Goodbye Tfue

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tifu has announced that he is retired from fortnite gaming and content Creation in general he uploaded a 40 minute video and in the video he said something that really hit me he said that he used to use gaming to escape reality but now he uses reality to escape work and that kind of hit me and made me want to talk more about his retirement and where my head is at just in general the impact that tifu has had in the fortnite scene and just give you guys a little bit more perspective from a fellow content creator uh if you're trying to understand what he's actually going through so back in April tifu just stopped streaming altogether and uploading content um and he didn't really say much and I ended up actually reaching out to him just to check in on him but then two months later he drops a 40 minute video basically announcing that he's done he's retired from streaming from fortnite from content creation and he just wants to live his life and what's really interesting is that this is the first time I have ever seen tifu show emotion like true real emotion I've known the guy for a while I've met him in person plenty of times he is extremely chill extremely laid back unfazed unbothered by most things in life and to see him show this much emotion in a video it really shows just how genuine he feels about this decision and how much pressure has been on him for pretty much his entire life but why because I've seen comments of people saying hey like I would take tifu's position of being a millionaire and playing video games and streaming and I'm not saying that you're wrong by thinking that um I just think that a lot of people Overlook the mental side of being a content creator the main comment I've seen is people saying well he's streaming 180 or 190 hours a month isn't that just like a full-time job how is that applying so much pressure to him that he feels like he can't live his life and he needs to step away well as a content creator I'll tell you this the time that we spend on stream or in front of a camera is not the only time that we are working there are things that go on behind the scenes like meetings sponsorships travel there's a lot that goes into it but the biggest part is that you can't just show up to work you can't just show up to a stream because if you show up with low energy G or without Focus your audience will notice you will quickly fall off people will start calling you out and it's just going to be a very negative environment that can definitely affect your mental health so you actually have to show up every single day with a certain amount of energy Charisma and passion and if you don't have that things will quickly fall apart and that is the reason why a lot of esport players and YouTubers retire or they're finished a lot earlier than traditional sport athletes and I was on a twitch contract a few years ago that had me streaming you know nearly 180 hours and while at first I thought that was very achievable and easy to do very quickly I realized with everything else going on with all the other businesses I'm trying to build and things I'm trying to do 180 seemed impossible I started doing Marathon streams where I was doing 100 hour broadcast for the new fortnite seasons and while I do like doing those Marathon streams a big part of why I was doing them was to catch up on hours so that I can fulfill my end of the agreements and I'm not the only streamer that has signed contracts like this I'm sure tifu was on a streaming contract and meeting those minimum hours was eventually getting to him to a point where he felt restricted he felt trapped I mean he said it himself in the video he felt like he was trapped and the thing is it's such a competitive space you have to be in front of the camera a lot if you step away for a couple of weeks or a month there is an impact on your numbers you lose subscribers people start moving on to the next person and while some people can establish themselves and you know step away and come back there is always an opportunity cost when you're not in front of the camera when you're not creating content and every content creator knows that and this hit really hard especially for me because tifu he I mean he's still one of the biggest faces in fortnite when he's streaming he's number one or number two in the directory and he's had such a huge impact on the entire Fortnight scene I mean he was deserving of an icon skin I honestly thought he was eventually gonna get one at the rate he was going when you think of the faces of fortnite people's answer is either ninja or tifu their rivalry in OG fortnite is probably the number one rivalry in gaming period he's also one of the best players of all time he's a World Cup qualifier a bunch of tournament wins and he even discovered some of the craziest exploits and mechanics in fortnite he started an entire movement in chapter one with the default Army there were so many fake defaults because of tifu's movements and not just that he had a huge impact on the competitive scene itself he started the t-fault scrims which is one of the biggest scrim discords and it spawned in some of the biggest fortnite Pros that are still competing today I mean he discovered people like clicks Kanata and a bunch of other fortnite Pros that you got guys might know and you can put them in the arguments of being one of the best fortnite competitors of all time especially when you consider how many tournaments he won in chapter one with four night Fridays the summer skirmishes twitch Rivals and even qualifying for the World Cup on 60 paying playing out of Florida this guy was a competitor but not just in fortnite in everything he did he was competing from H1Z1 Pub G to Warzone and Apex even until recently he was doing well in fortnite zero build tournaments and winning like it was nothing and I think that's how he's going to be remembered as one of the greatest players of all time and him stepping away has really had an impact on me I've been thinking about this a lot because there have been times where I felt trapped like tifu times where I just wanted to walk away and live my life and I actively worked towards alleviating some of that I mean I have a very supportive team I have a lot of people helping me now I'm in a whole studio and a big part of that is to prevent me from Burn turning out you guys remember when I was gaining a lot of weight playing and streaming fortnite my health was out the window I I had health problems because of that and I felt like giving up I had no motivation to continue um so I took some very serious steps towards uh alleviating these problems and allowing myself to continue doing this because at the end of the day I love streaming I love creating content I still do and I want to do this for a very long time but I understand that if I'm not careful and if I'm not managing my time and if I'm not allowing myself to live some of my life off camera then I will burn out and I will want to quit and I'll be done for good and we've seen a lot of creators step away recently Mr fresh Asian Lachlan laser beam PewDiePie a lot of them are either uploading less or just completely stepping away from kinds of creation and it's a common theme because this job this career it's still also new and a lot of us are still figuring things out on how to manage it and how to deal with the mental load and even the physical load of being on screen creating content and having millions of people depending on that content or looking forward to it but don't worry I am feeling a lot better than I did a year or two ago I've come a long way so I'm still going to be around for a while hopefully and I want to send a message out to tifu I mean he has been a huge inspiration in the fortnite space for a lot of people he's a friend to me a fellow content creator and I very much respect his decision because I know it had to be extremely difficult to step away from all this and allow yourself to breathe and live life and tifu if you see this I'm wishing you the best and I know wherever you'll be if you're on some island in the middle of the ocean I know you're going to be happy so I'm happy for you thank you guys so much for watching I'll see you guys next time
Channel: SypherPK
Views: 671,417
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fortnite, fortnite battle royale, competitive, gaming, highlights, gameplay, fortnite highlights, fortnite tips, stream highlights, how to play, fortnite gameplay, sypher, new update, sypherpk, fortnite update, fortnite new patch, fortnite new item, everything epic didnt tell you, fortnite new update, fortnite leaks, fortnite event, mr beast fortnite, undercover, fortnite chapter 4, fortnite seasno 2, fashion show
Id: 4zJKNJAzdos
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 36sec (516 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 21 2023
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