Who Are God's Chosen People?

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[Music] i want to start a little series i don't know how many sessions we'll do two or three i suspect uh around this idea and we'll look at it from a variety of perspectives but who are god's chosen people what's it mean to be god's chosen people first you need to know who they are is it possible to be included what are the implications of that does it matter important questions you will stand before god every one of us will the bible tells us that there are two appointments that every human being has you can't reschedule them you can't send somebody on your behalf you won't be a group thing you'll do it as an individual you have to face death and after death you face god now the bible tells us it's possible to stand before the creator of all things the all-powerful all-knowing creator of all things without fear without guilt and without shame that would be the target but you can't do that on your own so a part of this discussion is trying to understand the value of being included in the people of god we'll start with first peter chapter 2 and verse 10 it says once you were not a people but now you're the people of god once you had not received mercy but now you have received mercy for that verse to be impactful you have to unpack the timing of it it says once you were not a people at one time you could not imagine something that bounds you together cohesively as you do now but now he says you are the people of god so here's a question can you be people but not be the people of god yes and he says once you were a people you were you were people you were human beings but you were not the people of god like we can make this conclusion pretty simply from that verse the primary fact about your person is whether or not you belong to god he didn't say once you were smart people or rich people or intellectual people or athletic people or tall people or short people or thin people or fat people he said once you were not a people it's a very important perspective how do you become the people of god you see there is tremendous value in being god's people we're going to look at that in some detail before we stop this study i also should acknowledge to you that there's great hatred directed towards god's people this is not the first generation that's happened we've escaped go to the jewish people for centuries millennia when the black death came through europe the black plague the bubonic plague when it came through europe in the middle ages a third of the population was devastated tens of millions of people died saying human sanitation practices were abhorrent they had very little awareness of how the disease was being transmitted it was being transmitted predominantly by fleas the jewish community was not affected as heavily they practiced the the kosher laws the mosaic laws it made their their communities predominantly they were separate anyway it made their communities healthier and safer less subject to infection so it became a common talking point in pulpits of churches and beyond that it was the jewish people causing it they were poisoning wells they were intentionally infecting the people and they suffered horrible persecution that's just one example there would be hatred directed towards the people of god don't imagine you can receive the blessings unless you're willing to stand as an advocate in the face of the resentment amen in fact to be the people of god we understand fundamentally that if we're going to flourish we're dependent upon a power greater than ourselves if you imagine that you can cause yourself to flourish through your intellect your strength your diligence your focus all of those things have value and merit but they aren't the difference makers in the outcomes of our lives we trust in the power of god to give us outcomes disproportionate to all of those things that we may bring to the discussion that's why when we're outnumbered it's okay the one who watches over us doesn't require a 51 majority amen for him to bring victory to us doesn't mean we have to have the the most talent or the greatest insight or the highest iq the triumph of our lives is dependent upon a relationship with the creator of all things it's a very important point to begin to understand now i want to go back to the beginning i think the foundations matter on this topic so i'll take just a moment with it but we're going to move through it pretty quickly so genesis chapter 12 the first 11 chapters of the book of genesis are universal in scope they deal with all the people on the planet the creation narrative the flood those first 11 chapters the tower of babel that they're universal in scope the principles carry all the way through scripture if you'll accept the book of genesis by faith the rest of the bible makes sense if you reject the book of genesis the rest of the bible is nonsense so don't be so intellectual you can't accept the book of genesis in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth i'm good with that how did he do it i don't know i wasn't there yet i'm not opposed to science folks you will need your brain to know god but but science is a process it's a system of learning and understanding the world in which we live science is not a completed fact the most brilliant scientist in the world the most brilliant medical practitioners in the world not too long ago didn't wash their hands between patients it wasn't malpractice they didn't understand germ theory there's much we don't know yet don't be don't be embarrassed by believing god those first 11 chapters of genesis are universal in genesis chapter 12 the entire tone of scripture changes and the pattern that is initiated in genesis 12 continues all the way through the conclusion of this age that we read about in the book of revelation and the fundamental principle that is different is god begins to develop a people for himself he's not talking about all of humanity in those universal terms any longer he's talking about a people uniquely amongst all the people genesis 12 verse 1 the lord said to abram leave your country your people and your father's household and go to the