Who Can Build The FASTEST $7500 V8 Muscle Car ~ Episode 1

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blown up engines close races more blown up engines oh we're leaking down the bottom working with your buddies I'm not good at this and I don't know what I'm doing and all kinds of other nonsense oh that didn't go so good whenever a car challenge with gears and gasoline comes up you know it's gonna be a good time so it's time for another multi-part challenge series sponsored by our friends at Advance Auto Parts gears just throughout another challenge and what do you guys hear what this nonsense is gonna be I'm gonna give our man Paulie d a call make sure that he's down then I'm Gonna Fill you all in hey Charles so I'm leaving gears and gasoline and they threw out another challenge okay what is it I kind of need you to just be like yup I'm down I don't like that at all so I'm gonna take that as a yes let me fill you in on what we're about to do last time we did JDM versus Euro we have upped the budget from 5000 to 7 500 okay we've added two events so our finale is going to be the drag race but we are going to be doing in addition to the drag race an autocross and a rallycross a rally cross here's here's kind of the other kicker one car no changes between events you run what you bring so it's got to do all three events okay so we have to make one car do all three of those together that sounds not possible but okay what else we're doing classic American muscle cars so V8 American cars baby okay V8 American cars we know nothing about and have no experience with exactly perfect that's that's what I was hoping what the hope is is that gears and gasoline they don't know anything about American cars either maybe it levels the playing field now we just have to figure out what kind of car we can have that will meet all those standards we're not just going fast in a straight line we got to actually turn this thing too yes and go off-road I don't know what we were thinking I guess we better get to work and try to figure out what we're gonna get later okay so we have an American car that we know nothing about that has to do three things that a car shouldn't all do at one time for a race if you were in our situation what car would you pick what's the best car that can do all three of these things drop that down in the comments I'm gonna head on back and start the search now that we know our man Paulie Dizon it's time for what is going to be the most challenging part of this whole thing actually finding the car after countless hours of scouring the marketplaces dozens and dozens of messages finding really expensive cars with blown engines runs good but has an oil pressure light and even bullet holes I finally found what I think is going to be the right car for us this 2000 Mustang GT for 3 000 bucks this may not be the right car so let's hope the car is good and gives us a good starting point well it worked out with the Mustang the car's not awesome but I think it's gonna be exactly what we need so it's time to start the budget counter at three thousand bucks before we get too crazy I'm gonna swing over to Fastlane Motorsports a local Mustang tuning shop to get a baseline Dyno number this will help us plan our modifications check our engine health and with any luck they have some used performance Parts laying around that I could buy on the cheap [Music] [Music] our car dino'd at 223 horsepower and 262 pound-feet of torque which is actually pretty good for a basically stock 2000 GT Mustang pretty low horsepower by modern car standards but about what we'd expect from the car I even scored our very first mod a used rear shock Tower brace for 25 bucks all right now it's time to meet up with our man Paulie D show them this sweet sweet ride Charles is about to show up with the muscle car and unveil it I think that might be him a Mustang that one's gonna be a hit with the crowds [Music] all right Paul here she is 220 wheel hey whoa whoa whoa oh sorry you're gonna scratch up mine you're really particular about your rides 2 000 Mustang GT V8 manual transmission already been to the dyno 220 horsepower roughly to the rear wheels 262 pound-feet of torque she's about it's real nice but now for the important part let's pop the hood let's pop the hood obviously mostly stock check engine light came on on the way over but we we're not worried about that Paul do you know anything about these engines I know this is a 4-6 yep V8 that's about all I got all right what do you think I'd like to take it for a ride I think see what it's like to drive this you should find Pizza Machine definitely do that don't worry about that yeah that guy don't worry about that guy that's fine okay so first first notes I hate the clutch I hate the shifter that's a short shifter too by the way it feels naughty like a short shifter but it's like really far forward it's like you're putting your hand through the radio it does feel really far forward right let's see what she does okay it's not very fast uh we're gonna get creamed eye we're gonna get killed uh I don't really like anything about driving this car they punch it with the wheel straight bad it doesn't even kick well you have the traction control on I mean it definitely did not feel like it was kicking anything there all we did was a couple pulls and it smells like electrical side it's mine foreign now that Paul is properly underwhelmed with our Mustang let's get it back to the shop for a proper Shakedown feels like too much you got it you got it yeah keep going yeah that was close real close it was real close I hate it he loves it he's excited it's not my favorite pop the hood [Music] look at that got that horse on there that's how you know it's Scott horsepower what are you doing jacking it up why slammed on the ground bro this thing's Dirt Nasty is it hold on you gotta