Who Exactly is...Zero? [PART 2]

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hey you do you want to remain a see rank forever subscribe to rep load Revo and show me what you're made of rep late Revo is brought to you by these contributors on patreon if you'd like to see more content like this more often as well as original content consider becoming a patron today for exclusive content assets and early access want to show your support and get a piece of Revo for yourself check the links below for merch and other items [Music] zero the ace maverick hunter 21:xx era had fought long and hard to protect the world for mavericks and whatever other threats humanity and Reptoids may face however after realizing that Zira himself was the cause of the spread of the maverick virus which led to such large scale terrors such as the Reptoid and living virus sigma and the nightmare virus zero decided that enough was enough and turned himself over to the maverick hunters and their crack team of experts scientists to allow his mind and body to be studied so that perhaps a cure could be found rather than allow himself to inadvertently spread the virus wherever he went he would now make the ultimate sacrifice to ensure it could be cured sure enough an as-of-yet named brilliant female scientist as well as the genius rep lloyd researcher dr. while both managed to combine their efforts and develop what would become known as the mother elf the mother elf is a sentient being made up of data and energy able to exist in both the physical world and the mysterious parallel dimension known as cyberspace by manipulating cyberspace the mother elf was able to influence the real world effectively granting her reality altering powers but most importantly this afforded her the ability to completely cure all Marik's on a massive scale maverick hunter x who had become a world leader at this point as well as the most elite maverick hunter in the world held talks with the world governments and authorities in power to discuss how to use this new immense power 1x would use the mother elf to cure all Mavericks in the world and all future Mavericks eliminating a need to fight Reptoids ensuring humans and Reptoids can live in peace and prosperity or number 2 doctor while however proposed that the mother elf be used to control all rep loads in the world eliminating their free will led by a single all-powerful rep Lloyd who could harness the mother elfs power even with no more maverick infections Rep Lloyd's could still use their free will to defy humans which was a risk while did not want to take this was dubbed project LPS X's plan won out however and was given executive authority to use the Mother what Sigma managed to do during their Eurasia colony crash by infecting the entire world with this virus in a single day the mother elf was able to reverse in about the same amount of time an overwhelming majority of mavericks in the world suddenly ceased to exist reverted back to their normal state for a brief period in history the world enjoyed peace prosperity and coexistence between humans and Reptoids however this was not good enough for dr. Weil by amassing conspirators who shared his sentiments dr. Weil set in motion a series of schemes which allowed him to create two copies of the mother elf known as the baby elves as well as obtained zeros original body which was still separated from his mind for study using this body he implanted a personality known as Omega which would bring out the full potential of zeros latent power using Omega and the power of the baby elves to create legions of mavericks while launched a massive attack on the world cementing himself as the ultimate authority this sparked a war in the later half of the 21 XX era which would become known as the elf wars so named because it was fought using cyber elves sentient programs that shares similar powers to the mother elf all born from her initial design the goal of this war was to obtain the mother elf and combine her power with Omega so that while it could control all Rep Lloyd's on the planet and enforced project LPS on the world as he originally intended but X and the maverick hunters would not let this stand zeros mind was placed into a copy body which was virtually identical to the one that Omega was currently occupying and had stolen together X and 0 teamed up for one last mission to stop Omega and while together they were able to take down Omega but could not destroy him instead his body was restrained and his powers kept sealed as he was sent into orbit around the earth for all eternity in just four short years 60% of all humans were eradicated from the world and 90% of all rep lights lost their lives the face of the planet was forever devastated as a scorched earth where no life could prosper all but one place known as neo Arcadia the last major piece of civilization dr. Weil was apprehended and for destroying the world he was placed inside of a cybernetic body which would keep him alive forever cursed to wander the wastelands that he created never to be allowed back into civilization again the humans of the world would come to respect acts and grew to see him as their leader as he helped set humanity back towards recovery from within neo Arcadia as ruler in the Arcadia X was kind and just and has seen that the world was finally at peace once again zero on the other hand would go back into hiding sealed away in a lab once more to continue the studies never to be disturbed trusting that X had things under