Whitefish, MT and Glacier/Waterton National Park June 2018 4k

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[Music] you know if I need to move go ahead up in that first one no penalty first time doing this first time here but probably second time alone it's okay okay so you're welcome to go as fast or slow as you want okay that animal fur to you makes you stop and go so keep both hands on it okay you push it forward towards your feet to go stop pushing forward slow down pull it back to stop okay don't stop anywhere on the track until you get to the bottom okay always watch where you're going and super important no meaning side to side just be good squared up hips and shoulders okay what jhin's we would pull it to the red stop warming [Music] [Music] also there's a hole here we filled it with gravel we got a guy twisting single [Music] strapping [Music] it's so pretty at such a nice day it's a snowmachines in case it's not I'm cold enough to make snow yeah that's what they do if you're a dirt biker mm-hmm lay out everything on this mountain to [Applause] and you were sliding down they temporarily closed the left they thought they had a fire hello they were firing up the generator on top with the sonic eyes so they temporarily stopped this one until like a fire you're always like bigger than me [Music] [Music] things like oh you can do it one way ticket and walk down Plus down would be Racine anybody come down there [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] butchers on [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] because coming down she lay oh yeah there's a light [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] can tell these are houses or lodges over here like houses yeah [Music] how he cleaned it up he was embarrassed what the dad came out while I came up with Charlotte earlier and got rid of all the toys a beagle dog on their porch building a new one birds are so pretty [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah I know it is [Music] [Music] are you good [Music] [Music] right [Music] [Music] [Applause] I don't know it's probably my lotion it puts the lotion on the skin gets that was again so you're gonna enjoy that video if we need jump in all over the place probably gonna fit like this one all over it sorry [Music] it's warm in the Sun [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] look like the beauty of being up I know I should have pissed agreed [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] she's like a cork [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] particularly [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] as great for bowties hopefully you are you're not it's too late I want the board PMD international for your photos down in upper waters Leyte and as you notice already we've turned out of the marina here and get a little bit of a breeze here today by any means the speed of the boat the speed of the wind BC is so terrible that we need to punta if you do need to move around the boat if it doesn't it a little bit to hold up here 43 you're more than welcome to make your way downstairs to the main cabin with a nice small improve here today definitely more than enough room for everyone feel free to move around the boat take up stand up take some pictures walk around to do that just be mindful of your footing as you do move around the boat there's a lot away at the back as well if you missed the first step on that don't miss the next six or seven small so please take your time move around the boat before Detroit to heart I am required by the US Transport to give you a real brief safety talk so it is similar 2002 step water aircraft except here on the boat the emergency exits are pretty self-explanatory the international license to carry 165 passengers as such we carry 160 children infants we have here today Eliab targets to the left myself a parable wheel those as well as at the very bottom to the back for anyone downstairs into me yeah as well as the no Ariel for safety concerns my mayor bring are all trained in Man Overboard firefight at that first date and despite all of our use of the lunch so we have this tremendous me and your first mate ration both Canadian Catholics as well introduce your crew who are captaining up here at the help captain Phil and captain Phil one of our very most experienced happens of the company third day on the job was 22nd he's very experienced captain he knows his own hands that's very good system I know before I mentioned that will be our best chance to see some hot life today pretty consistently velocity as well saw the bald eagle get lost prey we have pulled the needle let us say numerous different ends of waterfowl meet with their way through water to visit is a major mandatory Abreu's as well what else can be seen both species of bears the black bear as well as the grizzly bear typically from the boat we typically will see the black bear but the grizzly bear full of the fewer numbers and they actually prefer the higher elevation to work more towards the prairies so we don't usually see grizzly bears from the shore side but as we make their way down they'll be able to scans and alpine meadows before they'd really bear to potentially we have health that we see in those alpine meadows yesterday some folks on board and ice actually saw them as well some mountain goats high country so we have here telephoto lens binoculars to make use of those for sure and out the far end to the latest some of the best moose habitat and waters and glacier partner Thank You fries for the moose we continue along the shoreline often in the spring so this time of year they're coming down the mothers are coming down to a shrine to give birth the reason they do that way along the edge of the lake is does it actually will eliminate a 180 degrees