do it for the god what are you doing Nathan made it so that Charles has to do work twice that I was going to help him with for no dangle reason let's go ahead and get this old girl spected obviously we're performance oriented gentlemen but we need to make sure we don't have any severe maintenance issues like this exactly this is probably why our check engine light it's a little vacuoleak I paid three thousand dollars for the car we have a 7 500 budget which means we have forty five hundred dollars to make this thing of Beast I think 4 500 bucks is a lot of money for us to make this thing go good go gooder real good we're gonna make it the goodest car out there Paul what is it about every car that we get as a project that has sad ground wires background look that looks like the Civic all right that we will have to fix for the autocross let's see what our air filter looks like oh I'm sure it's probably not broken oh oh what what am I doing I'm gonna take that apart so fast because there's this quick connect guy which is pretty good I'm uh you're an expert well it's pretty dirty that's like a little hat it's just dirt it does look it looks like a construction cone I bet if we just rotate our air filter because like you see there's a little dirt spot you put the dirt just rotating the other side perfect Instant Power problems off doesn't look like too much janky stuff has been done under the hood of here just give it time give it time now that we got a hold of it it's going to be Jank City USA we're getting ready to change all that let's see if I can just fix this real quick this is some sort of thermal fuse here boom repaired uh I don't know if this is how these engines normally sit but our engine's a little tilty like this it's a little tilty on the passenger side versus the driver's side I'm gonna take this off because I'm gonna use it to whip you with when you're not working hard enough uh quit drill them slotted rotors and some Century Tires watch this it drags pretty hard that's a pretty draggy drag I wonder if our calipers are hanging a little bit the other side's worse you ready for this watch this oh that's at least five horsepower that's costing us probably all right so maybe calipers on the list it's like driving with E-brake on I mean the headlights and the bumper have quite a bit of movement good thing is at speed this is only when you're going backwards it does that but at speed pushes it down and doesn't really move down so it's good with the horsepower ultimately what this car looks like does not matter at all but there is some sadness like a crack right here this is what race car life is about yeah that's why they shave the badges right here weight reduction they shave the badges number one number one weight reduction number two sleeper when I say sleeper what I mean is this car is so fast it makes you fall asleep I mean look ultimately who cares right like moisture in the tail light are faded we gotta retouch our Stang back here a little overspray here's another bit of Bondo that's real nice looks like I might have made this repair here's how you tell if a car's got too much Bondo see the magnet sticks it doesn't stick to Bondo so that's pretty thick look we're not here we're not winning any car show awards we're trying to go fast also also also there's a little boo-boo right here too what is that that's just a little boo-boo where somebody made a boo-boo somebody probably backed into them we need to look at it underneath we gotta go [Music] got a whole situation under here looks like a little oily from maybe the filter this is power steering it looks like I did hear a little power steering noise and that looks like oil you know how you fix all those things a little break clean wash it right up and be just fine we have a high performance catalytic converters obviously this is not Factory yeah these are like super cheap oh they probably cut out like some resonators or something like that what I was noticing two Paul over here is this transmission mount is destroyed no oh a little bit with my power so transmount pretty important these are Flowmasters see oh well this one only that side this one's only four minutes this is the top this one is the master of flow this one is not we got some sad bushings up here for what is probably an upper control arm not a lot of weird bushings shocking I mean it's a little sad exhaust hanger but that's okay 156 000 miles a little bit of a Shad shock absorber what is this probably like a vibration damper I guess I was a little bit afraid of like a well that broke or something like that you're gonna break the welds on the manifold bro so remember I said something about the engine mount when the car was on the ground here is our destroyed engine mount a little bit of rubber just well it just came off so completely collapsed uh the other side is probably the same oh yeah the other side's mushed too so that'll be high up on our list if our engine's bouncing around in the Cradle that's Robin horsepowers not really robbing horsepowers but robbing us of performance so we looked over the car there's a ton of things we have to address first thing we have to look at is fixing the things we know are wrong with this car we're also going to have some maintenance items that we have to address in the vehicle then we have to figure out what performance mods we have to do that are within the budget we have left on the car so in order to stay organized we're going to list everything out on the Whiteboard what we need to fix and what we need to replace and Paul I got the white I guess we don't need that so to start with our repairs we're going to do the calipers the engine mount and the trans mount and then we also have an oil leak which we are doing absolutely nothing with for the going fast part that's going to take a little bit of research on our part