Who has the Longest Jump in Garten of Banban (Cartoons)?

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why can't a hand be 12 inches long because then it would be a foot There's No Business Like toe business welcome to who has the longest jump in the cartoon Garden of Van ban today we'll be putting these fools through their Paces so if you enjoy this video and you want to see more like it smack that like button and subscribe if you're new it's free hello so if this is your first time seeing the cartoon Gardener bam band here's how you make one you see this Wiggly ink it's alive also this cartoon cat on the bottle that's how you know it's the real deal it also says caution could make you a cartoon and that's exactly what I hope it does so then you simply pour it on the creature you want to turn like ban ban and there you go just make sure you don't miss because the bottle does vanish so for our first challenge we're just gonna eat these six over the bridge and see who goes the furthest we got Bam Bam bambolina Captain fiddles Joshua the bird and Stinger Flynn look at those gloves and so goofy Bam Bam will go first here he is walking ah there he is running he's doing the wiggle the famous cat wiggle the it's a high jump he's chlorine sky but he didn't have much speed at least the cat's not in the river it's banned by the cat does anyone know anyway up next is bamberlina usually a very similar jumper similar run style seems perhaps even slower got a cheeky little slap going on oh she bounced off the bridge into the river oh it's a nightmare all right Captain fiddles I would salute you sir but I don't have fingers here he goes doing the wiggle as well he's also incredibly what the height though but he has hit the ceiling ah oh no wait he bounced off of her head what does this mean it means they're both so kick wet Josh is up next he's the biggest of the six look at him oh and here comes the wiggle he's also doing some sort of weird jaw thing and ah wait has he beat him he has he's taking the lead appeal a bit look at those legs it's so skinny now this bird it can do a two-footed attack wait for it there it is also is it just wiggling its butt from side to side boom it's got a heavy head here it is walking and here it is running frantic like Frank we'll call him Frank the jump though actually quite decent I think the bird's taking the lead but it is the word all right Flynn you're the last hope he's got the most gloves will he have the most speed oh he's got the wiggle and extra legs to spare oh it's good oh it's so good but he has hit the ceiling but he's taking the lead flins your Champion for round one with the bird in second and Josh in third but now let's compare how the regular bam bans do so now I'm gonna eat the original six and see if they can beat their cartoon versions also there's a new version of Josh so we'll be eating both of them but we begin with regular ban ban the other one did make it and this one is gonna have beaten him regular is better there's one nil to the regulars bambolina will she make it all she has to do is get across the bridge because the other one went in the river in fact she's beaten Man Captain fiddles who also went straight in the river he's a little slower though okay hi I think he's making it is he making it he's not oh that's a win for the cartoons it's two to one all right regular Josh let's throw him over oh yeah oh yeah not as far as Flynn oh maybe by a forehead I think Flynn's hands are going further though but he definitely beat the other Josh that's 3-1 to the regulars up next is the bird cartoon bird did really well ah so is this one great flaps and he's taking the lead four one Flynn for the win if anyone's gonna struggle to beat the cartoon version It's Gonna Be Flynn and he hasn't it's 4-2 he's consumed ban bam he's wearing him like a wig so overall the regulars beat them 4-2 but some of the cartoons won now let's try Josh 2.0 I've never actually thrown him over the bridge and today's the day we're gonna do it he makes a lot of noise and his jump is honestly quite poor um for a dude that can climb I had higher hopes we can't win them all oh my God that's terrifying for Challenge number three I've removed the original Bam Bam creatures and we've just got the cartoons in their positions and this time they're facing the cursed versions is it better to have a longer tongue your heart sticking out no Chin bony leg spiky beak teeth let's find out of course Bam Bam with his back lumps is going first have a feeling they should all beat them the cursed versions are generally op and we've already got a new leader that's one nil to the cursed bambolina is up next she's got some arrows in her back will it slow her down ah it may be but she definitely beat the cartoon version fiddles oh forgot his ribs were sticking out that's gross he's slow though there's a chance there's a cartoon chance will he bounced off the wall oh he's just in front he could just see the eyes of the other one Joshua oh you got a spiky bag too gross the leap Sensational oh he's a monster he's in the lead by a forehead the bird will the bird make it five nil let's find out yes I think so look at that flap graceful Elegance it's in the lead that's five nil Flynn will you make it six yeah these curse ones are op oh why are them all the flints are so opinion it's like double the bird okay that's a six nil yeah the nightmares won round four round four I'm gonna be eating all of the cartoon creatures to see if a single one of them can beat Flynn and we begin with the regular Mouse does the mouse have what it takes his the answer is no demon Mouse you know he's peeled his own face off so maybe he can jump higher I don't know science no no we got a sheep that's standing up not the quickest but it is a sheep here we go ah are they all going on the boat a sheep on four legs here it goes four is better than two oh wait finally someone got past the boat okay now we're on to the shin demon and this thing is uh it's kind of op but is it enough no it's really not wow could you be one wearing any clothes up next is the old cat it's cartoon cat the original one the shiny one look there's those arms those famous arms the jump hands up it's so great ah at least the cat's not wet typical cat up next is Barry come on lad it's kind of doing an arm wiggle it's more of a hug pose oh there's the wiggle has he beaten the cat oh stacked on top here's my Sutton Gerald look at him he's beautiful kind of slow though oh come on Jerry you can do it you beat the Sheep now the new two cats oh look at that that's a sine wave If Ever I seen one ah there you go I nearly made it oh and somehow got wet nightmare which leaves only a cartoon siren head I know it's not an original one but I knew the others wouldn't do so great so we needed a backup plan and here it is hands out stretched no I still didn't do it Flynn remains King of the cartoons why does it look like Simon has four arms for our next