Whistle Stop (1946) Ava Gardner | Film-Noir, Crime, Drama | Full Movie | Subtitles

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TRAGIC APPOINTMENT Thank you. - Bye, Sam. - Goodbye, Sam. - Hello, Molly. - Mary! What a surprise! When did you arrive? Just now. I saw Sam at the station. He didn't recognize me. No wonder. You look great! - Is that mink? - I hope so. - Have some breakfast. - Just coffee. You're like my Kenny. He never eats in the morning. What a surprise! What brings you in from Chicago? The money. The money! But you're rolling in money. This coat blinds you. The mink hides many things. I'm going to sell the house. We're behind on rent. Until now, I didn't need it. That's right! Did you lose your job? No, I quit. Can I stay a few days? Of course, this is your house. Kenny will vacate your room. Don't wake him up, it's too early. He's not there. But he didn't leave town? No, Kenny is still wandering around Ashbury. What is he looking for? You know, he's always on the lookout. Right now, I bet he's on to something big. I want three. Give me 2. How many? I'll take 3. And I take 5. - 10 cents. - Without me. I am. Looks like the train from Chicago. Are you waiting for someone? He's not waiting for anyone. To see. A queen. Kings. With three twos. You haven't won all night, Barker. The cards are stacked against me. You weren't that bad with your card game. You're not very good either. And not just at cards. What do you mean by that? Lew received a letter from someone you know. We don't care. When I went to Chicago, I was able to go see her. - She's doing well. - Shut up. You should see the hotel where she lives. Classy! Who would have thought that little Mary would wear mink? Hands off! Get off my back. Let go of me. You're going to keep your mouth shut, understand? Forget about her, Kenny. She's not for you. That's what I like about you. You've got some nerve. A lot of nerve. Hello, Mr. Lentz. Hello. What happened to you? His tongue has gone out. The bar is a mess. Go clean it up. That's not my job. I'm a bartender, not a handyman. Sometimes I doubt it. You couldn't hold your tongue. He hit me from behind. Don't bother. He'll regret it in the end. - Shave you? - Yes. Thank you. - Hi, Mom. - Kenny, listen. You're going to stop that. I'm not talking in the wind! Mom, you got fat. - Guess what. - I'm not good at guessing. Mary is back. There's coffee on the stove. Make a real meal. Mary! Kenny! - Hi, beautiful. - Hi, handsome. - How I've missed you. - It's been so long. Where did you get this? It's a gift. From whom? The store owner. We almost got married. For the lovely Mary. From George. Did it go with the coat? No, there's more than department stores in Chicago. And none in Ashbury. Why did you come back? Maybe for you, silly. And not for anyone else? You wrote to Lew Lentz. I answered his letter. At least he wrote me. I never gave you anything. Go on, say it! I have never asked I never asked anyone for anything. With love and love. With love of New York. With all my love, Fran. This is serious, isn't it? I guess you've been very busy since I left. And that's not going to change. Really? Molly, you should open a restaurant in Chicago. You're the best cook and the prettiest girl in Ashbury. Be careful, she'll make you pay. Thirty years ago you couldn't get married without knowing how to cook. Hi, everyone. Hi, Ernie. Remember Mary? Taste my apple pie. A little bit. I just had dinner. I'll take a little piece. Don't eat the dish! Come in! Good evening, everyone. This is for you, Mary. From Lew Lentz. Where should I put them? Oh my, red roses! Pretty, isn't it? See you next time. Kenny, I was thinking of putting wild strawberries. It makes a good coulis. Go get me some. Josie will do it. I'm not going to pick up. What do you have to do that's so important? We don't talk like that. Nobody tells him anything when he goes to Ashbury and spends your money drinking and hanging out. She's right. You're going to stop your shenanigans. We're not that kind of people. Would you rather he waited here for the job to fall off? No, but he should stop 8 o'clock in the evening. If he looks hard enough, he doesn't come back from the night. And you can't find it by hanging out in the street! - That's good talk. - Shut up, Sam Veech! If it wasn't for... Don't worry, son. Don't worry about your father and Josie. They get carried away. We're leaving, Ernie. If you're going into town, you can drop me off. I thought you were going to stay at home tonight. I have a date. Wait, Ernie, I'll come with you. - Thanks, Ernie. - Goodbye, thank you! Where are you going? Not the same place as you. Fran, here are the glasses. You shouldn't come. Don't worry about it. Get me a drink. - You're looking for trouble. - That's my business. Good night, Lew. Thanks for the roses. I was waiting for