control from here however while was not yet finished somehow while had managed to curse the mother elf turning her from good to bad her powers were soon going to peak and she would wreak havoc and devastation on the planet once again while the mother elf was being held in Yggdrasil a sealing facility for her powers she began to surge with energy and would break free to cause chaos and destruction again but X had had enough using his body as a sort of lock he sat down on a solemn throne inside of Yggdrasil and used his body to hold back the mother else powers now dubbed the Dark Elf the strain of holding back such immense power shattered X's mind but his body was all that he needed to restraint the dark elf with X gone the governments of neo Arcadia needed to uphold the illusion that X was still alive and well or else panic would ensue that once again the world was seemingly in peril a brilliant young scientist known as CL was tasked with creating a replacement for X known as copy X indistinguishable from the original CL had created the world's first perfect copy of Megaman X however the one thing she couldn't copy was X's soul for a time copy X was a good ruler following in the original axis footsteps but over time he became corrupt and began to prioritize the health and safety of humans over Reptoids you see there was an energy crisis at hand and copy X a solution to it was to deprive Reptoids of the energy they needed to live and give it to the humans instead for the humans would come to idolize the real X this was paradise but for the Reptoids it was hell on earth any Reptoids seeking to leave neo arcadia or even so much as try to put their own well-being above humans was marked as a maverick feeling guilt for the monster that she had inadvertently created CL chased a rumor to find the resting place of zero with a handful of defectors who had also escaped from neo Arcadia to join her she and her team found zero in an abandoned lab to CREP it and badly damaged as neo Arcadian soldiers gave chase CL was out of time to properly revive zero and make the necessary repairs giving up her life Pasi Ciel's nursed hype cyber elf used her powers to revive zero awakened and fully repaired zero immediately sensed the danger coming for CL and himself and defeated the neo Arcadian forces however all was not well zero seems to have lost his memories barely even knowing who he is himself nearing the exit to the lab Ciel is grabbed by a golem an old war machine from the elf wars zero tried his best to damage the beast with his Buster shot but it was no match for its tough armor suddenly a computer in the lab boots up and a familiar voice comes from the screen offering zero a lost weapon but one all-too-familiar to him the z saber picking it up zero is quickly able to destroy the golem and rescue CL once safely back to the run-down resistance base CL makes our case to zero pleading for him to help in the fight against neo Arcadia and to stop repla oppression zero agrees and sets forth on his new mission memories are not following what he knows to be right in his heart no matter the time no matter the place no matter the circumstances zero will always protect those in need this iteration of zero appears to be 5 foot 2 inches tall we know this because by measuring the Kotobukiya megaman model kit which is a 1/10 scale kit we can extrapolate his actual height I'll spare you the math but basically comparing the scales and heights of Megaman and zero for these kits we arrive at 5 foot 2 inches according to Mega Man X official Complete Works zeroes original body was 5 foot 7 inches tall that is to say his X series body given that we have hard numbers to go by and model kit scales and book sources to cross-reference this confirms that zero actually did undergo a literal physical change between his X era body and the one that he has in Mega Man Zero proving that this new look is not just an art style change but a measurably different body please watch the bunker buster moving on 0 of course still has his trademark blonde hair although it seems to no longer be in a ponytail judging by the lack of a band around the back and seems to simply spill out of the back of his helmet it also was not nearly as thick and has a tendency to splay out more zeros eyes have also changed slightly moving from their usual blue to light blue in X 8 and back to this darker purple blue hybrid and Mega Man Zero most notably zeros Armour has been stripped away to seemingly appear as thick clothes his trademark chest plate has been replaced with what seems to be a jacket resembling the style of the era as Ciel also wears a similar jacket but in pink Zero's arms are also no longer simple cylinders and shape covering rods and pistons but instead are actual synthetic muscles which can flex and Bend this new sleeker style of roughly body is universal in that all rep Lloyd seem to now resemble humans but wearing armor at a glance it's impossible to tell them apart zero is only remaining gem now on his body seems to be greenish in tint now rather than its original blue color but retains the same shape and placement on his forehead as far as zeros physical abilities go it retains all of the same abilities that his x-series counterpart had including a - despite no longer having - Jets on his feet while kicking chargeable weapons and other such abilities however some obvious differences are present zero who had been using his built-in arm-mounted z buster less and less has now swapped it out for a handgun