White Castle Cheeseburgers (Copycat recipe the RIGHT way)

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[Music] we're going to begin the process now when I realize that people have given me some feedback on these and wanted to see a video I said you know what let me check out YouTube see what's on there oh my goodness um the recipes that are on there pretty scary and they missed the most important cooking process for these burgers I'll explain that to you once we go along I forgot to mention your sheet pan needs to be 17 by 11 don't hate me I apologize but it needs to be 17 by 11 in order to make the recipe work if you're gonna use a smaller pan because that's all you have then you're gonna need to cut back on the meat and that just changes the recipe okay or you can do it with a smaller pan but just know your burgers are gonna come out a little thicker okay so you're gonna need some parchment paper to put on top here and you get it in there such as you can have it overlapping on it on the ends like you see here and you're going to put the meat in a bowl now I use 80/20 because that is juicy type of foods and what I do is I put I simply put the meat in here very simple and then I some pepper not much I'll give you the exact measurements as always some salt not as much as you think it looks like it's a lot but it's not then we're gonna put in some beef broth I do this by eye but I will definitely view the right measurements and I'll tell you why I do it by eye because it's hard to tell exactly how much your meat like you know your meat maybe maybe I don't know a day or two fresher than what I'm using so you may need to use more I need to use less so it's difficult the basis though that I've always used this 1/2 a cup and if I have to go back in there and and get more liquify I just keep adding in so I start little by little and I know by eye how it's supposed to look so you're just going to simply mission it this way and this is another reason why I tell you to use gloves because you seriously aren't going to be touching and handling this meat so much that even if you're serving your family you just you're not gonna feel right if you're going in there with bare hands so if you can see here it's in a spreadable consistency okay you want it to be easily spreadable where it's not going to break so that's enough for me I'm not gonna put any more in there now some of the things let me make something clear some of the recipes you're gonna find online are ludicrous absolutely insane you have people telling you to add in onion soup mix and don't do it doesn't belong in there this is what it weighs suppose we made trust me I've tried it in some of the ways listed just because I was curious don't do it another thing that I've seen is people adding in a tablespoon of peanut butter but for what I know that sometimes people tend to add in crazy things to make it seem more secret or their their touch and the people who are adding in peanut butter to the meat they were adding in a pound and a half of meat so it's like a tablespoon of peanut butter isn't is not even gonna matter in a pound and a half of me it's it's a useless ingredient and then I've also seen dehydrated beef I don't even know where one would even purchase dehydrated beef it sounds disgusting to put inside of a burger recipe and someone else also suggested a jar of baby food beef my daughter who when she was an infant when they lacked tastebuds didn't even want to eat that I can't even imagine an adult wanting to mix that in with a burger so a lot of the recipes you'll see online as well they use a pound and a half of meat and then the and burgers end up coming you know this thick about a half an inch White Castle burgers aren't that thick they're they're almost paper thin okay so you're gonna want to go with three for two pounds of meat obviously this recipe makes 12 so if you need more than that you double the recipe triple the recipe so let's go on with the most important step here we have it to that little mushy consistency I start off by pushing it here with my hands just to get it as kind of uniform as possible you want to get it into like a rectangle shape okay so this is not something that I'm generally used to doing like obviously I only do this method for burgers when I want them to have the look taste and texture of White Castle burgers so in the best way I can so this is a little tricky I'll show you that it's a little tricky in the best way I can I do it before in a form of a rectangle shape okay so for me the hardest part about the recipe is just really shaping it out if you want to shape it out too like those blank I mean sorry the width of the pan and the length okay so slowly and gently you're gonna roll gentle don't look don't be rough okay no need to be rough you're gonna gently roll just back and forth now see how it's perfectly my rolling pin fits in there again if you don't have a rolling pin that's non-wood you don't have to go and buy one for this recipe you can do it with your hands it just takes a much longer time Solar gently start rolling back and forth until it starts getting longer and wider and then it you'll start seeing it loses its shape you don't worry about that you can fix that we will fix it as I've gotten it as far out as I can with the rolling pin for now to see Helm's broke we're gonna put this back here excuse me so what I'm gonna do is this I'm going to gently as best as I can I'm going to press the meat out little by little