Who Has The BEST Religious Habit?

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how're you doing I'm doing well nice to see ya it's a pleasure to see you did you have to get up at DC and they say I got up at 3:30 that's ridiculous yeah it's okay though what time do you usually get off as a Dominican it depends on the man I ordinarily get up at 5:15 okay it's just one area a morning prayer well morning prayer starts at 7:00 and then mass is to follow so yeah but 5:15 you get time to kind of freshen up now I'm sure when people interesting this I am what is it like walking through an airport dressed like you what is it like walking like an airport dressed like me um you know some people you know like would like to talk to you but plenty of people would not like to talk to you do you think some people have no idea what you are I suspect it's not like the Roman Cola where it's unambiguous actually I heard a man today as I passed him he said well he waved at me and then as I passed he goes oh that's a classical garb which made me think like what did he think I was initially like a wizard Oh both of what you think he waved first he waved firms then realized himself right so if you think you're being greeted on account of your religious affiliation that may not be the case thoroughly so yeah yeah was it awkward in the beginning and has it become less so um you know it I hard to say I think in like in the beginning I was more conscious of how people reacted to the fact of my wearing a habit but like now it's just kind of it's kind of par for the course and it's one of those things where like in addition to being cool and evangelical because it starts conversations it's also you know it's a penitential so it's just yeah you're you're weird and that's okay yeah kind of life you signed up for all my eggs are in the I'm weird for Jesus basket so I hope they must have been a sense of excitement that received the habit oh yeah undoubtedly and how long until you receive the habit when you have information for Dominican friars typically it's like two weeks no our postulates is like two weeks long yeah then you get the habit oh yeah you better believe I'm exaggerating two weeks no I would never exaggerate about that no it was literally two weeks then they put habit on you I entered on July 25th and I was given the habit on August 7th it doesn't feel like you've earned it no certainly not but it's a grace bingo set yourself up yeah okay yeah well sometimes you see these guys who join religious orders and they've got to wear that awkward slacks and big wooden cross yeah can I earn your stripes before you get the cool thing right yeah and then for women sometimes they were like kind of like blouse jumper skirt things as the worst that's what it is but yeah God love them but yeah we just gotta show up and look silly and unshaved and unhygenic and then they say be better and shaved and hygienic and we're like okay and they're like and here's the habits like well is it off to the hepa they want you to be more clean-cut no necessarily they just want us to be grown up and a lot of guys coming from college and they're like yeah I shave like every fourth day yeah whatever yeah you know actually this and they say everyday hey that was like one of our novice masters thing was like yeah this is like there's there's not gonna come a point in your life where you like your boss is going to say you need to look this this way yeah there's no like business professional conversation coming down the line so it may as well be now not a lot of Dominicans have big beards you reckon there's some people who started to think about the Dominicans puberty kicked in they went not fries at the renewal I think so in the Dominican legislation it used to be the case that you had to be clean-shaven the only guys who would grow beards would be the men who were going on the missions yeah for whatever reason and then in the Franciscan tradition yeah it's always been big beards or bust so I think they the reasons they list in the Capuchin legislation is that it should be like austere and masculine and ugly I think it's like really yeah I mean like part of it is that you have to look ugly yeah I mean on uglify yourself I think that's I could be miss I mean I could be misquoting I haven't read their little seek on behalf of the Franciscans but ya know they own it for sure yeah I'm some you know gel now what do you think the best male religious habit is Wow bold strategy the decision do you really yeah let's I want to show you in case you haven't seen it the Franciscan friars let's look at him here friars of the renewal because I actually discerned the fries for a while okay and a big part of it was their habit was just awesome yeah I was just with some fries two weeks ago the guys from New Mexico were in Nashville preaching a big old conference at the Grand Ole Opry the joy that these blokes have is just beautiful yeah they're the real deal I went and lived with them well I say live with him I went and did a discernment thing with in England okay actually this looks like the same place I stayed in England I might be wrong about that judging by the cabinet just as cabinetry I'm mighty this day I can