which functions virtually the same now called the Buster shot please note in the original release of Mega Man 0 1 this handgun was mistakenly called the Z Buster all future games great releases and source books however make the distinction of calling it the Buster shot this is because the handgun is not a unique weapon made specifically for 0 it's actually a standard weapon built during the elf wars with zero used and was carried by a resistance member who was tragically shot down by new Arcadian forces the handgun that Xero uses throughout the Mega Man Zero series was picked up from this fallen soldier interestingly this Buster shot can actually hold zeros easier which slots into the slide part of the gun enabling the ability for charged shots which the Buster shot cannot perform on its own if the sivir is not slotted in this could mean that by the time of the elf wars weapons like X and zeros had become standardized it would only make sense to give as many soldiers weapons as powerful as theirs in the middle of such a devastating war speaking of the Z saber that too has undergone some radical changes described as incorporating Mega Buster mark 17 technology into its design the zc Birkenau also hold a charge just like X's X Buster this enables the saber to be charged up and release explosive energy in the form of a slash attack which creates a splash of energy upwards and forwards disintegrating anything caught in its path and most obviously of course the z saber now has a triangular-shaped blade sabers in the x-series seem to have a variety of blade types we've seen the unruly and powerful fluid style bleeds which resemble flames and electricity creating large slashes through the air when they are swung and we have also seen concentrated shrink bleeds which seem to be more precise and swift these blades of course can take on a variety of shapes as seen by Sigma and x1 agile of the ex Hunter's Sigma again and x4 with his site and dynamo with his double ended saber and many others but this blade seems to be a solid shape that is translucent when looking at it from any angle and does not appear to be crackling with any sort of energy nor does it even seemed to glow very brightly however its cutting ability is unparalleled often cleaving enemies clear in half leaving scorch marks along the cut many of the blade weapons of this era seem to also follow this triangular design the reason for choosing this triangular shape is unknown one thing to note is that in Mega Man 0 1 & 2 the zc of our sprite in game is a straight blade sort of similar to a katana in shape however in all of the artwork for every single game it is shown to be triangular this triangular blade only finally appears in Mega Man 0 3 and 4 and looks quite nice in motion it makes me wonder why they waited so long to implement it considering it was already in all of their artwork as far as canon goes we typically look to the artwork of the games to first determine the official look of characters and weapons using this logic even though the sprites for the saber and even the Buster shot do not necessarily match the in-game sprites the implication is that they are intended to look the way they do in the artwork along with this news easier comes a whole SLU of new weaponry developed by servo of the resistance using the existing sabers technology servo was able to create variations of zero saber the triple rod was one of the first effectively this weapon turns the z saber into a spear which can be extended up to three times using a telescoping handle each time it is extended there is a short burst of thrust that comes from the shaft of the weapon ensuring powerful stabs zero can also aid the spear directionally and hit enemies coming at him from any angle zero can also jump and aim the spear directly downwards and bounce off of enemies repeatedly if he is skilled enough when charged however the rod is spun at a high speed and a second blade seems to emit from the back turning it into a double spear which can hit targets rapidly for immense damage this weapon however was then improved upon again by servo turning it into the chain rod instead of three long segments the triple rod now separates into many smaller segments each separated with a blade and has increased reach turning it into a sort of whip and grappling hook style weapon as before zero can aim the chain rod in any direction but can also pull objects and enemies towards him that are impaled on the end of the chain furthermore if zero aims the chain rod at a wall or ceiling he can grapple onto it and swing from it as before when charged the rod retracts into a solid rod and is spun exactly the same way as the triple rod the third iteration of the rod type weapons is the recoil rod now instead of a spear or a chain type weapon zero is equipped with a pair of tongs alike weapons which produce a rapid stabbing motion as zero throws left and right punches repeatedly like always the weapon can be aimed in all directions however when charged the recoil rod releases a massive burst of energy and can punt enemies and objects away at high speeds until they crash into a wall and are destroyed by the impact should zero point this weapon at a wall or floor he will be flung himself in the opposite direction allowing for very large jumps perhaps the one weapon that has changed the least across all megaman zero games is the shield boomerang as the name implies it is a shield weapon made up of spinning saber energy which can deflect shots back to attackers