potential area predator can cover those moose they aren't very good swimmers the BB boost that takes the water almost as soon as they can walk if the need is there the mother will force that calf to sweat right away usually every year we'll see a few moves demo a try if we're lucky may even see we'll keep our eyes open a little bit less common but we have had in the last 10 years two sightings of Cougars or the big kitty cats and mountain lions from the boat they are quite rare to see although we do have very healthy population of those mountain lion we've also had one mountain goats from across the lake typically you don't see a mountain goat down off the high alpine slopes but if you ask me why he swam across like why he even came down this far I don't changes scenery it's hard to say get away from her we'll keep our eyes open even more rare than about to know someone across lake we have a latest across the lake last year I've never actually seen the late side left in my entire life I've never seen lakes have a term that day on the boat meant for use they actually summer swim across the lakes you never know never quite awkward Red Sea out here way to go I saw you told a needle right down at the edge of the lake just last week I saw old Eagle particular medium goose never know there's a lot happening out here they are wild animals of course it's not as soon so keep the one out of the wild it's hard to say but we'll see but keep our eyes open if you see something be sure to let us know in our attention will slow to hopefully get a little bit closer and give you folks a bit photo opportunities I of course face backwards in your couch these focus on the best road ahead that's your one job paper size to join yourself [Music] as we do make our way around the light back to definitely point out a few the mountains three folks I need to mount this around here or hate after some of the first explorers he's in the area is the palace transposition 1850s math in this area out so for that reason we have names like Richards in the outside a little bit different feed out special mountain of course named after that famous World War one mouth and hit me read France where maybe in church Ridge definitely prove here like to do between the three of us we will see here right hand side burn first by mouth Bertha come back to the valley here over towers the camp down the town now birth Richard's up ahead of us here notice the forest here a little bit fire we have us Kito fire fairly major fire here at Waterton a little bit of background on that I always get questions right the star suffice to talk about our little bit you know fire I guess the size of this fired Mars is 525 square kilometers Manimal 75% the fire started to the best of us it started on August 30th this very small fire there's only about couple Hector's inside so that first is the wordage anyone was out of the way away from any assets any people they actually just left winds continue to blow and that fired actually jump over the Continental Divide start to blow Burke debate typically to kite there there is a trail that's first rate the washing town sites will follow this Charlotte Russe lawn right now right on the base mount Richards here we'll be able to see up ahead here where the fire ended like I did mention that was a south wind that brought that fire down towards the town site that south wind is what we have right now what happened after the night of September 11 from that fire came down the wind switched 12 and the fire was able to help bring that fire to an end right here in this area up ahead the base mount Richards a little bit of a waterfall there's actually quite small now only a week ago that waterfall region lots of snow side of mount Richards here actually now it's starting to dissipate a fair bit [Music] the water reason it's way down but mostly burnt here without mercy him or the lodgepole pine right-hand side [Music] [Music] on this area that will only come around in the form of the fire signs that fire comes through this total burst release this season to the air it was a little wing tip and the warm air rising from the flames those seeds are very high above that passes those seeds then come back down and I lay down in that new Chandra Josh of the forest floor it is natural cycle motives [Music] [Music] the pine veto we have once these pine trees are diodes you have a much more mature forest start to develop we have left for us off our left hand side here hasn't burned since the mid eighteen hundreds so that's this lodgepole pine die off we thought be Douglas fir Engelmann spruce the large trees this temperature is it is point fold water sleep Sears actually though they can't eat breakfast like just a free snack first the water is that's only kind of interest typically middle of July early honestly [Applause] get water to be up 24 species of fish we have every different type of show besides the game construct main species in the lake here are the Latrobe that are the largest three different types of fish Oh just to protect the prince of wales hotel all the streets in town there was fire teams of all the different streets and that were at that point when the fire was making its way down the valley to put on some bonfires this essentially what happens is as that fires blowing down the valley and the tops of these pine trees and they superheat the lush it takes 37 meter there was no limitations on water they had as much as they could possibly want over two days there so let the weight drop about six inches that's pretty impressive for sure [Music] we were ready to go for sure maybe I'll get all the horses out as well as the stables that birds in town all the horses they got all the horses out some no livestock for any Liseberg we're slowing down now as we are coming up on the border