you. Why are you in the dark? I didn't realize it was so late. Your hair is shining in the light. Too bad you don't wear a ribbon anymore. This is the first thing I noticed about you. You haven't changed in two years. How about you? I'm back. Why? To sell the house. Is that all? I was homesick. Is it possible with this city? You still have it in your skin? Even in Chicago. I came to see what he looked like. It's done. It will never change. I could have told you two years ago. It wouldn't have made any difference then. I can't stand it! He walks around like the lord of the city when he can't afford can't afford the newspaper. Come and see. Look at this. He knows what I think of him and he has the nerve to come here. Do you still love me, Fran? Aren't you happy to see me? You didn't come to see me. We had a date last night. Do you remember that? Good evening, Gitlo. Good evening, Gitlo. That's no way to talk. Good evening, Mary. Give me 50. Shall we go? It's better. Like that, she's back. Remember, Kenny? Listen to me, Kenny. There's nothing for us here. Chicago is a great city. We can make it there. To do what in Chicago? Pass the time? What are you doing here, besides playing cards? This city, your friends, your family, they rot you. There you will have a chance, you'll meet people. Something will happen, I know it. There's too much Lew Lentz out there. We're talking about me. It's a private party. I thought I could help you, my boy. You can give me a cigarette. Anything else? You can turn it on. Now that you have what you want, go away. I don't want to see you here anymore. Next time I'll be I will be less friendly. With a smile, it would go down better. We're leaving. Where to? I'll take you home, I'll swing you in a hammock. That's very funny. Lew, is your invitation to the club still stands? Don't touch it. Make up your mind. Is it him or me? She has made her choice. Now get out. Get up! Kenny! Stop it! Kenny, I've had enough! I'm tired of spending my life trying to change you. I'm leaving town for good. It was a hell of a ride. Kenny! Don't let go. Let's have a drink, just the two of us. I thought you were in town. Do you have a cigarette? What's the matter? Didn't you have fun? Listen to that rooster. He doesn't stop all night. I can't even hear the train whistle anymore. It's my bile that's coming back and my back. It's killing me! Go home, Dad. I'll take it from here. Thank you, Dad. There is a sandwich in this box. You will answer. Hi, Kenny. Hi, Gitlo. How about a game of cards? I'm not in the mood. A few rounds. I never sleep before daybreak. I like to come here. The trains that go by here. They go by here, full of life. And we are left alone. I feel safe. Working in a club and living in a hotel, he's always around watching me. Just because of that story. The police don't know anything but he does. He doesn't talk about it. But he's waiting for my first slip-up. Lew is a bad man. Do you cut by squares? What a surprise to see Mary! Just, I thought she was coming back for you. But after Chicago, she'll have a hard time living your way. Especially if a guy like Lew is in love with her. Did you see him take that 50 bucks? He's going to spend it like 50 cents. It impresses the girls a lot. Did you throw away the 2? If it wasn't Lew, I'd be happy. It's better for you too. You would never have to worry have to worry about. The cards are sticking. We need a new deck. I never told you why I had this problem. I lost my temper. That's what I like about you. You've got a lot of nerve. We are three weeks away from the annual Ashbury Fair. June 1. This is a great day for Lew. He earns a lot of money from his pits. Last year, he made over $150. I know this because I drove him to the train. At the end, he takes the money to a bank in Detroit. And the train to Detroit is called from here. If the guy at the station forgot to switch the train, Lew would never make it to Detroit. Are you following me? Hide your game, I see everything. It's very easy. I just have to drive Lew here. Your father won't feel good. That's why you're here. I'll wait a few minutes. That's enough for a guy who's got some nerve. And I bring the car back. I know where to get rid of it. For everyone else, Lew never comes back from Detroit. Do you understand me? The train from Detroit. Always on time. It's good to have you home for once. - Hi, beautiful. - A cake? - Is it good? - Excellent. - Good evening, everyone. - Josie, Ernie's here! I'm ready to go! How do I look? Well, I'll be damned! Don't be too late. - I will. - Good evening. - Goodbye. - Goodbye. - Where did Josie get her dress? - It was a gift from Mary. And where did Mary get the money? What are you doing at home tonight? Lew had to go to Mayfield. How about you? Lew had to go to Mayfield. Ken, if we went out. Sure. Sit down. - Do you have a