Who has the Longest Jump in Spongebob Cosmic Shake?

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why couldn't Cinderella play tennis she kept running away from the ball welcome to a SpongeBob jump challenge if you enjoyed this video and you want to see more like it smack that like button and subscribe if you're new it's free and I'm yellow one day and so here are all the new SpongeBobs from the cosmic shape as you can see there's a couple and each will jump over the bridge and we shall see who jumps the furthest and we begin with regular SpongeBob he's got no tie don't ask me why oh what's he doing sponge he's just leaked himself is that normal usually they they do a run-up but that one just for science says oh that was the wrong I meant to possess him oh no I've killed him but for science I'm gonna I'm gonna run him over the bridge and we'll see if he goes further with eating himself or when he does the thing oh look at him look at that form it's Sensational it's a pretty bad jump though I'm beyond it's fun he just wanted to be in the water didn't you in fact we'll have a separate challenge later where we do the right quick jump but for now regular jumping sponge up next is Band Geek SpongeBob does being a geek make him better at jumping oh form hands up he seems to have done slightly but he's gone very high but no in fact it's worse unless it's Bob Bard leaping good oh no this is the worst one yeah is he up he's on the boat oh dear he is Biker Bob slash Waldo this one he's he's really slow he refuses to spread he's too cool a wibbly wobbly feet and he's in last place he may be cool but your last up next is Boy Scout Bob look at his backpack wait is that a jellyfish watch would you stay still so I could see it but maybe he has the badge in jumping oh no oh no oh he's tied with the biker maybe a tiny bit in front unless it's clown Bob you are a clown but impress me show me your moves oh this is bad this is terrible why it's getting progressively worse all right no more messing around is it Texas boy he's uh it's Cowboy Bob look at his belt buckle that's how you know he's the real deal he's got a custom belt buckle but he is slow those those cowboy boots are heavy and the hat oh my God sponge that's terrible what happened all right moving on well this one you may be thinking what's going on what is that it's supposed to be deck swab that's a mouthful say that three times fast next one but for some reason he doesn't have his texture so we're just gonna use him we'll try and remember that he's not regular sponge and that won't be hard because he's almost in last place he's gonna swap the deck up next is dried up Bob oh look at him look at his nose reminds me of a Cheeto let's get that man in the water give him some moisture I wonder if he will uh will saturate he's quick though this is actually not bad he's gonna be in third place he doesn't seem to be uh absorbing any water up next is Dutchman Bob look at him he's got eyebrows and hair coming out of his ears that's how you know he's the real deal he's green he's the lean green running machine will he take first place they're all gonna end up in the water at this rate what's going on Whose butt is that why am I inside someone's butt I'm gonna move to the left so we can uh I think I'm no he's just stuck in there he's inside someone who is it oh it's dried up Bob he's just sniffing him but he is behind he's in fourth place up next is the naked Bob I mean fisherman Bob who from a distance is real sus get this man some different colored clothes anyway let's eat him across he seems he's relatively quick I've got a lot of faith in fact I do not he is now the captain he belongs on the boat let's be honest I'm glad he's up here his flower Bob why is he a flower if you're remember this episode let me know what happened did he want to get sniffed what was it oh it's a high jump beat a wiggling he's passed the boat for sure I believe he's in fifth place cave Bob Bob Carr look at his toes look at him keep looking at him looks like a bread roll now I am cave Bob and we run he's an athlete surely he had to survive in the wild by himself oh oh it's not bad it's not bad he's inside someone but who is it and is he in first place let's check on him he's between the two he's got his nose in the in that one and he's got a nose in one of one of his uh sponge holes it's it's all going on it's regular sponge is still in the lead though Bob got in second you can only see these things here it's Ghostbusters it's so bright that is oh my goodness he's like Mel he looks like milk it's a good jump it's very high there is momentum there he's almost hit the ceiling this might be first place the ghost is in the lead I can't believe it by a mile Goofy Goober Bob oh peanuts you Weenie Hut Junior come on get over there you've got this you've got this you've got this first place for a Goofy Goober oh no it's not happening it's not bad though he's got himself in um I'd test maybe about seventh place oh joint six with the Dutchman Hippie Bob look at it he's such a vibey dude but will he be quick I have a feeling he's gonna be too slow oh no I just knew it is that last place look it's second to last Harry's gone uh SpongeBob's a maid I don't know how I feel about this um um I think I'm in love oh my God wait a pony just realized that's a doll right um why has he got hair on the top are those I've got so many questions right well uh I'm sorry you have to see this from this angle but for the sake of science oh it's a fantastic jump but he wasn't very quick however it may still get him second place oh so we're gonna have to see that but more oh no SpongeBob but he's a jelly look at his feet he's got he's got flippers he will do very well he seems quick if the jump is there this could be first player the Jumper's Port is a very poor jump oh no he's on the boat he's gonna dry up are those boils here's the jellyfish and MOB there there's his neck and here he runs he's quick because he's gotta hunt those jellyfish his jump though very poor again behind the jelly to fish him oh my God I'm sorry I think I knocked him out get back up SpongeBob