take a look off the left-hand side I see a straight down swath because way decidable see these two party markers republics when you light one of these up great for together that means you have a surveyors view of the boy so the border itself interview is about 20 feet across that's actually cut every year by a team of trained beavers we have Nations has tucked every 10 to 15 years but either the Canadian or us part trail teams don't take turns throwing up their chainsaws act as a person that I sad some friends today that had dropped off on the left hand side they better decide about boss well they're gonna hike right at that cut line to the ridge and then they're gonna try to make their way up to the peak of Mount possible on the left there so you see anyone walking on that cut line they're not jumping the border they're just hiding they just told me they're almost on the ridgeline they can see the boat from where they are they're probably up the third with all the rocking areas apparently they can see us these were two different areas being managed differently by different administrations but they both had similar goals in mind so at that point Rotarians from Alberta and Montana started to lobby their respected federal governments - so to defend this area as one and they were successful in 1932 so since 1932 this area now known as waterton-glacier international peace park the very first of its kind in the world displaying that friendship and unity between Canada in the u.s. that is of course why we have lacrosse so easily they're up ahead of us here we'll see baoshan creek in just a moment flown into Boundary Bay along the right hand side down to the far end of a ladle on the right there is a mountain there that has multiple Jada pinnacles or peak just one of the more scenic mountains most photographed as well that is not a citadel a citadel of porcupine Ridge - the old-timers the area they called that old sawtooth mountain and the first nations knew it as a tiny oasis which roughly translates to needles touchin her needles in the heavens and then the kids call a t-rex mountain [Music] your name geologists onboard they know that as a glacial arete Montana one of my favorite places to be honest coming down here to go hike and go hike for days not see another person that's great one of the least populated states for sure less than a million people live in the state of Montana there's more people in Calgary Alberta we can also flip that around there's more people in the state of California than anyone's first time [Music] minutes [Applause] [Music] [Applause] questions first question about the snowfall Aaron Waterton it's a tower elevation here which is 4,200 feet above sea level average that's out there you go for a walk around town tonight there's a little nice boys drop the entire Smurf to the town down to the water side you'll see the jackets I think the confidence to walk on one side and slide down I just 50 people 50 people will stay here around and they're very easy to pick up just Watertown some people have more children just take the drinks summertime that our population will jump up to about 3000 the various I should say of all the hotels and restaurants being open and fully staff now the shoulders season of May June and then September October probably my favorite time to be here of course a very nice weather will open folder which is the Krauts downs it's like you have a place your cell phone as you walk around town at night here the string first Canada boat offer right hand side they're making its way back down towards the waters in town site that's their perch service boat [Music] [Music] [Music] for right hand side across from us now we're looking at the base of Mount Campbell the Lucknow Campbell you littles alpine meadows alpine meadows at this time here is where we often spot the grizzly bears and be helped of that area to stand beautiful spot you see somebody a plan shoots their snow still a little waterfall coming down from the high country [Music] yesterday on the boat off of our left hand side here is goat on Ridge up ahead of us is flat top Ridge and that is where we saw the mountain notes up above the treeline you have a clean set of eyes to live for mountain goats as well I always tell people if you think you see one of those we stare at it for about two minutes moves well chess starts a dota if it doesn't move chats are you spotted what I like to call a snowdrift [Music] best a pair of Baldy hold down here at this end Billy now we'll be hated out upon the shorelines as well looking for fish to linger into the shallow waters beyond the top of the trees [Applause] total mass so to reach that clinical mass it has to be about 60 feet thin 20 meters thick at that point there's so much weight on the bottom layer that it actually will change molecular structure because what we know is fur trying to figure out our system here just started offering a couple days ago it looks like if we put a phone close to any kind of the equipment back here starts to make some stacks just figure that out still a little bit I gotta say though that bottom layer of the glacier comes over tall fern super-compressed kind of like if you had a snowball your head you squeeze it all the water squeezes out and then you have almost like an ice ball so that's kind of like that bottom layer fur but it's very elastic white so it allows that way Charisse always start to move down the side of the mountain so as these glaciers are moving they are pick up these rocks and grind them Superfortress in them so it's similar to a relation flop so the glaciers breathe is in very large amounts and then each spring off these snow melt as well as the brain that sediment has picked up in the treats the streams deposit it down into the lake or either flu or sinks but it will