Who is Cyno? | Cyno Lore and Theory | Genshin Impact Lore/Theory

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hey everyone first of all i just wanted to say happy new year and sorry about the short hiatus i just wanted to take a little break from making videos for a bit but now that all of that is over i am back and ready to continue making genjin lore videos in the new year so for our very first video of the new year i'll be talking about something i've wanted to cover for a while which is sino and fun fact for all of you guys out there cyno was one of the characters that actually got me interested in gentian impact after seeing him in the tavot chapter storyline preview i became a fan and now here we are with the lore channel and everything because of this today i wanted to dive in and talk about sino and some of the lore and theories surrounding this character given the limited information we have on him so let's just get right into it unfortunately in terms of in-game lore we pretty much have no information on sino generally speaking the closest we get to learning anything about sino comes from the sumeru scholar npcs and even then they only tell us about the structure of the academia in a very broad sense to get a better sense of who sino is and the lore behind him we need to reference the genshin impact manga as per usual in my videos i'm gonna summarize the story contained within the manga however this time i'll only be going over the parts that are relevant to sino as there's a ton of things that occur in the story also i just want to add that if you haven't read the manga i highly recommend you do so as it actually has some crazy laura reveals especially when it comes to celestia the gods and the fatoui in the manga we follow a character named kalei as she embarks on a journey in tevas in the story we learned that kalei was born with some sort of disease because of this she was considered by many to be unclean and undesirable in an effort to help her kalei's parents took her to a seer named barnabas according to the seer kalei was touched by a div which is a supernatural demonic entity barnabas then tells her parents that they must give their daughter to him to save her however instead of helping kalei it's later revealed that barnabas is working with the fatoui harbinger detoure as a part of detore's experiments kalei was injected with a substance known as the arkhan residue now it's never clearly stated what the arkhan residue actually is but it appears to be the leftover will and wrath of a dead god it's best to think of it as something similar to the tatarigami the arkhan residue has the ability to possess its user and force them into doing things they otherwise would not want to another interesting property of the archon residue is that it resonates with the user's emotions especially negative ones like hatred sadness and anger due to her status as in undesirable kalei is treated horribly by the people around her because of her treatment at the hands of others kalei harbors a deep resentment of society and the gods for the injustices she's had to face throughout her life ultimately these negative emotions only serve as fuel to the fire for the arkhan residue forcing kalei into expending much of her time and energy into fighting against the dark whispers of the god contained within the residue anyways at some point she breaks out of the future facility or is released by the fatoui into the public eventually kalei made it to monstat but was denied entry due to her disease this causes her to lose control and the arkhan residue takes over summoning a giant fiery serpent that destroys a fatoui carriage killing the diplomats inside with the knights of fevonius distracted by the serpent kalei sneaks into monstat after wandering around the city kalei runs into amber who offers to help her find a cure for her condition amber takes kalei to see jean and lisa who also offered to help kalei during their investigation kalei uncovers a document that could potentially help cure her unfortunately the document was written in an ancient language that even lisa couldn't read so she sends a letter to the sumeru academia requesting for help in response the sumeru academia sends saino to assist with helping kolei upon meeting with kalei and amber sino explains that the arkhan residue cannot be cured but only sealed away he offers to perform the ritual at star snatch cliff the following day amber is hesitant with this solution but kalei interjects saying that she is willing to try anything to rid herself of her curse the next day kalei goes to star snatch cliff and sano begins the sealing ritual during the ritual saino uses some sort of invocation involving an ancient language to seal away the archon residue additionally it appears that he utilizes magic as opposed to a vision to seal away the archon's energy in any case the ritual is successfully completed and the archon residue is sealed away however there is a caveat to this according to sino if the archon residue is ever released or is awakened it will completely consume kalae's consciousness with the ritual completed sino returns to monstat to report his findings to the knights of favonius after this a bunch of crazy stuff happens and amber and kalei return to monsta after all of that gets resolved however upon returning back to monstat kalei makes the decision to join sino in