Which is a better modeling platform–DroneDeploy or Pix4D?

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you're listening to the ask of droney podcast you ask we answer your drone questions whether you're here to turn your passion into profit and you simply fly for fun we're a community of wares and teachers who aspire to achieve greatness we are hey everyone welcome welcome welcome to another interesting podcast of ask drone yet my name is Paul and if my name is Rob and this is episode 687 hope you guys are having a great day glad you're hanging out with us we always appreciate it definitely do appreciate it also appreciate the support from our new sponsor Energon if you go to my Energon comm you can check out the new drone max series of batteries so if you got a place to charge we always recommend Colorado drone chargers but if you are oftentimes in places where you don't have a place to plug in a charger then you're gonna want to check out Energon I've been using the Energon a 40 battery and I've been able to charge for phantom 4 Pro extended life batteries it took about 25 30 minutes to charge two batteries which I thought was really cool that was really fast and these batteries have been really awesome to have in the field especially when I'm out filming golf courses and I need to charge where I have nowhere to plug in a charger or on the lake and that kind of stuff yeah on the lake it's great as well you've got to check them out guys I mean it is truly it's one of the few things that I really love to use I have no issue pumping on the podcast because I totally believe in their product so check them out my Energon com that's my en er GE and comm and check out the a40 battery there's a lot of different batteries they've got some new stuff even coming out that I'm really excited about that will essentially allow you to even power up your laptop and charge a battery very cool I think that is very cool anyway let's get to today's question well should be an interesting one so hold on to your seats so we can fly by our pants a little Robin Paul this is all the pirate argh I have a simple inspire one version 2.0 I just have the extra camera and I wanted to have 3d mapping in my repertoire for services provided with mapping photogrammetry building construction site modeling but I don't know which application use either the drone deploy or the pics 4d I've usage own deploys free testing platform it was ok I liked it but nothing to compare to I really wasn't sure if it was the best to use I haven't tried the pics 40 yet Dino you can use lychee to acquire the images and export them the pics 40 as you can with drone deploy I know you said that pics 4d was prone to crashing so I wasn't sure if you could just use another program and just export it to their server for processing can you give me a comparison as to which one is the best platform for post-production resolution data acquisition for measurements and ease of use for the pilot and especially for the customer these guys looking forward to hearing the answer all right thank you for the question Paul good to hear from you always good to hear from you yeah I hope I Ratan I know you've used both of these right I have we have and it's a good question because a lot of cloud processing software's have one common problem if in a lot of people won't be familiar with this with this issue until they get into the super hyper detailed maps that you would need and even say Maps models super highly detailed models that you would need to really work with construction sites and to work with anyone who's an inspector architecture firms if you're into gaming and creating models for gaming's platforms which yes that is actually a really big deal for example there was a specific video game I can't name it because I'll get in trouble on the Xbox platform that has world war two style games and actually they used photogrammetry to recreate the scenes from World War two from all the old spy images taken equal from above isn't that cool that's really cool so there is there is a lot of opportunity in modeling and the reason I say modeling guys is because you know a lot of people get their panties in a wad when it comes to saying drone mapping because they're like whoa whoa you need to be a surveyor and it's like unless you interpret the maps and disclose you know accuracy the maps or you know get measurements of distances that are essentially geo-referenced so you can't be giving people you know sight lines you can't be giving people what is it called property lines that has to be done by a surveyor but you can absolutely create models and as long as you don't you know every state is different but as long as you don't do certain things it's totally okay to do models in fact someone who thinks that they're my competition here they recently called the New Mexico surveying board and said that we were making a bunch of Maps and I explained exactly what we were doing and I mentioned the law and she's like Laura um I have no issue with you doing what you're doing you know if you were interpreting these maps and you know putting them on the globe and saying that this is this and this is that then yeah you'd run into a problem but all you'd have to do is have a surveyor sign off on it and run you're good which wouldn't be hard to get not at all um so you know I say modeling because I'm I'm just sick of people who are what what is it backseat lawyers what's the what's the very armchair lawyers yes I love that and they're like well you need a surveying license and I find it fascinating that it takes ten years to get a surveying license but it only takes eight years to be a doctor that's a little weird mm-hmm well they are you know building bridges and things that people's lives are crossing over I'm just trying to look for the reason heart surgery in surgery sounds a little bit more difficult direct comparison you're correct I'm not trying to degrade surveying here I'm just saying it just doesn't