Which Hawaiian Island is the Best for First-Timers?

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[Music] Hawaii is reopening for tourism again in August and so in this video I wanted to answer the question which Hawaiian island is best it's a question I get all the time and so in this livestream we're gonna dive deep into that as an answer spend 45 minutes to an hour talking about which Hawaiian island might be best for you to visit I'll be looking at it in nine different areas I'll be comparing the major islands based on beaches food nightlife hotels transportation shopping hiking adventure and the big attractions on each island by the way I mentioned is a live stream if you're on the live stream I'm looking forward to hearing what you think if you've been to Hawaii if you're on the archive we'll make sure you subscribe click the belt or turn on notifications so you never miss out on one of these live streams or on the yellow productions swag that I give away on every live stream today I'll be giving away a fancy yellow productions crew shirt and speaking of prizes Elliott said if I use the word catawampus in a sentence I'll get a prize well something's catawampus about that so hopefully that counts alright but so speaking of Hawaii before I get into beaches I just want to give a primer on Hawaii and the islands and when we look at Hawaii as a state Hawaii has like over a hundred and thirty islands if you count all of the rocks in the sea but there are eight populated islands six of those are islands which tourists visit the first one that's kind of the major tourist destination is Oahu you see it they are kind of in the center left Oahu has seventy percent of the state's population and six million visitors visited in 2019 Maui Maui that you see is the island let's see can I choose with a finger maui which is right about there Maui is known as the honeymooners Island and Maui got three million visitors in 2019 so about half as many as Oahu Kauai which you can see all the way in the upper left Kauai is known as the Garden Island Jurassic Park was filmed in Kauai it got 1.3 million visitors in FY 19 I'll be focusing primarily on Oahu Maui and Kauai because those are the ones that people often are deciding around but just say Chris there's other islands yes I'll also be talking about the Island of Hawaii which I'm covering up so I'm gonna I'm gonna go air it there Hawaii there's so the state is called Hawaii and the island is called Hawaii so people often call this island the Big Island that's what that one is called the Big Island is the biggest as 62 percent of the state's land area it is also the one with the volcano so if you're looking for volcano that's the place to be it had 1.8 million visitors in 2019 and then there's two small islands off of Maui you'll notice there's an island called lanai it's known as the pineapple island it has a population of 3,000 people ninety-seven percent of that island is owned by Larry Ellison he owns the Oracle Corporation the big computer software company and then that Island gets 87 thousand visitors a year so much less we're talking about millions to eighty-seven thousand of that 87,000 50,000 of the people who visit in 2019 were day-trip so many people that that Island is day trip and then Molokai populations 7,000 no traffic lights had sixty five thousand visitors in 2019 and half of those visitors were day trips and to get to those Islands Molokai and lanai you take a ferry from Maui we'll touch more on those as we go through all right so let me become big again and I don't need to see me twice and we're gonna go into the first area to talk about which is beaches so looking at beaches and we'll start with each one each one of the islands and go through so beaches if you like beaches on the island of Oahu oh ah who has a little bit of everything as far as beaches are concerned and also with some of the easiest access for the beaches so Allahu is very well developed there's a lot of tourists who go there and so it's very easy to go to the beaches but they're crowded because they're easy to get to one of the beaches that's definitely most famous you know ah who is this one right here this is Waikiki Beach Waikiki Beach is where most of the tourists in Hawaii are we'll talk about that when we get to hotels it'll be really busy all the time so you don't go to Oahu for relaxing empty beaches you go there because it's Lively there's lots of people my favorite Beach on Oahu is ko olina it's where the Disney Aulani hotel is the beaches are man-made but they're these really nice three kind of curved beaches the North Shore of Oahu is famous for its big waves it's where beaches like Sunset Beach the Banzai Pipeline are if it's your first time in Hawaii and you're not an experienced surfer you probably will not be getting in the water at the North Shore and if you like body surfing there's a beach called Sandy Beach which has a really good short break for body surfing and I want to go to a few comments when we go on to Maui Kathy said I did so much research but never got there Kathy had a Hawaii trip that got cancelled due to cove at 19 and I mentioned that Hawaii's reopening so they're reopening for travel in August you just need to take a cove at 19 tests and provide a negative result within three days of going to Hawaii and then you'll be able to go and avoid the 14 day quarantine that Hawaii currently has Bianco says I might be going to Hawaiian Japan next year but I can't go this year because of kovat 19 well in August you probably could provide you get that test or find it and that really I don't haven't figured out where you get those tests yet but I'm sure it more be coming soon on that subject all right so looking at beaches in Maui the beaches in Maui particularly in Wailea which is on the south side of Maui have been voted some of the best beaches in all of the United States of America in Wailea in Maui while a is a neighborhood in Maui the beaches have sandy bottom easy access and also great snorkeling on Maui due to the calmer water big beach is beautiful this is the beach and I always I always mispronounce this Beach but these are this is the beach just north of Lahaina and the beach here there's like a lot of hotels here there's the Hyatt there's the Westin the Sheraton is actually right in that picture and when I mentioned Black Rock that we're looking at the Black Rock so this is one of the best snorkeling spots the bottom of this beach is really rocky so anak like it drops off really quickly so this is not a very good beach for wading into but if you like swimming you can you just need to get out past that part where you have to walk on it with your feet and so but I think swimming might be overall better in Maui and Oahu just because the beaches are less crowded than in Oahu now on to the beaches in kawaii kawaii has very few sandy beaches that are accessible there's actually a lot of sandy beaches in Kauai but to get to them you have to hike a really long way we'll talk more about hiking as we go later but if you're somebody who just wants to like plop in your hotel and go to the beach there aren't a lot of them most of the accessible