cigarette? - Of course I do. Thank you. - What happened to George? - He's gone. Good for him. Do you see much of Gitlo? Every now and then. - What do you know about him? - He's a nice guy. He buys me drinks, but it's awful. Gitlo's been in big trouble. Lew helped him. Gitlo wouldn't be here otherwise. Maybe he owes her. And to the guy who brought the roses. Lew is still on his back. Ken, be careful with Gitlo, will you? - Will you say the same thing to Lew? - I will. Why do you keep seeing him? What about me, Mary? What about us? Us, Ken? There's nothing left between us. You think you can have everything you want? - I won't give up without a fight. - You are wrong. About everything. You think you know everyone. Your father, your mother, your sister. Me. You've got it all wrong. You've always told me that. No matter what I do or how I feel, I'm always wrong. You may be right. But I'll end up being right. - I'll take them. - I'll take them. Go ahead. Guess who? Everything is ready for the fair. I'll be on time. I need two more days. It will be better than last year. Lew has hired a whole carnival. Yes, sir, this fair is going to make somebody rich. - That's good beer. - And it's mine. Hi, sweetie. Have a seat. Take care of my boy. He's very preoccupied. Serve me. - You want me to be gallant. - I expect more from you. It's true that you are preoccupied. By Mary. What do you mean by that? The whole town is laughing at you. You want to compete with Lew Lentz. You know you have no chance. Why don't you admit defeat? Let's stop playing games, Kenny. Where do you think you're going? Where you won't keep me by closing my suitcase. Stay a little longer. That's all I ask of you. Let's stop playing. I'd better go. Really? What do you have to offer me? You reap what you sow. You left me when I needed you. You're leaving again. I never promised you anything but I make you a promise. We'll go together. To go where? Anywhere. It's far, anywhere. This time we'll get there. - Hi, Kenny. - Hi, Al. Come on, show him what you can do. Ah, it's too easy with these suckers. I bet you don't touch the lamp up there. I'm your man. You want to lose? - I'll bet 50 cents. - You're on. It is forbidden to shoot... on light bulbs. - Here's your money, Al. - Have you lost your nerve? Where have you been? I was lonely. And now what? - I feel wonderful. - Have another one. I'm working tonight. Drink another one. It will wake you up. That's right, you have to stay awake. You are so nice to me. - Sam! - Ernie, on your way to the station. This is terrible! Ernie's going to have to replace it. This is going to ruin our evening. Mommy! There she is. Sam, you should be ashamed of yourself! - Where did he get the money? - Gitlo bought him a drink. I didn't know he had to work. You didn't know. You didn't tell him. You should mind your own business! Go ahead, kids, Kenny will take over. - Let's go dancing. - Be there at 11:15. - And you, go sleep it off. You look... - Mom, you're so pretty! Yes, I know. Go home to sleep it off! Gitlo is very generous with the Veech family. He's a good guy. - You're enlisted for tonight. - I can't help it. Really? - Someone has to replace him. - And that's you. Come on, let's go back. - You want to dance? - Sure. - Why are you following me? - I just wanted to talk to you. I'm in a hurry. What do you want? - Will you meet me at the bar? - Leave me alone. I'm fine! But when Mary tells you the same thing, don't come begging to me. Step back, step away. Carousel, shooting range. It's going well, huh. Bye-bye. - Are you ready? - Are you in a hurry? - You don't want to miss your train? - Sit down. Sit down. What's the matter? Nothing. Let's go. - Where is my car? - It was here a moment ago. You left the keys. Who would steal your car? Nobody, it's gone. Your car, Lew? Mary took it. Let's take the station wagon. Fran had an accident. Too bad. Come on. Get in the car. You could have stayed at the fair. I would have walked. Molly was afraid you'd be late. I still have time. What's the matter? Don't you want a ride? What makes you say that? For someone who has time, you left in a hurry. - You're not very talkative tonight. - I have nothing to say. I never stopped you from chatting. Give me a light. Stop moving. And there you go. Right on time. Thank you. Kenny, wait. - Why? I have something to tell you. - I have something to tell you. - Later. - It will be too late. I'll come back on the afternoon afternoon train. Be there. Have a good trip! What are you doing here? Where is... - Where is...? - That's what I thought. The father is drunk and the son is drinking. Some in-laws I have here! Switch on the train, Ernie. What a great way to end the night! I asked you a question. What are you doing here? I thought Kenny was here. I keep him company sometimes. We play cards. Where are the cards? Where