challenge I'm gonna be turning all six of these fellas into Lego like so yup more Lego more Lego give me more Lego and you shall see how this changes how they jump but also completely randomizes their speed and jump distance so we begin with a man band he's all yellow and as you can see he's poo pooing out Lego pieces which can slow him down like that he's gotten stuck and I think he might be headed for the river he shall slowly fall and whilst he falls we will eat bambolina look at those stretch Lego pieces will she hit him on the way up or will she have enough momentum to keep going uh no she's still going no she's gotten stuck too uh oh we're about to find out bambani you're making it oh is no way by the tip of his little toe look how close it was Thumbelina though oh I think she's behind uh-oh is she gonna go in the river or on the sand oh the sand is she making it I don't think so oh how in the how in the gravity look at those teeth oh it's so gross oh if I hit them it sounds like Lego wait they poop Lego pieces if you hit them oh it's so satisfying oh god I've killed it why was she so weak what have I done but it can float too oh well she wasn't in the lead anyway so Captain fiddles you're next maybe if they if they don't take the lead I'll kill them maybe that'll be fun get all there he goes he's slow so therefore he's probably gonna get stuck too he did he's headed for the ship and whilst he does Josh sure Matt's done lad I think Josh went further than bamban so there's a chance he gets the momentum if he does as you can see oh oh no he's gotten stuck but he's making it meanwhile fiddles he's not doing so great maybe we can kill him on the way down how many Lego pieces is he made of oh somehow he just bounced forward a little bit hey you made it to the boat uh why won't he die good job I came with a backup he can't be killed are you kidding me you've got to be kidding me right meow why what's going on hello I guess he left meanwhile Josh has finally landed and taken an excellent lead which means Bam Bam your time is up why won't you die right that's it is this gonna work are you turns out they're Invincible that's never mind next to the appeal a bit the appealer bird originally did beat Josh but will it get lucky with the Lego steps or will I get stuck it's getting nice little bounces off its butt bird but oh it's taking late it's still going will it make it to the helipad it has comfortably oh which leaves only Flynn for the win will he do it arm stretched out look really cool as Lego dead or will he get stuck with all those legs and gloves oh the momentum's just too good look at the look at the bouncing he's going all the way to the back Flynn wins again next challenge I'll be breaking the bones of each creature this will randomize their jump distance and also make them hilarious how hilarious oh my God what am I done um that's not bad the bambolina you're next oh my oh my so intense today ah it fiddles yep okay Josh where is he oh he's eating himself the bird and Glenn the eyes come loose look at the broken legs man I'm so sorry I would start with bamban in his weird hat oh look at him look how he runs how will the wiggle be oh he's doing his past look at the length of the tongue hey it's actually way better than before bandelina barely recognizable honestly I'm gonna have difficulty telling who's who by the end of this the bambolina's oh she finally got out of the river and she's taking the lead fiddles you doing all right lad oh no oh it's really slow hey his legs are looking nice and long though the rest of them not so good and the jump is high he's going in the river though oh no wait he's on the boat Joshua look at him leaning forward focusing lean into it Josh don't chew your chest oh he's taking the lead up next is the bird and well um look at it from this angle that's so good oh it runs really weird it's got one leg coming out to the side kind of looks like he's carrying a paper parcel and the beds in third place which leaves Flynn Willy do as usual and just take the W or the F for Flynn I don't think he's doing it this time he's too broken which means if I recognize him correctly I think that's Josh see if we can uh yep that was Josh and then was this bambolina ah oh God yeah I think um yeah there's the bow Thumbelina was in second and then Flynn he was heard and the bird to fix this lad oh no problem I've got this I'm a surgeon what is that for our next challenge I'm gonna be merging cartoon creatures with the cartoon bam bam what cartoon cat relax he's he's a freak he's freaking out because his girlfriend's behind him just just ignore him we're gonna put them inside of the bang bang creatures like this uh it would also randomize the jump distance and well put a cat in his butt I guess bambolina gets the uh female cartoon oh God two ribbons an address fiddles gets the mouse in his eating his head where's the where is his face is that the mouse Jerry's going inside Josh Cherry oh no oh no I'm so sorry we're putting Berry inside the bird oh Barry is that is that normal is this fine and then I forgot to use the cartoon lion earlier so it's going inside what what does this we'll just have to uh oh what does this mean what is going on is he over there already where's he gone zooming in hands yeah I guess the Lions already made it I don't know so we begin with ban ban and the cat will it make ban ban quicker it seems to have that's a sensational jump almost to the helipad it's a little shrub bambolina with the with the cat that's a lot of legs that's a lot of arms look at those little legs coming out the bottom it's so gross and weird but it's taking the lead the fiddle's mouse how will it do it's quicker than last time I think it's making it is that fiddle's first time over the bridge nice Josh and Jerry the power of Gerald will it help him of the speeds there is it enough though he didn't go that high but he's always gone so far see stick a Jerry on your butt and you'll be fine up next is the bird with a Barry look at Barry's face he doesn't know what's going on but this is good almost to the entire look I can't believe it Barry Birds op and then finally Flynn Lin and the lion flying will it will he do some flying I don't know will it oh oh God they're stretching they're stretching he didn't win and the lion is still the Lion's still here what's going on but there you have it your winners burying the bird sounds like a band then Jerry and Josh girok Jerry up girash then it was a Flynn and the lion but there you have it if you've enjoyed this video and you want to see more jump challenges like this one smack that like button and subscribe if you're new it's free yellow
Channel: JustJoeKing
Views: 162,134
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Id: ytdHlRgOCf0
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Length: 13min 29sec (809 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 21 2023
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