actually stay suspended in the water cold so if you did to look now you can see that a little bit of an emerald green color to the water that's from the rock flower you go up to some of these alpine lakes at the base of the glaciers or even in other parts you may have been too late where it's almost a turquoise green in color right he were to take your glass of water scoop some water out there hold it up to the light you may actually be able to see the little part of his approach within the water just don't drink it make it stop [Music] [Music] [Music] you'll see that create a shape building right down below of the Jana Valley and Citadel peak sophomore great what they're doing because it's not open we're actually not allowed to land the boat point yet they kind of tell us more the National Park to the nearest road I usually is done in two or three days some folks refer to it as the - can't be done in a date with wanting something I want to do this year me and your first mate chapel run that job that trail started up here at night hopefully maybe here by 8:00 to catch the last boat back during the summer it turns into a long night there are six to ten people that live they'll work for the u.s. persons three trail maintenance nine usually two or three Rangers this point there's no one living down here yet pretty nice area to live if you ask to be anyone here think they could stay down here for three months or so yeah for sure no Wi-Fi though no big deal no Wi-Fi no problems couple appears a fishing rod if you like here I'm solitude just beautiful peaceful area this is it the left-hand side is the Information Center a little bit of information for the backpackers that would drop off as well as the hiker shuttles so that's where they can camp for the first night or their last night as they come in or out the left there and then down on the right-hand side you'll see where the Border Patrol land at their boat that is the snowflake pavilion just past them and that is the official part of entries the customs [Music] they are very self-sufficient down here on the roof over our left-hand side of the information center there we will see some brackets which hold the solar panels that they set up to run the lights and then in their bunkhouse which is a little bit ways back in the forest behind the information center of the Burrow should say up behind these snowflake pavilion off the right there they have more solar panels as well as up the creek to little ways they have a hydroelectric turbine which creates more than enough power all of DC power and they actually have a little building full of heaters to burn off the excess power that's coming in that's how efficient it is if anyone here has a little bit of land and you have a stream running across that land and you have an extra quarter million you just have something or solar panel or you have your own assistant they're very expensive for sure [Music] yesterday we saw the loons down here as well keep her eyes open some swallows five flying around they always nest around this area kind of Katie and goose along the shoreline yesterday at her over he is maybe pretty scarify was him bald eagle been eatin the piece recently dessert I've seen two Canadian diste eaten by multiple this here they have a taste for that now it's the first time I've ever seen that here in order to they are they had the teats armpit but I was pretty surprised my herd of the Baldy Homer tainted obese only after you once or twice a week pinball details are large birds to them about six foot winds as well definitely the pair of nesting pair down here look froze by the area where their nest is on the way back well on the left hand roll and so hopefully we see them around [Music] one of my favorite birds of prey out here that we have they are monogamous so they mate for life coming back to the same nest now this peril delayed for about 12 years how they made that's a whole another story a national fly up to the tops of these mountains about 8,000 feet and that by the lock talons midair and start to mate as they freefall down towards the earth and breaking apart only a couple hundred feet above the Earth's surface talk about pressure range [Music] patience [Music] [Music] to continue down the waste efforts by the boathouse here folks often asking why would you build a boat down here why not town where it's more accessible and the reason Vienna International here is us registered and in order to be US registered has to be built on US soil at the time it was not the road infrastructure or the equipment to move about this large by Road so they actually prefabbed the boat needed a full of the pieces in Kalispell Montana has shipped those individual pieces up by rail way to turn stone and from parts and they drove the market trailer into the town of site flow to these pieces down the lake where took six men just over seven months to assemble the boat down here note of course that time no power tools right all by hand so pretty a pretty major undertaking for sure besides that I did talk for the majority of the way down I told you I didn't want a record trip so here comes the best job Jenny I'll set the mic down unless you folks enjoy your time I have to family and friends but if I will circulate around the boat so if you do have any questions of course feel free to pull me aside I'm happy to talk to one on one a little bit and as we continue down the late you won't notice as much way because we will be going with the wind so it'll be a nice time to be up here on the upper deck for sure like I said before move around take pictures go to the bow to the Titanic pose [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh yeah [Music] straight up with all the peaks [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] if you look to the west to the