Enkanomiya Lore, Analysis, and Theories | Genshin Impact Lore/Theory

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hey everyone so for the better part of the past two weeks i've been losing my mind over the lore of nconemia given that i've been hyping up and theorizing about n konomiya for the past few months i think it's time that we revisit this place now that it's released with all the lore bombs from this patch i'm sure that things might be a bit confusing but luckily in today's video i'll condense and summarize the lore of nconomia as well as dive into a few theories regarding this ancient civilization now before i start the video i just want to give y'all two disclaimers when it comes to the lore of enconomia we need to take things with a grain of salt as we've seen from previous lore entries like the serpent drake of tokoyokoku a lot of the information presented to us is not accurate the narrators of these lore books are often unreliable and present biased information so when interpreting the lore we must take everything with a grain of salt and remember that the stories we are hearing may have been altered in some way shape or form also this video might be all over the place just because we have so much to cover when it comes to the lore of enconomia i actually rewrote the script a few times just because i didn't like how i structured the information but i was able to figure it out and i think it's structured in a way that makes sense now either way i've included time stamps down below to allow you guys to skip around if you would like to do so and with all of that out of the way let's get into the rest of the video to really understand the lore and history of nconomia we have to go back to the very beginning a time before the gods and even celestia itself according to the biakuya koku collection the world was once ruled by a mighty race of dragons which we know today as the bishops amongst this race of dragons were seven dragonlords known as the seven sovereigns who served as the rulers of this ancient world at some point during this period of time a being known as the primordial one would invade this world of the seven sovereigns an intense and bitter war would break out between the primordial one and the seven dragonlords during this war the primordial one would create beings known as the shining shades to aid them in battle after 40 years of intense fighting the primordial one and its shades would defeat the seven sovereigns forcing the remaining bishops to retreat below the mountains and under the seas with dominion over the land the primordial one and one of its shades would set out to create and build the world as they saw fit as the first humans came into existence they would enter into a covenant with their creator the primordial one the terms of the covenant are not exactly clear however there is some sort of temptation that the people would need to resist anyways under the watchful eye of the heavens the humans would prosper and form a single unified culture for a time things were looking great the heavens and humans coexisted in harmony however all of this would change with the invasion of the second throne of the heavens with its arrival the heavens collapsed and the earth turned as the primordial one and its three shades battled this new imposter as a result of this great disaster and konomiya sank below the seas blocking it off from the rest of the world being in the deaths of the earth the people of anconomia would run into the dragon air of the deaths also known as the bethysmo-vijabs the bishops harbored animosity towards the humans and would often attack and consume them luckily the people learned that the bishops hated the light so they would use lanterns to chase away the bishops however this wasn't an effective method of scaring away these creatures so the people cried out to the primordial one and its three shades but they would not receive a response from their creator just when all hope was lost the god of time also known as kairos istharath and tokoyo okami would come to their rescue she would awaken wisdom within the sage abrax and he would construct a structure known as the helios once completed the helios would bring light to the citizens of enconomia ultimately repelling the dragonnaires and saving their nation from destruction the sage abrax would then serve as a leader for the people for a short time at some point the people would attempt to find a way back to the surface of the earth but they were blocked by some mysterious power because of this the people assumed that the primordial one had won the war above but banned the people from returning home as time passed the nobles of n konomiya became corrupt and they would band together to find a way to secure power over the people of enconomia as the first part of their plan they tricked the people into worshiping the helios as a god they then installed children as the puppet rulers of enconomia these kids would be called the sun children and the nobles would manipulate them for their own selfish gain with complete control of anconomia the nobles tricked the sun child into imprisoning the sage and killing him as the sun child aged the nobles feared that they would learn of their deception so they devised a plan to circumvent this issue they created a ritual known as the rite of solar return where the sun child before reaching maturity would be sent into the light of helios incinerating the sun child after the rite was completed the nobles would install another sun-child to continue ruling over enconomia because of the oppressive rule of the sun children the people would come to hate their puppet rulers not realizing the true masterminds behind and konomiya of course all of this would come to an end with the arrival of urabashi after losing in the arkhan war oribashi would flee into the dark sea seeking refuge underground at some point a young child from and konomiya would discover him and together they would overthrow the sun children