make sense to me but maybe there are things I'm not aware of and I don't know about and I'll be the first to admit it so anyway um back back to drone modeling um the reason that cloud processing softwares suck and why I am disappointed that other drone schools are teaching classes on drone deploy is because they fundamentally don't understand the limitations of drone deploy on I love drone deploy it's great for client interaction it's great for deliverables it's great for doing volumetric measurements and whatnot which again I believe is something you do not need a surveyors license to do because if you're measuring stockpile consumption I believe that that is not needed anyway mm-hmm so but drone deploy is great for stockpile consumption it's a great thing but what drone deploy cannot do what sites can cannot do what pics for T cloud keyword cloud can't do is manual type winds why is that import well if we do a Nader flight crosshatch mission say at 60 degrees 65 degrees 70 degrees and we're not getting all the detail in our facades and we decide hmm maybe I should fly some orbits too now there are probably 10 caveats to flying orbits of if you don't know they are in our upcoming intermediate mapping course which needed some final editing to make sure it looked right in all the assets were there I didn't want to release it with assets missing this time so it is coming out and I just want you guys to know that we want to put the most quality course out there I've gone through other mapping courses and this course has more detail than all of those and I can guarantee that so I'm really excited about that but going back to manual type oints let's say we want to get facades in our buildings we want our maps to be as lifelike as possible which again is another very difficult thing to even do with lidar and if you're overlaying say an obj mesh onto our lidar you still have a lot of issues in doing that so we fly the crosshatch nadir mission okay we fly our orbit mission and let's say that we want to tie those images together let's say that the orbits were done as half orbits around us a particular type of building like let's say a polygonal building and you didn't do complete orbits or you did the orbits in a way that you can't input the orbit images with the nadir missions and you would have to process two separate missions and then tie them together that's where cloud processing cannot do as of right now now that may change in the future mm-hmm okay that may change in the future but manual types are quintessential to doing multiple or large-scale projects or complex buildings and complex structures and putting together nadir maps with orbits together to get the very best models possible in fact we've got a great example of this the Imus ghost ghost town ranch you can check it out on our sketchfab page perfect example and that map is done almost entirely with orbits so it's actually more orbits it is an eider mission it was just a single Nader mission not a cross-hatching Nader mission but tied together it looks amazing so if you're working with drone deploy your how do I say this you're limited in the quality of models that you can provide to the client now I will say this drone deploy does a very very very very good job at showcasing data to the client which is really important it is really important because it's still kind of a touchy point with with doing modeling but now that you can download Autodesk recap for free and give it to your client and then if they want to use it in say civil 3d you put it into recap first then put it in civil 3d voila that's kind of some more secret sauce there for you it's just going into layers of depth here but yeah the thing is is that if you only use drone deploy your competitive advantage is nothing you have no competitive advantage because the quality of your models is going to be significantly less than someone who's doing multiple mapping missions whether its interior orbits exterior orbits and I'm talking about which way the cameras facing on the orbits in addition to cross hatching NATO missions and what angle of the camera and elevation of the camera that you choose in addition to well what's the UV index for the day and what's the weather like for the day because that has more to do with things and you'll ever believe this is why again I love the unique H 520 because of the low tonal contrast output and it's JPEG images it's it's amazing I just said what I'm hearing is a whole lot of reasons that people need to check out that mapping course yeah there's a lot there's a lot of DJ knows that but man there's a lot to this oh yeah and the thing is if you don't get your acquisition plan right the first time you're gonna be going back out there and going back out there and going back out there and going back out there which is easier said than done if you're going to a different city or something obviously true it's not that simple and you know a lot of people like oh I can just buy a drone and get drone deploy and do a modeling mission and voila and it's like I'm glad that you think that like that is that is great this is why I will steal all of your clients the because when they see my models versus your models you're gonna be wetting the bed at night so anyway but it's true if you if you deep dive into this stuff there are layers and layers of information I mean this is why we're gonna be patenting what we've done with stadiums because no one's figured out how to do exactly what we figured out how to do so very excited about that and you know going back to this I would recommend you know picks for de desktop software does have a 15 day free trial and you can also use the pix 40 application they just had an app update as of yesterday and there is a lot more that goes into the app I love the app it's got one particular feature that no other application has and that's in our mapping course as well and you'll figure out why it's so important in the mapping course the only thing I wish