east you can see those marketers on top of the ridges continuing on with a border crosses it was to find in the Treaty of 1908 that where the border exists must be clearly identified so in the mountains they cut the trees prairies I'm sure they just cut the grass a little shorter especially where there's nothing was wrong areas they had erected on tree markers drop ellipse [Music] [Music] [Music] so we've now cross the border take a look up there's but like I said before I drop some my friends off this morning there along the ridge now there's [Music] beautiful view off the left-hand side now look into the boundary valley the far end there you see that large patch of snow on Mount custard that is the herps to snow field her snow field recently reclassified 2010 for migration also in the background there to the right hand side left Mountain Custer that a little bit of a saddle that another peak is now for summer there's a huge pile of rocks and his pile of rocks marks the intersection of Alberta BC Edmonton to prevent two provinces in a state to meet on top now for one right beside mount Custer the one with the glacier is not customary at the snow field [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's I had a couple questions on the way down about geology they would want to talk about geology yeah too many geologists no geologists are hydrogeology that not no expert they don't pretend to be by any means but I dictated course called Ross for jobs and Paul until my past right ahead of us you were going to cruise by some cliffs where I'll be able to point some rock formations out quite well start off talk about geology let's jump back in time a little bit 1.6 billion years hence the billion it's pretty hard at that time they say this was a shallow inland sea a low light trough and what we now know as the Canadian Shield was a large mountain range I'm burning down from that mountain range the sediments sands and silts are deposited into this area southern Alberta here and overtime weight and compression these layers of sediment were building up here on the shower floor and then with that compression over millions of years the form sedimentary rock essentially a sedimentary rock is just repressed but silica sand so that is 98 percent of the rod we have here we have a little bit of igneous and even less metamorphic so you'll see these layers of sediment rock come into view now from their layers you'll also notice that these layers are out of our 30 degree angles compared to the flatness of the water thrusted upwards at that angle this is the Laurel cliff jumping spot as well right off the cliff face here over 90 feet of water two feet off a cliff face so that's it clear the price of the tour if anyone was trying [Music] so from 1.7 billion we're gonna jump ahead to 100 million years ago 100 million through the movement of the tectonic plates there you have plate tectonics the continental North American continental plate clod of the Pacific Ocean a plate the oceanic plate being heavier was thrusted downwards the continent to play upwards so if you were to move one hand over top the other you can kind of see how the buckling and bending the up thrust would have occurred here and that's what thrust to these layers up now there's a fold in the rock I'll point out it is only about six feet or about two meters up from the edge of the later write down on water's edge and for anyone that can't see where I'm pointing it's straight across from the bow right now it's a v-shape followed by a capital V shaped fold great at the edge of the lake now if you look below the V and above the a you'll notice the brought in those areas is actually bent without cracking that shows that over time weight and compression rock is able to bend especially has no Stirling source as well gonna rock that just taste millions years [Music] now we were originally told by geologists that was a chevron fold so they called it that for a while then I was corrected told those a recumbent fold very quickly again I was corrected told it was a syncline followed by an anticline and now it's just a v-shape followed by a nation hot waters the geologists [Music] rather you need the national Geographics that should come out here a number of times a photograph that fold not because you won't find it anywhere else but because this is a very small compact example that anyone that's not a geologist Tennessee the larger scale folds in the mountains here a little bit harder to pick out to the untrained eyes that's why they got close-up pictures of that [Music] because you make your way around water centers around the mountain you may see different layers of red rose urge light and urge late has were three percent degree of fire within the wrong so the speech to the Earth's atmosphere at the time that sediment was laid down in a shallow oil at sea the only fossils will find here where no one has stromatolite it was a blue-green algae that would bloom in these shallow inland seas and pollute our atmosphere oxygen so at the time if there were these strata liked living in the shot William land see that three percent of fire within not just that rock that was being laid down as sands and debris would oxidize turn that rusty red color if there was no stromatolite it was a die-off period and there was nothing living in that show unless he given off oxygen the rock would come down or the rock from the formed has this green kind of colors so as you make your way around Watterson Park you may find rocks that are maybe an inch half an inch thick one side will be completely red which is oxygen present the other side completely dreams so no oxygen present in the Earth's atmosphere and those stromatolite are also found on the very tops of the mountain so the only faucets we have here we're at the bottom that Shaolin