and defeat the dragonairs urabashi would serve as the people's god and together they planned their return to the surface of tevat at some point during his stay in enconomia orabaji read a book called before sun and moon the book itself contained knowledge that was forbidden by celestia and the price of this knowledge was death for both him and the people of anconomia in response oribashi banned the book and enacted several plans to help the people of enconomia forget their past various books texts and research were sealed away and forgotten about by the people of enconumia once this was completed urabashi created watatsumi island by breaking off coral from his body to create an island for his people the day before the people relocated to the surface of tevat an envoy of conriya found its way into enconomia and attempted to take the book before sun and moon by force unfortunately they were not successful as a man named ante intervened preventing them from securing the book once they reached the surface oribashi placed a seal on enconomia preventing the people from returning to their underground home remembering his sentence of death from celestia he would embark on a fake mission to take yashiori island where he was promptly executed by the ryden shogun this concludes the story of anconomia and leads up to the present day events with the traveler and paimon so obviously there's a lot to unpack here and i want to kick off our analysis and discussion with the creation story of tevat now before we get into the rest of the video i would just like you all to know that i won't be really covering the topic of the bishops and the dragon nair in this video as i'm saving that for a video in the future that i'll make on kokomi albedo and the dragons so look forward to that in the near future anyways back to the topic at hand the creation of the world of tevot in my opinion the most interesting figure that we learn of from enconomia is the primordial one now up until this point in the video i've been pretty careful when it comes to naming the primordial ones simply because we actually aren't sure of their true identity the narrator of the biakuya koku collection confirms this stating that the primordial one may have been fanus because of this it casts some doubt as to whether the primordial one is truly fantas or not with that out of the way let's just assume that faunus is indeed the primordial one mentioned in the lore entry as with much of nconomi and lore fanus and the primordial one seem to have been inspired from ancient greece now the interesting thing about fanus is that he was not part of the mainstream belief system for the ancient greeks instead fanus was part of something known as the orphic cosmogeny which was a smaller lesser-known religious sect of ancient greece according to the orphic tradition faunus hatched from a cosmic egg in some traditions this cosmic egg was brought about through the intervention of cronus the god of time and ananke the god of inevitability after hatching from this egg fanus would go on to creating the universe which ties back into the lore entry describing the creation of the world of tavat in the lore entries regarding fanus we know that they created four shining shades to help in their battle against the seven sovereigns after their victory over the dragonlords fanus would set off creating heaven and earth now the interesting thing here is that fawness didn't do this alone according to the lore entry the primordial one and one of its shades created the birds of the air the beasts of the earth and the fish of the sea together they also created flowers grass and trees before finally creating humans our ancestors numerous as the stars in the sky uncountable as the sand on the shore something to note here is that fanus created the world with only one of his shades if we reference the orphic tradition of greek mythology fanus would not only create the universe but they would also have one daughter nyx the goddess of the night together they would create the day and night cycle with faunus representing the light of the day and nix representing the darkness of the night going back to gentian lore i believe that the one shade that fones created the universe with is nyx while it appears that nyx played a major role in the creation of tavat it sounds like something happened to her which is why we go from four shades to three at this point we have zero information in terms of the lore as to what exactly happened but i have my own personal guess here and that is that nyx becomes the night mother who is referenced in the lore book the pale princess and the six pygmies as part of the creation mythos of gentian impact fanus supposedly creates a covenant with the humans according to this covenant or agreement the people must resist temptation however the author notes that the seeds of temptation had already been planted from the very beginning in the story of adam and eve temptation is what eventually leads to sin and the corruption of mankind now according to the pale princess and the six pygmies the night mother was the source of all sins given that temptation can lead to sin this could possibly mean that nyx or the night mother may have done something to break the people's covenant with fonus as to her motivations behind this action i'm not exactly sure but it could explain why the number of shades goes from four to three perhaps some disagreement with fanus resulted in her banishment to the land of the night that being said there's not a whole lot of evidence for my theory and there's another pretty mainstream theory that proposes that the fourth shade is actually kairos also called isteroth but we'll get to that later in the video so just hold your horses for now with the night mother out of the way that leaves the three shades which i believe are the three moon sisters mentioned in the lore book the moonlit bamboo forest i actually covered the story of the moon sisters in my surumi island mural analysis video so