WHICH ONE SHOULD WE SERVICE TODAY? | Mystery pocket watch service vintage A.lange jlc Mickey Mouse

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greetings my fellow carbon atoms i hope you guys are all doing well right so i have three pocket watches here now which one should i service today so number one we have a military issue jejella not feeling that today or we have this pocket watch from alanga hanson one of my favorite brands but it's a bit boring how about this one [Music] yeah let's service this one today okay so let's have a look at this amazing movement inside shall we oh boy gee that sure isn't swell no jewels or anything i remember one of the first watches my father ever bought me was a donald duck ingersoll where the eyes used to go to top tick tock tick tock on this one it's mickey's hands so let's have some fun with this one there is one bigger screw and i need a bigger screwdriver for it this is a three mil three mil screwdriver this boing boing boing it looks like a pin pallet system okay well that's one way to let the power down i guess just come out oh my god i don't even know how to let the power down on this thing so it's just let the power down by removing the pin pallet come on mickey show me something what am i doing okay so there's some stuff here okay let's just remove these delicate hands first that's the seconds hand mickey's giving us his middle finger there naughty boy okay so we've got these three clips here and in one day are you ready for the surprise okay so i should have taken the dial off first and then you can cut the power down through this let's find it or the palette [Music] this thing is so funny well i hope we haven't damaged anything maybe we freed everything be free mickey okay enough of the shenanigans i'm gonna go back onto the other side and see what this screw does i think this screw is attached to the main spring barrel doesn't seem to want to come out oh yeah it does whoa look at that now let's see if we can remove this one big plate bridge okay that was nice and easy they have tried to put some nice detailing on this to be fair very industrious functional so i'm just jumping side to side like an idiot here i should have removed the cannon pinion and everything from the other side i think i'm just a little bit too excited come on mickey lad show me the way this whole thing is incorporated into the case so there's no excuse for working like an idiot oh this is like stiff you work on all this here this is the click and click spring that i should have used to release the power which was underneath the dial i mean how was i supposed to know that it's not like i'm an expert or anything oh look at that a bit of rust there a bit of oxidization on that and remove this spring is that a blue screw or is that just looks like it's just chemically glued looks like every screw is a different size oh maybe i should have just done that longer right looks like it's time to dust off the old staking set and try and get this thing out with some brute force sometimes you just gotta use a bit of brute force so you see there how the the little pins and the on the pin palette how it engages with the escape wheel similar to the the pallet fork where you'd have the two jewels on the pallet fork let's just finish dismantling this somehow and then we'll figure out what to do with it later another screw that's a complete different size i think we can pull this thing out now it's holding everything in like a little clip stem maybe the spring just needs to stay in this screw here another screw that's different this is it this is it mental i think i'll just leave that spring in it doesn't really want to come out so we just got our ass whooped by mickey let's have a look at this gorgeous looking mainspring nice i thought that was mickey's hair but it's not it's a scratch that is one filthy mainspring now i don't even have a mainspring winder that's this big so i'm gonna have to try and do this by hand this thing feels so brittle this word is gonna jump out at me at any second oh scared the there she is is that your hair mickey you're wilting me foreign says so there's the funky local pin palette so this was serviced last in 1963 and boy was it serviced looks like somebody lost a lot of blood in the process or is that mouse blood i don't know what that is and look at the way all these marks on it that looks like mickey gee well let's get all that in the wash there's the case just looks like brass there's the bezel plexiglas you can see a bit of the copper strike showing through these parts are so big i mean we did a video a few weeks ago we were complaining about everything being so small but these ones are so big i don't how am i gonna fit the main plate into the wash basket that's not gonna fit and that's not gonna fit look at that no space for anything oh i'll have to do this in two goes and i'll have to wash the main springs separately because no room anywhere it looks a bit on the yellow side and get out to dry so there you have it guys after the wash you can see how nice and clean everything is this thing is massive looks like a main spring from a clock probably launch a rocket with this thing nice and clean you can see all that gunk is gone there's the plate and you can see it's reacted a little bit in the wash the plating has come off and you can see the sort of copper strike just beneath it but it's clean i'll do a bit of pegging on the holes you can see all the way and you can see the plating has come off all the holes look okay i don't think we need to re-bush anything so let's see if we can put this thing back together and first i'll have to try and get this in