips in this best of the world series let's take a look so this snipe clip from tifu is basically ninja snike clip except the players are moving a little bit more and he ends up getting a lot more snipes in close range and in long range and it was extremely impressive to see this in the moment see that player is jumping up and down these players are moving around uh some players might be standing still but most of the clips are against people who are moving he has to make micro adjustments to hit these snipes he doesn't miss a single one which is extremely impressive and this is why this clip is gonna get him an eight of ten score next up competitive tifu probably some of his best moments came from the competitive scene a 1v3 against three pro players i'm pretty sure this is against buga and his uh his trio um he ends up taking out bizzle right there and he starts getting pushed by two more players he has a revolver and attack he knows who he's going up against and he knows the pressure is on tifu has insanely good accuracy similar to ninja he's gonna get a body shot right there misses one great tack shot another knock and then one player who's flying away it's bizzle dubs and i i think the third player was booga that clip is gonna be an eight out of ten as well all right we got a lan tournament tifu has no mats he's on the high ground there's only a few players left he drops down to the low ground takes out the player on the low ground who has an rpg another player falls through their death and then he's gonna shoot out the high ground and i believe he shotguns him here before he even hits the ground to make sure he gets the elimination he does get him with a great fall so this was a really clutch moment it was in the heat of battle it's in a live event where people are there there's a lot of pressure uh overall the actual mechanics weren't as impressive but the clutch was great so for that's gonna be a seven of ten now i know where this clip is this clip is early on season two this is when tifu dropped the world record for the most eliminations in a solo match um as you can tell from the bloom from the mechanics and the graphics this is really old-school fortnite um and this was right when tilted towers came out even double pump was still in the game um dropping 30 limbs was really hard uh and having the world record for most solo kills was very impressive especially early on tifu kind of made a name for himself after holding on to this record for a while uh 29 eliminations in a solo very hard to pull off you know there was pressure on him it's gonna be a seven and a half out of ten all right tifu in competitive he's in a tournament he gets boxed in here hits a really really clutch shot with the pump he has the high ground right now i believe his world cup qualifiers he's low on mats he knows he has to clutch gets some good shots right there drops down takes somebody's wall is he gonna take the wall doesn't take the wall has his pump out he's ready to smack this player is moving fifo is gonna go ahead and tunnel through goes up top he's getting shot from the top he's weak he needs to box in and put on some shields four people remaining drops down barely misses that rpg hits this guy in the bottom twice knows he's gonna have to edit out it's a clean shot through the storm without even seeing him gets hit with the rpg has one hp left 1v1 situation that guy's in the storm tifu needs to make sure he doesn't get shotgun clutches up i believe this is world cup qualifiers right here it's a win 12 points uh that's going to be a that's also going to be a 7 of 10. next up we have the world cup champion booga and this is where things start to get spicy because booga really pushed the mechanics of the game and uh set a new standard uh for fortnite mechanics building and competitive play let's go ahead and jump into those clips so this is game one of the fortnight world cup booga clutching up an elimination boxing in he only has 140 wood trades hit right here he has to hit some clutch shots the amount of pressure on him is insane eight eliminations by the way to even get to this point it was insane to have eight eliminations goes for the shockwave play goes hike hits for 30 white knows his opponent is weak right here expects his opponent to edit and then clutches up against creo another really good player so that clip with the amount of pressure on him what it meant to set the tone for the fortnite world cup that clip is a nine of 10 for booga now he's in a duo tournament this is actually a pretty recent clip clutches up with one health something really important is this is on west coast buga is a known zero ping player uh but even though on west coast he's playing with like 60 ping he still performs uh with higher ping so that's you know kind of a reason not to always use ping as an excuse you can still perform at a high level uh he's low on health if the storm takes him one time he's going to get eliminated boxes in a player gets a quick elimination another player jumps in on him gets another elimination knows where to look for this last shot hits every single shot and clutches up with barely any health 1v2 that is an eight and a half out of ten right there all right buga in a tournament this is a 1v3 trio tournament 1v3 uses the traps gets two knocks and now he's waiting for the health to come