WHICH IS BETTER? 3 ply or 2 ply all terrain tyres?

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today in the warehouse we're talking about a topic that I actually find particularly interesting and that's two ply tires versus three ply tires and to do that we actually have Steve from Toyo and he is their training and Technical manager and Steve you're going to tell us about where the benefits of two ply are versus the benefits of three ply and there's some drawbacks in there as well so maybe introduce the tires that we've got sitting in front of us to start off with we'll look at the toyer products here that we're referring to in the or our SUV range first so firstly with the Open Country AT3 so vast majority or the majority of sizes being two Construction in the center here with the Open Country rt2l which obviously means all SI r two um quite a a new tire in our range and on the end here uh looks almost identical to the RT product we just looked at but this is the Open Country RT produced in the US say um all sizes being three plus so probably before we go on Jared we let's uh for those who don't understand and that's probably a lot of us what are we talking about when we're talking about two and three p so what we're talking about is the actual carcass or the basic structure the the framework of the tire through and through good way to put it Jared okay the basic structure of the tire the framework yes so and with SUV tires they're all going to have either two or three PLS nearly all of them using polyester material in those ples now Steve I'm so hardcore I'm forward driving I need the most strong tire that I can get is that true well the short answer is no but look let's let's have a think about that now and look that whole scenario is what's generated this video today and a lot of my presentations at the for Drive show why we present this material is to get the people to think about what they actually need rather than what they want okay so a lot of people once they start doing off-road they think they need the most heavy duty Tire they can get their hands on and and obviously they want something that looks really aggressive like an RT or or even a full full mud style tire that's right you see so many tradies rolling with mud terrain tires on their vehicles because they look hardcore and it's got to S the look and the look is important but what they if they want the best performance and the most cost effective option for themselves they should the first thing they should do is think about what they need and that really relates to the type of off-roading they are doing okay so let me run you through some scenarios maybe so I am new to forward driving and um I'm excited to get out there on some gravel roads maybe dominate some tracks you know some really light light tracks you know I'll be for driving by myself um but I do tend to drive the car to work 90% of the time yeah which direction should I go look short answer is yeah the the three play tire is is really a lot more than you need and a two FL tire is going to be more than adequate for your needs so but let's go and talk about why that's the case rather than just say yes or no but that scenario most people who talk at full drive shows are occasional off-roaders who do a lot of their driving off-road and they're not what we call hardcore series offroaders so most of the time the conversation goes from the RT and the mud tire over two these two tires okay um because these drew them to the stand but these what one of these two is really what they need and the best option for them so let's take it from the other end I am somebody who goes out I've got a dedicated full drive um I take it out only when I'm actually you know going on serious tracks um I'm want to be the next you know 4x4 247 guys which tire is the better one for me oh look that's the easy answer is yeah that the three play Tire in a quite aggressive thread pattern like your RT or your yes absolutely there that's two really simple easily different scenarios where a two play allterrain and a three play Tire yeah for the more aggressive so what about the guys in the middle so you get um something I like to refer to fairly regularly on the on Tire review of the show here is like the gry nomads that are working their way around the country quite often they like to think about getting a three play because of stake resistance and that sort of thing is that a thing yeah it is when we think about what they're actually doing and that's a very big market for us to I get a lot of from people doing Outback um Travelers um Outback tours we call them okay so they're doing mainly not a lot of off-road but a lot of dirt rows that are in poor condition look the reality is for most of them they don't really need a threp tire okay most of them with good pressure um management a two-p tire will be more than that equip and a lot cheaper option and a much nicer option for most of their driving as far as you know ride comfor um and cost as well so that's probably a really good segue like what are the benefits to me as a fall driver of going for a two ply side okay this is where we get into I think the meat of the subject if you like okay so okay the big differences relate to two things the weight of the tie so it's going to it's really simple to understand a two-ply tie having less material is going to be lighter than a three tire and the fact that has a more flexible sidewalk okay so these give us both advantages and disadvantage so the first one advantages okay weight so weights a really big differentiated between the two the lighter tire needs less energy to move and stop that's right so my car is going to be spending less time pushing that tire or four tires around less fuel sorry less fuel um lighter weight so less unsprung weight suspension is going to soak up bumps better and it's going to have more flexibility off-road the big advantage of two pie tie so if we're a lot of these users we do little bit of off-road not not too adventurous and a bit of sand okay especially on the sand the two P tires a winner because with the same amount of pressure drop we get a much bigger footprint and on Sand most people understand flotation or more footprint is the keing and that really helps us minimize bogy and helps us get get get through the sand with less energy that's right so I mean you'll see from our driving on Sand Video that um the more tread face you have the less likely you are to dig down into the into the sand so just dipping into pressure a little you said with the same pressure drop um you can get the uh more bag out on the two ply cable ties but I know in the comments in the past we've had people saying just drop your pressure a little bit more on the three p cable tire is that a good thing can you do that