returning to sumeru to learn more about the world okay so with that summary out of the way it's time to break down what we learn about cyno within the manga now before we really get into these specifics i do want to touch on a common misconception surrounding sino in the english translation of the manga lisa says that she's going to send a request to her teacher at the sumeru academia after sending the letter sano arrives in monstat saying he's from the academia a lot of people myself included interpreted this as sano literally being lisa's teacher from sumeru however this is simply not correct in the chinese and japanese translations sino actually says that he's a messenger from sumeru and that his master sent him to help lisa this is a totally different message than what we get in the english translation and it could be due to the fact that mihoyo wanted to simplify the dialogue or something like that either way the original message was quite literally lost in translation in any case if you think about it though it makes sense because lisa is stated to have been the most talented witch to have studied at the academia in the past 200 years and i don't know about you all but cyno definitely doesn't look like he's 200 years old if anything he's probably younger than lisa that being said i believe that the sages at the sumuru academia are extremely old and it's very likely their prolonged lives are due to the research done at the academia but that could be a whole video in and of itself so we're not going to get into it in this specific video anyways when we see sino in the manga as well as in the tavot chapter storyline preview something that really stood out to me was his design in the manga we get a pretty good view of sino's clothes and it's clear that the inspiration for his outfit was the egyptian god anubis specifically the black hoodie thing that he wears is styled with jackal ears which is very reminiscent of anubis for those of you who don't know anubis was the god of the dead within the egyptian pantheon specifically he was in charge of mummification protecting tombs and guiding the souls of the dead to the afterlife aside from his design at the current moment there aren't a whole lot of connections between anubis and sano but that could easily change as mihoyo releases more content regarding sino in the library scene with amber cole and sino one thing that i noticed was that cyno seems to be constantly studying or researching in almost every panel sino was holding a book additionally he kept his conversations extremely short and to the point almost as if he was short on time and this aligns with what we learned from yayamiko about sumeru at the end of inazuma's archon quest yay tells us that sumuru is obsessed with knowledge and wisdom and that they treat knowledge as a resource given this information it aligns with sino's behavior as he's constantly studying and learning he even conducted research and experiments while he was in monstat helping lisa from this it's pretty clear that the scholars from sumeru are willing to go to extremes to gain more wisdom and knowledge and now we get to the exciting part the sealing ritual for the arkhan residue in preparation for the sealing ritual sino creates some sort of altar or pentacle on the ground despite the potential consequences kalei decides to go ahead with the sealing ritual in the preceding panel of the manga sino moves forward with the ritual by chanting a spell interestingly the incantations of the spell are written using a runic text that is heavily associated with kanriya obviously this has significant implications for the lore as it points to the idea that the scholars of sumeru may be conducting research and studies on the ancient civilization of conriya but more on this later in the video now if you guys didn't know this runic text corresponds with letters in the english alphabet because of this i was able to translate the spell into english and this is a phrase that we get which i will show on the screen right now anyways the translation starts off with a list of several strange words followed with the phrase above my head the presence of god but what does all of this mean to really understand the meaning behind the words here we have to talk about religion specifically those of abrahamic origin so think of religions like judaism and christianity the first four words in the spell may look like gibberish to the average person but they are actually all hebrew words used to name god as you are all probably aware judaism and christianity are monotheistic religions meaning that they only worship one god if this is the case then it seems strange that there are multiple names for god in hebrew right well this is because in the old testament of the bible saying the name of god was seen as something forbidden because of this the israelites would instead substitute words to reference god so as to not offend him so just keep this in mind as i go through each name of god within the spell that sano uses the first word stands for yahweh or jehovah which is considered to be the holiest and most sacred name used to refer to god as i stated earlier the holy nature of this word meant that many of the jews or israelites would generally avoid using this word to refer to god in the context of the manga it makes sense that the most holy name for god would be used to initiate the sealing