Which one is a LUCKY TICKET?!

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hey guys look what we're gonna be playing today for everyone who hasn't seen our videos on these kinds of machines in the past what you're gonna do is use the fall to pick up these black tickets and you open up the tickets to see if you're a winner yeah so but wait one thing before we get into that this right here says that red is winning it like established guaranteed something like that I translated it so all the ones that are pink or red it looks pink to me but red it says I'm here they are a guaranteed winner so here are the prizes that you can win cuz I know you guys are wondering what can you win so if it says this on your ticket you'll win any of these prize you get to pick one of them if it says this so that's the big one you win like a trip to Disney Resort something like that and then if you get this symbol you can win anything out of this side up here up to that point because that's the Disney yeah so over here if you get this symbol it's the same thing it's all the way up from the top all the way down to the bottom there's no stuff in here there's some stuffed animals down here then there's like a Disney watch some blow dryers a home heater a coffee maker some stuffed animals these are the small lloween yeah I thought save Disney trip yeah Disney trip and there's a watch for like the medium-sized so crystals gonna go first and there are two versions of the machines so there's this machine which you can pick up the tickets and it instantly drops them down and then this this machine over here if you get a tickets it actually has like a pusher I'm gonna play that one over there later though so you guys will see that crystals aiming for that pink one the red one right there yeah let's see if she can get it totally pink and it says who okay you got one you got one oh no you got two never mind yeah yeah it dropped it was stuck on there so let's see is it a winner we're gonna see if it's a loser because it's a loser you would play these are the best how do you know that's instantly a loser they will have just those words okay that's a loser again yeah you'll have you'll have either just this just that or just the the small one down there that's the only symbol that I have on it if it's a winner you really push that red when I was in the back down I can even see it there's what I hear in this corner doesn't go there maybe yeah let's say someone else was going for it and that's why oh maybe maybe it shipped me Oh two three you got three okay not bad not bad get for it well did you know must not nothing down a magic one appeared all right I see what does she have here please be good simple losers for you yeah just head on to me so you'll have some right there hey is this gonna be a loser loser we're used to being a loser loser yep it has lots of different stuff on it's instantly a loser loser all right okay we're gonna play some more man this game is it's fun because you never know what you're gonna get but then it's like most of them are losers so it's like the black ones can be winners - it's not a guarantee that you're gonna be a loser so if she only gets black it doesn't guarantee she's gonna be a loser it's just the red ones or the pink ones are guaranteed to be no three oh wait oh you actually know there was another one but her one got stuck right here all right a total of three is or any of these gonna be a winner how you feeling about them not good that's not good okay I wanted to go for those loser going for the Reds and they're like put more excellent loser all right by the Reds I see what you're saying yeah that's possible that one day is gonna be another loser loser loser loser we are losers there's also people playing earlier and they had one win out of all of them so they were here for a while-- one of the red was like a guaranteed medium fries though that would be pretty good and worth it oh you just took a red out what just stuck her in out she we didn't even see it did you got it okay all right so open the red one first opener it'll first press now it's a guaranteed win and you will know what it looks like okay what simple is this this one is not that simple it's this simple yeah so you see y'all know if you can see it but it's right there it looks like that so you get anything out of any of these yeah but see this is like what a winner will look like you I have just the symbols of the win okay so this is a small price that was checked the rest the ship dressed nice we didn't even see it shoot up another winner but it could be a big winner loser we didn't see it like I can't believe that cuz we didn't see it down there you still got it no crystals nails are in the way losers cuz she's down to one more well is it gonna be I'll lose it okay try one more time and I'm gonna play the other side over there all right do we see me how did you did you see that one cuz I didn't see you yeah so right now I can see one right here one right here and then there's that one back there that should bury are you I can't really see it oh that one in the corner you might you might get one of my new one down there way in the back all right you have plenty of time so don't worry about time see a red come up what was that two three it's like three I think it's three all right so it's just three black ones I let one of them be a winner just one morning oh yeah make sure you don't let that one go anywhere loser don't be a loser don't be a loser don't be a loser it's a loser and the last one is gonna be a winner she's also ripped like crazy I think it's a loser I see lots of the stuff on it another loser man and he's clean the pusher won Yeah right when I put coins in it actually pushed some holder so I got some free ones there's actually a red one I'm going for right down in there and if you can see it it's right there I cannot oh you see now well okay what does this taking so long for oh I had to press the button again now five is it okay it gives me a minute so I'm gonna go ahead and open these do you think this is a winner you rip it up all the way you don't just tell it looks cool all right yeah I think that's a winner loser okay this one is a loser yeah because it has to push it up for me [Laughter] come on yeah it's definitely better to play the other machine over there yeah it's gonna jump ahead and you see over there you don't worry Oh again a winner odds are getting a winner in this machine right now usually we'll open these off-camera and this is whine yeah it's mostly filled of us going through losers and more losers and I guarantee I know someone's gonna say it you guys missed a winner happens every time guys everybody someone says it every single video you do it away yeah that's gonna happen it's gonna happen so far we haven't actually shown anywheres besides crystals oh my gosh if I don't get a winner here on time - left here we go last one this is better be a winner crystal wants to play a couple more times it seems you can win again because I'm such a loser no I am a loser actually I lost pick up a red one again I don't but we didn't see that one that you dug from the bottom oh there's right there wait that's not when you put in there earlier right oh don't worry Chris they're all losers yes of there is a red one Chris you might the plane - you win that one yeah all right let's see any winners here I'm actually gonna try to help you open one yeah alright so I got this one going but don't worry because you know why I'll take that loser from you come on alright here it is winner winner chicken no dinner okay go ahead Chris you're gonna get that red one I think one whatever color you want I think you can it's the last like it's like the last one you can see that you can actually get are you trying to get inside of it no okay we let me let me switch side with you because you can see how off-center you are alright good luck oh she's right over oh no I didn't go into it no that went around i'ma get ya - OH - I know it takes one I keep trying you only takes one yeah I'm really happy that you even got one [Music] somewhere okay small prizes again so we got to go get them to actually open this up in the press to pick that I don't know if that's a SPO it's a towel there's tell without agent like this box I don't think that says stain stampers oh it's a stamp set yeah yeah sixty P stamps all right so are you gonna get that yeah so you can pick between these like sumikko gurashi characters Olaf thank you actually have that don't aim on that's things from Dragon Quest you don't even get there keep it a mystery mystery turn into the video so you know which one know for sure alright so now we're gonna get them to come get her prize alright guys so here's the prize crystal decide the gates yeah so this is tonkatsu I believe that the name of this character oh yeah so all those plays and that's all crystal one I bet you are satisfied we did it Chris now you're just rubbing it in you know that's nothing you played that we won like three prizes and this time this is all we won I guess you win some you lose some but crystal always wins at least something right well we hope you guys enjoyed this video thanks for watching everyone
Channel: Plush Time Wins
Views: 136,556
Rating: 4.8830023 out of 5
Keywords: plush time wins, arcade games, arcade video, arcade videos, arcade, ticket claw machine, lucky ticket, lucky ticket claw machine, japan, japan 2020
Id: WhT1qdOxLic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 50sec (830 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 08 2020
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