beaches are choppy then rocky they're windy they have big waves so not really good for casual beach going one of the neat things about Kauai though is they have a lot of HA nu which are these sea turtles right here these are the sea turtles that we saw at the beach in Poipu while we were in Hawaii and honestly Bridget said we stayed at Kona Polly for our honeymoon last year ten days in Maui was so amazing and that's the beach that I always have a hard time pronouncing I don't know why my Hawaiian pronunciation isn't the best but I might have the best Aloha shirt pila says I love your Hawaii theme shirt Thank You pilla the story behind this Hawaii theme shirt if you're not familiar Brad Pitt wore a very similar Hawaiian looking shirt in his most recent Quentin Tarantino movie so that's kind of what this shirt is inspired on and Olivia says I couldn't imagine affording the groceries while in Hawaii yet they are expensive for sure milk orange juice the cost of groceries really expensive it's an island so everything has to get flown in speaking a grocery it's time for me to drink something it's kind of hot today here I'm doing is what am i drinking today today I'm drinking some paradise tea it's Japanese tropical tea I thought it was only appropriate to drink some tropical tea for this live stream it has an interesting floral taste to it in this tea it has a marigold rose thistle and vitamin C interesting floral taste Pete la says what's your favorite Hawaiian food play my favorite Hawaiian food is garlic shrimp that we're gonna talk about when we get to the food section which is coming right up but we've got one more Island to talk about the beach and which is the Big Island the Big Island as I mentioned biggest landmass this is one with the volcano this is the island that's called Hawaii the Big Island has the fewest beaches most of them are located along the western coast of the Big Island if you're looking for beaches the Big Island probably is not the place for you to go okay so now let's talk about beaches let's talk about which island is the best island for food and Oahu has lots of choice really good Japanese food good high-end food mid and food cheap eats food Stephen asked what's my favorite place to eat in Oahu so I have a whole video that I did about the best cheap eats in Waikiki and that has price of my favorite places to eat in Waikiki one of the ones that I included in there that isn't actually that cheap but I included it because I love it is a place called tonkatsu Ginza Byron it's in Waikiki near that Embassy Suites it has some of it has actually not some of the best katsu which is deep-fried breaded pork cutlet that I've had anywhere in the US and actually this place is so full of Japanese people that you know if Japanese people come to the USA to eat katsu it's got to be pretty good probably second favorite thing to eat in Oahu is garlic shrimp I like the garlic shrimp trucks on the North Shore Giovanni's is really good if you can't make it out to the North Shore then I love going to the ala moana food court ala moana is their big shopping center and I think it's like one of the largest food courts in the USA and there's a place in there this serves really good garlic shrimp as well I think it's called like blue water seafood or something like that Yolanda as I recommend going to Hawaii in August I recommend going to Hawaii whenever your schedule permits frankly I think you know Hawaii's pretty good weather all year round I think so go absolutely when you can I've been there all year round and CV asked me when's my favorite time my favorite time of year is after Thanksgiving before Christmas I find it's the least busy the first couple weeks of December so that's my favorite time to go there lemon myrtle asked if I've ever tried Hawaiian foods like poi and breadfruit and awesome exotics like that we've we definitely have done the classic Hawaiian foods including POI which is kind of this like mash thing made of taro root which is this purple thing I don't find it kind of flavorless I like Hawaiian plate lunches like I like loco moco you know I like kalua pig I like I like that stuff I don't I don't maybe really like I don't like POI that's that's one I love I love polka polka is you could almost call like a Hawaiian seafood salad and poke a frankly is delicious sometimes people call it pokey it's print P o ke or poke it's not poke it's not pokey it's poke a Hawaiian pronunciation of it and some folks gave me a second on the Giovanni's shrimp truck on the North Shore so yes that place is pretty good Michael C says his favorite Hawaiian food is Cheesecake Factory buffalo wings that's funny that's funny Michael do you really eat at that Cheesecake Factory in Waikiki yeah I don't know what what are the rest of y'all think about Michael's favorite Hawaiian food all right so let's go to the next island speaking of food in Maui so Maui is really good for high-end dining I mentioned that Maui is The Honeymooners Island so it's all high-end dining there's very little on Maui in the way of cheap eats although if you are going to Mao and you're looking for cheap beats I do have a cheap beats video on Maui so you can find the cheap eats in that video on the high end one of like the highest end restaurants in Maui and the most famous is called Mama's fish house this is like the dinner from Mama's fish house they have the setting that overlooks the ocean it's a really cool place they've also got true Americana maybe not Cheesecake Factory but they do have you know Bubba Gump shrimp company and they have Ruth's Chris Steakhouse just in case you get homesick in case that's the kind of stuff you're looking for what y'all say it's not the not the kind of stuff I'm looking for let's see April Adams as I hear Ono barbecue is like the in and out of Hawaii I think probably the number one plate lunch place like the plate lunch place if it's just plate lunch like LnL is famous in Hawaii but I would say the number want like if you'd like if there's one like Hawaiian restaurant you have to eat at its Zippy's zippy zi p py s they serve really great plate lunches they've got really good pastry is really good down-home food and it's because they serve like Hawaiian food but American food and so you can get like chicken katsu along with spaghetti and they're opening a Zippy's in Las Vegas hopefully next year which I am I'm looking forward to change my change of focus is asked I've ever been a Holley Ava Jose I've not should I have been there what is special about that place okay let's go on the next Island Kauai the food in Kauai is really local and expensive Kauai has lots of takeout restaurants places that you really could call the hole in the wall because they literally are just that they're there like just a window the order out of on the side of some building Kauai is really great if you like to picnic get the things to go from these markets so the hole in the wall to go place but I'll say if you're in Kauai you better eat lunch by 2:00 p.m. and you better eat dinner by 8:00 p.m. because most restaurants closed between lunch and dinner and there's really very few options past 9:00 p.m. so if you're in Kauai