pics 4d capture had and from what I hear it's on Android but not I Oh s is doing bigger missions to be able to continue the mission so in in iOS you're limited in the size of missions that you can do which really made modeling the golf course quite difficult I bet and that's something they've got to get fixed and supposedly according to pics 4d it's like in the pipeline but my Android backup phone battery died like literally it won't recharge so I didn't have that in Dallas which would have been nice but anyway pics 40 capture in my opinion is by far the best now I believe that you can upload your pics 40 projects into the cloud for client delivery which is another great option but I will say what drone deploy has that other applications do not have and actually it's something that site scan has as well is a great form of delivery but if you're acquisition plan is not flawless you will have many people chomping at the bit to take your work away and they will take it away with ease why because the visualization of the models is going to be so much different that anyone who doesn't know a thing about modeling will easily be able to look at both models and say that one mm-hmm I mean you got to think about marketing you know you for people who don't have quality yeah yeah for you know when you give your project to someone who's like a you know an engineer an inspector or someone who works in BIM someone who is in architecture and design and they want to be able to do measurements they're gonna look at your models in civil 3d in Autodesk recap in Autodesk and they're gonna look at it one way but the people who make the decisions above them are gonna just want to see the visualizations of the models themselves and when they see that they're just going to be looking at it they're not going to be taking measurements they're not going to be you know looking at it with a file to be aesthetically pleasing correct yeah yeah so and what you're describing in terms of these sort of the lower quality versus the higher quality it's not like it's a whole lot it's not more expensive to get the higher quality it's just understanding how to do it correct right correct there's a lot that goes into it mm-hmm and in our next class so I've been saying advanced mapping but we're actually going to be calling intermediate mapping because in our advanced mapping course I'm hoping and we're getting to test the vehicle on Monday thanks to Rocky Mountain unmanned systems but we're going to be testing the phase one mapping solution which is a 100 megapixel m600 mapping solution in color big dolla big dolla make you holla it's supposedly much better we're going to be testing it because there's also a big caveat with how the images are processed before they are processed in a photogrammetry software like photo scanner like pics 4d so I'm really curious about that because it is a significant jump in cost it is I can't lay more I would hope so yeah so I hope so but that's part of what the test is going to determine right is that legit it is yeah and then the next test I want to do that after that is you know everyone's talking about flying lidar flying light are even unless you spend ninety to a hundred and twenty thousand dollars on a lidar unit you can actually get better accuracy in photogrammetry I know that's hard to believe for some people but these valid ein units the search within our I forget the name of the the sensor they only SPECT out to two and a half to three centimeters which is a significant gap in accuracy that that you can get and like I said unless you're flying a super high-resolution lidar unit that's a hundred grand and then let's say that your client wants to actually see color then you're using photogrammetry and it's just like there's still a big gap in the lidar industry on multirotors in my opinion I still think that there's a great opportunity for lidar on fixed-wing aircraft but not rotorcraft right I feel like I just talked about to much no are you kidding that's all great information I think we're gonna dig it I hope so but ya guys really check out our intermediate mapping class she'll be coming out soon if you're a member you'll have access to it for free I actually what I want to do Rob is I'd like to put together a forum for the best mapping acquisition plan and give that away for free and that way people can download that and they'll give us their email in exchange for that document it should help you out it'll be all the things that we've learned in getting into the deep dive of mapping it should really help you out and it should also help you out distinguish when is the right time to do multi faceted maps or multi project maps and then use tie points to get much better detail in the facades and whatnot in that way you'll also get instantaneous updates on when our mapping course does come out right yeah and we all know that great plan is very valuable just put it that way true it is very valuable well if you'd like this information and more check out the drone ucomm and become a member and guys I will say that you're gonna absolutely love the drone new community the secret Facebook group that only you will have exclusive access to so check it out just go to the drone ucomm but that's gonna do it for us today my name is Paul and I'm drop this is ask drone you you
Channel: Drone U
Views: 15,493
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Keywords: drone license, drone training, Learn to fly a drone, Start a drone business, Part 107 exam, Commercial drone test, Faa drone license, Part 107 drone test, faa certificate, how to get your drone license, drone U, droneu, commercial drone license, How to fly a drone, How to start a drone business, Making money with a drone, how to fly drones commercially, learn to fly drones
Id: fAFun0YZK28
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 53sec (1133 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 30 2017
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