ritual the second word represents the hebrew word for adonai which can be translated in english to my lord master or owner this is the most common word used to replace yahweh as a reference to god however in certain denominations of judaism this word is also considered as holy and is no longer used to refer to god directly the third word can be directly translated to the phrase i am that i am or just i am if you are familiar with the story of moses in the bible this is a phrase that god uses to introduce himself to moses at the burning bush though it might seem strange to reference god as i am it's actually a really good way to describe the god of the bible essentially the phrase i am that i am or i am exemplifies god's existence which is not contingent upon anyone or anything else in other words this phrase is used to show that god has always existed and will continue to exist for eternity lastly the fourth and final word roughly translates to almighty god this word was specifically known for its magical properties and commonly appeared within magical writings charms and talismans it was also known for its ability to ward off evil spirits and demons because of this this word was commonly invoked during exorcisms that being said it's very fitting that this is the last name for god that sano invokes during the sealing ritual so now that we know what the first four words of the ritual means this obviously still doesn't tell us a whole lot about the ritual itself to really understand what's going on here we have to take a look at sino's incantation as a whole if you look up the full incantation on google you'll see that it's an exact match for a ritual known as the lesser banishing ritual of the pentagram unfortunately there's not a whole lot of information that i could find on the ritual itself however i did find that it was first practiced by the order of the golden dawn which was a secret society that participated in occult and magical practices during the late 19th and early 20th centuries the purpose of the lesser banishing ritual of the pentagram was to draw out and banish any impurities from the subject of the ritual aside from banishing evil energy and impurities the ritual is also said to fortify and guard the subject of any negative influences similarly sino uses the incantations of the spell to draw out the archon residue from within kalei once the evil energy of the archon was drawn out cyno seals it away protecting kalei from its dangerous influence before we move on from the ceiling ritual there's something i would like to take a note of here after cyno completes his incantations we can see the energy from the arkhan residue being drawn out from kolai and into a pyramid structure interestingly this ties back into sino's themes relating to ancient egyptian culture as you all probably know the pyramids of egypt served as the tombs and final resting places for the pharaohs similarly in the manga the pyramid represents the tomb which sino uses to contain the archon additionally i'd like to note that sino performing the ritual also has significance as well as i stated earlier it seems like the egyptian god anubis was the inspiration behind sino's design well anubis is heavily associated with mummification and leading the souls of the dead to the afterlife so in a sense sino is essentially performing the burial rites for the arkhan residue which i assume comes from a dead god through the ritual itself sino is essentially guiding the archon to its final resting place much like how anubis would prepare the pharaohs for the afterlife after the ritual was completed successfully we don't see saino again in the manga however there is something that we definitely need to take a note of since it will likely impact the story down the line at the end of the manga kalei is pretty much free of her curse and with a new perspective on life she decides that she wants to go back to sumaru with saino her reasoning for this is that she wants to learn as much about the world as possible we then see a panel with sino and kalei traveling together though this is pretty much speculation at this point it seems very likely that kalei will become sino's assistant or at least be connected pretty heavily to him in some way shape or form so when the traveler and paimon make it to sumeru we will probably see those two together for a majority of the archon quest additionally completely unrelated to sino but something that caught my attention is that kaleid doesn't have a vision we know that after the incident she develops a different perspective on life and usually shifts of this magnitude within a character will produce a vision so the next time we see her she probably will have a vision and it's probably gonna be a dendrovision considering her design is very green and earthy toned additionally since she and sano seem like they'll be working pretty closely together they might be released at the same time but yeah that's just me talking out loud at this point let me know what your thoughts are on this in the comments section below with that being said that is pretty much every lore related thing we know about sino at this point so from here on out i want to speculate a bit more about what we can expect from sano in the future the first thing that really stood out to me was sino's knowledge of conriya's script and language it's clear he has some knowledge on