you really need to plan your meals because you don't have a lot of options so as far as food is concerned I think Oahu definitely wins out on food just overall for everything unless your goal is high-end sit-down fancy dining and that case take Maui lemon myrtle asks if there are any in-and-out burgers in Hawaii there are no in-n-out burgers in Hawaii the best burger place like on Oahu I think is a chain called Teddy's Teddy's bigger birders they have a location Waikiki they like 10 on Oahu my second favorite chain is on Kauai and it's a place called Bubba's I think Bubba's makes really good burgers they just use Hawaiian Hawaiian bread cows for it so they're really delicious and then Bubba's actually says they don't like they don't do like lettuce or tomatoes or one of the other on their burgers because they have to get it all from the mainland USA and it's just never fresh when it gets to Hawaii so I thought that was interesting Rosie asked what Island Zippy's is in you'll find Zippy's are like tons of them on Oahu a couple on Maui I don't think they have any on Kauai I think you might find one or two on the Big Island but Allah who is where you got to hit up Zippy's and there there are lots of them Brian and this would be in the category of you know Hawaiian tips if you really want cheap eats on the best place to do it Brian gives the tip of get your groceries and make your own meals from food land food land is a Hawaiian supermarket and I think if you're looking for a supermarket in hawaii food land is the most classically hawaiian supermarket they have a section for po ke they have a whole bouquet counter so you can get like a poke a bowl with rice on the bottom or just separate po ke the po ke at food land is really good Robert I keep the exact numbers thank you very much which is most in Oahu one in Big Island and one in Maui all right thank you Robert Larry asks Chris do I like the local moco I do like loco moco if you're not familiar with what loco moco is loco moco is basically a hamburger patty with brown gravy like a sunny-side-up egg on top of that two scoops of rice and perhaps a macaroni salad on the side that's a traditional Hawaiian brunch you would call it I do like good loco moco all right oh and by the way the picture right here this is garlic shrimp and actually this was garlic shrimp that we got in Kauai which was good but not as good as the garlic shrimp that we got on Oahu okay so now we've talked about beaches we've talked about the food so let's talk about section 3 which is nightlife which island is the best for nightlife starting with Oahu Oahu definitely the best for nightlife Honolulu in particular which is the capital of Oahu has the best nightlife options in all of Hawaii in that one city Waikiki which I showed you the picture of either earlier famous for its beach but the main street through Waikiki is kind of like the Las Vegas strip of Hawaii it's super busy lots of shops restaurants bars so you can find a lot of things around like iki around Oahu you'll find plenty of Hula's and luaus my favorite nighttime show like if people say Chris what luau should I go to I say I don't know maybe don't go to a luau if you're gonna go to a luau maybe Jermaine's but my favorite thing is the nighttime show at the Polynesian Cultural Center please note this is not the luau at the Polynesian Cultural Center you can get a ticket for a luau and the nighttime show but there are two separate things it's kind of interesting the luau is like a buffet and they've got some sedate Hawaiian music and dancing but the nighttime show at the Polynesian Cultural Center there's a separate ticket for it it's a seated show lots of fire dancing really amazing the best show I've seen in the Pacific and now if you're looking for some slightly less touristy scene on Oahu then I would say head round downtown Honolulu particularly around Chinatown you'll find some smaller bars there and things like that that are less that are less touristy or less built for tours Polynesian Cultural Center entirely built for tourists Karla's acid there's a Disneyland Hawaii the closest you'll get to Disneyland Hawaii is the Polynesian Cultural Center bad pious I'm mad at him I'm not mad at you bad PI why would I be mad at you bad pi capital S if we've been to roy's I have been to roy's it's kind of like a high-end Hawaiian place it's good i don't know i don't i don't find it like amazing though i find their prices to be expensive for what you get Kathy says the show in particular is called the breath of life show thank you very much Kathy I appreciate that lemon myrtle says I took Pacific archaeology in Australia for a semester overseas and the Polynesian Cultural Center is amazing love the cooking with hot rocks and and leaves if you ever get a chance yeah they show you how to do like a lot of things like how they like you know like take coconuts and climb up a palm tree to get them it's a neat place Elizabeth says comments are making me think Hawaii is too American I don't actually don't think so I don't think you would find actually Hawaii's all that American I in my other video particularly about Oahu if I would say one of the things no sometimes about Oahu is that a Wahoo's not Japan and I don't mean this negatively cuz if you watch my channel not you know I love Japan I love the Japanese people but there's so many Japanese tourists in Hawaii that often you could like look at particularly Oahu and say like this is not like the United States of America this is like the United State of Asia because there's so many Asian tourists that are in Hawaii and there was actually somebody who commented on one of my abajo videos and said one of his friends who was Japanese he asked that person hey have you ever been to the USA and the person said no but then later on in another sentence they talked about a trip they took to Hawaii that they really like he's like you've been to the USA and they're like really I didn't know Hawaii was part of the USA hmm sure is Nick banister says I'm driving by the Polynesian Cultural Center right now that's cool Nick and also it's like the Polynesian Cultural Center is on this whole other side of the island from Waikiki and so it's nice just to kind of get over there and see the not so busy crowded part of Oahu ok let's move on to the next island talking about nightlife let's talk about the nightlife in Maui most of the nightlife in Maui is in this neighborhood called Lahaina Lahaina can roughly be considered kind of the start of improbably tourism in Maui there's like a little Old Town district Street there there's a whalers village where wheelers would stop in Maui so that's that's looking at the sunset in Lahaina and then you'll also find some other nightlife at the resort hotels at the beach area just north of Lahaina and then down south in while that I mentioned those beaches were some of the best Kristin says she wants to see my my shirt you wanted the whole shirt that I'm wearing you want to see the the whole shirt that I'm wearing I don't make this PowerPoint go away I mean it was you the whole shirt that I'm wearing all right that's the that's the whole Aloha shirt right there by the