but what we do know is we can throw some weight reduction bro on it and gut the interior do you know how to work on Mustangs no not at all do you have any standard sockets I don't I don't have any do you have standards we were a lot of this stuff is still metric thankfully oh yeah yeah right now we're gonna start gutting the car to remove Weight I'm starting in the junk with the trunk of the junk let it make good no no that don't make no damn thing I don't make no dying sense now we're gonna start gutting the car to remove as much weight as we can I'm starting in the trunk Charles is in the interior he's going to remove the seats um I think the easy one everything's like stained and disgusting this is like every used car on the planet I don't know why it's like someone put bodies in this trunk and oh what is that smell oh what is that there's a there's a liquid in here see that so because that's going to chop my head off we got this piece of this cardboard piece just jammed in a hole come with me and we'll be in a world of Osha violations hey I found the part of the battery hold down that we're missing are you in for the battery hold up oh you save nine dollars because now I don't need to buy one pretty heavy no no it's so light oh wow it's probably 30 pounds maybe yeah those Audi seats were what 70 70. I don't know how any of this stuff comes apart that's what I was my number one concern with this whole situation oh oh oh you found something no used car is ever complete without at least one black ice air freshener oh you got some clothes yeah hold on So You Love Me Hold on hold on a second hold on stop I I was thinking I had enough all right I bet that one's pretty heavy that one's it's got some weight to it there is a lot of change in there this guy this is like this guy was using his carpet as a piggyback there's a chip there too if you're hungry all right on a scale of one to ten what are the odds this car ever gets put back together zero yep oh geez there's even more there's more there's more look at that can I watch it oh you can even latch it oh bro this is uh this is pretty it's actually a much better design than it's all right is I prefer that design over the German stuff most of the German stuff sucks we're we're actually like this car is insanely simple to come apart this is really simple almost like tragically something all right this speaker box is actually pretty heavy so this is this is a good amount of weight plus I never thought I'd say this but UPS to Ford for having a junction so you just undo two plugs pull this whole baby out look at this amps speakers this has got the boom boom that's enough of that with our Mustang stripped out it's time to weigh everything and see how much weight we lost we gotta get creative on how we weigh this stuff accounting for everything we removed other than the driver's seat and the center console we saved about 180 pounds we may find some other ways to save some weight along the way but I think this is a pretty good start and for reference this is about half the amount of weight we pulled out of the Jetta removing basically the same Parts one of the major things we found we were going over this car was the engine mounts were destroyed they were smushed now the reason why that's a concern is because it can affect the way the engine moves inside the engine bay which can also affect total performance of the car these are poly bushings that are upgraded these will hold the power a little bit better less movement during shifting where the engine then trans won't kind of Jump Around [Music] ready to do it let's do it let's do it the first order of business is to jack up this engine so we can take the engine mounts out so I'm gonna take this filter off to give Charles a little more room to work thanks buddy oh there's a Fram he's a gusher yeah she's a gush in a way now this might be difficult to see but this is our collapsed Edge Mount the most collapsed it looks like so as I jack this up you can watch it's going to kind of move and you're going to see it shift around and we need to do this to allow us to remove the engine mounts fun fact this is pieces of the rubber of the engine mount so that's the condition of our current one that's not supposed to be separated I don't think from the other part one two so what's happening now right now is Charles is struggling with a large wrench in a small home it does make me wonder what gears is going to be doing to their car nothing other than like we think they'll maybe wash it probably vacuum it out yeah probably so put some wiper blades on it they'll take some like trim panels off and be like weight reduction bro they'll like take the floor mats out so close there we go there we go so here's the mount that I just took out real sad and that one's way better than the other side yeah this is the Mount that's going back in that now is going to be all dirty so this part bolt is what bolts to the engine this bolts to the K member so that's all the movement the engine can create with it all bolted up nothing this is going to help shifting this is going to help power delivery Charles did that side I'm doing this side this one's easier in some ways and not in others I'm just trying to wiggle this mountain challenge Arena to get it in there so according to the internet Charles said the internet says that they the kids take the starter out to take these uh the engine mount out on this side I Paul said I'm not doing that I'm stubborn I'm yeah I'm a stubborn gal oh yeah boy to all you kids who never believed in me and are probably like yeah you can break that loose but you actually can't get it out of the car you might be right this could happen in just a second I just don't the problem is you can't like fish it around yeah he's gonna try because he's Cooler Than Me Yeah well that is true I mean we could