The Real Difference Between Franciscans and Dominicans W/ Fr. Gregory Pine

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yep well what about a Franciscans cuz hasn't there been these all those jokes about Dominicans and Franciscans and then their infighting right whoa talk a bit about like is there because you don't know much about the Carmelites but you said that I didn't use it but um thanks yeah well bloody hell I guess we'll move on but presumably you know a bit about the history between Dominicans and Franciscans obviously originating for similar reasons around the same time but as far as the the disagreements okay so I'd say the kind of difference between Franciscans and Dominicans is some of its historical just based on the origins of the two different orders and then some of its more philosophical theological so I think that historically they grew up out of different movements within the church so st. Dominic was a Canon mm-hmm which is to say he was a priest and he was a religious a kind of monitor of the cathedral and so dominican life always has a kind of clerical shape and there's a real emphasis put on sacramental ministry and on the preaching specifically like pulpit preaching whereas it seems that the Franciscan movement kind of grew out of the penitential life yeah so which would have been a lay movement and you encounter this in a variety of forms in the 13th and 14th century like the big ins but oftentimes there were people who would follow maybe a charismatic preacher but they would adopt a life of strict penance as a way of conforming themselves to the Lord but they were typically not permitted to preach except by moral exhortation because typically they didn't have the kind of education that would give them the scope for preaching now things have changed you know in Franciscans get just as much education as do Dominicans but I think Anthony of Padova Bonaventure sure yeah but those but those kind of tendencies still obtain within the order and so the Franciscans tend to be less clerical so that more Franciscans would not be ordained priests and Dominicans most of whom are ordained priests historically and then they tend to have more of an emphasis on the life of well this is this is yeah you could describe this in a billion ways but yeah there there's a big emphasis on their fraternity right and then I guess Dominicans you would say there's a big emphasis on the pastoral fatherhood and then with the Dominicans this there's this kind of like moral exhortation but that it's we expressed through the common life of the Brethren and their dependence upon God has exhibited in poverty and then in Dominicans that there wouldn't be the same emphasis right but there would be instead this kind of preaching apostolate and the life of study that would be requisite for and sanctifying of so that's a lot of words but here's like a kind of summary thought I I want to Franciscan University of Steubenville and I you know lived there and benefited from the witness and the life of the Franciscans for which I am very grateful and also from their preaching and I can tell you that I know a lot about st. Francis because of their preaching whereas I don't really know much about st. dominic from the preaching of the Brethren because friends Francis looms large in their tradition and specifically his desire for evangelical radicality he wanted to be an evangelical man in a way that just almost defies imitation and so like a lot of people say that all the Franciscans are always splitting up there so fractious but when you're when you're when your model is Saint Francis and you want to live by his rule and his Testament by an ideal put in such stark form that it's quite natural that you would always have this tendency towards an evangelical or affection yeah exactly whereas in the Dominicans you know st. Dominic was kind of like more I suppose more modest in the I mean that like if you have such as more modest in the ideal that he proposed and it's it's kind of accommodated - yeah like a good friar but not a great friar so he demands of you a certain you know you have to step up right but there he kind of affords space for the creeping mediocrity of man while still encouraging one to a life that is radical I asked a Dominican once why why are there so many splits in the Franciscan Order and not the Dominicans and he said kind of what you just said that the Franciscans followed Francis we followed the role of st. Dominic right yeah that's a good summer the person is much more interpretive all sure hmm yeah so so st. st. Francis in the under the poverty is juggler you know he's here Our Lady's tumblr I think is what st. st. G K Chesterton calls uh right he like describes him as like making somersaults and then seeing the world upside down and in so seeing it he sees it as it is you know for like what what to us seen great achievements like hell tower excellent edifice Azhar actually just cleaning to the surface of the earth as they Teeter above the void so st. Thomas in his in his radical humility excuse me st. st. Francis and his radical humility saw things as they were and he lived his life with that kind of reckless abandon hmm GK Chesterton tells a story where he was minding his father Pietra Bernardo nice cloth booth and that a poor man came and asked him for alms and he kind of held him off for a second while he finished a transaction that guy left and he was just astonished at his callousness and so he took up all the earnings from the day and plunged through the streets of Assisi found that mandamus towed upon him all his riches and Chesterton says something like and he hasn't any and he never ceased careening from that point on so there's a kind of careening spirit and the Franciscan Order you know which is awesome and is like meant to be of service and of inspiration to the universal church one of the beautiful things I love about the Catholic Church I mean we look at orthodoxy they have there's not religious orders there's the monks and then there's the priests and I suppose prior to the mendicant orders that was far fewer orders as well yeah but it's kind of beautiful to have these different expressions responding to different things I think yeah it's it feels like it's much more engaging with the world and the issues of the world to bring all to Christ ya know so I I certainly like and sometimes it can sound like overly irenic and patronizing to say like I love everyone and everyone's great but but for whatever reason in my own life the Lord made his will known through men of different religious congregations yeah so I had you know great mentors at Steubenville who were Franciscans the summer that I got excited about being on me becoming a priest the one place where I went often for Mass in adoration because it was like the only place in Portland Maine where I could find a duration was a Jesuit Father recently ordained father Matthew Manik who's a Jim you should have him on the show yeah and you know like I mean and then I would used to go on Wednesday nights and Kenny Moore kennebunk main to this monastery of Franciscans who were from I want to say like Lithuania one of those three countries like Lithuania lot for your Estonia but they sounded like Count Dracula and somebody like the blood of Christ yeah but so I just had the witness of these different men in my life that really wanted me to you know like kind of encouraged me to think about it but yeah to become a Dominican and the only Dominican that I had met at that point was st. Thomas in a book so [Music] hey if you enjoyed that clip you will absolutely love the full interview so click right there to enjoy the whole thing also a big thanks to these groups who made that interview possible learn more in the show notes below about these guys they're absolutely incredible and honored to have them as sponsors oh and also if you haven't subscribed yet click Subscribe and in that Bell button that way YouTube will be forced to let you know when we put out more content
Channel: Pints With Aquinas
Views: 79,946
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Keywords: Christian, Catholic, Podcast, Discussion, Clip, Fradd, God, Faith, Thomism, Pints With Aquinas, Saints, Thomas Aquinas, Francis, St Thomas, St. Dominic, Monk, order, Dominican, Franciscan
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 7sec (427 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 02 2020
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