way they are not Hawaiian shirts they're called aloha shirts if you go to Hawaii yes for a Hawaiian shirt while they might know what you're talking about they'll tell you're wrong and it's a loja shirt aloha attire in particular all right so now on to Kauai the Garden Island the nightlife in Kauai I could probably describe the nightlife in quite a single word none there's no nightlife in quite like after dark and quiet place shuts down your two options for nightlife in Kauai one there's a movie theater at the Cucuy Grove shopping center which is kind of a sad shopping center or the Hyatt Hotel and Kauai has a luau which is only offered like once or twice a week so those are your options for an I life and kowai kowai 20 gets dark plan to get dinner and go back to your hotel and that's the end of the night James asked if I've stayed at the na Polly Kai I have not stayed there should I have stayed there and Robert says there are lots of Japanese Koreans Filipinos Southeast Asians and Chinese heritage people in Hawaii there sure are and by the way when I said there's a lot of Asian tourists it's not just tourists but a lot of folks from all those different countries like Japan in particular like a lot of fourth generation Japanese that have just lived there for generations and generations I think it's a really neat cultural melting pot frankly okay and then the Big Island much like Kauai not much nightlife so if you run a Big Island Kauai your nightlife is gonna be the sunset and go to bed and then waking up early in the morning probably to do some hiking and spend time on the day life all right going on to area number four we've talked about beaches food and nightlife let's talk about which island is the best for hotels and we'll start with Allahu Allahu has 2/3 of the hotels in the entire state of Hawaii are on the one island of Oahu so there's lots of choice on Oahu from the Disney Aulani Hotel there's a little one Disney Hotel in Hawaii it's on Oahu and the first hotel in Hawaii was also on Oahu it is this one right here it is now called the Westin Moana Surfrider there were two hotels the Moana and the Surfrider hotel they were joined together to make the Westin Moana Surfrider it's right on the beach it's a super classic hotel super popular for weddings even if you're not staying at the Westin Moana Surfrider I would encourage you to walk in and take a look at it has this old kind of woodsy feel if you don't wanna walk in take a look at it you can also find my video review of it if you search for Milano Surfrider yellow productions you'll find the review I did there it's a pretty neat hotel though the rooms in the tower there's like a high-rise tower that are pretty nice the rooms and the old building really tiny small interesting the rooms are tidy small but the hallways are wide because back in the day when people would travel to this hotel they would travel by like steam cruise liner and they would come with big trunks cuz it took a long time to get there and they would leave the trunks in the hallway instead of in the room and so that's why the rooms are small there's not much place to put luggage because they assumed you were gonna keep all your luggage out in the hallway that they made really wide to put those things Sameer asked if there's a tipping culture in Hawaii being part of the USA there absolutely is a tipping culture though being Asian influence there might be less of it than there is in the mainland part of the USA pepe asked what's the best beach in Maui I think if you like like sandy beaches if you just want like a sandy family type Beach to hang out on it's either Poipu Beach Oh or the beach that's underneath the st. Regis Hotel on the other no sorry that was Kauai Maui best beach on Maui the beaches in Wailea those are the best beaches in Maui okay so next Island Maui Maui has some of the best high-end hotels in Hawaii so if you're looking for a high-end resort that your goal is just like stay in that resort and be pampered and get serviced on the beach Maui that's the place for you to go in particular while Alea the cotton ah Polly Beach has the big high-rise hotels though they're kind of older Wailea has more high-end resorts my favorite hotel in the world is here in Wailea it's the Andaz Maui it's part of the Hyatt chain Andaz spelled a and Daz I've been to Maui a couple times and all the times I've been there I always stay at that hotel cuz it's just that amazing so if you are interested in seeing more about the Andaz you can find my full video review on it but it's one of those great like you go to the beach they give you chairs and umbrellas and boogie boards and all those things included in your room rates they don't nickel and dime you whereas if you're staying on Oahu and Waikiki in any of those hotels if you want like a chair on the beach it's gonna cost you extra like a lot extra like if you're the Hilton Hawaiian Village and you want like a chair and umbrella for a day I'm just gonna cost like forty or fifty dollars something really really kind of insane now on the island of Kauai and this is the st. Regis that I mentioned so if you're on Kauai this is one of the best sandy beaches in Kauai oh that's accessible you don't have to hike the long way to you get there through the st. Regis Hotel I think Hawaii has two nice high-end hotels either the Hyatt or the st. Regis but Kauai kind of has an interesting perspective in that they have a regulation that no building can be taller than a palm tree there was a Marriot that was built in kawaii that was like really tall and after that was built the residents acquire like never again no taller than a palm tree so I think in Kauai condos are a popular option as well seth is joined in he loves Hawaii Aloha Seth thank you for joining the live stream Stephen asked favorite cheap and best hotel in Oahu I don't like Hawaiian in general doesn't really have cheap hotels the hotel that I stay at the most is the Marriott Waikiki that's though tell that I stay at them most and I find it usually has fairly reasonable room rates because the hotel is just like huge Jacqueline asked I've mentioned Hanauma Bay I've not the Hana kuma Bay is super popular snorkeling spot on Oahu it is a great spot to snorkel but it's super busy jim says it's no longer a st. reason what is it now Jim what is it now I'm curious okay and Melissa says my main reason to go to Hawaii for the Jurassic movie sites - well in that case Kauai is the place you'll want to go because most of the Jurassic movies were filmed on Hawaii okay so uh before we go on to getting around just to sum up hotels Oahu best kind of just like all-around choices Maui best high-end hotels and if you're looking for cheaper options Kauai and the Big Island will have cheaper accommodations than Oahu and Maui most expensive hotels definitely gonna be Maui so that's kind of the pecking order if price is what you're looking at and SoCal seth says the only cheap hotel on Oahu is if user hotel Rewards points absolutely hotel points when we've stated the Andaz classic way we stayed there at using Hyatt Points yeah and so I guess Jim says that st. Regis in Kauai is just now the Princeville resort