let's see as a plant now they're found the very tops the mountains that this really makes sense right normally if you're just survey a mountain range you find the older layers of rock to lower down and as you work your way up the under layers of rock the opposite here is found as the area known as the land of the upside-down mountains so this occurred because of a low-lying fault line known as the newest over thrust that was found to the southwest of our position this low line fault line about a six degree angle the easiest way to explain over thrust to my destice if you have a cape or I take the Cape for example the layers cut it in half so you can see the different layers within the cage now you're gonna cut it again that a nice low line six to create forces from underneath the plates water was thrust in on top of the other so these older layers are now moving up above these younger layers oldest frog factor break tops of these pouches some of this rock here dated back to 1.6 billion years oldest ghost sedimentary rock and all of north pretty cool for sure if you're into geology [Music] as well as we look across the lake at Richard's to see where the fire ended here the green to the forest but he also noticed this little patch a couple hundred yards further down the lake there like I was talking about before those pine trees had that flammable pitch some of that super heats the talk the tree wash we blow off like a bottle rocket it was that warm air rising those branches and pieces the tree that are on fire to be carried very quickly to the forest and start these little spot fires are called further ahead of the fires a little bit of himself with what happened and then you can even see a couple other little ones [Music] [Music] [Music] in the valley off of our great hand side you see tripped rich and they're starting to hit me rich in the background this is the trip to Valley break up ahead here transit for Frank for less interested in that crypt rail was actually rated one of Canada's best heights 70s I know door magazine and then also it was recently rated one of the top-20 thrillin hikes on earth by national Geographics now I can't say anything about that I haven't hiked every height on earth so I don't know myself but definitely it is very good and here in southern Alberta it is one of our premier heights the reason it's rated so highly and thrilling is right near the end of the hike you actually have to climb up a 10-foot high steel ladder the trail ends up that ladder and when you get to the top if I start to crawl through a tunnel 60 feet long not the story / crawl through that tunnel come over the other end a couple minutes later and you're sitting on a cliff face lifting 600 feet straight down to the valley floor make your way around that cliff face hold it onto a cable that's embedded into the rock I walked it on a Ledge that's about two and a half to three feet wide for about a hundred yards it is filed it's a good time for you if you're into item for sure I know a lot of people are a little worried about going out in the backcountry here because of the Bears range and to be honest I don't necessarily think you have to be scared of bears I think you need to be educated and understand that these animals live here this is their home they don't mind us though if they were out there to get us there would be a lot more fatalities out here hi Tim I think in North America there's about one fatality a year and they think about how many people visit national parks or I didn't so bears they really want nothing to do with us we do have two different types like I said before we have black bear and grizzly bear and despite the names color is probably the worst way to tell bears apart black bears can be black brown blonde too cinnamon red and even albino in some places and as a spirit bear completely white very cool I've never seen it myself but I'm in this area anyways the grizzly bear as well it can be a wide range of color so really not the best way to go if you see a bear do you want to tell them apart what I like to look for myself first thing you can start off by looking at is the highest point on the Bears body typically the highest point on a grizzly bears the hump builds muscle behind the shoulder blade while on a black bear typically the highest point will be the rump or rear end of the bear Fabian said some of the older black bears do develop a little bit of a hump as well and that is because they use many of the same techniques to fight food did enough in the backcountry the roots the bulbs the tubers plant vegetation so for that reason some of the older black bears they tend to have a little bit of a hump as well just enough so that it makes it hard to tell which where the highest point is so the best way that I look at is the face and d-block bear much like a German Shepherd the canine they have a lawn protruding snow coming high off their forehead with large triangular shaped ears that's dead up on it easy to pick up the black bear on the other hand they're much more late or sorry the grizzly bear on the other hand they're much more kind of like a pig face up they have a low smoke come and blow off their face like a pit and then they have a very flat almost ditched in for him face and the ears are rounded over small round over here's the black or the black brush as the largest here's of any member there Strangler point machine tips forms the face the best way to go that doesn't work for you to always take a look at the cloth length Grizzlies have very long claws three to six inches in length the black there's only one to two inches very small applause he's mostly for spinal trees the grizzly bears are using them to dip said if you can see the but you're too close now you have to climb a tree if the bear follows you up it's a black