Which stitch to increase? ARNE & CARLOS Knitting School

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[Music] hi everybody and welcome back to our YouTube channel we are as always your hosts are nine colors and we bring new weekly tutorials every week yes so it's every week yeah and so if you like what we do please subscribe you haven't seen this video yet I have a feeling you're gonna like it and if you liked it please click on the like and I think you know that you can also turn on those notifications so that you get a message every time we post something new although we always do it on Sundays at 6 p.m. Central European Time anyway today we have one of our newest educational videos as many of you know Arnett has actually worked as a professor in design where actually a teacher in design a lecturer actually we should say because it was in a high high it's a lecture in a different life and so he is used to teaching a lot of things and today orna has done these really great illustrations that we've got here and we're gonna be talking a little bit about the different stitches that we usually like to increase on yeah and we I brought my educational needles exactly because he's such a tional kind of on the Cape tis now so every time we do something like show how to decrease or is something I will bring this one so this would be a long tube after a while that's great where did you get those needles from the stash oh you don't remember where you bought them they're from this diet so what we're going to tell you today is like will when we talk about stitches we always call the stitch on the needle the daughter the stitch under we call the stitch the mother and then the grandmother and the great-grandmother and you can go all the way down you can have the whole your whole your whole family tree all the generations of family tree and these illustrations are Anna has done them and if you want to have a close look at them and you're not satisfied with the look that you're getting here in the video we are gonna be posting them on our blog they're gonna have a big watermark stamp though with the copyright thing because they don't always see them on Pinterest exactly these are our original drawings so we do need to protect them I think we had it with Pinterest yeah but anyway you will be able to see them closely there so let's talk about the daughter so this is the needle and you see the daughter has her legs around the stitch so that's the one on the needle so when you knit the white one now so you see every time I need the white stitch that's the daughter so the latest stitch is the daughter and now I will I will knit all this round and then I put two new colors so then you can see what I'm talking about and then we will show you some increasing mm-hmm and then we'll talk about how the mother and the grandmother and all the other ancestress how they fit into this equation yeah because sometimes when we increase we increase or normally we increase in the mother's leg but sometimes you have to go down to the grandmother and we will show you how and we will tell you why so one more of the daughters there will be a lot of loose ends on this one so maybe we can make something from this later because this is the wash and fills it from shock and mire so maybe we can just put it in the washing machine and it comes out like something you can put on your garden tool or I don't know it could be interesting to see what it ends up like so that's the daughters so let me put red maybe for the mother or the new daughter no it's the mother no it's a new daughter oh so then then the red one now becomes the mother no the white one becomes the mother I see now oh there's a new daughter we just gave birth to a new stitch so now the white one goes one down and that's now what we call the mother the white one has just given birth to her first kid or her first like a lot of kids hmm keep going but what are you getting to the increasing part when I have the next round with daughters because I will show you how to increase in mother and grandmothers so I can use the green as the grandmother baby now now the white the green one the red one is the daughter because it's on the needle the green we a white one is the mother and the green one is the grandmother well there's a lot of greens so there's a grandmother grandma but you know you don't increase way down here only below only below the grandmother yeah yeah so now I'm I will show you how to increase and normally we increase in the leg in the mouth on the mother stitch and we call these two these two stitches or yarns that's what we call the legs it's the same like on the drawing you see the daughter on this one her legs is around the stitch the needle sorry and you see this is the mother so normally we increase in this leg so when you need like this you you can lift it up London on the needle or you can go directly into the stitch and pull it through so you make a new stitch from the leg on the mother on your left side but sometimes like when you do a mitten we don't do it like that because if you look at this this mitten on the under gossiped for the tongue the result we like to have this nice line on the outside because normally a lot of means to have this outline in another color but if you need that way you will in in the mother's leg on both sides you will pull the yarn up and it will make a very bad line it is like like a color not to be like rocket it would be messy like it is a very messy line so the firsts on the on the left side you would go like I did in the mother's leg but on the other side you go down to the grandmothers like so you use the needle on the left side and you just lift it up and then you knit in the leg like this so you go back yeah and an increase in the grandmothers right and then they would point because you know opposite direction and you will pull the right color if the right call if the if if the mitten has a dark or dark color for example on the on the outline of the gosset you will pull the right color so you don't have that messy line and what you see if you go into the mother and you increase in the mother that's not nice no it looks like really messy so you can't go back and increase in the mother's leg you have to go back and increase in the grandmother second which is this one the green one but it's easier to take it with the left-side needle and knit like this so this is how we increase in the legs and we call the stitches the mother the dolger and the grandmother grandmother and if you go to a blog you could see the pictures as Carlos told you yes so this is today's lesson how to increase on the different stitches and you know it's all of Arnaz did you make this all up in your head no I don't maybe I heard it somewhere I don't know you don't know but anyway the drawings for sure are yours yeah so yeah I guess this is it that's it for this week's tutorial now you know a little bit more about the way we increase and thank you so much for watching if you liked the video be sure to subscribe and when you increase this way there will be no hole in your knitting that's true that's another good one that's a great one so thanks for watching and see you again next time why hi [Music]
Channel: ARNE & CARLOS
Views: 29,723
Rating: 4.9338112 out of 5
Keywords: knitting tutorial, how to knit, ARNE & CARLOS Knitting School:Which stitch to increase?, arne und carlos, knitting ABC, arne og carlos, lifestyle, increase stitch at beginning of row, arne and carlos, CARLOS, increase stitch, etnedal, ARNE & CARLOS, ARNE, norway, increase stitch knitting, arne y carlos, arne & carlos, knitting tutorials, knit, how to, Knitting, how to increase knitting, how to increase, school, valdres, stitch, learn to knit, stitch increase knitting
Id: Xu639-feWO4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 46sec (586 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 30 2018
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