when charged up completely the shield can be thrown for devastating damage and will loop back towards zero to catch this unique mix of defense and offense can be extremely useful when used properly finally zero is also given a unique weapon unlike all the others known as the Z knuckle contrary to what it sounds like this is not a punching weapon instead zero now has a special chip implanted in his palms which allows him increased arm strength which can be used to grab rip and tear weapons off of enemies or just completely destroy them when encountering an enemy with a shield for instance zero can gank the shield right off of them exposing them to damage if an enemy has a gun mounted on them zero can destroy the enemy and keep the gun part for himself allowing him to turn their own weapons against his enemies furthermore it's increased grip and arm strength allows zero to rip away environmental hazards such as vines and debris faster than if you were to just spend his time slashing away on its usefulness is debatable but when holding the right weapon for the right situation it can make or break a mission another interesting change is that zero seems to have new innate abilities rather than the traditional learning system as you are used in the past zero can now learn ax skills by defeating bosses based on the game you are playing however the conditions to learn these skills varies nevertheless zero can now learn new techniques that are not necessarily directly based on the boss that he is defeated some techniques are universal and carry over between games such as rolling slashes rising slashes and other special kinds of Buster shots and even blade beams all of which are influenced by what kind of element zero is equipped with at the time this means that zero may be able to perform a rising slash attack but when equipped with a fire element this rising slash now becomes a flaming rising slash I almost forgot to mention across the zero series there is a new system for weaknesses which relies on neutral element electricity fire and ice these act as modifiers for all sorts of attacks and often radically changes the function of the e X skills I just mentioned it's rather complicated and changes drastically between the games so to keep things simple for now just know this DX skills are techniques that can be learned from beating bosses they may not be based on the boss that was defeated and may appear in multiple games elemental ships can modify the behaviors of these skills and some cannot be performed at all unless the correct element or form as equipped 0 also obtains an ability called forms which are not always used in every game forms are basically modifications to zeros body which enable new abilities some of these abilities are extremely useful while others are barely noticeable for instance the rising form allows zeros third slash in his Sabre combo to be an upward slash which does not reach as far forward but does reach higher above him as best I can tell this does not do any more damage than a normal slash and covers less area around zero in general so its usefulness is debatable admittedly though I found myself using this form the most just because it looked really cool most useful forms offer zeros abilities such as increased defense running speed and other movement options not normally available to him some offer him double attack power at the cost of taking double damage some even offer him all the powers of every other form at once it's certainly a unique system but it's not consistent across the games possibly as part of this system in Mega Man 0 3 it is possible to acquire special parts for each part of 0 such as his boots chest and head allowing for a combination of augmentations like double jumps increased defense and increased effectiveness from pickups in all 0 has many familiar traits from the X series but as we can see here also has enough new features to show that he has leagues apart these powers are certainly needed to face the new threats in the year of 22 XX make use of your weapons wisely and adjust your loadout accordingly Zuma's personality in Mega Man Zero has not changed too much from the Mega Man X era aside from his loss of memory we come to find that zero is still the same zero we know and love which is actually a major point of the overall plot of these games one thing I have noticed however is that 0 is a lot more serious and on edge in these games even going so far as to appear angry and sometimes harsh when speaking to others in one exchange between 0 and cl-cl speaks up about something important and zero essentially yells at her to keep quiet while I understand that the situation was tense it definitely seems like he could have worded things better I always kind of wished that he apologized to her after that exchange throughout all four games however there is an underlying tone of seriousness and solemn silence that zero has carried with him his whole attitude seems to be a general sense of anger and duty I can't say I blame him however he woke up missing his memories in a world destroyed by an unknown enemy and has found out that the evil dictator currently making life miserable for his species was once his best friend that's kind of a lot to process zero is very much learning how his new world works while working through the frustration of not knowing who he is how he got there and what he's going to do right out of the gate it's as though the entire world is asking him for favors that only he can perform he