if you all haven't checked it out i highly recommend you do so the three moon sisters appeared to correspond to the greek triple goddess called hekate also known as trivia in the greek pantheon she was known as the goddess of crossroads witchcraft and death hikate was most often portrayed as the maiden mother and crone the maiden was often associated with purity and innocence the mother with power and fertility and the crone with wisdom and death according to various sources in gentian lore the moon sisters served as guides to the seals and humans this appears to align with what we learned from enconomia because of this i believe that fones and nyx created the celies with the absence of nyx faunus then test the moon sisters and seelys with helping out and guiding humanity however this would all come to an end with the second throne of heaven though not explicitly stated i believe that this second throne of heaven is celestia the lore entries for enconumia state that with the arrival of celestia the heavens collapsed and the earth was rent asunder our ancestors and their ancestral land fell into this place during that conflict in the lore entries regarding the seelys and moon sisters we hear about a similar disaster where the earth is destroyed and the heavens shatter here are some excerpts from the records of draeun just 30 days later a sudden disaster struck the sealy and their lover fled into exile as the world collapsed around them fleeing until the terrible calamity caught up with them and seized them another entry from the moonlit bamboo forest also adds to this saying with time disasters overturned the sovereign carriage and laid ruined to the halls of the stars now those lore entries by themselves don't necessarily confirm that the events we uncover are the exact same as those outlined in the biakuya koku collection but the similarities are definitely there additionally if we take a look at the murals from both dragon spine and tsurumi island they also seem to depict this same event first of all the art styles of both murals are pretty much the same which ties back to the unified culture that existed in the past i would also like to note that the dragon spine mural appears to depict the sun bleeding with celestia appearing in front of it this could possibly hint at the conflict between fanus and the second throne the surumi island murals depict the other side of the conflict which involved the moon sisters in one of the murals on the ceilings of the ruins we can clearly see what appears to be a bleeding moon when we bring all of this evidence together it points to the idea that these lore entries and murals are referring to the same event now later on in the lore book for enconomia the author speculates that faunus won the war against the second throne but given what we know about the conflict involving the moon sisters that doesn't appear to be the case in fact i actually think that fanus lost the conflict against celestia but that's pretty obvious given the current situation in tevat now before we move on to the topic of encounter and oribashi i would like to talk about kairos the god of time according to the author of the biakuya koku collection kairos or istarath was the only god who responded to their cries for help now in the greek pantheon there are three gods of time the first is kronos who is the god of linear time then there's aeon the god of cyclical time basically events that occur over and over again like the seasons and lastly there's kairos the god of the opportune time specifically the moment an action must be taken this is important because the biakuyokoku collection specifically states that she was the moment she was every moment she was the measure of a thousand wins in the sun and the moon she was every second of joy every moment of rage every instant of longing every minute of obsession she was every flash of delirium we call her kairos or the ruler of the unchanging world interestingly when the enconomians needed her the most kairos appeared and bestowed wisdom upon the great sage abrax after completing this it appears that she vanished throughout our journey in genshin there's been a lot of references to the idea of time in monstat we learn that the people once worshipped venti alongside the god of time additionally in the we will be reunited questline the traveler's sibling emphasizes the fact that they've always had time but what does all of this mean well let's backtrack to the creation of tavot and fawness as i stated earlier according to the orphic tradition fanus was born from a cosmic egg created by kronos the god of time and ananke the god of inevitability at least to me this seems to hint at the idea that time transcends all creation the people of nkonomiya seem to recognize this fact as well if fanus never broke the egg's shell at the moment he did the world would have never been created additionally the enconomians recognize the fact that kairos transcends every moment of time essentially stating that she's everywhere at all times lastly they call her the primordial child and the mother of 14 billion years so what am i trying to say here well first of all i don't think kairos is one of the shades it just doesn't seem to line up given what we know i believe that time transcends all the forces and divine beings within tavot and that kairos stands separate to all of this it's even possible that she is the catalyst for all the events that have occurred thus far i know it probably sounds crazy but i really do think that there's something else going on here let me know what your thoughts are on this down in the comments section below okay so now that we've gotten through the creation story let's talk about enconomia when i first played through nconomia i was super confused about the story but it turns out it's actually pretty simple at its core the lore of anconomia is a story about how easily humans can be corrupted by greed and power this corruption led a group of nobles to install the sun children