by hand because i haven't got anything that big i have the power [Music] oh no my gloves [Music] yeah what is done to my gloves well i found a bit of my finger cuts savage savage mainspring naughty substitute okay that's hooked in you can see and that's ready to rock and roll so that just about fits on my movement holder there number four zero four zero four zero let's see if we can put mr henry ford's in the soul back together so i completely butchered this thing on disassembly thinking that it was all integrated it wasn't integrated so let's put it back together like a decent human being i'm going to grease up both sides of this winding pinion it's going to be constantly rubbing in that small envelope thing slot like any of this is going to make any difference still a mickey mouse watch [Music] below the belt mickey bring in there's a bit of a shoulder on there so it might be worth giving it a little bit of lubrication just like that that's the spring in action so we can put a little bit of something now get the big fat main spring in there i wonder where minnie is what she left you i told you not to do fantasia but you didn't listen did you this is the subsidiary seconds so we'll put a little bit of lubrication i told you not to do fantasia did you honestly think she wouldn't notice that you were tripping on the old uh limited slip differential try skafsky bach mushrooms come on and all those kids from the 60s you corrupted probably pushed her over the edge are you on speaking terms at least no she thinks you're a rat well i kind of wondered that myself you know hey focus i mean i've seen gray mice have seen brown mice i've even seen them white laboratory mice with ears growing on their backs but i've never seen an elephant never seen a black mouse so she's kind of got a point you know what and i'm a mickey mouse watchmaker ouch that's a bit spiteful mickey everything is moving nice and free and we can start oh the mainspring has just decided that it wants no part of this get back in there you little so this is the main spring screw stroke arbor stroke steel sausage and now the blooming thing will fall out tin can looks like a tin can okay let's get a bit of oiling in here okay so before we go any further i need to get this canon pinion in and this requires a little bit of gentle persuasion in i think that's far as it will go why [Music] if you want so we'll get this keyless working but there are no posts or anything and everything just floats around so i'll just put a bit of lubrication here and there just put a bit of drizzle on drizzle it on and i am taking this seriously mickey what you mean how dare you accuse me of being nonchalant being facetious okay so the posts are here actually so there are posts but it's just on this side so put some here and try and line them up shouldn't be too difficult so he says and i think it'll be a good idea to put a little bit of lubrication here since it is going to be rubbing against this bit here we have to take this seriously now because we've been accused of not taking it seriously a little bit here on the shoulder there are you watching me bend 10. and shall be old for that now it's time for you to move out take your wife and kids with you okay now this spring can now be moved across closing the hole okay you can get this spring in okay did you check if it's available bigger screw just behind it here that's better i don't know what i'm doing but i'm doing it nevertheless okay then let's put the stem in no actually should i put the stem in no because the stem needs to go in after this one's only five pounds and you don't need a and let's see if this thing works oh yeah gee that's swell that's what make you would say so you push it in to change the time and that's the winding position and that's the hand setting position well hey the top pivot of the pallet doesn't have a or a bridge or anything it's actually on the bridge of the main spring here that has to support the palette this thing has the heartbeat of a mouse come on so you can see here how it's all working okay michael we're just gonna test your heart rate before we discharge you okay oh dear mickey have you been at those mushrooms again that second coil seems to be touching touching the guide pin because he's touching the second coil on the spring let's check your heart rate again mickey oh he's clinically dead and this is why these inga souls were known as dollar watches and they made the dollar famous apparently [Music] okay don't get your knickers in the twist i'm just telling it how it is just gonna leave the case as it is because we're going for the rat look no i'm not taking the make mickey it's actually a thing you know the rat look so there you have it folks just a little bit of fun for you guys and don't worry i will be doing the alanga for you guys soon so i hope you enjoyed this a little bit of uh goofing around with mickey no not goofy goofing around i said say bye mickey stay safe folks peace and love to you all and god willing i'll see you on the next one tara you
Channel: Nekkid Watchmaker
Views: 56,868
Rating: 4.9404297 out of 5
Keywords: america, mickey mouse watch, mickey mouse pocket watch, smiths pocket watch, ingersoll, ingersoll pocket watch, americana, vintage american pocket watch, watch repair channel, watch restoration channel, watch restoration, a.lange and sohne, jaeger lecoultre, disney memrobilia, watch repair tutorial, asmr restoration, funny restoration, watch and learn, how to tutorial
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 32sec (1712 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 27 2021
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