quite all right so I guess they just D branded from the st. Regis affiliation interesting okay so now let's talk about how easy or hard it is to get around the various islands and which island is the best for getting around so first we're gonna start with a Wahoo and oh the traffic on Oahu oh the traffic oh who has some of the worst traffic in all of the United States of America and people often don't believe that until they go there and they sit in it and the traffic is really bad it's really slow and to try to get more traffic throughput on the freeways they've they've narrowed the lanes and the streets are narrow and rush-hour you're not going very far very quickly if you're in Waikiki parking is really expensive just know that you'll be spending forty to fifty dollars a night to park your car in Waikiki oh ah who does have decent public transit on the bus which runs around a lot of Oahu uber and lyft and taxis are plentiful on Oahu as well so public transportation oh ah who gets points for driving it gets - points for Maui if you're going to Maui yet you definitely need a rental car Maui is a rental car island kind of a neat thing about Maui is that you can drive around the whole island Oahu you can't one of the most famous drives in all of Hawaii is in Maui it's called the road to Hana which is actually what you're looking at in this picture right here the road to Hana is this neat road that hugs the coast on the south side of Maui I would just say be careful cuz it has a lot of really narrow lanes and one lane bridges and if you get carsick easily you might get carsick on that one we actually didn't finish the road to Hana because we got a car sick about 45 minutes or an hour into into that ride and Jeremy asked what I'm drinking today probably missed the earlier part of the livestream where I talked about it but I'm drinking this paradise tea which is Japanese tropical tea which I thought was appropriate since we're talking about the island paradise of Hawaii in this video April said those lane markers look confusing yeah and when I when I mentioned that is one lane I don't mean like one lane each way I mean like the bridges are literally one lane and so they have this etiquette where like a few cars go and then a few more car goes the other direction and a few more cars go the other direction it can be it can be kind of a stressful drive on the road to Hana Cathy agrees with me and said the road to Hana is very scary I I think it is so that's why we didn't we actually didn't finish that road to Hana and Tenley asked if Hawaii still quarantines travelers through the end of July the quarantine is still in effect but August first the quarantine goes away all you got to do is show proof of a negative Cove it 19 tests within three days of arriving in Hawaii and then you're not quarantined and you're welcomed into the Aloha State okay so getting around Maui you need a rental car don't really there's like there's some were in lift in the touristy areas of Lahaina and while a up but not a lot around the island and frankly I am I wouldn't want to be dependent upon uber and lyft because cell phone service the kind of spotty so you might take it someplace and not be able to call back to get back home and they don't really have a very good bus service in Maui Hawaii is really famous for chickens and roosters there's more chickens and roosters and kawaii than there are people and I put this picture here because when we went to pick up our rental car in Hawaii these were in the Alamo parking lot they are all over the island for sure so what are the things when you're driving around kawaii you'll see a lot of roosters and chickens that you have to yield for kawaii you can't drive around kawaii most of the roads in Kauai or inland so you don't get great ocean views in Kauai don't bother at all with uber or lyft in Kauai cuz there's very few eibar or lyft drivers there and then if you're going to the Big Island Big Island has a lot of good highway driving their highways are really built out and so there's easy sightseeing by car on the Big Island so to sum it up if you want to do public transit go to Oahu just be aware of their traffic Maui has the most scenic drives because you can drive around the coast kawaii definitely get a car and Big Island also definitely get a car that's how you gonna get around those places yeah Carlos said on a scale of one to ten how bad is the traffic there and change your focus said on Oahu it's ten it is a tenth for sure Robert suggests to take a day trip all the way around Big Island with stops at South Point and volcanoes is a must great reason to rent a convertible if you do rent a convertible though make sure to wear sunscreen because if you don't have that top on the convertible you'll be getting a lot of Sun and Olivia says rent a Prius since it doesn't completely rely on gas gas is expensive gas is expensive in Hawaii if you're a Costco member Costco definitely has the cheapest gas in Hawaii and in Maui there's a Costco like right by the airport so that's convenient to fill up your rental car on your way back to the airport okay so now that we've talked about getting around the song about shopping which island is the best for shopping and first we'll start with the wah-hoo-wah who has all the shopping you could ever want Allah who has luxury shopping they've got souvenir shopping for classic Hawaiian goods or cheap crappy souvenir goods if that's what you want there's lots of places to get like an eagle a lei or an Aloha shirt the Ala Moana Center which is what I'm showing the picture of right here is really impressive this is Hawaii's biggest shopping center actually we like to think one of the biggest shopping centers in the USA there food court is really amazing and so if you like shopping the Ala Moana Center on Oahu is definitely must-visit I have a love but a complicated relationship with the Ala Moana Center not to do with shopping I got I got injured on the escalator there Mike actually had ended up in an ambulance in the emergency room because the escalator took a chunk out of my toe but that's probably story for a different time right that's definitely a different time it's about the Aloha wives Cathy says she loves the shopping in Hawaii shop at Ross a good place I've found for aloha shirts is Costco and also Macy's in Hawaii changing focuses ABC stores ABC stores are amazing it's kind of like the convenience buy everything a tourist could need store in Hawaii oh ah who has like like a hundred of them Maui has a few Hawaii has like two would be same with the Big Island so but if you're on Oahu definitely check those out and SoCal Seth says a Costco on the west side of Oahu in Kapolei Chris thank you for the tip Seth I love going to Costco in Hawaii it's just it's a place where you can get really cheap beats actually in my cheap eats it probably deserves a spot in any of my cheap beats videos but but definitely cheap eats Maui after having a lot of really expensive mmm really expensive meals we really enjoyed the dollar fifty hotdogs and the $2 Pizza they keep the same prices as every other Costco Stephen says the Ross store is amazing so much there and