in and kick in is he going to get the health he gets one of the health 1v3 against another pro trio in a tournament is extremely hard to pull off the pressure on him to perform and the fact that he used traps really skillfully and played very common to pressure this clip is also an eight and a half out of ten all right 3v3 trio shockwaves up into the sky knocks a player down gets the knock is gonna get the thirst for the heel drops down hits some really clean shots right here he knows it's just up to him and he hits every single shot uh for that i'm going to give it a 7 out of 10. it's very consistent as you can tell booga keeps hitting shots under pressure and is very consistent even when it matters all right we got another play tifu getting a knock pressing in hits a 200 hits another 160. that is a trio squad wife that was a clean clean clip some good shots that one isn't as impressive as his other clips but still is solid it's gonna be a six of ten from me booga finished really strong with all these clips he's a world cup champion he was definitely the greatest player in the world when he won the world cup there is no doubt about it now we're moving on to one of my favorite players benji fishy not because of his skill level i just think he's a really good kid and has a great community so let's jump in and watch benji fishy in action he's got the mythic charge shotgun and he's got the mythic grappler gets a knock in the low ground it's protecting under pressure he has two health gets another knock is gonna walk through that window no he doesn't he just he heals up he makes sure he's healthy it's a 2v3 he drops down he's really good at finding eliminations and finding players that are straggling around goes for the high ground grappler play that grappler forces you to pull out a shoe as well so it's not as guaranteed drops down uh he's gonna go for another limb right here he keeps dropping down on these players great shot as you can see he's barely missed any single shots right now and this is in the tournament so you know the pressure is on he's charging again he runs into storm right here this is a really smart play runs in the storm he knows he has the the floppers to work with and he knows everyone's collapsing so right here he runs in the storm gets a clean shot on a guy he's gonna go ahead and try to look for his opponent gets the gets the thirst grabs some mats gets shot and even with no health and he knows he's about to die he clutches up shoots through the wall so that clip is an eight and a half out of ten this is where you go all right benji fishy this might be during the world cup qualifiers i'm not entirely sure it's a really cl clean shot right there oh this is not world cup this is on the new map further from benji i think this is a solo tournament gets another great shot with the pump man i missed the pump five eliminations bounces in gets caught he's gonna keep tunneling right in we missed the part because of the replay system sucks but he gets another elimination he's running through everybody in the lobby right now drops down like i said he's really good at finding players in these late game scenarios another elimination he just keeps racking up the limbs he hears somebody in the storm is he gonna find that player in the storm he gets shot in the back drops into the water builds gets another limb without building gets to a limbs he knows he just he's just he's moving like a tank right now another pump another pump it's too easy these are all pro players gets a great shot on this guy and even though he it looks like he's not about to make it he makes it happen anyways more splashes from eddie fishy does he clutch up and win i don't think he does but the 12 eliminations we just watched him go from like four to 12 eliminations in a pro tournament stacked with all these players that is a nine of 10 that probably helped him win the entire tournament great plays right here the mechanics are insane for benji this is also during a tournament it's a bunch of great shots even even when people are right in his face he's still calm and makes it happen editing mechanics building drops this guy into his box box like a fish truly truly boxed like a fish hits the shot he's down to barely any mats and he knows it steals that a limbs get gets two more limbs after that it's a 1v1 and he doesn't panic he does not panic at all he knows what he has to do blocks the shot right there he doesn't play greedy knows this is gonna take one shot to finish this guy off and he does that is an eight and a half out of ten as well because that that required insane accuracy and decision making especially with low materials all right we got another clip from benji his entire squad is down and he only has 20 health and it's a 1v2 v3 so clutches up gets another knock doesn't panic here doesn't go for the thirst even though he needs the thirst he knows that the other player could push him very easily this was a very inclusive clip clutching up as a solo in a squad is extremely difficult that clip is also an eight and a half out of ten benji is consistent in his clips all right benji fishy with 186 very accurate waits for the shot is doing some good piece of control gonna push into his opponent's box there's a crash pad in the way gets another clean elimination is trying to stay out of the sandwich as much