land i will show you there's a separation that's going to take place abram there's a physical separation that's going to take place and look at the promise i will make you into a great nation i will bless you i will make your name great and you will be a blessing i'll bless those who bless you and whoever curses you i will curse and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you it's a promise of a gospel it's a promise of a message that can change the destiny of humanity but it's the beginning of god developing a people for himself genesis 17 and verse 7 i will establish my covenant as an everlasting covenant between me and you he's talking to abram and your descendants after you for the generations to come to be your god and the god of your descendants after you see we move from god created the heavens and the earth to god saying to abram i'll be your god there's a personal quality of this in fact he's willing to be identified he presents himself for the remaining part of the story as the god of abraham the god of isaac and the god of jacob i'm the god that they believed in imagine that not a heavenly being not a higher power not some unknown entity not some creative force that brought order to the universe in which we live a god who can be known a god that looks across the span of human history and said i'm looking for a people that will believe in me in exodus chapter 3. this was the message god gave to moses to tell to the hebrews the former slaves of egypt he said i'm the god of your father the god of abraham the god of isaac and the god of jacob and at this moses hit his face because he was afraid to look at god that's moses recruitment narrative that's the burning bush he just gotten off taking gotten through taking off his sandals because god said you're standing on holy ground and you're messing up the floor i'm the god of abraham the god of isaac and the god of jacob and i've come for you you see until that point you can't really talk about the jewish people they went into egypt as a family an extended family and they're there for 400 years they've never lived in the promised land as anything more than a family that lived there they didn't have a capital city or a central government god promised to abram that he would give him a land that it would be his and his descendants forever but as of yet they haven't occupied it so when god recruits moses at the opening chapters in the book of exodus he said i'm the god of abraham the god of isaac and the god of jacob i'm still watching over that promise i made back in genesis chapter 12 and genesis 15 and genesis 17 and moses you and i are going to take some steps to fulfill that and there's this big group of people the bible refers to them as a mixed multitude and from that mixed multitude we're going to make a people unto me they couldn't deliver themselves from egyptian slavery they didn't have the power the might the experience the expertise they didn't have the leverage it took a very blatant demonstration of the power of god to get them out of the clutches of pharaoh and the brick pits of egypt agreed but god said i'm the god of abraham isaac and jacob moses we're going to do this now after they're delivered in exodus 19 and god's message to them is if you obey me fully and keep my covenant then out of all the nations you'll be my treasured possession nations we're just the slaves we haven't even occupied a land yet and with all due respect the canaanites and the hittites and the perizzites and the the rest of the ice they think that's their land and god said no i've given it to you out of all the nations i have chosen you you'll be a treasured possession and although the whole earth is mine you'll be for me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation these are the words you're to speak to the israelites go tell them moses you're going to be a holy nation oh really we just wanted out of slavery isn't that the theme of exodus numbers deuteronomy how many times you hear the people going you know we kind of liked it better back in the brick pits we knew the menu we knew the holidays we knew what the egyptians were going to do you're kind of scaring us here god smoke and thunder and the earth swallowed 23 000 grumblers yesterday and the grumbling line is filled up again today and we don't like moses and the people that delivered the message got leprosy i'll make you into a holy nation that through you all the nations will be blessed isn't that what he said to abram that's exactly what he said they didn't volunteer they didn't vote it wasn't democratically decided god chose them the sovereignty of god we've lost sight of that we've become so rebellious so filled with our own egos so filled with our own sense of self-determination that the thought of the sovereignty of god is almost an affront to us we call god out we act as if he's unjust unfair i can't tell you how many meetings i've said i've taken with people who want to talk to me about how unfair god is it is rampant amongst us listen to what god if you obey me fully and you keep my covenant then out of all nations you'll be my treasured possession that is a conditional promise did you catch it there's that little preposition second word in the sentence if if you obey me most of the time if you obey me fully and if you keep my covenant you'll be unassailable you'll be unassailable we're reading the historical books right now we're in chronicles struggle a lot don't they that obeying him fully and keeping his covenant to lift and they struggle because of it now that's the introduction that's that's the first scene in the narrative by the time we get to the gospels the the nation of israel the jewish people have been established in the promised land for a long time king david was ruling on a throne in jerusalem a thousand years bc a thousand years bc i mean plus or minus a handful calendar's got a little fuzzy so by the time you open your new testament we're a thousand years later they've been to exile they're back in the land they have survived a lot empires have come and gone the babylonians have come and gone the persians have come and gone the assyrians have come and gone empires have