okay it's litter just nudging it very slowly not pulling not pressing hard and then if you like see if this could happen if you're like you know you get that little hole don't worry it just will over there you go you're not gonna know this it's gonna go in the freezer so it's not like you're going to mess it up right now so I'm just gonna keep rolling it out here until it gets to the size that I need it to be you know it's breaking here just push it push some in this way there you go done so now here it's like uneven right so I'm trying to get it to be more even so I'm gon just pressing it toward like a little ripple like the ocean and I'm pressing it until it gets here right here and we're just making like little visible lines they don't have to be very you know perfect you just want them to be visible to your eye and I'll explain why it's very important to do these lines first because the next step that follows is the reason why they come out like White Castle Cheever [Music] we're gonna do take the strong are you going to just put it in the meat and go and move in a circle just like this okay if you notice White Castle burgers they have five holes in the middle and that's because of the steaming process work that's right you heard me correctly these are steamed they're not broiled they're not baked they're not fried they're steamed that's the next step I'm not even going to explain it to you right now so you continue doing that in between every square okay I'm gonna save the boring part now once you get all your square your holes in each square you're going to put this in the freezer and you're gonna keep it in the freezer until you feel it firm but not frozen and then after that I'll show you the next step it's easy-peasy after this this was the most difficult part everything else is golden they would look like this and they're easily able to be pulled off of the parchment paper okay if you didn't freeze them overnight you only freeze them for an hour they're still going to be pliable it just you have to be a little more careful with them so the next step that you're gonna take is the steaming process that's the process I was talking about before and that's the only way that they should be cooked and what you're gonna do is you're gonna put in the mixture of beef broth I always as usual give you the correct measurements oops my cube didn't fully dissolve so let me take those out and that's okay because I don't want it to be too salty so I don't mind that all of it didn't dissolve properly so what we're gonna do now is if you can see I feel like I need more of the chopped onions so I just want all the surface to be covered by them and if you're like one of those people who don't really like a lot of onion then you know you don't have to put them in all right so this is what you're gonna do now obviously I can pick mine up this way and just transfer it because it's frozen but when when you only do it for an hour you're gonna have to like carefully flip it over so that's what you would have to do is carefully flip it over that way you know and I'm showing you that I didn't have to do it that way but I'm just showing you so that you can see the process that you have to take so now all you're gonna do now is you're gonna put it in the oven 400 degrees and you're not going to touch it don't open up the door you don't want to release any of the scene just leave it and you can see through your little oven window and when they start turning brown so seven to ten minutes depending upon your oven so I just took them out of the oven I know they don't look very appetizing I promised you they are delicious you see here they look like they've shrunk don't get nervous that's what they're supposed to do so now you take your thinly sliced deli cheese and you just layer it over so you see now how you're doing this you know that's why I said don't worry if it looks like you have if they've shrunk so much because that's the way they're supposed to look so I'm only going to put pickles on the on this section right here so continue topping them this way see exactly 12 what did I tell you told you to trust me so now what we're doing is we're putting them back in the oven for about I don't know five minutes no longer than that so this is what they look like I told you they'd be easy anyone could follow the directions just keep the ingredients simple that's the way they're supposed to be they're not overly seasons or anything and you're going to love them they made exactly 12 and trust me when you try it you'll never make them another way again and you'll probably be addicted to them so if you liked the video and you tried the recipe and it was delicious of course share it subscribe and click like thanks for watching bye [Music]
Channel: Gypsy
Views: 768,553
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: White Castle (Business Operation), food, recipe, easy recipe, fast food recipe, fast food at home, healthy fast food, white castle burger, white castle cheeseburgers, white castle copycat burgers, white castle copycat cheeseburgers, cheeseburgers, burger, hamburgers, copycat recipe, white castle recipes, cooking, delicious, Hamburger (Food), Cheeseburger (Food), Fast Food (Cuisine), Eating, Kitchen, white castle secret recipes, secret recipes
Id: vlPFljfTmVU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 50sec (710 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 05 2014
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