are the cards? You see. Come on, Lew, let's go. I hope you get lucky. What are you doing, explain it to me. You can come down now. Now? What was that ride with Gitlo? You seem to have your own idea. I was hoping I was wrong. This time you're right? - Mary, I can... - Go away! Only one more month until the big day, Ernie! I'm counting the days. - This is a wedding, not a funeral. - It's the same thing. Should I invite Lew Lentz? I don't see why not. Mary lives in her hotel, but that's no reason. They haven't let go of each other since the fair. Come and eat something. I saw Fran at the hospital today. Is she better? The doctors have little hope. It's hard for her. She would love to see you. Very good. - You be nice to her. - I'm not going to beat her! - Considering what you did to Mary. - Keep your mouth shut! Fran would have done anything for you. You're going to stop! Don't stay long. She is very sick. Thank you. Hello, Kenny. Good morning, Fran. I thought you weren't coming. I would never have had the courage to ask you. Josie didn't tell me what you thought of me. It's hard now. I think of the fun we could have had together. I know I won't get away with it. But I'm not afraid. I am happy because you are here. You care about me. I will live again, with you. Of course I will. Be happy, my angel. In a while, a nice girl will come. That's what I'd like. That's right. Don't say that. You'll be back on your feet in a few weeks. And we... Don't let it get you down. You'll be fine. Look at me. Look at me! Josie lied. I'm sorry. You mustn't blame Josie. She was just trying... to give me some hope. I'm sorry, too. I wish it had it had gone differently. I'm sorry for everything. Look at you. You are broken. I never thought that a woman could do this to you. How does it feel to love someone who doesn't care about you? It hurts. Huh, does it hurt? Calm down. All this time, I loved you and I was afraid. But I see that there is nothing to fear from you. Nothing can ever happen to you. because you are worthless. Go away! Go and bemoan your fate! Go away! Look at you. You are broken. V Look at you. You are broken. - Where are the guys? - Nobody came tonight. I heard your sister is getting married. You should have seen the trout I caught. It was like this... Hurry up. It's my birthday tonight. - Do you want some art? - Sure, I do. So don't rush me. Kenny, leave it! Thanks, Joe. Hi, Kenny. Pittsburgh is the place that we need to open a bar. It's worth it. I've never been there. Get me a drink. Right away. How come you're drinking alone on a Saturday night? Don't you know that I've become exclusive. Get me another one. Why don't you go see her. That's not a bad idea. We'll call it "The Dwarf Village. "Dwarves from all over the world will come. Little dwarfs. This is the best idea since Noah's Ark. You can do better. I'm telling you, Lew, we're gonna make a fortune. We'll go all over the world. I have a better idea, we'll go to South Africa and buy... What are we celebrating? Do you remember? It's a private party. Let's just say I'm in. What are we celebrating? Go away. I don't want to smell your alcohol. But you like that smell? Those good old dollars can buy anything. You must be pretty drunk to come back here. You know what, I don't think he likes me. I don't like you. I don't like anything about you. I'm going to tear you apart for this. - Stop it, Kenny. Please come in. - Get him out of there. - Don't touch him. - What are you looking for? Calm down. Be a good boy and go home. He's not that drunk. I know it. Let's finish our drinks. You'll finish without me. I don't know yet what to do with him yet. But now that he's working, we'll have to cross paths. Why not live in peace? Do you really think so? Of course I do. Resentment doesn't help. That's great, Lew! Kenny is not bad. You were wrong about him. He'll be happy to shake your hand. We'll see about that. Come downstairs, we're opening. As you say. Whenever you want. Don't make yourself wait in church. I'll be right there. Hurry up! - Where is Kenny? - Kenny! Mom, your apron! Go ahead. Gitlo is picking me up. - Don't be late. - I won't. You would be late to your own wedding. It will be worth waiting for me. Let go of me, you wolf! Mary, you look great! Where did you get this? I borrowed it from a server. I hope the ceremony won't be too long. Who is it? It's for you. For me? What, now? We were on our way to the church. I don't know. We have to try. I talked to Lew the other day. How's the old bachelor? He would like you to be friends. Lew and I? I can't wait! I'm serious. It would be good for everyone. Mary would like that too. Come on. Why are we stopping here? He's waiting for us upstairs. - We're going to be late for the wedding. - It'll take a minute. Do it for me. Just a handshake. Okay, but just one. He's dead! This is my gun. I