what are the drawbacks briefly CU it's a very long it is look the short answer is yes as long as and this is the tricky bit as long as you know your pressure is vers load and this is where a lot of people struggle so what we're trying not to do is overheat the tire so if we drop too much pressure sometimes we can overheat the tire so the shorter answer is yes because the three tire is thicker side balls are actually thicker it's going to heat up faster isn't it not so much faster but it holds the Heat point spot on it holds the heat doesn't dissipate his Wells cuz it's thicker holds the heat with a three play Tire your pressures vers load are a lot more critical so it's easier to overheat a three ply tire compared to a two ply it doesn't dissipate heat as well let's jump back and go back to the positives of the three p sidewalk Tire what are the positives of that look they all mainly relate to yeah um the fact that has less deflection and this is a big one off R so it's it's it's not going to if I drive over a bump then it's not going to change as much that's right so we're not going to get as much sidew Flex okay that means Offroad two things we don't have as much sidewall exposed okay on the top of the tread here we have you know two layers of Steel two layers uh with these tires two layers of nylon then we have the car or we have the nylon steel then the carcass so we've got a lot of LA to get through the p on top on top once we get to the sidew here we've only got that carcass okay so once it's bagging and it's exposed that's right it's a lot easier to damage that's right so the pressure is dropped you can even actually squish it out like that you can see that we've got a whole bunch more of the actual upper side wall available for puncturing that's right so and that is the most susceptable part of the tight to damage on Offroad and down okay so with three play we have less exposed so it um well the main reason why people think cuz they're tougher a little bit but that's only once we start yeah um having something try to cut the side wall the main thing is we have less exposed so it's harder or with less chance of having sidewall damage okay that's the main one other big one that a lot of people don't think about is because we have less sidewall deflection we actually have some more Ral okay so what are four drivers always doing mod to do is um not so much what ground clearance is probably the word rather right on so the big thing we put bigger ties we put list we put all these things to give us ground clearance so we we're going over the obstacles straight away with a three Tire we have a significant difference in that height Y for the fact we have less sidewall flection so that's the advantage is really relate to your off-road performance y so your ground clearance and less chance of side damage y so what are the some of the other disadvantages of the two Tire versus the three oh look pretty much the opposite of the advantages of of the threep so more so deflection means we we it's easier to puncture the side the two P Tire when we're air down yeah Offroad that's probably the main one and because we have more soal deflection we have a little less ground clearance compared to the three play Tire same pressure same l so relatively minimal but the disadvantages of the three play we've touched on already in that they retain heat more yes and I guess I'm guessing that ride Comfort is probably another disant definitely a big one yeah cuz we have less side deflection um yeah we have more ride hares yeah to me the Bigg is fuel consumption okay fuel consumption big difference okay heavier tire and and we're looking looking at significant sort of numbers once we go to 2 on three p as in difference in weight when you go to a threp tire always go to a more aggressive thread pattern as well yes okay so you're going heav your tire more aggressive tread pattern combine the two yes combine the two you would expect in the same size to use at least one liter per 100ks more at least at least being being very conservative okay let's assume we do our our set of tires go 60,000 Cas y That's not a very high mileage it's not a particularly low it's sort of in the middle I paid $226 for diesel yesterday so we're looking at how much more we're paying for fuel over the L of time 60,000 andent diesel price so potentially $1,300 worth more b50 so $356 worth more of fuel to go for the privilege of having a three sidewall Tire spot on okay and to me that is the key now we're being a little conservative with that one lader okay it works out a significant number of EXT fuel use now to me if you're using the features of a three plau and you need them okay that's certainly if you're not you're paying for something to me you're paying for something you're not using Y and why so comes back down to that scenario of you know what are you actually using these tires for we actually have a number of Americans onto our Channel hello guys um they love talking about rock crawling so if we're going out there crawling some rocks two or three ply in reality a two-l tie would be better a much bigger footprint and tire flexibility they want Conformity to go over the Rocks yes so the tire envelope word around the Rocks so we're getting the biggest footprint we can on that rock so that's our assumption anyway I mean if you're a rock crawler please feel free to comment below on what your experiences have been because but but what one must think about also that we're trying not to damage those sidewalls as well too so but again once we start ruling really low pressures at very very low speeds we're probably splitting when we talking about two or three okay probably add one more little topic that offroaders to think about okay um and that is braking performance and this is really a thing on run okay and again this relates to the weight of the tire so three Tire being heavier so that that impacts on safety that's the special word keep in mind here what when offroaders are making changes to tire is they tend to be focused on off-road performance okay so ground clearance beig a footprint so they're not generally thinking about those things so it's important but to consider it okay especially if your vehicle uses an everyday drive that these are the disadvantages of the change you're making I think we'll leave it there folks we can probably actually speak about this for a long time if you've stuck with us this long thank you very much um thanks to Steve for educating us on two versus three ply and um we'll see you in another video soon thank you jar cheers
Channel: Tyre Review
Views: 11,738
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 13min 29sec (809 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 22 2023
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