risen and fallen the egyptians have been up and down and the jewish people persist in the land that god promised you understand the magnitude of that our nation's just about what 250 years old imagine a thousand years in that land they're still flourishing god fulfilling his promise to abraham and now the messiah is here the one that's been long looked forward to the one that's been prophesied about the great deliverer of their people and in john chapter eight we get to listen in jesus is talking to the religious leaders in jerusalem we begin with jesus he said i know that you're abraham's descendants yet you're looking for a way to kill me you understand i hope we're not the first generation to recognize there could be pushback if you advocated for the purposes of god folks we got to grow up we do jesus said i know that you're abraham's descendants that you're looking for a way to kill me because you have no room for my word i'm telling you what i've seen in my father in the father's presence and you're doing what you have heard from your father and they answered abraham is our father they're not listening they have no intention in engaging in a civilized discourse gee that seems familiar if you were abraham's children jesus said then you would do what abraham did as it is you're looking for a way to kill me a man who's told you the truth that i heard from god abraham did not do such things you were doing the works of your own father they're deeply offended they protested we're not illegitimate children the only father we have is god himself so they're extrapolating that their the dna that they share with abram makes them a special people and jesus said if god were your father you would love me for i've come here from god i've not come on my own god sent me why is my language not clear to you because you're unable to hear what i say you belong to your father the devil and you want to carry out your father's desires he was a murderer from the beginning jesus had known satan from his beginning he was a murderer from the beginning not holding to the truth there's no truth in him when he lies he speaks his native language for he's a liar and the father of lies now this is a very helpful window into this discussion because we started back in in genesis and then in exodus and we watched this story unfold now we've skipped over some sections we'll come back to this but if we were going to tell it sequentially we're over here in like acts 4 or 5 now and jesus is talking to the religious leaders they're they're experts on the mosaic law they're experts on their rules they have existed in this land for the better part of a thousand years victorious over much more powerful empires they've seen far superior armies turned back time and time again they've been delivered they've seen god's provision their family history reads with the fingerprints of god's all over it and they're very confident of that in fact they imagine with a great deal of arrogance that their dna determines their spiritual status we share genetic material with the one who had the promise abraham is our father therefore we're god's people they've forgotten those introductory verses i read to you just a moment ago if you obey me fully and you keep my covenant they have hyphenated their faith they're no longer just obedient to god before their obedience to god before their obedience to scripture before the condition of their heart is considered they have put something in front of the covenant we're abraham's children well the only reason abraham makes any difference is the covenant he had with god that's their confidence look at it in verse abraham is our father they said in verse 3. who do you think you are who are you to question us who are you to call us to an account who are you to bring correction to us abraham is our father and god dealt with the babylonians and he dealt with the persians and he dealt with the assyrians and he's dealt with all these others and he'll deal with who do you think you are they've lost sight of what it means to be the people of god not my imagination see the covenant with abraham is still important it's important to you and me it's important to them you see you and i are included in the people of god not because we sit in the right church not because we've joined the right group not because of the building we prefer on a saturday night or a sunday morning not because of our beverage list our vocabulary words what gives us status with god is that same covenant that abram made look in galatians 3 and verse 14. it's speaking of jesus he redeemed us in order the blessing given to abraham might come to the gentiles through christ jesus so that by faith we might receive the promise of the spirit jesus died on a cross to give the entire world access to the covenant that had been made so the good news of the new covenant isn't that god wrote a new rule book he just opened the door more broadly to those who would receive it by faith and what gives us status standing entrance to being the people of god has everything to do with our relationship with jesus not the building we sit in or the denomination we've joined or the translation that we read not all the things that you imagine that make you superior to the people that you don't like galatians 3 29 if you belong to christ then you're abraham's seed and heirs according to the promise is it possible that we become as arrogant as that first century audience that jesus was talking to is it possible that we're so smug we'll point at our the prayers we prayed or the pool that we got in or the number of service projects that we've been a part of and we have taken our eyes off what it means to live in obedience to christ that's the problem in the galatian community of believers paul writes he said if you belong to christ then you're abraham's seed not if you know christ not if you've talked about jesus not if you can sing choruses that have his name in them if you belong to him he owns you you don't own him we don't tell god what to do we don't demand of him we don't command him we come into his gates with thanksgiving and into his courts with praise praising him not us is it possible