hasn't even figured out his name yet before being asked to save the world that must surely weigh heavy on anyone's head but rather than go into these new challenges with confusion and whining zero simply groups the Seibert and make sure to keep his resolve through it all so what may appear as a cold and unfeeling exterior at first could simply be the result of zero trying to come to grips with his new surroundings with dignity and purpose as the games carry on zero learns more and more about his past and who he was as a person when confronting copy X at the end of Megaman zero one zero states that he must be fighting a copy because he knows in his heart the real X wouldn't be so weak he makes the claim that even though his mind has forgotten his body remembers the booming strength of X and that this imposter couldn't possibly live up to his legacy zero keeps strong friends as his company and holds them to a high standard bits and pieces of his memories start to come back to him as the game series progresses until it's finally revealed in Mega Man Zero 3 the zero was actually in a copy body and Omega is using his original body perhaps as a show of zeroes maturity and resolve when faced with the task of destroying his own body he shows no hesitation materialistic dr. Weil is shocked at this showing that he only values zero as a tool but zero understands that it is his heart and soul that makes him who he is and not just his body this is proof enough as he manages the foil while at Omega using nothing but an imitation body ironically enough the thing that copy X was missing to be great was not his body no matter how perfect of a copy it was or the strength that he was built with but the heart that the real X had retro actively proving zeros point a lesson that copy X was too late to learn zero can be summed up as thus in the Mega Man Zero series regardless of the circumstances time place or body he inhabits he will always have the same heart if an enemy stands before him he will cut them down if someone is in danger he will keep them safe these are the things most important to zero as long as he can keep doing that nothing else matters initially Mega Man Zero was intended to be a one-off game furthermore the original story for Mega Man Zero featured zero fighting the real Mega Man X and not copy X the reason for this was not known outside of there being a big twist at some point speculation for why this could be is that after 100 years of fighting and ruling over Humanity in neo Arcadia had made X jaded the change from real X to copy X was made very late in the production of the game in response to Capcom developing Megaman X 6 unbeknownst to the series leader Keiji Inafune a due to the change in story from x5 to x6 in athenais had to make several changes to the plot of Megaman zero so that the continuity of the games would make sense one of these changes was to replace the real X with copy X it's possible that upon second thought the team felt that players would not respond well to fighting the real Megaman X as a villain when he had been such a beloved hero all the time before one thing to note however is that cyber FX seems to us still than a plot point in this original draft of the story how cyber alpha X could exist at the same time as real X ruling neo Arcadia is unknown how did cyber FX become separated from the real X however what this does imply is that the story we are given in Mega Man Zero is actually still very close to the original draft the only major change is that real axis simply called copy X and Cl is credited with his creation further evidence of these changes were made last minute is the discrepancy in the sprite for copy X versus the mugshot image of him when he speaks copy X has Mega Man Zero era ears on the parts of his helmet just like zero has but his mugshot image shows X era ear-cups instead this could be a holdover from when X was intended to be the real Megaman X instead of a copy as all of the mug shots for the game appear to be drawn artwork and not sprites that can be easily edited as mentioned earlier the Z saber in the first two games is a normal kind of sword blade despite all of the artwork showing a triangle-shaped blade there is also some artwork for Mega Man Zero which sometimes depicts zero using two sabers at once despite him only having one saber in his possession however servo seems to imply that he built the rod family of weapons from zero z saber technology so perhaps zero has one Sabre given to him by cyber FX in the abandoned lab and maybe servo gives him a second one that can transform into the rod type weapons and that during gameplay we only see zero use a single Sabre but perhaps the rod weapons can also convert into a regular z saber furthermore zero also has two holsters on his thighs which seems to fit the z saber handle versus the holster zero originally has on his backpack in his x series design further evidence that this is not just an art style change as Zorro would have to physically holster his weapon differently no such holster seems to exist for zeros Buster however earlier I mentioned how zero can dash without the use of dash jetsam better than his feet this implies that perhaps zero is dashing as a sort of forward leap or some other form of propulsion not visible to the naked eye there is even a soft footstep sound when initiating the dash one nifty feature of Mega Man Zero that I wish was implemented into all Megaman games is that when performing a dash wall kick zero will use a