Which Tyreek Hill Can Score A 99 Yard Touchdown Faster?

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which Tyreek Hill can score a 99-yard touchdown faster we have Tyree kill on the Kansas City Chiefs versus Tyree kill on the Miami Dolphins so we are going to be using Tyree kill on the Chiefs and we are going to be using the Madden 20 variation probably the fastest player in any video game ever is Tyree kill and mad at 20 with a speed of manage 20 with that 99 speed so we have to score a 99-yard rushing touchdown with Tyree kill on the cheese and as soon as you do that we will go over to Madden 23 and use Tyree kill on the Dolphins and we will see which Tyree kill can score a 99-yard touchdown faster I am going to start the stopwatch right now and we are going to snap the ball on Madden 20 for the first run for Tyree kill and he can't get out of the end zone we'll see if that becomes a theme because I feel like once we get Tyree kill in open space and Madden 20 nobody's gonna be able to catch this guy let's see look how fast Tyreke and maybe a little bit tougher than I thought but look how fast Tyree kill is watch him get to the outside okay so these guys are a little fast too not only is Tyree kill Fest in Madden 20. so is the Broncos defense and we are gonna probably use the Broncos defense against Tyrique in Madden 23 as well Tyree kill how did they catch a Madden 20s you see how fast he was cutting but we're gonna use the Broncos defense in Madden 23 even though a lot of players on this defense are no longer on it just to make it fair oh there goes Tyrique there he goes no one's catching him I am surprised I'm thinking he is going to be long gone with some of these runs right now he is so fast at least you believe nobody's gonna catch him keep shocking that someone's even close to him little swerve couldn't do it yeah I like this oh if we didn't get stuck right there on our offensive lineman we might have been gone I really like that one right there that was a great look but my old alignment was right on top of Tyrique nowhere to go but if we got past our own o lime and we might have been in the end zone right now heading on to Madden 23. oh we are not getting good blocks now we're getting stuck on our old linemen I'm gonna get this play one more shot if it doesn't work we're gonna switch to the blast but they do have Von Miller on the Broncos in this game Bradley Chubb both of them now on the team anymore a little swerve couldn't really do let's switch plays over the three minute mark here we go oh there was a hole right there for him to squeeze right through I thought we had it I thought Tyreek was gonna squeeze right through that hole try to stop and go right there on Justin Simmons but he said no I tried that little stop and go action I forgot about the stop and go a little stop and go that doesn't work against the CPU that only works against people online that actually click on okay throw a block is that Damien Williams go around Damian Williams go Tyreke no way I could have tried to stop and go I don't know if that would have worked out but that was a really good run the swears were on point right there building this game might feel actually a little laggy compared to like a later game oh Tyrique is flying 81 Bell You Gotta Throw me a block somewhere get down field throw a block we're flying right there with Tyrique just let Tyreke go crazy that's what we're gonna do we're not even gonna follow anybody just let Tyree go crazy now we're just flying all over the field just let Tyrique go crazy at this point okay that was probably stupid ran right at him right there but let Tyree kill just go crazy give me like one block guys okay Damian Williams okay thanks Damian get right in my way we probably weren't gone anyway there were people right there but comment down below what do you think is going to be Tyree kills time for the Chiefs and what do you think Tyree kills time is going to be for the Dolphins and in your personal opinion which Tyreek Hill would win a race Madden 20 or Madden 23 Tyree kill Chiefs or Dolphins Tyree kill there he goes no one's no way where are these people coming from well above that five minute Mark now that I thought was going to be our Target time but we are having a little bit of trouble getting past this Denver Broncos secondary we were having some trouble for sure we need some blocks oh okay we are having a little bit of trouble right now I did not expect this to take that long we've had some pretty good runs just the secondary from the left side of the field out of nowhere when we're like the 50-yard line comes and Catches Us We're Not Gonna score on this prevent look I'll tell you that go Tyreke trying to Swerve no good yeah follow the blocks there you go there you go come on Tyrique no way you're kidding me you are kidding me in a one-on-one foot race and we had a step that's fake if I ever seem fake there's no way they're catching Tyrique with 99 speed of Madden 20. there's just no way that's happening and now I'm terrible on Tyreke swerve the swerve work come on don't get caught swerve again couldn't get Pez Justin Simmons again the secondary from the left side of the field comes out of nowhere and gets us oh there's a look we want one swerve we get one swerve right there and we are gone there was one guy left to beat but he got us on the swerve and now not getting out of the end zone might switch up