church that we've lost our balance a little bit galatians chapter 3 verse 7. understand then paul this is new testament he's writing to a group of believers jewish believers predominantly understand then that those who have faith are children of abraham scripture foresaw that god would justify the gentiles by faith gentile is the new testament word for everybody that's not jewish gentile just means non-jewish in the language of the new testament in the world view of the new testament there's the jews and everybody else that god would justify the non-jews by faith and he announced the gospel in advance to abraham way back in genesis chapter 12 abraham understood jesus was coming he said all nations will be blessed through you we just read it so those who rely on faith are blessed along with abraham the man of faith and all who rely on the works of the law are under a curse you can have the right dna you can keep the right holidays and eat the right foods and say the right words and read the right book and still be under a curse from god it's biblical cursed is everyone who doesn't continue to do everything written in the book of the law we don't keep the scripture as a means of earning righteousness we walk in obedience to the word of god as an expression of our love and appreciation for the gift of grace that's been given to us clearly no one who relies on the law is justified before god because the righteous will live by faith the law is not based on faith on the contrary it says the person who does these things will live by them christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us it's written cursed is everyone who was hung on a pole he redeemed us in order that the blessing given to abraham might come to the gentiles through christ jesus so that by faith we might receive the promise of the spirit so just as certainly as the descendants of abraham isaac and jacob were the chosen people of god delivered from the slave pits of egypt everybody who by faith receives jesus is lord is included in the people of god and is an heir to the covenant that was made with abraham we had a guest with us a few weeks ago who said to you for the jewish people accepting jesus as a messiah doesn't mean they convert to christianity it means they're embracing their messiah and acknowledging jesus is lord there's only one covenant there's only one way to the lord we all come through that pathway but it isn't a new problem it wasn't a new problem in the first century with jesus audience it's not a new problem in the 21st century it was a problem in the early church in galatians chapter 1 same book verse 6 paul writes he says i'm astonished that you're so quickly deserting the one who called you to live in the grace of christ in our turning to a different gospel he said i'm astonished at you you have turned to a different gospel and he said it's really no gospel at all evidently some people are throwing you into confusion or trying to pervert the gospel of christ but even we or an angel from heaven should preach another gospel other than the one we preach to you let them be under god's curse i've already said it but i'll say it again if anybody is preaching to you a gospel other than what you accepted let them be under god's curse look at verse 10 am i now trying to win the approval of human beings or of god things haven't changed that much folks will you compromise the truth you know trying to secure the approval of people honoring the word of god honoring the uniqueness of jesus honoring the necessity of his redemptive work is not always popular saying that sin exists that there is objective truth that there is right and wrong is not a new concept am i now trying to win the approval of human beings or of god or am i trying to please people if i were still trying to please people i would not be a servant of christ look at that verse six again i'm astonished that so quickly you were turning to a different gospel folks there are different gospels proliferating around us and we're very vulnerable we're very susceptible to that we have known little of the word of god it's been a secondary part of our lives we've had so much so much freedom so much liberty so much opportunity so many ways to earn a living to care for our children so much availability of health care we've had schools available we didn't have to imagine that god was our sustainer and that's a ripe atmosphere for the proliferation of a different gospel and it's been flourishing in our theological institutions for decades i can testify to that personally i have been in places where we some of the most respected academic institutions in the nation theological institutions and if you talked about being saved they would mock you if you referred to god with a masculine pronoun and i don't mean in the last few months years ago they would fail you that's the training that's been coming to those leading our churches across our nation so we shouldn't be surprised now that things like liberation theology or a social gospel or a new age gospel or a feminist gospel or a gospel with new definitions of marriage or family or gender is proliferating amongst us if you've spent much time in in higher education you know it's been thriving you know what godless worldview has been flourishing in the education of our young people and many of us cooperated with it in order to earn the degrees just for the sake of clarity can we understand can we agree there's not a pentecostal gospel or a baptist gospel or a methodist gospel there's not a white gospel or a black gospel or a brown gospel or an educated gospel or an illiterate gospel or a prosperity gospel or a poverty gospel it's a very powerful deception to hyphenate your faith it's a very powerful deception it affected the jewish religious leaders with all of their history and with all of the prophets and with all of the story to be told it continues to plague people of faith today please don't imagine that you're beyond deception if you believe that you are already deceived we have to guard our hearts we have to help one another look at hebrews chapter 2 in verse 1. it says we must pay more careful attention to what we have heard so that we