Steven also suggests the outlet malls for discounted shopping on Oahu and Seth says overall best shopping yeah for sure so let's go on to the next Island let's go on to Maui so the shopping in Maui this this is that Main Street in Lahaina that I talked about like there were the Whalers villages there's a small outlet mall here all the big-box stores in Maui like Target Walmart Costco and Whole Foods there by the airport which is like a 45 minute drive from Lahaina or Wailea which are the major resort destination and if you want high-end shopping the high-end shopping is down in wide Alea where the big resorts are but it's not a lot of high-end shopping now Hawaii also has a few big-box stores by the airport kawaii only has one major shopping center you heard me reference it earlier it's this Kukui Grove center that's the one that has the movie theater with four screens Starbucks is Jamba Juice there's also Whole Foods in there hey Kauai is on the map but it's I would I would not really like put shopping on your list in Kauai other than maybe some kind of Hawaiian souvenir goods at some of the local it actually kawaii has a lot of kind of like artsy maybe like night market type things where like artists come out at night and sell their goods and different parts of kawaii so that would be the place I would look there if you're looking to pick up something classic SoCal Seth says on Oahu if you're looking for a swap meet to check out the Aloha Stadium I've never been there but I've heard that it's a really good place for to get your Aloha tire your aloha shirts and yes jim says on Maui the Wailea shops there's a place in there called the island market and if you're looking for cheap eats in Wailea check out the island market they have really inexpensive pokeballs we ate there even there a number of times actually their pokéballs are really quite good and very reasonably priced change your focus says on the North Shore of Oahu I found a guy carving tikis that's my favorite kind of shopping there oh that's really cool and Bryant says they only have a Walmart in kawaii okay not a target right Thank You Bryan yeah the I mean when I said the big-box stores yeah they're not they're not amazing ones on Kauai Oh Jason says the theater Kukui Grove no longer exists it closed last month that's sad that's that has anything come in his place and Timothy says there's no Whole Foods on Kauai then I must I must be channeling the one in Maui to Kauai thank you for that correction okay Christian says what's the best hike you've done on Maui well great we're gonna talk about hiking next but just to shove them up some up shopping its Allahu Allah who's the best island for shopping if you're looking for shopping if you want high-end shopping maybe Maui Kauai in big island not not so much in the way of shopping alright so hikes first we'll start with Oahu and go through there so hiking on Oahu right here I got that great smile don't I was like looking in the Sun to take this picture this is the classic hike on Oahu this is the hike to Diamond Head Diamond Head is this old volcanic crater that is right next to Waikiki you see all those tall buildings there in the background those are all the hotels of Waikiki and so of course I had to take this picture from the top this hike is busy there's a lot of people that take this hike but it's a classic hike I enjoy it even though it's full of people so I would say that's probably my favorite hike on Oahu there's kind of a neat hike by the lighthouse on the south it's kind of a fun one also by the Polynesian Cultural Center there's kind of just some neat like what I guess like exploring on like the rocks out there that are kind of neat there's some like land bridge sorts of things I've not done any of like the like the like the crazy restricted hikes like the stairway to heaven or things like that those are crazy there's like some old military sites that are restricted hikes but the hiking you're gonna find in Oahu they're gonna be busy Elliott says hey Chris is there a lgbtqia+ community nightlife anywhere in Hawaii like West Hollywood California or San Francisco I don't think I don't think Hawaii has anything right of that scale I would say if there if there is it's probably around the downtown Honolulu area but I couldn't pinpoint where it is cuz it doesn't it doesn't exist at least I haven't encountered it in the same places as West Hollywood or San Francisco if somebody else knows better please please help a fellow Explorer out Christian Kristin said she almost killed herself going up Diamond Head how did you do that Kristin how did you almost kill yourself and Jennifer says bring a flashlight I guess if you're going in the morning or you're going at night or you're going for the sunset mmm yeah Robert says the fire department seems to be constantly rescuing people off Diamond Head I think because people decide to hike it that aren't physically fit it's not a very challenging hike it was designed for mules to go up and I think there's just a lot of people who do it and aren't prepared for the heat and humidity in Hawaii and so need help because they just get overheated on it Olivia likes the Koko crater trail and So Cal sets the stairway to heaven is completely closed you'll be fine too highly dangerous yeah I'm not recommending at all I've watched the YouTube videos on and it looks super amazing but I'm not I'm not doing it Carlos asked if there's a if there's an Apple store in Hawaii if there would be it'd be in the Ala Moana Center but I can't recall at the top of my head if there is carp a asks which hotel in like Iggy Beach do you recommend when traveling with teenagers the Hilton Hawaiian Village is a lot of fun it's kind of like this mega resort that has everything so that's my recommendation all right so let's talk about hiking in Maui I think the hiking in Maui is not as good as the hiking on Oahu or Hawaii you'll find lots of little trails on the road to Hana so like there's lots little spots you could just stop and like hike to the waterfall and things like that but my favorite hiking spot on Maui is at the summit Maui has two peaks there's really one that's famous that you can go up to and see the sunrise or see the sunset it kind of feels like the moon up there it's like it's it's a long drive to get up there it's like elevation 10,000 feet it's super amazing so if you like hiking and there's one spot you want to hike that is truly out of this world hike to the knot don't hide to the summit but hike around the summit area of Maui and Robert says I think there's a Waikiki there's an Apple store in Waikiki and Jennifer says it's across from where the movie theater used to be all right Thank You Jennifer okay and now Kauai if you like hiking you should go to Kauai if you live with a backpack on your back and you love long hikes and you love dangerous hikes and you love cliffs and you love rugged terrain and you love no handrails and you love no paved paths and you like breathtaking and you love dangerous go to Hawaii have I really sold this for you well if you're one of those people then I think I have but if you notice this is kind of a really neat coastal trail in