the play this play has had some success for about seven and a half minutes in come on Tyreke can't get past the guys over here seven and a half minutes now I'm starting to like dolphins Tyree kills chance is a little bit better starting to like dolphins Tyree kills chances better in Madden 23. something open up the middle okay oh I thought I had something there I don't know where that guy just came from we juked out the first guy at the front okay here we go here we go a little stop and go little stop and go little stop and go but keep going Tyrique don't get tripped up the Stop and Go was working here we go here we go here we go stop go oh I run right into them I ran right into them that's on me I was gone the Stop and Go actually worked we're gonna try to stop and go a little more that actually worked last two times the Stop and Go was good but then I threw it all away follow anyone there you go Bell stop go go Tyreek turn on the burners just stop and go if this guy catches me if he catches me I swear eight minutes and I can't stop the stopwatch eight minutes 36 seconds for Madden 20 Tyree so now we have Tyree killing mad at 23 on the Dolphins and the time to beat is eight minutes 36 seconds now instead of the Broncos defense I'm going with the Chargers I feel like it's a very similar defense you have an X Factor in Khalil Mack you have an X Factor in Darwin James you have some other really good players on defense so I thought was a pretty similar defense to the Broncos one we faced in Madden 20 but enough wasting time 8 minutes 36 seconds and here we go with dolphins Tyree kill which Tyree kill is gonna win let me know in the comments down below like I said Madden 20 obviously is the fastest game out of all the maddens I've ever played so mad at 20 three is definitely going to feel a lot slower than Madden 20 did but that doesn't mean Tyree kill is gonna feel slower than he did in Madden 20. let's just get some good runs and we have the same exact Playbook so let's see if that leads to anything I'm gonna be using the same exact plays can you get to the edge no he cannot definitely was shocked by the time of Chief's Tyree kill so we see now what dolphins Tyree kill can do and that was great blocking by 81. that was great blocking right there to block Darwin James so I didn't get destroyed at the line of scrimmage because we had plenty of room to run if those guys just threw me one block and in this game I will say Tyrique is an X Factor so he does have some abilities he was not an X Factor in Madden 20 so maybe that's a little bit of an advantage in Madden 23 Tyreke kills favor but there's not much I can do about that and that was our best run so far we have about seven minutes left to see if this Tyree can beat other Tyrique and we might be gone right here oh what I think we had way more room to run than we actually did people are flying from the other side on all Madden they are flying at us from the left side and that oh my Tyree just got rocked in the end zone I'm surprised he didn't fumble but I'm being honest all right Tyrique let's get some good blocks here boys and Chargers defense might be better then the Broncos defense we face and that was a really good defense right up the middle we go Tyreke one Juke tried to get back to the left side but there's five or six chargers right there nowhere to go for Tyreke sadly come on we need some good blocks out of 81 right here up the middle again if I go up the middle I feel like I'm never gonna get it done with this play at least if I'm using this play I gotta go right I'm only gonna get this play like one or two more attempts we got about six minutes left okay like 65 and 23 what are we doing right there looking at the Chargers Defender did not want to throw a block at all just ran right at me okay yeah let's play oh wait oh I thought we're gonna get a little glitchy right now I thought we're gonna get lucky he was gonna shove off that tackle I'm changing the play a little over five minutes remaining for Tyrique and we have a different play we're gonna see what that can do we're using that blast I think we start with the blast right amount of 20. so we know this play works from previous Tyree kills it was ran too fast after my offensive line I need to get downfield the block for us but we know this play works we'll see if it works once again for Tyreke and the left side work at all of this player is just middle and right for the most part try to see what's open but I feel like I just normally gravitate towards the left there we go there we go Tyreke go go get caught Madden 23 tyreek's gonna go Madden 23 Tyreke peace no no no no no no no no no no that's load him up thank you you are in Tyree kill four minutes seven seconds I saw my life flash before my eyes I thought it was gonna do the peace sign and keep running all of a sudden he's turned around a circle we almost didn't get in that's gonna do it for the video everyone if you enjoyed it do me a favor hit the like button hit that subscribe button if you're new in the comments down below let me know what challenge what video do you want to see next peace foreign
Channel: The Sports Gauntlet
Views: 754,563
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: zV_36GM8npw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 53sec (593 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 06 2022
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