bear if it just pushes the tree right over its Chris too late [Music] enough to worry about that we do want to get up there and go hide it or even just for a little walk off the beat the trail around here there's a chance we'll see you there and a couple of rules that keep in mind while out there in the Bears home here in the backcountry the board rules purses to make noise the best way to make noise is using this human voice that our future halt our every now and then sitting songs if you can or if you can't doesn't-matter feel back country don't rely on each it's the way the bear bells and the bear whistles not to burst your bubble for those but scientifically speaking they are about 100% useless and about 200% of knowing and that very small tinkling sound is not travel very far before us especially an area like water Tim this very windy drowns it out in the trails have numerous waterfalls protected by as well John's out sound oh very quick being in organic bears do not relate to anything to belts and they have been shown by nature to be curious animals as well so combine the two things the stays have shown they may actually come looking for I wondered what it is so for that reason the locals we don't use those we actually call them dinner belts that's the night I recommend you to if those take them home give them to someone you don't like right so they're gonna take a hike come on your Christmas tree maybe now just rely on the human voice has been proven time and time again by radio caller and trapping these animals that when they hear the human voice they'll move off the trail causing no problems and all you'll walk by they may not even know through there it'll be 50 75 yards off hunkered down in a bush waiting for you to pass no issues the second rule is anyone at the second most important fitness exactly to always hide for someone slower than yourself right now of course Voight avoided the Bears but make noise let them know you're coming and then keep in your food and garbage with you that's the best way for bears to get into trouble actually in the national parks between the 50s 60s and even into the early 70s it was seen as normal to feed animals feed the Bears in particular they'd line up along the side of the roads and turn to the party people would open up their windows and throw hot dogs whatever they had available oh - kind of like a tourist attraction at this time it was also a we had the most bear encounters and bear incidents as when you feed it in the wild out of course no different than the deers in town now they start to rely on you as a food source they try to seek you out as the phasors so the bear starts to seat people out as a food source and then they end up the process on the trail that doesn't happen refuses to give them some I talk quite impressive just saying here the part that a Fed bear is a dead bear and truce over years now few generations affairs have been able to work that under their system to natural wild bears adult while people don't see it's very good at a derrick town not such the taste patella later unknowingly maybe is doing them a salt vinegar chip or some sort of food they go a little bit crazy because think Oh it's nothing so they started to come up to people I've actually been riding my bike along the Main Street after work home and some folks are have an ice cream sitting on the benches outside the big scoop that a deer walked up behind them not knowing if I was sitting there looking at his wife and ain't ice cream better the guy's hand so that's not normal and then what happens is they get more they get used to people they start to have their babies right in town the fonts will be born in town so the next generation grows up without that fear of people and those mothers become quite aggressive towards dogs especially I've seen number of dogs get stopped and attacked here and those deer have very sharp news and injured reading phil dogs if you have a dog at this time of year you want to be careful you see someone walk around that's from here their dog there always have a stick some reason I always tell people now if you have a dog you're walking around a deer at an address and just pull all your bears for spring the park doesn't play the part walk let April cases they don't want you to prepare you stick to FINA Deirdre comes out of an airlock astray just be cautious of that walk around town to see the deer the meal before she Redd Foxx coming to town to try on the gopher perhaps boss the Redhawks come in a little bit later in the day quite as out just asleep you know if I walk later even bears I was unloaded my vehicle the other day take the groceries out of my car looked up there was a little black bear ten feet from tarik okay let's tell people to be tonight's passionate about Curtis trees down box worth just nothing to do with us all they are looking for out here especially right now this time of year is a little bit of food like for a bear right now especially in this area that's not this time here but I said before they'll be in the back which is even a person ball rocks [Music] sick or injured dear we they will see some matches most part male chase was the taste too much reference its lot easier for a bear to try to sit down and a bit berry bush meat berries all days they tend to try to do definitely journey later part of life throughout August and September as well that is is there time on after 20 hours a date very cross how do we know that there was actually a study done here the University of Alberta a couple biology students came out they were talking we were assigned a bear to follow around maybe a shovel and 24 hours they went back to the lab the paratroopers are starting up there we were informed affairs need 22,000 calories or I go to a local fast to need 40 pig as much weight as they