Which is best? Homemade rotisserie vs spatchcock chicken comparison on the Kamado Joe & JoeTisserie

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hey I'm James from smokin Dada barbecue the channel that helps you master your backyard barbecue a lot of you have been asking what do I like better spatchcock chicken or rotisserie chicken well there's really only one way to find this out we need two chickens check we need the same day got that beautiful and to pull it off and make it a fair fight we would actually need two of the exact same barbecue which we just so happened to have so this is gonna be a great experiment stick with me I'll take you inside so we can prep our chickens but first let's get ready and fire up the Komodo Joe [Music] all right now that we've got our model Joe fired up let's get these birds ready so I'm going to spatchcock one and we're gonna put the other right on the spit and for seasoning we're going to keep it simple and use the exact same rub that I've made up at home I already salted the bird so the rub that I use doesn't have any additional salt it's just a mixture of black pepper garlic powder onion powder some smoked paprika and a little bit of cayenne but it's family friendly I'll put the details in the description below let's go fast forward while I prep these birds alright our two birds are let's head back outside and throw these on Kamado Joe since we're doing this on the rotisserie I'm going to cook it a little bit lower and a little bit slower and since we're doing this spat on the slow roller I'm going to cook it a little bit hotter and faster I'm gonna put this one back in the fridge while we throw this on and try and get them to finish around the exact same time that way we can do the side-by-side taste test so let's go back outside alright we are almost ready for our head-to-head so since I'm going to be doing the rotisserie chicken here on the kimono Joe on the right I'm gonna have the temperatures a little bit lower and a little bit slower so I'm gonna try and hold it around 300 degrees wait till we start to get close to our end temperature and then I'm gonna crank the heat and let that finish the skin I found if you do it too quick to soon's like something like 400 degrees you get a really nice-looking bird on the outside and a pretty raw gross one on the inside so we don't want to do that so learn from my experience which is a nice way of saying failures and then what we're gonna do is we're going to throw on the spatchcock chicken now that can take higher heat since the bird is gonna be laying flat it's gonna be cooking from both sides it'll finish at the exact same time so you notice I lit both Joe's so that way I have some heat and it's ready to go and I just won't have to deal with that later but I'm actually gonna shut this down and just give it a little bit of air just so that I can accelerate that fire when it's time to throw on our spatchcock chicken let me move the camera a little bit closer so you can take a closer look at the setup that I have going inside or our rotisserie chicken right let's get started so as you can see I'm using the charcoal basket divider so I have all the charcoal on one side and then I've got a heat diffuser on the back this is just to have a bit of an indirect zone and a direct zone so the bird isn't just constantly exposed to fire from every direction and then when we want we're gonna give this max airflow and that'll allow the flames to come up and start kissing the outside and crisp up our skin very nicely so let's go ahead and put on the pit slide this into the motor unit lock it in position and we did pretty good at guessing a center I'm just going to go ahead and loosen these tabs and slide our bird a little bit more to the other side and then we'll tighten that back up great that is looking wonderful okay so we'll turn on the rotisserie and as you can see I'll move the camera here a little bit closer I don't know if that's showing up with the Sun the way that it is but it's just gonna be getting sort of half direct half indirect and it will cook nice and evenly so I'm gonna go ahead and close the dome and we'll let this go for about 45 minutes before checking on it all right we're about 45 minutes in on our rotisserie chicken having a head start and it's time to throw on our spatchcock chicken just to bring you up to speed on what I was doing in the background I why I let the other kimono go a little bit earlier his I had everything out of the grill and I let the temperature come up to about 500 degrees so there's a residual heat from the dome we shut everything down just so we weren't burning through charcoal and about at the 25 minute mark I installed the slow roller and our cooking grid and then about five minutes ago open the vents back up so the temperatures coming up really quickly and the reason I've done that is with a slow roller you don't want to be cooking above 500 degrees so you don't damage the the surface of it but I also like to have residual temperature in the dome and so for a chicken like fat where you want to be able to render up some of that fat and have the baking heat coming from the top as well as the bottom I found it gives us wonderful results so now we're going to be stabilizing in about the 425 to 450 range it's time to throw on our second chicken and we'll check both of them in another 30 to 45 minutes let's do it [Music] all right we are about an hour and 10 minutes use me into our cook on our rotisserie chicken we'll go 2530 minutes on the spatchcock chicken so the temperatures right now are just sitting just below 150 degrees on the rotisserie chicken and they're about 110 to 115 on the spatchcock but it's catching up quickly as you can see from the chicken fat rendering and the smoke coming out at the top other Kamado so now it's time to start working on our skin we're gonna bring the temperature up a little bit on our rotisserie chicken so we can start to get a nice crispy skin and on the Selectric our chickens the temperature is much higher we actually want to provide a little bit of moisture to help make sure that things aren't burning and drying out too much so to do that we're gonna spray it with liquid butter or