Who is George Soros?

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The far right smearing him as a Nazi — a guy who was a kid at the time, and whose people were slaughtered by actual Nazis — is one of the most disgusting hatchet jobs I've ever seen.

👍︎︎ 68 👤︎︎ u/GodEmperorBiden 📅︎︎ Jan 27 2021 🗫︎ replies

Based and Beatpilled

👍︎︎ 33 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jan 27 2021 🗫︎ replies

Nice video, thanks for posting. This was the perfect primer for something I was never going to look up. I guess now that I watched it, am I eligible for Soros bux?

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/ibex_sm 📅︎︎ Jan 28 2021 🗫︎ replies

I don’t like soros! He payed me to tear down some statues and he hadn’t paid me! I’ve called the new order hotline 666-6666 to ask but they haven’t picked up. What should I do guys

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/yourmumissothicc 📅︎︎ Jan 28 2021 🗫︎ replies
Before we get started, two things. One- this  video is sponsored by The New World Order,   er...I mean Brilliant. And two, its part of a  Holocaust Remembrance Day collaboration that a   bunch of History YouTubers are doing. Check out  the entire playlist when you’re done watching. I’m Mr. Beat, but who is George Soros? Steven: (angrily) George Soros! Mr. Beat: And why is he  such a controversial figure? Well if I search him on Google I quickly find  this website, for the Open Society Foundations,   which is an organization that seems  to be doing good for the world? “Under George Soros’s leadership, the Open  Society Foundations support individuals and   organizations across the globe fighting for  freedom of expression, accountable government,   and societies that promote justice and equality.” Ok, ok. And also, over the years, Soros has given   away an estimated 64% of his entire  wealth. Well that all sounds good   to me. He sounds like a good lad. he corrupted fbi officials he corrupted foreign service officers and the bottom line is this george soros wants to run ukraine and he's doing everything he can to use every lever of the united states government to make that happen for business interests not for good government I just want to tell soros this you need to die i'm not going to kill you i don't want any anybody because i don't turn you into a martyr i'm saying you're going to burn in hell okay it's a universe of your own creation jerk i just want the world to know that you are to blame how's that sound if you're wondering why so many people are being robbed raped and killed in american cities right now george soros is part of the reason for that as you may know the 85 year old billionaire is a far left fanatic whose open society organization advocates no borders anywhere in the world but now we have a far left individual soros bent on harming israel america's strongest ally in the middle east george soros i don't care if he's jewish catholic or atheist i don't care if he's young or old i don't care if he's male female or none of the above what i care about is the content of his character and he has none george soros Steven: George Soros! Ok dang maybe he’s actually evil. Well, I did quite a bit of research about George Soros (George Soros!). I even read a couple books about him. And here it is  what I found out. Let’s go back to the beginning. George Soros was born in Budapest, Hungary, on  August 12, 1930. Well actually, back then he   was named György Schwartz, but his dad changed  his name to make it sound less Jewish. In fact,   he had his whole family change their names.  Supposedly his dad chose Soros as their   last name since he was really into the Esperanto  language, and “sori” means to soar in Esperanto.   George learned Esperanto himself growing up.  Soros also means “next in line” in Hungarian. So anyway, the name change was due to a sharp rise  in antisemitism in Hungary during the 1930s. After   the Nazis occupied Hungary in March 1944, they  prohibited Jewish children from going to school   and forced them to work. George and his family  probably avoided being sent to concentration camps   by buying documents that said they were  Christians. His family was fairly well   off and had connections, so they were able  to do such a thing. When George was 14,   he began pretending to be the Christian godson  of a Hungarian government official named   Baumbach who himself had a Jewish wife in hiding.  One time, he brought George with him while he   completed an inventory of a Jewish family’s  confiscated estate. More about this later. After the Allies defeated the Nazis, the Soviet  Union eventually took control of Hungary,   and George Soros didn’t like their control of  his country much better. Sure, he and his family   didn’t have to pretend to be Christian anymore,  but after getting in trouble for writing the word   “amen” in a newspaper he helped make with  his father, he looked to get out of Hungary. By 1947, Soros had his heart set on England, and  he soon moved there. He worked menial jobs while   trying to get into college. Apparently sometimes  he would stand at Speakers’ Corner in London   lecturing about how awesome internationalism was  and how stupid nationalism was. Oh, and doing it   in Esperanto, or course. While he was great  at speaking Esperanto, he sucked at English,   and failed his English exam. However,  two years later he passed his exams   and enrolled in the London  School of Economics. In school,   Soros did pretty well and finished his  regular studies a year early. By that time,   he had become heavily influenced by the  writings of the great philosopher Karl   Popper. Fortunately for George, he got  Popper as his tutor his final year in school. Popper’s big theory was that essentially  nothing can be known with absolute certainty   so the default should always be  a more open society with lots   of different ideas for a better  understanding. Well George ate it   all up. Popper would be a big influence on  George’s endeavors for decades afterward. Soros got a Master of Science in philosophy  in 1954 at the London School of Economics.   