definitely cut it but that's not gonna help I'm gonna help because we got to go back in with the other one look at that he did it he did it he is good with me look at that so look at how little bushing there is and what there is there is all ripped apart compared to how thick that's a dick boy he's thick now the question is can we get it back in I'm watching him try to get this mount in it's uh it's entertaining you see uh I know what this is like because basically you feel like you can get it in but then everything you do traps it even further there we go I got it so our mounts are in we just gotta bolt them back up and then we're going to lower the engine down and we'll see see how different it is look at us fixing a Mustang you want to see something funny so you're using an exceptionally long match and this is what I wish I had that right and he just says that's not going to get it done Chuck Paul's doing the final tidy tight on the mountie mount uh I'm gonna put this new oil filtration unit in it Motorcraft don't worry about any of that that seems to be excessively leaking oh it's loose that's why I bet we loosened it when we were cranking and yanking on the engine oh yeah that was already leaking to begin with yeah but not like that though this is like actively dripping I believe it's too active of a week to ignore well it looks like we're adding oily back on our to-do list right now I'm starting to jack up the rear here so we can replace this trans mount should be a heck of a lot easier than the last one we just did so I'm thinking this guy we just got to support it and just Zinger down yeah oh no your socket split probably because you were just thrashing on it how about that snap on warranty make sure you don't post this clip Charles and Paul send in a chromey with Xander growing with an impact yeah I'm definitely leaving that in I don't even know the last time I would have used that 16 millimeters anyway all right out with the old boy yeah that wasn't as well I don't know I mean it's not great it's still pretty well separated and just like with our engine we're installing a polyurethane mount for the transmission our powertrain's gonna be so stiff now that we have our new engine and transmission mounts installed you can really see the difference the way the engine sits in the bay when it comes to the fixed side maintenance and that Paul and I got it covered in fact we've already done the mounts for engine and trans but how are we gonna make this thing go fast luckily I got a buddy George who's a Mustang expert he's gonna swing by and give us some pointers on not only horsepower but handling as well hi I'm George I've been working on Mustangs for about 30 years I've been Auto Crossing for a decade I've got Fox body and sn95 Mustangs and I'm here today to check out this mustang we're going to figure out how to move the limit of traction further get the car more capable in Auto Crossing for a long time and I've got a YouTube channel called War Horse Racing I focus on autocrossing 79 to o4 Mustangs mods that you can make to get your car to handle better I show every secret I've ever learned driving tips and all sorts of good information about getting these cars to handle better they got a good starting point does need a lot of work but we're going to make sure we come up with the right recipe to get it fast so we got a lot of really great information and advice from George well how are you feeling about this car initially you said I hate it I hate it I hate it I I was not feeling good in the beginning I feel like gear is going to buy a car that's going to be super fast right out of the gate I'm feeling a little better if we can make this thing handle better George's advice will kind of lead us down that path but we still have to add power because 220 wheel ponies to the wheels it's not enough not enough points not a lot of ponies so what mods specifically do we want to look at for making this thing handle better sway bars shocks Springs maybe going back to OE Springs not so low the bushings are torched on this thing maybe control arm upgrade we also can look at gearing I think gearing is going to be an overall super good mod so we have plenty of money to work with right now but we do have to find the right balance between the two what do you think fits power wise kind of three things I'm thinking we do it the easy way we do some sort of forced induction probably don't have the budget for it otherwise it's like internal engines which I don't think the ROI is really going to be there so we can kick that one do laughing gas or do we force induction it or do we hope 220 wheel ponies is enough to dominate a faster car that handles better with better drivers took an easy choice I think it does too coming up on our next episodes I'm really nervous about this let's go we focus on handling that was a terrible mistake he knows better and he did it anyway maybe but I don't know what it is well that's how I know we know our airport was too big because we can't fit in the vendor well when I say we I mean I struggled on Paul's side we add power we probably would have done math I haven't seen many sparklies come out yet no there hasn't been any sparklies who brought him on board because there's going to be some people mad I showed you and Paul adopts the Mustang life I like that I like that a lot or we're going to show them how who's boss take that fans
Channel: HumbleMechanic
Views: 402,220
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: v8, mustang, humblemechanic, build, car build, shopdap, VW, humble mechanic, gears and gasoline JDM, car challenge, drag race, 1/4 mile drag, nitrous, mustang gt
Id: qAkOmt7dc6o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 58sec (1498 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 11 2023
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