as he can players only a couple players left shoots this guy down gets the elimination that guy was weak because he hurt him earlier and now i believe he's gonna use the crash pad to get up and over his opponent and then boxes him like a fish and takes him out that is an eight of ten for benji fishy ladies and gentlemen this is actually one of my favorite clips of him this is insane you you have not seen anything like this okay he grabs the the jump and he starts jumping through these people's boxes and knocking them and just like teleporting behind them in front of them behind them like these guys were so lost benji killed all of them with insane movement we've never seen movement like that ever that clip is a nine out of ten honestly when i saw i was so impressed for for such a new mechanic for him to pick it up so quickly and use it so massively is great and then of course it doesn't stop there he continues boxes this guy like a fish gets another knock and this is during a tournament so these are actually good players gets another box another knock and he's fearless man even with low health he's still making pushes and he he secures every single limb for his team that one is a nine of 10 for sure now we have mongrel all right one of the funniest fortnight players to watch but also one of the most talented this is during the world cup qualifiers you know the pressure is on he's a young kid but he's still performing really really well gets some good hits with the combat shotgun he's controlling the low ground jumps up and now scales this scales this mountain does a great job kind of like juggling on this mountain and takes somewhat of a height advantage he knocks out the player on height player is trying to stay on height mongrel is calm and collected hitting all the shots that he needs to hit another elimination plays aggressive he's going up he's going down it doesn't matter he's looking for eliminations wherever he can he's looking for refreshes wherever he can another player he comes to tries to jump in to his box with the heavy sniper mongrel denies him and then takes him out he's out of materials he knows he has to drop he goes for the drop he sees a player in the storm that player is looking for the shot he gets the elim barely has any health left two hp this is world cup qualifier doesn't clutch the win but honestly that was really really impressive play and really good decision making that clip right there is a eight and a half out of ten especially because of all the pressure on him during the world cup all right i believe this is during the uh world cup qualifiers look how many people are alive 26 people alive in this really small circle gets another knock this is actually during the duo qualifiers and his teammate mitro is already down so he's playing 1v2 against some of the best players in the world in the world cup duo qualifier it's another knock he's already got eight eliminations by the way so he's racking up the limbs everywhere he's gonna use the smoke nade gets shot runs around the storm makes a really smart play here it almost costs him but he runs around and boxes himself and starts putting some minis on his back is still to still to the storm boxes this guy in uses the trap really well right there that was a very smart trap play tan of limbs for mongrel there's only one full team left everyone else finds another player on the low ground easy a limb already 11 eliminations and as a solo player he's playing so confidently right now puts another trap down cat he gets caught off guard but doesn't panic gets that elimination against orange one v2 against mongrel is he gonna win the 1v2 drops down gets one knock gets the gets the thirst finds the other player and clutches 1v2 with 14 of limbs guys this was super impressive this clip is a 9 of 10. i remember this clip two health 50 shields this is during the solo world cup i believe the soul world cup qualifiers gets another elimination storm is moving up and then he spots the launch pad and doesn't give up here he launches up into the circle 13 eliminations gets knocked down clutches up the shot are you doing this right now no way top three situation now hops the mini 14 eliminations this is actually super clutch i remember the flip another player drops down and he's using his rockets to try to knock them down he gets that elimination and then right here as they're falling he actually shoots him before they hit the ground 16 a limbs in a world cup qualifier game that's an eight and a half out of ten next up mongol gets a quick pump shot on an unsuspecting player he's in a pretty stacked environment right now i think there's like 30 people alive in this moving circle look at these tunnels very consistent tunneling beams the high ground right there shoots out rpgs again he's solo clutching as a solo in a dual environment mongrel is just so confident and so comfortable even when his teammate is down he's moving well and he's and he's making great moves shoots a great rpg gets another knock he's gonna try to go in he clutches up some mats even upgrades his shotgun to a gold shotgun reloads his rpg again sees another opportunity for another rpg this is some really good rpg play even in close encounters mongol classic against that guy his editing and builds are just so quick look at this insane insane and and really good