different wall kicking sprite than usual instead 0 will look as though he is performing a leap off of the wall facing away from it to emphasize the strength in his push off from the wall this kind of sprite looks especially impressive when performing successive wall kicks left and right up a wall but is sadly missing from Mega Man ZX and all other Megaman X Games in all games besides Megaman zero one through four - wall kicks only produce a normal walking animation when performing an aerial attack in Mega Man Zero if the player holds down the attack button and the down button zero will keep his weapon extended during his fall instead of retracting it back this allows for a continuous attack on your path down when CL finds zero in the abandoned lab zero is missing both of his arms and his jacket showing that the jacket he wears is additional armor but not necessarily part of his body and can be removed exposing a black colored body beneath y zero is missing his arms and jacket is unknown though it could be that for security reasons zero was disarmed following the elf Wars so that study on his body could be continued this would also explain why his easy breh was kept in a compartment in the lab and given to him by cyber elf X who seemed to be living in the computer nearby in the event that zero wakes up also of interest is that the abandoned lab has sprite data not normally visible during gameplay which references something from zeros past seen here via hacking the camera to show the full destroyed wall of the lab there is a warning logo that resembles the logo seen on canisters found in zeros warehouse or Sigma first fought with him furthermore the writing on the wall even says virus on it this could mean that the warning logo is seen on the wall and on the canisters found around zeros warehouse indicates that there is a virus inside which can presumably be released and weaponized this further links zeros past his virus and the eventual study of that virus for a cure together in Mega Man Zero anytime you defeat an enemy with a Z sabre be split in half along some angle before explosion this is even true for boss characters this shows the inner workings of the Reptoid in most cases burning red from the heat of the blade this happens for any bladed weapon including the shield boomerang but weapons like the rock type weapons are excluded shooting bosses and enemies though results in no outward damage and they simply explode in Mega Man Zero - when fighting Phoenix Magnum he has a chance of performing an attack where he summons for spectres of Reptoids closely tied to zeros pets these four spectres are vile agile bit and Colonel vile because zero sacrificed himself to save X from wild right Armour agile because he was one of the X hunters who stole his parts colonel because he was zeros friend rival and then enemy during the events of X 4 and ultimately caused iris to turn against him when Colonel was defeated and finally Vic fit appears to be the odd one out because there is no prior history of bit fighting with zero in any of the games in X 3 0 is playable to a small degree but will swap out with X when entering a boss room meaning he will always fight bit as X and can never fight him as 0 however during the intro cutscene of X 5 we see flashes of events that happened across the Megaman X time line one of these images includes zero fighting bit who is sporting his shield another item that he never uses in the games however the shield is featured in his artwork this could mean that off screen in events not depicted in the games that 0 once confronted bit during the events of a doppler hound incident may be 0 destroyed bits shield which is why we never see him fighting X with it who can say for sure why these 4 were chosen 0 in his Mega Man Zero form has appeared in several fighting games one of which was Onimusha blade warriors in this side-scrolling Smash Bros style fighting game 0 is an unlockable character with a handful of different forms as seen in Mega Man Zero 2 which was the latest 0 game out of the time another appearance was in Capcom vs. SNK chaos a fighting game developed by SNK which featured a variety of fighters from both companies repertoire of franchises interestingly Zira has a set of attacks in this game which features cyber elves that can help and support him if the sprites are to be believed cyber elves are not the tiny creatures we make them out to be some of these cyber elves take on a more human when they aren't in their baby stages and are as tall as zero is sometimes even larger than he is considering that Cyprus our digital beings with reality changing powers it would only make sense that their size and shape can vary wildly furthermore if they were used to fight a war I just can't imagine a bunch of tiny balls of light zipping around shooting each other it's likely that many of these cyber elves were full-sized full-bodied entities fighting alongside soldiers and warriors on the battlefield in some early concept art zero and X are seen together in a design that seems a bit closer to their x-series designs Ciel is also seen but she appears to be a rep Lloyd now instead of a human quite similar to a Leah I might add this could imply that X and zero were intended to work together but other concept art does show mass-produced versions of X like the Pantheon Tsar in the final game originally before there was going to be a Mega Man Zero for it T creates the developers of the series intended for the game to end at Mega Man Zero 3 this