Eventually he’d go back and get a Doctor of  Philosophy from the University of London. Still,   right out of college he didn’t find success, nor  have connections. He had a hard time even getting   a job at any bank apparently, but eventually  finally landed one at Singer & Friedlander   after writing to “every manager director in  every merchant bank in London.” Oh, and he only   got that job probably because one of the managing  directors there was Hungarian. Soros started out   as a clerk but worked his way up to arbitrage,  which is basically buying and selling assets   in different markets since the same assets can  have differing prices in different markets.   Well Soros got pretty good at this, and in 1956  moved to New York City working as an arbitrage   trader for the firm F.M. Mayer. Three years later,  he began working at another firm, Wertheim & Co.   It was around this time he began a relationship  with a woman named Annaliese Witschak. The two   married in 1960, and eventually would have three  children together: Robert, Andrea, and Jonathan. At Wertheim & Co., Soros worked as  an analyst of European securities.   It was during this time that he developed  the Theory of Reflexivity in Markets,   which basically says that markets can be  irrational. Investors don’t base their   decisions on reality, but instead  on their PERCEPTIONS of reality. Soros began at another firm,  Arnhold & S. Bleichroeder, in 1963,   now as a vice president. In his first few  years there, he was more about working on   his philosophy dissertation than making money.  However, in 1966 the firm let him experiment   with a fund of $100,000, and the account  performed well. Because of its success,   the firm let him manage a small investment  fund called the First Eagle Fund. In 1969,   he used $4 million to set up a  hedge fund named Double Eagle Fund. Wait, stop right there. What  the heck are hedge funds? Well hedge funds are...complicated,  and kind of boring, but boy can they   make investors LOTS OF FREAKING MONEY.  Soros was relatively early to this game,   although hedge funds had been around a couple  decades. Basically, hedge funds are investments   with client money in alternative investments  to either beat a market or provide a hedge   against unforeseen market changes. Because  all the money is pooled together in a big fund   and there are less regulations with what  to do with the money, they can invest more   aggressively so that everyone potentially makes  lots more money. Soros learned to do this well. In 1973, the Double Eagle Fund had $12  million. At that time, Soros decided   to leave Arnhold & S. Bleichroeder and start  his own hedge fund called the Soros Fund,   together with his friend Jim Rogers. By  the time they renamed it the Quantum Fund,   IT had grown to be worth around  $12 million. That was in 1978. Meanwhile, by this time Soros had decided that  it wasn’t enough to make a bunch of money. He   also wanted to give it all away. Now that  he had a small fortune, he established the   Open Society Fund in 1979. He began to work toward  his mission of a more “open society.” One place he   looked to help was South Africa, which still had  a system of racial segregation simply known as   apartheid. He was sneaky with how he wanted to end  apartheid. He believed it started with education,   and began giving out scholarships to  help black students attend college there. In 1981, the Quantum Fund was  now worth almost $400 million,   and now Soros had a personal fortune  of $100 million. In June of that year,   one journalist declared him “the  world’s greatest money manager.” Oh...uh...but by the end of 1981, after a 22%  market drop in value, combined with lots of   folks cashing out, it was only worth $200 million.  It didn’t phase Soros a bit. For the rest of the   decade, he would consistently gamble aggressively  with his assets. As his ambitions grew,   his marriage with Annaliese suffered. The two  divorced in 1983, and he soon after married a   historian named Susan Weber. George would have two  more children with Susan- Alexander and Gregory. In the late 1980s, Soros began  betting against currencies.   He made HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS  shorting the U.S. dollar. By 1987,   Soros was well known to investors around  the world. That year, Fortune magazine   ran a cover story about him that said he might  just be better than Warren Buffet at investing. Yep, things were going great in 1987, until they  weren’t. You see, Soros bet wrong when the stock   market crashed, and ultimately his entire  fund had gone down 10 percent. But again,   Soros stayed aggressive, making it  all back by the end of the year. Meanwhile, Soros had begun giving his Open  Society Fund money away to political stuff,   funding dissident movements behind the  Iron Curtain, like back in his home   country of Hungary and in Poland, and even  in Soviet Russia. He also secretly funded   dissident movements in China. Not all of  these movements he funded were successful. In 1989, Soros got into some  trouble with insider trading,   but wouldn’t be punished for  it until many years later. In the 1990s, the name George Soros became much  more familiar to many people around the world. In   September 1992, he made about $1 billion betting  against, or “shorting,” the United Kingdom’s   currency, the pound. On September 16, 1992, a  day called Black Wednesday, the United Kingdom’s   treasury quickly lost billions in reserves, which  forced the pound out of the European Exchange   Rate Mechanism. This greatly devalued the pound.  