can female Bears it's even more important wait as it can some washi tie mid-may to mid-june we're ready the fairs right now and also tell you as the shortest gestation period of any which will not give birth till the middle of Jan [Music] mother also has this natural cycle and her body known delayed implantation or this works as for the maiden season now we'll be fertilized by the mill bear within the mother's womb develop to a certain size known as the apostasy state [Music] start growing and we'll stay dormant in the butters rest of throughout July August and the mother bear goes into the den usually mid to late November her body will make the decision for she has brought enough ways to support herself and sometimes those embryos once and self-applied to continue to she's not throw enough weight fleshly self-abort dissolve back to the bloodstream proteins so it's a survival mechanism part of the mother's needs first for some reason he had a bad hairy problem she will not become trade it's a good very fraught glossary she will have typically in this area between one all record being six these TV bears will be born in the middle of winter after developed when they're born the only way about a pound or two to holding the plumbing can very small cows taste all of us energy to have as well they're hairless their eyes are shut and of course they have bare feet but away their husband the mothers rich milk mother's mouth about 20% fact in comparison you know so they do grow very quick for these baby bears when they come out of the dead in the spring early spring will weigh at around 15 or 20 pounds cool thermals this time December maybe 20 pounds now it's cute little fur balls we follow on their mother around there's been a number of fairs there was what motherĂ­s on this year that has three cups the mother herself was kind of that cinnamon color to her cubs were also sentiment of the third cup of jet bombers like I said there could be arranged colors for the next two to three years Hunt's cabbage spot it's not gonna be long before to start off [Music] in America sense unfortunately it first they're trying to say well they'll be at any point the vehicle at a time here right away that's alright too because Everywhere's a good chance to see bears Torres pitch entry to the park page with it ranks towards charter that was quarter you smell [Music] we'll see something nice take my bar maybe later on today definitely recommend and check out the Prince of Wales hotel Hill in front of us anyone's love [Music] putting the store structure up there is anyone here stay at the pencil I know what the Prince of Wales even if you're not stay in there and go up there that they have talked every night they do a little bit of wasn't that with interest and beautiful views like I said looking at the middle waters late as well as the upper waters of Bali here's a cool spot to check out what paths will take you around Prince Wells down by the minute lake as well behind it spot check out it's usually about this point in the cruise definitely type in the day where folks will asked us for recommendations on where to eat if shop stuff like that and in terms of restaurant that's really hard for us to recommend one over the other all the restaurants here in town do a very good job you have them appreciate the fact they have a short operating season so they'll do their very best to keep you happy and keep you coming back so I'm sure everybody don't you all have a great meal I know if you're looking for something maybe a little fancier but the best items at the base where they have plates I'd chop house nice and use them for the light there's a little more fancy is I know across from them trappers down to paralyze the circle ready on a straight parallel there's a really good pizza place in place behind I tried out after I ate all the 49 degrees in those pizza but I said anywhere you go you have it right now the big scoop to come on Main Street there's the winter storm envious regret was at the police station folks often ask where do you find that deals on cheap beer prepare those substances so don't waste your time looking for deals I'm seeing here but if you like to try a local beer out that the thirsty bears it is called those two bear it's not the social house anymore but the bar making sure there they actually have a really good selection of local beers from the area through a makers that's the only place I could guarantee you'll see wildlife if you're here on the weekend you walk out in front of the thirsty bear about three [Music] but I out for your first mate besides that is we make our way into the land in here and to everyone on the front of the boat to please find a seat to get for us Jeremy will be up there opening the gates to man the lines behalf of your captain Phil your first mate Jeremy myself I just like to thank you folks for coming out here with us today take the bullet that three of us will be out of a job [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] on the shot they probably don't like that okay it's go to the bathroom gasps it looks like they could be going for berries or something like that it's like no I mean no Raj as an fine videotaping and take over videoing I can try to take pictures I need to take outside let's go make a video up one Oh that has not appeared on cars don't worry baby I'm not gonna hurt you this much around you - all over it I'll be at the same gear that very plumbing earlier some other babies come if it is turn on the tree leaf we're a baby if
Channel: Jason Lee
Views: 176,352
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: JB2xgV4e-5U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 231min 45sec (13905 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 17 2018
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