use of the rpg a lot of people end up rpg themselves in situations like this or just not using it effectively almost every rpg shot that mongrel has shot has been very clutch this one's gonna be for the high ground it goes for the high ground against another duo still takes it from them as a solo and it's a 1v2 situation right now shoots an rpg against the player who was at the bottom without their builds this guy tries to grapple up it doesn't really work mom girl catches him in the air and hits him with a pump great great game play great clutch right there that clip is a 9 of 10 because that is just so consistent now we're going to see clips of why has really insane accuracy and honestly we've seen clips some insane clips of him with the infantry rifle do really really well and the stark rifle as well like he has insane insane accuracy especially on the high ground [Music] picking up eliminations for his teammates rarely misses and is just doing extremely well to keep the pressure look like look at these shots look at these shots the stark rifle in his hands was dangerous same thing with the same thing with the infantry rifle that's a solid seven of ten some great shots for his team next player one of my favorite players as well mr savage very smart player makes some very unique plays and is one of the og's of like really savvy 200 iq plays that's why his code i think is you know 200 iq so let's see what mr savage has to offer in some of his best clips of all time and how we're going to rate them all right sitting in the car with the all black skin these guys have no idea what's hitting them and he's just taking them out they don't even know what happened like and then not only that but he's also hitting some insane shots like have you seen a person take out an entire squad while singing sitting in a car like the creativity of that play and that moment is so insane that's an eight and a half out of 10 easily just because you've never seen that you've literally never seen it he shows you things you've never seen stretch rez he has 17 eliminations in his tournament he's racking up a limbs deagle plus rocket that's a pretty dangerous combo gets into this guy's box boxes him in the other guy tries to trap him but he turns it around and pumps him he knows that the trap can't touch him there that's really good iq right there to know the range of the trap starts taking this guy's wall takes him out with some clean shots knox some players from the high ground is using the deagle really well to bring them down to his level and he's not missing any of his shots 23 eliminations in a tournament that's insane that's an 8 out of 10. all right we got the face cam on i believe this is world cup qualifiers right now clutch plays drops on the high ground catches the guy in smoke he knows the guy's still there trap plays keeps that guy in the box places another trap he didn't panic since the first one didn't work he just kept moving mr savage is actually really really good with traps finds two more players to the right he's gonna go ahead and maneuver around clean double edit he knows that player is going to be running up from the side he knows he has a player above him looking to pre-fire this player is moving around it's a 1v1 situation i believe no it's a one there's still one more player on the high ground clutches up the kill and guys this is in the world cup qualifiers he had a lot of people watching he had to perform well to actually qualify for the world cup uses some stinks very effectively to keep this guy off the high ground get some extra damage now that guy doesn't want to mess with him he's going to go up higher he's going to use this time to shoot him out the guy drops and he clutches up the shots that is a 8 of 10 right there the pressure to perform in the world cup qualifiers and to clutch up that win is super impressive all right mr savage 14 eliminations uses uses the trap here tries to oh i've seen this clip i've seen this guy i believe gets the trap elimination he's just doing some solo squads he's gonna go ahead and edit through a bunch of nades are coming out those guys right into the trap again and of course another trap play i believe and then a clean ramp edit to to maneuver out and trap that guy at the same time these guys are coming in with more drum gun sprays he edits through tries to catch this guy off guard and he does uh that's gonna be a seven of ten just because it isn't a pub but it's still really excellent used for the traps and i love i'd love to see that grenade launcher oh i remember this clip is the person this is during a tournament right here mr savage makes a great play i think this is during the secret skirmish six eliminations takes out some really good players and now he's you know he he knows he has to go up the high ground and he doesn't have a whole lot of materials left he has about 400 wood left but going up this hill right here is gonna be really really deadly but he ends up coming up with a very smart way to clear the high ground and he ends up going into storm as the smoke shadow bomb he's getting completely blocked and he's going around the side takes some storm damage takes the high ground that player is stuck there and mr savage knows that gets the win that was a very clutch heat of the moment decision right there to make helped him place really