but it's karate karate here he goes he's got the safety gear on it's very important when you jump off a bridge to make sure you are protected um what's going on is that his tire his tongue what am I looking at where is he did he win no he is inside of I think that's supposed to be swab the deck Bob he's sort of karate chopping him in the butt anywho now it's night Bob does this one does he have oh he has pants all the way around we're safe look at him listen to the clink the clink of his armor here he goes oh he's too heavy that armor is just too heavy I think he stirred from last not next is this goober it's cuddly Bob a juice box Bob the cuddly crap he's not very quick but I'm starting to realize it's more the jump height that matters and the jump height is it's not great it's kind of average and he's inside someone who is it he's inside the jester he almost made it into the water up next is opposite Bob where he's uh he's Squidward basically you look at him he's Squidward you can't tell me that's not Squidward he rounded himself off he looks Magnificent the jump is high it's oh do it for Squidward he'd be so proud in fact actually I think he'd hate you I'm sure he still hates you how did you do you're inside someone he's oh he's in with the boys that's a big gaggle of him he's in fourth place you can tell it's the round one did I hurt someone oh SpongeBob but he's a pirate he's got one leg will that help him or will he just try and commandeer the ship let's find out oh it's not bad I think he's going in the water for sure although yep no he's in and behind the Dutchman it's primitive Bob look at his line look at his butt but does he have the gut to jump to Victory oh it was incredibly high too high in fact that he hit the ceiling he's in there another Gaggle what a shame for primitive Bob but now it's the quickest turn and if anyone should be quick why is he so slow why is he so slow he was lying costume does not equal fastness confirmed hands up feet wiggle and he's behind the flower and living in a rock what is he Patrick it's Robo Bob's turn technically not really a SpongeBob always quick look how he scuttles along and the jump flapping hands up no foot wiggle because he's got no foot and he's oh he's in the Gaggle a skeleton Bob he's just a bag of bones how does he have a skeleton he's a sponge I don't understand he's very heavy he's a heavy skeleton Snail Bob this may take a minute um uh we'll be right back two hours later and we finally made it to the top of the bridge oh it's good it's excellent yeah I'm lying it's really bad he's in last place oh no so hold your Bob if anyone should be pretty you know athletic you'd think he'd be this fella he's been in the Army but it is SpongeBob remember it's uh uh hey we'll take Seventh Place his sponge Buck he's a Dandy he's got a hat and a gold chain also his [ __ ] is striped blue does that make you fancy anywho his jump is nice good height not a lot of speed though but he may make it in the top five he has he's in third place this one this is just like SpongeBob in his underwear I don't is this an outfit or is this anti outfit he's not very quick is the squeaking his butt cheeks or his feet let me know in the comments what do you think the jump Is Not Great uh-oh he's headed for the deck he's with the boys here's a vampire Bob look at him he's got a cape oh he's quick he's actually really quick that's what happens when you drink the blood of others I do not recommend doing that don't do that the jump is uh maybe top 10 perhaps and the final Bob is Wizard Bob another Cape he's not slow there's still a chance he could beat ghost Bob let's find out no not even close and so the winner of all the sponges is actually ghost pop I can't believe it in second place is the maid and in third SpongeBob was the snake male but Cosmic Shake had a few other creatures added to five more we got the nin jelly regular jelly big jelly King Gary and jelly Squidward and just for the sake of science we're gonna eat them all off the bridge that was his teeth does he run with his teeth the jump is high he's a spiky lad and middle of the pack oh tea regular jelly is that a watermelon on a stick was that a trident he's so slow ah the joke look at him flapping oh again big jelly look at him strong boy although he is carrying a bathtub if he dropped that maybe he would do better but in fact this is he's taking the lead why is his butt so shiny stop showing me that all right King Gary sure Matt has done lad are you quick this is still so slow oh it's such a gross noise just get up the bridge ah jumping and it's oh no it's really bad Gary okay why all right jelly Squidward what are you doing no don't put your tentacles down there leave them alone oh he swims so technically he can't jump uh he's disqualified uh that's that's not allowed you're banned so I did say at the start of the video that we would do the right click jump which seems to be a much further jump and we'll see if they have any different distances and for this challenge they have to jump from the top no run-ups you simply get to the top and right click and there we go not a bad start are you any better band member I think he's gone inside him this one are we all are they all the same this was a science experiment we're finding out yeah I think they're the same just to check the ghost was the best we will give the ghost his attempt and he's tied now the most different of the lot oh they so pumped me down I'm so sorry Snail Bob get to the top it's your turn to LEAP lad he doesn't have a leap okay well so it seems like all the sponges have the same right click jump except for the snail so there you have it today's winner is Ghost Bob if you've enjoyed this video and you want to see more like it smack that like button and subscribe if you're new it's free at home we are shallow
Channel: JustJoeKing
Views: 106,798
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: xB3SUv5cp5Y
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Length: 11min 45sec (705 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 25 2023
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