Kauai and if you look kind of in the upper left of it there's a little pink shirt for some people that are sitting on the side of this cliff kawaii really has well I'll call magnificent fairly undeveloped hikes but really super natural and super long okay let's talk about number eight which is adventure which is the best island for different kinds of adventure so if you're looking for a boat tour the best time for boat tours two options Maui and Kauai have good boat tours the boat tours in Maui are more a little more relaxing and the more exciting in kawaii cos collides bigger waves and so they're probably bit choppier I would say the in kawaii the classic boat tour is to take the tour along the coast the undeveloped coast of Kauai which is where there's often a lot of Jurassic Park kind of stuff if you want a helicopter tour well that's definitely kawaii this is that undeveloped sign of kawaii that I talked about and it's really hard to see most of it from the ground of the land or really long hike so neat way to do that is by helicopter though it's in the adventure category because there have been helicopter crashes if you like kayaking Hawaii has some really neat kayaking on the Kauai rivers there are these like inland rivers and really neat to kayak on if you like snorkeling the big ions gonna be your place Big Island is the most famous island for snorkeling the Kona Coast of the Big Island tends to have the clearest water and offers the best snorkeling in all of Hawaii and you can see a hon ooh I think you ha new guys Hana this is a sea turtle as the Hawaiian word for sea turtle but by the way sea turtles are protected in Hawaii so if you do see a Hana who you get close to one of them well don't get close to them because they're protected it's illegal to touch her ass sea turtles if you are into whale watching Maui has the most whale watching tours the most opportunities to see whales now the question is Kristy do you go whale watching do you like whale watching I I kind of equate whale watching to ocean staring I mean like a lot of whale watching companies will offer you like a free another tour cruise if you don't see any whales but if you went on this boat for a couple hours you didn't see any whales you want to go again - maybe not see whales again I'm sure it's really cool to see you like if you get an opportunity like this but my personal thing if you're into fishing the Big Island is the best for fishing and finally final adventure point is if you want to learn to surf the best place for you to learn how surf is on Oahu Waikiki and the North Shore are popular locations for surf instructions here we're looking at the beach in Waikiki it has these really calm gentle waves and people will kind of help push you into it to help you stand up okay now let's talk about the big attractions in Hawaii which island is the best for big attractions so first we'll talk about a walk this is another aerial shot looking out at Waikiki so you can see Waikiki those a lot of those are either hotels or condos there's a lot of high-rises in Waikiki and that's the Diamond Head crater in the back but Oahu famous for Pearl Harbor the North Shore that we talked about all these things the Polynesian Cultural Center super big attractions so the biggest attractions are in Oahu if you want that if you want the vacation trip to check off the most Hawaii attractions it's on Oahu I don't I don't need to see me twice doing Maui there's the summit that I mentioned before at 10,000 feet it's a large dormant volcano that takes up 40% of the island you can drive by kite parts the volcano it's dormant so there's no lava there's a really big blowhole on Maui and then in Lahaina there's this famous 150 year old banyan tree there's really big banyan tree on Kauai the attractions are really just the nature that are part of Kauai there's a canyon called Waimea Canyon it's known as the Grand Canyon of the Pacific it's a really impressive Canyon the undeveloped Coast is called the Napali coast think Jurassic Park you can boat kayak or hike there there's tons of waterfalls on Kauai and there's also a blowhole in Hawaii that makes a that makes a lizard sound it really kind of does the Island of Hawaii the Big Island what's the famous for mm-hmm the volcano if you want to see the active volcano it's the only island of the active volcano the Big Island is the spot you should go the Big Island also has some of the most Hawaiian historical sites to it okay I briefly want to touch on the other islands that we haven't spent much time talking about here which are Molokai and lanai and if I make this big and we look where it says Maui you'll see that there's Molokai and lanai couple islands there so Molokai first if you're also interested in authentic Hawaiian culture come to Molokai more than half the residents of this island are indigenous and the policies of the local communities are really about preserving the local culture rather than raking in the tourist dollars the kind of the cool hike here there's a hiking trail that you can hike on mule back so that's that's kind of a neat option on Molokai and if you're going to Lanai by the way Molokai lanai you'll be taking a ferry from Maui that's how you'd get there lanai is the place to go if you really want to avoid crowds I mean Molokai - because it's not very busy but this island is not the place you go for luaus or things like that you go here for the openness of it it's really popular to do off-roading adventures on lanai and the kind of a popular beach on lanai is called shipwreck beach that has its own shipwreck on the side of it okay so other considerations and I mentioned I do nine areas and so now we're at number ten I just kind of want to wrap some things up that we talked about so if you are picking your island based on price Kauai your Big Island those are gonna be the cheapest places if it's a couples trip romance or your anniversary you should go to Maui if you're going with kids I think Allah who has the most kids things Maui is a cross between Oahu and Kauai Kauai is the Garden Island hiking Oahu's developed in a city like Maui's kind of in the middle fancy restaurants beachfront accommodations and lovely scenery but some people can say they don't like Maui because it's too tour and the flights are more expensive because it's so touristy kawaii rural and rugged beautiful vacant less touristy and the Big Island or some of those other small ones I mentioned you'll be pretty much by yourself and so you can't go wrong now the question I often get is if you should visit multiple islands when you go to Hawaii and I say if you do don't plan to spend any less than five days on an island so if you're only going for seven days for your first time in Hawaii just pick one island otherwise you're gonna spend all your time going between islands if you're gone for ten days then I think you could hop an island but if you're going for seven or less don't bother and if you want to know more about Hawaii I've got playlists on Oahu Maui Kauai cheap beats where to stay all sorts of things if you want know more about wahoo hotels I've got lots of Oahu hotel reviews Maui hotel reviews two things to