this ancient civilization and that his research at the academia may be closely related to this topic how much he knows remains to be seen but from what we see in the manga i'm pretty confident he might know a thing or two about what happened during the cataclysm another pretty important thing we learned from the manga is that magic can exist outside of visions i mean we kind of get a sense of this from sucrose to mace and albedo with their practice of alchemy but in their cases their line of work seems to be a bit more scientific than magical in nature the ceiling ritual that sino performs seems to tap into powers we haven't seen in the game so far could this be related to an unknown element or is this power related to the gods sadly we don't have a definitive answer at the moment but my guess is that this magic or power is related to conrea i know some people may be thinking that this is similar to the power that the abyss order and danes leaf are able to manipulate however the coloration and the look of the ceiling ritual performed by sino don't look remotely close to the powers that the abyss herald and danes leaf were able to manipulate that being said we'll likely see sino use that magic again during the story quest for sumeru and this brings us to the final topic of this video and the one that i see the most people talking about and that is what vision does sino have unfortunately the manga won't be of any use to us here because he's wearing a cloak that covers ninety percent of his body in it however we have the tavot chapter storyline preview which gives us a better look at sino and his possible powers so if you haven't seen it yet i'll play a clip of it really quick for you guys the god of wisdom's enemy is wisdom itself and the oasis of knowledge is a mirage in the desert of ignorance in the city of scholars there is a push for folly yet the god of wisdom makes no argument against it in the clip we just watched it shows us that cyno is a pole arm user however the element of his vision remains pretty ambiguous and if i'm gonna be honest here he could be any of the elements but i'll go through the elements that make the most sense based on what we see in the trailer so the first thing i actually noticed when watching the trailer was the red gem on his belt obviously it made me think that he could be a pyro character however given that there's already two pyro characters within the trailer itself it seems unlikely that this is the case additionally the animations that go along with the characters appear to indicate the element of their vision in this case we see a cloud of sand flying past the screen before revealing sino making pyro an unlikely element for him because of this i believe that he is likely to be either animo and geo and i'll explain my reasoning for this geo would make a lot of sense for sano given the sand animation during the trailer as well as the golden adornments and accessories on his clothes not only would this tie in with his visual design but it would incorporate the egyptian elements of his design as well seeing as egypt is in the desert and his design closely resembles that of anubis sino having a geo vision would perfectly blend his lore and design elements together that being said i think there's an argument to be made for him having an animo vision in the trailer we can see sand being whipped up around him which instantly made me think of sandstorms this is a weather phenomenon that is common in egypt and in desert biomes so animo could definitely be a contender here for his vision but we could also all be wrong and he could have a dendrovision considering he is from sumeru however i personally don't think this is the case because i can't picture him having a bright green vision based on his current design lastly i also have seen people say that he could be an electro character but aside from the color of his outfit there's really not anything that screams electro to me when it comes to his lore but yeah let me know what you guys think his vision will be down in the comments section below personally i'm hoping for geo and yeah that is it for my video on sino when i first started writing this video i thought it was going to be a short and quick video but how foolish of me because after i started doing research on sino i fell into so many rabbit holes and next thing i know my script is like seven pages anyways if you guys enjoyed this video please subscribe to my channel and let me know what you think about sino down in the comments below i think he's a pretty cool character and i can't wait till he's in the game thank you for stopping by and i'll see you guys next time peace you
Channel: BitShark
Views: 77,119
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact sumeru, genshin impact lore, genshin impact cyno, Cyno Lore and Theory, Cyno, genshin impact, genshin, impact, genshin impact theory, genshin theory, genshin impact sumeru leaks, sumeru leaks, genshin impact sumeru lore, genshin cyno, sumeru lore, genshin impact story, genshin impact cyno trailer, genshin impact sumeru characters, genshin impact sumeru teaser, genshin impact sumeru map, genshin impact game, chasm leaks, Chasm Gesnhin, sumeru, dendro genshin
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 51sec (1251 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 15 2022
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