do not drift away it couldn't be more plain we have to pay more careful attention or we will drift away that is not the environment that has filled our churches we haven't been about careful attention we've been sloppy [Music] and in fact this the statistics across the board we've been a bit unique but the statistics and how christians have responded post culvert is is we're far more laid back far more casual about how we process our faith the author of hebrews says we must pay more careful attention to what we've heard so that we don't drift away for if the message spoken by angels was binding and every violation of disobedience received its just punishment how shall we escape if we ignore such a great salvation we've been invited to be the people of god but it's a total commitment it's not a part-time job you don't get to pick your favorite three commandments of the 10. you can't negotiate them away you can't just put grace over the top of them and say god is filled with grace this salvation was first announced by the lord it was confirmed to us by those who heard him we have been given a great salvation i love that phrase a great deliverance just as certainly as the hebrews were delivered from egyptian slavery to freedom to a promised land we have been delivered from enslavement to sin and set free to serve a living god it's a tremendous deliverance it's every bit as great in scope and magnitude and implication is the deliverance from the egyptian brick pits it's not a casual thing and if we lack the courage to tell our friends about it we're deceived to think we've benefited from it how can we not tell our friends you are not their friend if you leave them enslaved to sin it's a great deliverance it's a great transformation we were an oppressed people and we have become the people upon whom god's favor rests time and again through history through the scripture and through the unfolding history it's been said of the people of god god has blessed them be careful how you treat them we move from a condition of oppression to a condition of the unique presence of god abiding amongst us we have a great deliverance a great transformation a great purpose we have a message for the nations lead with your faith take your faith with you to the ball fields and to work into your kitchen table stop leaving your faith in the church building we have i mean it's so prevalent you know it's true it's hard to get off campus and keep your faith and we celebrate the remover of the orange barrels and they put them up a mile away [Music] for those of you not on campus it thundered on cue we have a great purpose we have a great responsibility we've been entrusted with something sacred and holy you see being the chosen people of god is not just so that we can consume blessings there's a purpose in it and with that purpose comes a responsibility and you can't accept the blessings unless you're willing to grapple with the responsibility it's illegitimate we have that problem these days we're so entitled we don't understand that with freedom and liberty and great abundance comes great responsibility and finally an equal part of that great salvation is there'll be great opposition it follows all the way through the story of scripture it followed through the life of jesus it's following through in the 21st century you represent a great threat to the status quo you are an ambassador for a kingdom beyond the boundaries of time you represent a set of values you hold out a truth you hold out light in the midst of darkness and many of those seeking to accumulate power or great resources or pursuing pleasure understanding that what you hold out is a threat to what they're trying to achieve and so you have to be silenced or diminished or set aside it's not a new thing it's been played out over and over and over again through the pages of scripture when the music sounds you will bow to my stature i am powerful and i'm wonderful and i'm amazing and when you hear the music you better put your face in the dust and everybody bowed including the overwhelming majority of the jewish community and there alone stood shadrach meshach and abednego and the king said well you're you're clearly confused you didn't understand there's a language barrier understand it's a second language to you let me explain to which they respond replied almighty king let us explain the god we serve is able to deliver us from you amen and your threats but even if he doesn't we would rather burn in your furnace than bow to your statue king nebuchadnezzar was apoplectic you know the story heat the fern is hotter tie him up tighter and then he looks down on the furnace and he said didn't we throw three men in there i see four and the fourth one looks a lot like the son of god would somebody ask those men to kindly come out of the furnace and he changed his decree don't imagine there won't be opposition don't imagine that too often we undervalue the opportunity which the gospel presents too frequently we imagine god's intent is to diminish us that idea has taken such a deep root or we don't say it out loud we just live as if it's true we think he wants to take our money or redirect our time or limit our pleasure or intrude on our plans when the thought is partially correct god intends to intrude upon our kingdom of self in fact he asks us to put to death that carnal part of us that says i want and i feel and i think that leads with me first to enter his kingdom we must accept the conditions my time becomes his time my resources become his resources i'm asked to live by his view his definition of purity and holiness to receive the blessings of the invitation to be the part of the people of god means we choose jesus as lord we don't get to negotiate the parameters of his kingdom it's not a democracy luke 19 i'm about done as jesus approached jerusalem and he saw the city he wept over it he's on the mount of olives with the city of jerusalem spread before him and he said jesus is about to prophesy over the city of jerusalem if even you had only known on this day what would bring you peace he signal there's an expectation in jesus that this group of people should have known these aren't the