While many suffered, Soros came out big, and made   headlines around the world. One journalist called  him “the man who broke the Bank of England.” In the following years, Soros continued  to make more billions betting against   currencies in Finland, Thailand, Japan, and  Malaysia, among other countries. In 1997,   during the Asian financial crisis, Malaysia’s  prime minister, Mahathir Mohamad, accused   Soros of using his wealth to punish the  Association of Southeast Asian Nations   since they let Myanmar in as a member. Dr. Mahathir suggested yesterday to ban currency trading but this is such an inappropriate suggestion that it doesn't deserve serious consideration interfering with the comfortability of capital at a moment like this is a recipe for disaster dr mahathir is a menace to his own country Mahathir later implied that Soros was causing the financial crisis as part of a larger Jewish conspiracy.  Mahathir later apologized, but others would   argue similar criticisms toward Soros in the  coming years as his wealth continued to grow. Meanwhile, he kept giving his wealth away. In the  1990s, he gave around $50 million of his own money   to help victims of the Bosnian War. In April 1993,  he founded the Open Society Institute, which is   now called Open Society Foundations and is still  in operation. After the fall of the Soviet Union,   Soros funneled tens of millions through  the Open Society Institute to former Soviet   satellite countries to promote organizations that  taught the virtues of democracy and capitalism.   He soon got new enemies after doing  this, like the Hungarian nationalist   politician István Csurka, who also promoted  antisemetic conspiracy theories about Soros. By the 2000s, Soros had set his eyes to  the criminal justice system in the United   States. He had long been against the War on Drugs,  believing that drug addiction was a medical issue   and shouldn’t be a criminal issue. He started  funneling money to reforming drug law enforcement   in Baltimore, Maryland but success there was  slow. By 2004, Soros was thinking much bigger. 2004 was another important year  in the life of George Soros. Steven: (angrily) George Soros! Anyway, for most of his life, Soros didn’t really  pick a political party when he donated his money.   He was a political moderate, after all. But  in 2004, Soros was afraid of the direction   that George W. Bush was taking not only the United  States, but the entire world, due to his so-called   War on Terror and the Iraq War. So for the first  time, Soros picked a side in American politics,   donating millions to defeat Bush. Soros  also publicly trashed Bush’s foreign policy. This was when a lot of American conservatives  started to hate him. Soros also later spent   millions trying to defeat Donald Trump in both  the 2016 and 2020 election. But it wasn’t just   presidential elections. Ever since 2004, Soros  has poured tens of millions of dollars into   local and state elections, almost always  supporting the Democratic Party candidates. Meanwhile, Soros continued to donate tens  of millions more to various causes such as   racial justice, immigration  reform, expanding internet access,   feeding and immunizing those in  poverty, and establishing universities. In 2005, he and his second wife, Susan  Weber, divorced. For the next several   years he had a few girlfriends that were  uh...MUCH younger than him. In 2013,   he married his third and current wife,  Tamiko Bolton. He was 83. She was 41. That same year, the Quantum Fund made $5.5  billion, making it the most successful hedge fund   in history. To date, the fund has generated over  $40 billion. Today George Soros is 90 years old.   Despite giving away most of his money, he still  has a net worth of more than $8.6 billion, making   him still one of the richest people in the world. George Soros is also one of the   most HATED MEN in the world. Steven: (angrily) George Soros! Will you stop doing that? I mean, any video I’ve seen on YouTube that   doesn’t make Soros look bad has significantly more  dislikes than likes. And some of the comments….um,   yeah. So why is he so hated? Well   it wasn’t just one specific thing that has  led to all the hate, but several things.  Of course there are the antisemitic conspiracy  theories that go back to the 1990s when Eastern   European nationalist leaders attacked him because  he spent millions against them. You can’t deny   the antisemitism related to the hate of him,  especially when you hear the fact that he is   Jewish brought up ALL THE TIME. Interestingly,  Soros also gets crap from Jewish folks, too,   since he has consistently criticized the Israeli  government. And then of course supporting   politicians across the world is going to get  you haters from people who, ya know, don’t like   those politicians. Sure, he may have used to be a  moderate dude politically, but today it’s pretty   clear his causes are way on the left end of the  spectrum, which is why folks like Glenn Beck have   consistently attacked him over the years. Oh, and I can tell you there’s this   one interview that has not aged well.  (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SGWizajL7tA)   Steven Kroft interviewed him for 60 minutes,  back in 1998. At first glace, Soros kind of comes   across as a sociopath, feeling no remorse for  apparently helping to take away Jewish property,   even though by this time he clearly knew the Nazis  were responsible and he was going along with it.   it my understanding is is that you went out with this protector of yours who swore that you were uh his adopted gods went out in fact and helped in the confiscation of property from the jews that's right i mean that's that sounds uh like an experience that would send lots of people to the psychiatric couch for many many years was it difficult not at all not at all maybe as a child you don't you don't see the connection uh but it was it created no no problem at all no feeling of guilt no for example that i'm jewish and here i am watching these people go i could just as easily be there i should be there none of that well of course i could be on the other side or i could be the one from whom it the thing is being taken away there was no sense that i shouldn't be there well actually funny way it's just like in markets that if i weren't there of course i wasn't doing it but somebody else would would be taking it away anyhow university whether i was there or not i was only a spectator the property was being taken away so i had no role in taking away that property Yeah at the very least, Soros comes  across as pretty insensitive in this interview.   So many Soros haters point to this clip, but if  you go back and watch it again, Soros never said   he confiscated any Jewish property (clip). In  fact, he was probably just brought along. Plus,   he was just 14 at the time. Regardless, this  clip is so influential that the pundit Dinesh   D'Souza has posted it on his YouTube channel.  Oh, and in that same clip Soros admitted he’s   an atheist. That’s gonna trigger some folks. Later, influential folks like comedian Rosanne   Barr Tweeted this and others shared this,  claiming that it was Soros and that he was a   Nazi soldier at one time. Yeah that’s actually  a picture of a dude named Oskar Gröning.  Overall, there are plenty of billionaires who  influence elections and political movements   around the world, but Soros doesn’t hide  it that much. In fact, he’s very outspoken.  So yeah, basically George Soros is just another  billionaire trying to pull the puppet strings, but   let’s be honest here. Most of the time he comes up  short. Most billionaires who try to solve all the   world’s problems struggle because it’s not easy.  There are always unintended consequences. And   Soros has struggled to make himself look good.  It’s ironic- he says he’s always just tried to   make the world a better place, and even wrote  books to try to explain how his intentions are   always pure. But despite all that, today millions  think he’s the devil himself. Just ask my aunt.   This video is sponsored by Brilliant. Brilliant  is a problem solving based website and app with   a hands-on approach, with over 60 interactive  courses in math, science, and computer science.   Brilliant puzzles you, surprises you, and  expands your understanding of the modern world.   Brilliant is the best education site I’ve  seen for developing critical reasoning skills.   I’m typically not a math or science guy, and  many of you watching maybe aren't too. However,   maybe if this was around when I was in school I  would have enjoyed math and science so much more.   As I tried it out, I was amazed with how I didn’t  even realize my brain was being exercised. I mean,   it was actually...FUN. Seriously. You need  to try it out. Go to brilliant.org/mrbeat   and sign up for free. Also, the first 200 people  that go to that link will get 20% off the annual   Premium subscription. George Soros! George Soros! George Soros! George Soros! George Soros! So yeah i predict that this video will   eventually have more dislikes than likes because i  didn't really trash Soros that much i just try to   lay out some facts about him and no he didn't pay  me to make this video i'd have a much nicer shirt   on if that was the case okay and maybe my student  loans would be paid off his foundation didn't   contact me no i'm just some guy in a basement  some teacher in Kansas that made this video   this isn't part of a large conspiracy here i  literally was curious about why so many people   hated George Soros and so i just read books you  should try reading books too sometime but what   do you think am i a shill for the new world order  let me know in the comments below a reminder that   this video is also part of a collaboration  in honor of holocaust remembrance day Soros   and his family were holocaust survivors check  out the full playlist and thanks for watching.
Channel: Mr. Beat
Views: 477,579
Rating: 4.5476365 out of 5
Keywords: George Soros, Who is George Soros?, why do people hate george soros, george soros british pound bet, george soros life and times, why everyone hates george soros, soros explained, did george soros fund antifa, george soros antifa, george soros black lives matter, george soros really evil, bio of soros, holocaust rembrance day, was george soros a nazi, soros holocaust, biography george soros history, george soros forex trading strategy, soros hated, soros clinton foundation
Id: NpRUzj4_8Z4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 54sec (1434 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 27 2021
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