gave it to you at the fair. How did it get there? What do you think? - We have to leave. - Why? Think about it. They're going to pin it on us. on us. Come on! Looks like Gitlo is still on the loose. We lost them. They're not going to let us go. Did they get you? Yes. Take it by River Road. They must have hit the tank. Leaves the road. - Where are you hit? - In the arm. What are we going to do? The road is guarded. We wait for the night. A cigarette? We'd better go. Where to? I don't know more than you do. What's the point? This is the convoy for the east. Will you make it? We can't stay here. Let's go. - Wake up! - Leave me alone. Where are we? Near Detroit. I have a friend who runs a relay. I hope she hasn't closed. She's going to take care of you. We'll have to jump. Try to fall on the right side. - Are you still dizzy? - Yes. We're taking it easy. - See who that is. - Yes, ma'am. - Gitlo! - Hello, Estelle. - Who is your friend? - We just arrived. What's wrong with him? He's in bad shape. I don't want trouble. Maybe he chooses his friends badly. What do I know? - But he's with me. - That's what scares me. Put him to bed. Bring him here. He needs a doctor. You think it doesn't show. It's not going to be easy. Good idea to run away. You're going to pay for it, and then it'll be Lew. - What did I do? - What have you done? You had it all figured out. First the switch shot. Now this. How much did Lew pay you to nail me? You think I'd do that to you? I don't know. If I had the strength... I didn't do anything, Mary. I never could. I could never. I haven't done anything I swear I did. A friend of mine. You know where it is. What happened to it? He slipped in the bathtub. Hurry up, doc! - I'll put you upstairs. - There's no rush. I won't be back for a while. Aren't you on the run? You know I would never do that. Do you need money? Just luck. - Where have you been all day? - I had people to see. - I left you some food. - Thank you. I can't hold it anymore. Where is Kenny? You know what happened. You have to tell me. Well, well, well, Kenny is in the worst trouble he's ever been in. I knew it. I had a hunch. The police came. Where is he? Is he hurt? What has he done? He didn't do anything. Unfortunately, he got scared and ran away. But you must know that he didn't do anything. Did what? The Flamingo heist. They weren't talking about Kenny. They got hurt and ran off into the forest. It wasn't Kenny, was it! I went to the police. They don't think he did it. We could clear him easily but we have to find him. We have to find him. Lew will help us. He's got money. Get him on the phone. Lew has already done too much. Go to bed. We can't do anything until tomorrow. I know why Kenny is involved in this. Everybody's jealous of him because he's a real man. I'm not worried about him. We won't put him in jail when he hasn't done anything. I won't let them! Where is it? Near Detroit. - How is he doing? - He'll be fine. I left it at a friend's house in a relay, The Old Bohemian, room 21. Do you know who did this? What about Kenny? He's not in his right mind but when he does... He has to think. He can clear himself. I'll go with you. I'm not going back. I just came by to warn you. Goodbye, Mary. You can't leave us. It's your fault, you have to help him. Kenny is my friend. I never meant to hurt him. You never did him any anything good to him. You run away when he needs you the most. Gitlo, the good guy who offers Kenny a drink. Still looking for him. Very good. Go away! Go away, you coward! Kenny, I got him! I got it! Number, please. Number, please. Sheriff. Police. Who? Chief, it's Gitlo. Gitlo? Take notes. Lew... He set it up. He's here. You're really strong. Anybody would be bedridden with that arm. Where is Gitlo? He'll be back. Where did he go? He didn't say. You should go to bed. How do I get to Ashbury? At 6 am? Who is the girl? You are not the only one. Women's stories always end badly. You don't know Mary. Mary, Betty, Jane. A man can love any woman. I know that. But it was always her. Hi, handsome. Hi, beautiful. © BF-WATCH TV 2021
Channel: Cult Cinema Classics
Views: 240,526
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: romantic rivalry, female sexual predator, film noir, Cult classic, b movies, classic movies, public domain, old movies, best movies, cult film, classic movies hd, watch movies, classic movies english, full movie, classics movies channel, full length movie, cult movie, hollywood movie, hollywood film, ava gardner, whistle stop, whistle stop movie, film-noir movies, victor mclaglen, film noir movies, femme fatale, crime movies, classic movie, film noir full movies
Id: 1eIn1vGkBLA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 13sec (4873 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 03 2021
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