I can't believe it's not butter don't look at me like that you know what's gonna make it better come on let me show you what the skin looks like and we'll get spray our history chicken see looking really nice golden and that butter will help just crisp that up a little bit lots of chicken that rendering out and then over here our spatchcock chicken crisping up really nice just getting all that chicken fat rendering out and hitting the top of the school which is vaporizing and coming back and leave running our chicken so I'm going to go ahead and move the camera back to the stand and let's spray these two birds [Music] you can see this is already getting crispy this will just help put that last finishing touch on the skin and wings are just starting to look a little dry here on the tips so I thought they could use a little bit of extra moisture to help make sure that we don't lose them as we approach the finish line on our chicken battle alright that's looking good a little bit of extra fat to help that skin crisp up let's close the dome these will probably need another 15 20 minutes or so for them both to be finishing but at the same time so alright so in this last stage about 15 20 minutes let's just do a quick recap of what we've got going on with each of our chickens so this one we've been doing low and slow rotisserie style and to make sure that we get an even cook all the way throughout we've been cooking it around 300 degrees for this last stage we want to get our skin a little crispier so one of the challenges with you know 300 degrees or almost anything below 350 400 is it's not hot enough to render out that chicken fat so you can get a really taste really tasty flavorful chicken but the skin might be a little bit of rubber rubbery texture to it and so to help counteract that we're cranking the heat and letting it spin and hit more and more of those flames to try and crisp up our skin on this bird on the spatchcock chicken we're not having that problem our skin is almost getting over overdone over to speak and that's because we had the residual heat in the dome that has been radiating down and helping render out that fat which is why we're getting all the smoke coming out of the top of the commodity event which is chicken fat rendering hitting the slow roller which is really hot vaporizing flavor adding some flavor to our food and coming back out the top of the Quemado Joe so we wanted to actually slow down and help the skin maintain some moisture for this last 15 20 minutes while our core temperature catches up and so the butter that we sprayed on here is helping preserve some moisture on this bird and on the rotisserie where it's sitting right above the charcoals that butter and fat is just gonna help get some of those coals going going and crisp up our skin so we'll see you in about 15 minutes when both these birds should be done at about the same time all right we're about an hour and a half in and both birds are finishing at the exact same time really happy with how they look let me bring you a little bit closer and take a look at each one before we go inside okay let's start off looking at our rotisserie chicken a little focus their stuffs looking really good skin came out pretty good maybe not quite as dry and crispy as the as the spatchcock one in a second but that's looking pretty good so let's go take a look at our spatchcock chicken so you can tell just by looking at that that's got like a nice dry almost fried texture to it looking really good but you know what let's set up and head inside all right both our birds are done as you saw time to go inside but to help me decide what's better and settle this debate rotisserie chicken spatchcock chicken what's the best I went and found some of the toughest food critics that I've ever met my own kids so let's go inside you can meet the kids and they're gonna help us decide which one is the best between these two let's load them up and go on in alright our two birds are done let's slice these up and then introduce you to our discerning food critics [Music] all right as I said I rounded up to the toughest food critics I know my own kids so which of you likes chicken more exactly this should be good okay so guys on the Left we have chicken number one on their right you have chicken number two let's start with chicken number one Zoey Hannah dig in good good can't talk you guys are still chewing but what do you think of chicken number one we'll have to see see oh not going to quick video Oh tough critics okay well let's move get a drink of water all professional cut on our judging system here temple boot to chicken number two dig in guys big difference between the two so immediately right off the bat so just so you know which one we're talking about chicken number one was our rotisserie chicken which we did low and slow and then crank the heat at the end to Krista's skin bird number two is spat and that was done at a higher temperature and we added a little bit of butter at the end to help save the skin from drying out too much so now you're not chewing so we need to burn number two very good how would you handle your bird number two so much more better and it's a lot more like moisés delicious which one are we eating for dinner tonight then this would alright guys well I hope you really enjoyed today's video I've always wondered rotisserie chicken spatchcock chicken I love art history for a lot of things but I think it's hard to beat a good spatchcock chicken and then I hope you'll side with the family and try a special bird like this and get the exact same results anyways signing off or something dad really appreciate you hanging up today if you liked today's video don't forget to hit that like and subscribe button and we'll see you in future videos tonight good job guys [Music]
Channel: Smoking Dad BBQ
Views: 32,329
Rating: 4.9323077 out of 5
Keywords: rotisserie, spatchcock, chicken, joetisserie, kamado joe, big green egg, head to head, comparision, chicken competition, battle, best chicken
Id: I-2quuAL-EM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 58sec (898 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 02 2020
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