well in that tournament that's an 8 of 10 right there very smart use of the shadow bomb all right next up we got the big clicks kind of came up during the world cup era where he was qualifying for the world cup every single week and now has a very successful stream and still does really well in competitive let's watch some of his best moments all right rpg play drops down keep in mind he's solo going into duo against some of the best players in the world i'm recognizing some of these names he's going against a really really stacked uh scrim lobby so he clutches up right there takes out some really really talented players no no materials on the low ground with the pump hits a clean shot against liquid stretch and then a 200 pump against his teammate grabs some mats but not enough and right here it's another 180 against zates okay drops down gets gets eliminated but takes out so many great top players right there in that clip and under pressure still did really really well that clips an eight and a half out of ten really great way to start for clicks all right he has no materials he's dropping down 2v1 he knows he has no mats he shockwaves up to the air and clutches up the wind this is during this is during the trio fncs i believe super clutch moment really good decision making that one's gonna be a seven and a half of 10. 20 people left by the way in this circle right here as we starting it's a 154 with a charged shotgun 20 people left grabs the gold tack is going to opt for the gold attack he's moving through people's tunnels it's a solo event takes this guy's wall takes him out grabs his mats starts to move through he hears a lot of people and he kind of shifts around instead of going straight out which is really smart he takes a little bit of storm damage doing that but it was worth it drops down builds shoots build shoots great shots coming in from from clicks he's low on 67 health he knows the player is dropping down he's gonna go ahead and move up the side start shooting him out player drops into his face and he does not panic he hits the shots clutches up that's an eight and a half out of ten clutching up in a tournament with 20 people moving circle that's super solid double edit right there into a clean blue tack 122 by the way blue tack which doesn't hit that hard still hits a really clean headshot see some players moving through this tunnel he's gonna try to take this wall ops out because he knows it's two of them this is a solo into a duo situation drops down catches another player with his attack takes him out 158 max damage with the blue tack uses the bandage bazooka to stay alive in storm he's gonna go ahead and tunnel through really really insane mechanics he sees someone in the storm he starts getting tagged people in storm really risky play but it works out and he has a bandage bazooka to use he picks up the other bandage bazooka which is really clutch because he was out of banjo bazookas and now he has five shots to use gets back in has 300 materials again this is solo duo so to clutch this it would be insane players on the low ground he hears that he drops down 102. i've never seen somebody hit so hard with a blue tack grabs the grappler gets shot in the back takes a little bit of damage puts on some minis still has the high ground okay he knows his players in the storm he's trying to keep him in the storm players looking for shots from the low ground clicks is out of he's out of mats but still 1v2s doesn't miss a single shot against two great players that clip right there is a nine of ten trio fncs hits for 180 starts tunneling through more people are moving up he has no materials he's looking he's looking he he finds somebody in the box going for his opponent his teammates um materials grab some mats drops down this is solo trio 1v1 v1 he has to do well here he has 50 bricks starts getting shot out actually both those players are on the same team both players are on the same team he jumps into the circle uses the campfire triple campfire play drops down catches somebody and then shoots out the last player that was so clutch so smart to go back in instead of dropping in and to find the last player get the elimination and then even find the person standing in circle and still clutch up the blue fight this is a nine of ten back to back nines for clicks impressive work ladies and gentlemen these are some of the best players in the world there isn't one greatest player but i wanted to highlight these players best moments of all time thank you guys so much for watching don't forget to like and subscribe i'll see you guys next time
Channel: SypherPK
Views: 2,982,939
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fortnite, fortnite battle royale, competitive, gaming, highlights, gameplay, fortnite highlights, fortnite tips, stream highlights, how to play, fortnite gameplay, sypher, new update, fortnite chapter 2, sypherpk, fortnite update, fortnite new patch, fortnite new item, everything epic didnt tell you, ninja fortnite, fortnite new update, fortnite leaks, season 5 event, fortnite event, fortnite tierlist, lachlan, fortnite season tierlist, i ranked every fortnite season
Id: M9hebpF1GE4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 9sec (1989 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 11 2021
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