philistines these aren't the sidonians they aren't the assyrians these are the covenant people these are the ones whose grandparents and great-grandparents listened to isaiah and jeremiah these are the ones that have family members who worshipped in solomon's temple they understand that their their extended family came through the red sea and ate the manna and he said even you even you if you had only known on this day what would bring you peace but it's hidden from your eyes the days will come upon you when your enemies will build an embankment against you and encircle you and hem you in on every side if the church in the 21st century does not awaken to what it means to be the people of god i believe jesus description will be just as true of us that our enemies will encircle us and hem us in on every side i would submit to you humbly because i've been a part of this my whole life that we have lived with this imagination of of a casualness towards the lord of an indifference we have lived presumptively just as certainly as those leaders that jesus was talking to had led presumptive lives and rather than receive the message that jesus brought they gave themselves to silencing the messenger don't be angry with me if what i've said is frustrating to you you open your bible you ask the lord you meditate upon it ultimately my words and my decisions are not what will bring to bear the outcomes of your life don't let my ineffectiveness as a deliverer of a message cause you to miss god's message to you i would submit that within the church there's some things we can do we can repent that's a change of thought and a change of behavior we've talked about that a good bit a new thought and a new direction we'll have to renounce our past we'll have to be willing to separate ourselves from our past you can't maintain the same relationships in the same way you can't continue to bless the ungodliness that you've blessed you can't wink at sin and imagine that you can receive the blessing of god you'll have to renounce it you don't have to be angry you don't have to be condemning but you have to be willing to tell the truth we'll repent we'll renounce and then we'll have to release we'll turn loose of anything that's a hindrance you can't hold hostages with anger and resentment and bitterness you can't imagine i'd be more godly if somebody was treating me in a more godly way you can't say i'll forgive when they apologize in the appropriate way you can't afford to hold the grudge you can't afford any longer to hold back release yourself to god he'll bring fulfillment to your life you can trust him you've had dreams you've had plans you've had objectives they may not all have been fully in the line of what god may have had for you and you're angry with him you're resentful of him very few of our lives unfold like a storyboard that begins with once upon a time most of our lives are scrambled we live in a broken world and often we're angry at someone because they're not what we want them to be and we'll use our words to undermine them to to diminish their character to do whatever you can't hold hostages you can't hold grudges you can't hold back it's not on your notes but i'll give you a psalm that's psalm 139 verses 23 and 24 it's a wonderful prayer search me o god and know my heart test me and know my anxious thoughts see if there's any offensive way in me and lead me in the way everlasting it's a beautiful prayer to pray folks to be the people of god [Music] is the grandest invitation that will ever be presented to you or to me and you want to do everything in your power to participate with that it's an unfolding story abraham didn't fully understand it when he was loading the u-haul that's clear because he struggles with it decades later you know he's saying look i don't have any kids yet have you noticed i mean it's not a perfect thing on more than one occasion he says of his wife she's just my sister don't you know that was a fun conversation later i mean the first time maybe you know but the second time i'm like yeah i mean it's not and we grow in this story but god has brought us into a season where it's time to grow i brought you a prayer my time is up why don't you stand with me we're going to work on this some more in the next session god willing we're going to read this prayer together it's an acknowledgement of jesus as lord of our lives it's a it's a repentance and a renouncing it's a point of freedom and if the lord stir has stirred something in your heart i would take it and pray it repeatedly through the week ahead don't leave it here in this particular session let's pray together heavenly father i thank you that i'm accepted by god in christ jesus i have been welcomed into the kingdom of light i repent of my sin my willful rebellion against you please forgive me i renounce my involvement in every expression of rebellion and ungodliness i choose a new path to walk in humility in submission to your truth honoring jesus as lord i forgive those who have sinned against me i release them through the authority of jesus name i am free forgiven justified sanctified and delivered my body is the temple of the holy spirit satan has no place in me no power over me through the blood of jesus amen [Applause] god bless you hey this is pastor allen thank you for watching this video if you enjoyed it like it and most importantly share it with your friends if you want to be notified when there's new content we post new material if you'll just subscribe to my channel and hit the bell you'll get the notification most of all i pray god blesses you as you continue on your spiritual journey and open your heart to the lord god bless [Music] you
Channel: Allen Jackson Ministries
Views: 30,091
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: covenant, Abraham, covenant with Abraham, I will be your God, Genesis 17:7, people of God, God's people, Abram, black death, opposition, adversity, following God, children, abortion, Jewish people, the chosen
Id: Bc1ueRF4_7s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 1sec (2761 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 10 2022
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