but yeah I love that that's awesome yeah it's simple it's also in one piece which for those who wear a dominican habit it's in like three or four pieces what are you wearing at to business so I'm wearing a tunic and I'm wearing a belt and a rosary and then I'm wearing a scapular and I'm wearing a caboose Holy Mother so in my father's house there are many habit parts I go to prepare ahead dominican habit now this is pretty code you know this guy uh no we haven't met do you think he's really a Dominican I suspect as much he looks like he's spanish-speaking and that looks like a pretty convent so I'd suspect that he's from like Spain oh really yeah I know these blokes who then they're they they're part of my province that's where we do our novitiate yeah some of these guys are information presently now tell us about the black cape black cape we call it a Kappa cuz that's a fancy Latin word for you guessed it cape but that's different from Capetian which is Kapoor Sh right which has to do with the hood yeah so it's all based off the same word so the word in Latin is kaput which means head and so like a caboose is what covers your head and the reason for which you know people have ways of explaining stuff yeah and usually it's it's fine but usually the way that these things come about is just as a result of practicalities yep so contemplatively jizz have cabooses because they need to cover their heads because they're always praying in churches in Europe that are cold and drafty so that's the whole thing yeah yeah so that's it cool head scarf but and in fact this is where we get the word cappuccino there goes the brown habit that the Italians wore right yeah yeah is the foot yeah the forerunner of said delicious drink yeah sometimes frothy sometimes okay we can look up one more habit I you know I think the sisters of life have a better habit than the Dominican Sisters there you go I just said it boom okay I think why isn't to state your reasons I will and I'm about to do that because you look at a color with a plum here we go okay here's why the Dominican Sisters gosh they're all so beautiful I love sisters I've never met a sister I hadn't fallen in love because it's the Dominican habit but they added Australian either she yeah that's why she's the prettiest I just met her I just met her in Toronto really yeah she's a cool lady oh she lives in Toronto - I just met her recently sister Katherine joy she's something raisin everybody yeah but no that is that's the argument it they've taken the dominican habit and they've improved it with the dark blue you just think blue is better than white well yeah it adds some variation you think the very I mean we have a black belt I mean like check out this thing this is like hugely variable well let's look at the Dominican Sisters though I mean you said this was the last one I know you're a liar yeah this no one's gonna watch this you know it's fun yeah yeah they're all gorgeous this this is I don't know this is either the greatest habit of the second greatest habit okay yeah cuz that you waffling often see a little bit the sisters of life I think is better than this but I haven't fully decided yet because this is glorious practical consideration argument the reason that white was chosen was because it was the cheapest material it's undyed wool is that right yeah so it's like eminently practical it has no real like spiritual significance assigned to it except after 30 nothing like did you get that in like the subsequent tradition but it's just like yeah this was cheap which is like the same reason the mother Teresa chose her habit when she was about she was like what the sisters of Loretto and then she had this like profound experience that God was calling me to do something new and right before she got on some whatever it was like a train or a plane or a blah blah blah she had to she had to like get a habit for her congregation and she just went in the marketplace and she found like two sarees that she could sew together that were the cheapest thing she could find is that right that's it was born yeah so oftentimes it's a matter of just what's ready at hand well that's why I heard that about the fur that's the argument for why the Franciscan have it was originally gray mm-hm yeah not brown because I but wouldn't that be dyed if it were great um I don't know how things work but I met in like dirty lambs sheep sheep Lambs they probably come out great I guess so when my my wife actually December the sisters of wife oh nice okay and so whenever I see them it's like meeting the boyfriend that I beat ah not really that's kind of weird but is I support you thank you yo thanks for watching you can watch the entire episode on YouTube if you want you can listen to it at the map read show by subscribing on iTunes 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Channel: Pints With Aquinas
Views: 60,676
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Catholic, funny, philosophy, dominicans, sisters of the poor, sisters of life, habit, monks, religious
Id: 9TpLzRooInk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 53sec (533 seconds)
Published: Fri May 24 2019
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