however would have left a plot hole in my opinion on what to do about dr. wild sure Omega was defeated at the end of 0-3 but while was still around were they just going to leave him alone it's not like we see him get defeated killed or captured so was he just going to wander around until his next evil scheme in any case instead of zero for they intended to make a zero 1.5 which would have taken place between 0 1 and 0 2 and followed zeros journey through the scorched world before being found again by Ciel in zero 2 as a result the Z knuckle was intended to be a weapon for this supposed entry in the series 2 showcased zeros current makeshift state in having to be resourceful out of the field by himself without servo 2 filled weapons for him in Tatsunoko vs. Capcom in the North American version of the game Mega Man X style 0 was added as a bonus character of nope was one of his special super moves which involved a combination of powers that he has throughout the games four zeros level 3 hyper combo zero would use dark hole to freeze his opponent in place then he would use his - jets to hover in the air and then powers up to Z saber into a massive one shaped like a triangle just like in Mega Man Zero he then uses his - jets to fly up and act his opponents and thrust his charged-up saber through them for massive damage why he was given the ability to fly and hover with his - jets or power up his saber into a Mega Man Zero style triangle blade is kind of unknown but it sure looks really cool and I guess that's all that matters in Mega Man Battle Network it's possible to obtain a special Z zebra battleship which features artwork of zero shrouded in darkness but his saber still glows the version of zero on the chip of course is Mega Man Zero style likewise in Mega Man Zero 3 it is possible to unlock special battle noh-varr content when entering the cyber space portals scattered throughout the stages when doing so viruses from Mega Man Battle Network will appear in place of the normal enemies it's important to note that these additions are purely for fun and not considered part of the story as some sort of strange unlikely connection between the primary Mega Man universe and the battle network universe in short these are only Easter eggs and just meant to be taken lightly on the Mega Man Zero music album mythos zero has a totally new design featuring white accents and additional text which is not present on his typical design as well as a totally new styled Sabre this design is called mythos zero the helmet for this design can be seen as some of the early concept art for the games before it was finalized to the much more simplified designs these simpler designs were probably chosen because it's more in line with the Mega Man art style if people thought the Mega Man Zero art style was too drastic of a change imagine how they would have reacted if everything looked like it was from mythos speaking of albums there are many hidden facts and story elements found in the Mega Man Zero audio dramas found on these music albums one such fact is that X and zero defeated Omega using a final strike right before the final blow is dealt they both shouted final strike as they took him down vocalist come in a keen ear will remember that a final strike attack is the name of a finishing move in Mega Man X command machine which is used when an enemy is brought below a certain amount of health however as command mission is not in the same timeline as Mega Man Zero this is likely just a bit of fanservice to clarify both games take place in 22 X X which is impossible the reason for this is that command mission is considered a separate side story from the regular Mega Man X timeline this is confirmed by command mission developers as well as simply following the chain of events leading to Mega Man Zero what this means is that after Mega Man X 7 there is a split in the timeline that leads to Mega Man X 8 the elf wars Mega Man Zero Z X and then eventually Legends and the other branch in the timeline somehow leads to Mega Man X command mission in one branch we get Mega Man Zero and then the rest of the Mega Man timeline as we know it and then in the other we get command mission they both occupy the same space in the timeline but are clearly showing wildly different versions of history I wonder what other differences there are in this branch timeline and why the technology of command mission seems to be so similar to the technology of the regular X series but in Mega Man Zero it seems to be vastly different until a new game comes out in the command mission timeline we simply will never know and that's exactly who 0 is again do you see now why I needed to make this its own video if I would have combined this with the first one you'd be watching a feature-length documentary now that this one is out of the way and wondered who I'll cover next maybe it will be our favorite balls batting with a huge chin no not wily I mean Sigma comment down below who you'd like to see me cover next hope to see you all again next time this is twitch signing out [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Reploid REVO
Views: 226,297
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: megaman, mega, man, time, skimmer, capcom, history, videogame, review, revo, reploid, robot, lore, stream, zero, legacy
Id: zLmY89-tkDc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 39sec (2499 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 06 2019
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