as puppet rulers eventually the people would grow sick of this regime of nobles and they would attempt to overthrow them but would ultimately fail it wouldn't be until the arrival of orobashi that the people would be able to overthrow the nobles and return to the surface of teva something really interesting to note here is that the story of enconumia is very similar to that of monstat and its nobles after defeating deckarabian the noble houses of monstat would lead the people but over time they would become corrupt just like the nobles of enconomia they would enslave the people and eventually venti and vanessa would band together to overthrow their regime with that being said the story of nconomia is pretty straightforward however there were two things that i found particularly interesting when it came to the lore and they are oribashi and the envoy from conriya so let's start with oribashi now i don't know about you guys but oribashi's story is just so tragic this guy really couldn't catch a break so first he loses in the arkhan war and has to run away to hide away from the gods and celestia then he discovers the people of enconemia and becomes their god after that he literally rips off coral from his body to form watatsumi island so his people have a home and then he discovers some sort of forbidden knowledge is sentenced to death and goes on a suicide mission where a executes him and this is exactly what i wanted to talk about during the various questlines and lore entries within nconomia we come to learn that the information contained within the book before sun and moon is forbidden however the people of nkonomiya existed for years knowing this information without consequence it wasn't until orobashi reads this book that enconomia and oribashi are both sentenced to death this obviously made me question how celestia would know that urabashi came into contact with this information my initial theory was that the book before sun and moon was an infohazard now for those of you who aren't aware the idea of an infohazard comes from the scp universe essentially it's information or knowledge that puts an individual into danger or enables some other agent or being to cause harm therefore according to this theory just reading the book would alert celestia and sentence an individual to death however this isn't a good theory as the people of enconumia knew about this information for many years before orobashi came because of this i think it's likely that celestia may have some passive connection with the gods of tevat through this connection with the gods celestia may be able to monitor their activities and this might explain how they came to know of the book's existence but even then this theory isn't foolproof and doesn't explain how a was able to cut contact with celestia an alternate explanation is that celestia saw orobashi forming watatsumi island and that is how they became aware of the book in order to save his people oribashi then entered into negotiations with celestia promising to seal away the book and offer himself as a sacrifice however again this theory has issues as it messes up with the timeline and doesn't seem to be very characteristic of celestia as you can tell this still kind of confuses me but if you guys have a better explanation feel free to let me know down in the comments below lastly let's talk about the envoy from conriya so the day before enconomia is transferred to the surface an envoy of conria made their way into enconomia apparently this envoy wanted to obtain a copy of before sun and moon the people of nconomia resisted conrie's demands and a man named ante even sacrificed himself to protect the book this is actually a huge law reveal because it indicates the possibility that there are other civilizations that are buried underground we know that in the past there existed a single unified culture of humans during the war against the second throne many of those cities were destroyed but it's likely that a few of those cities sank underground like enconomia conria could have been one of those cities that sank below the surface since they were all spread out these cities may not have been aware of each other's existence over time they would develop technology and at least from the antagonist quest line it sounds like conria may have conducted expeditions to other underground cities it's something really interesting to consider and maybe will come into contact with other cities that remained underground like enconomia and that is pretty much it for today's video it was another long one and i hope you guys enjoyed it and sorry if it was super rambly there was just so much to talk about and i wasn't sure how to organize the information also before i close this video i just want to say thank you so much for 1k subs i actually had no idea i could make it this far in terms of my videos and i am forever grateful for your support over the past few months you have no idea how much it means to me and i'm just really thankful and grateful that i'm even here on this channel anyways if you guys like this video please don't forget to subscribe to my channel also let me know what your thoughts are on encon mia down in the comments section below and i'll see you guys next time peace
Channel: BitShark
Views: 6,332
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Keywords: genshin impact, genshin lore, genshin impact lore, genshin theory, genshin impact theory, genshin impact lore theory, enkanomiya lore explained, watatsumi island, enkanomiya genshin impact, genshin impact enkanomiya, watatsumi island lore, watatsumi lore, moon bathed deep, genshin impact reacts, genshin impact gameplay, Enkanomiya Lore, Enkanomiya lore analysis and theories, Enkanomiya analysis, sangonomiya kokomi, genshin lore explained, genshin lore summary
Id: ZYCkWOxT4o0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 35sec (1415 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 06 2022
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