do cheap beats you'll find a link to that playlist in the description and so now you know what time it is this question-and-answer time because the question mark is here if you asked a question before I didn't get to it please ask it again because I want to make sure that I get to your questions yong hwa who asked where is pearl harbor located pearl harbor is pearl harbors located on Oahu Vic says there's nothing to do in Maui there's not like big attractions for sure really the reason you go to Maui is to be in that resort eat in that resort stay in that resort sit on that beach and you know you go out and find a different restaurant at night end up says Chris why are you so great I love your channel brother I don't know must be must baby yellow brings out some greatness in me Mark's is any word on the cove attested yeah the weird thing about that is weird think about that his you know they said hey yeah you can come to Hawaii in August you just got to get a cove it 19 tests and test negative and where are you gonna get that and Hawaii said they've partnered with CBS to figure that out though there hasn't been a lot of information about how that's gonna happen I don't we don't really need to know until about 20 days from now and it's like three days before the first of August but when more information comes out about how to actually get those tests and prove it and things like that then I will do a video about that yo she asked why I love vmix so much that's the software you used to do live streaming I don't know I think it does all the things I want to do I can configure it it lets me do these cool chat things on here makes me make things spin so that's why I love the mix SK Club button I don't know how to pronounce your name but you can not ferry between the main islands you have to fly between the may is the short flight so it's like 20-minute flights between the islands but you do have to fly Hawaiian Airlines and Southwest you're kind of your two options for inner island flights there were fairies that went like what's between Oahu and Maui though that they're looking to restart that ferry service but it's been canceled the only ferries are between Maui and Molokai and lanai Jeremy off to know if I've had any broken bones never no broken bones genny's has I just made it to your life chip welcome Ginny we're just about to wrap up here soon but I'm glad you made it Yoshi I have the like probably HD package for vmix the live streaming software that I use has like four different packages so I think I've like the second tier up CV Kaz asks if there's any good scuba tours I think there's a lot of scuba doors I couldn't I've never been on one so I couldn't recommend one to you David wants my ever visited down the hatch or duck kitchen uh I have visited the kitchen on Maui was one of my favorite places that I ate there if you want to see it it's in my mouth it's video and actually had the local moco at the kitchen in Maui it's really good Brian says Chris thanks for your video insurance what are your thoughts on car insurance do you just go with your own or do you purchase additional from the rental car company traveling domestically in the US I never purchase additional from the rental car company traveling internationally if my Chase Sapphire card provides primary coverage in that country then I don't buy it I only buy if the Chase Sapphire card doesn't cover primary insurance in that country which is only a few places okay right Vic says now wait a minute Chris broke his foot I'm Nessa Leighton Hall I didn't break my foot I took off a chunk of my toe like I took off the skin there's bloody everywhere so I didn't actually break my toe I haven't had no broken bones that's probably the most serious thing that happened to me was hitting my toe sliced open on the Ala Moana escalator April ass of any of the Hawaiian Islands are connected via bridge not that I'm aware of Nick gasps I've ever stayed at Turtle Bay on the North Shore I never have I know people that have and they really liked it I want to but we just we haven't we haven't stayed over there Carrick ass if I have favorite hotels for Oahu Maui a big island I have a whole video about like where to stay in Oahu so you could see a deeper dive on that one I generally stay at the Marriott in Waikiki just because it's the cheapest I like the Westin Moana Surfrider I also like the Sheraton Waikiki not to be confused with the Sheraton princess that one's really old and rundown I like the hotels on the Collina side of Oahu as well there's like a neat four seasons and then there's like a Marriott Vacation Club that's over on Killeen as well Maui my favorite is the Andaz it's my favorite hotel in the whole wide world and I think the Hyatt the Hyatt and the Sheraton are kind of two good ones on Kauai there's also this Princeville resort that recently changed names used to be the st. Regis and I can't I can't Princeville resort kawaii or something was what somebody said that new name is [Music] all right well it is time for the giveaway as with every livestream I always give away something so today I'm gonna give away a yellow productions crew t-shirt to somebody who can answer one of my questions so to win this question to win this question to win this shirt let's see what's something that I said before you know if I look that I would say you know I say about something that I said before my question to you is which island is known as the pineapple island you can tell me which island is known as the pineapple island then I will send you a yellow precious crew t-shirt anywhere in the world and by the way while waiting for that I don't know if Dave James from Australia is on but jave James fellow Explorer sent this cool panda air freshener this is gonna freshen up my car this is a cute thing right here so Dave thank you very much all the way from Down Under Australia I think this took like two months with kovat 19 everything to get here so I appreciate the little panda thank you Dave let's see Eliot says the answers catawampus that's pretty funny honestly Bridget says the answer is Maui which is not the right answer but what's the second answer and the first correct answer Jeremy with lanai that's right and a lot of you said lanai afterwards as well but Jeremy was the first one so congratulations you win the yellow Productions crew t-shirt if you didn't get a chance to win one you can find a link to my Etsy shop in the description below pick one up and be part of the crew Jeremy send me an email right here Chris at yellow net to w's let me know your address what size you want and I'll get one of those headin right on there alright well everybody thanks for watching if this was your first time on a Yelp roxton's livestream or your first time on the Yale productions video make sure you click that subscribe button I got lots more videos about Hawaii videos about Las Vegas Japan everywhere around the world lots of Aloha and Cheer coming to you on yellow productions and with that I won't say goodbye because I'll see you all in the next video [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Yellow Productions
Views: 16,455
Rating: 4.901566 out of 5
Id: IOscFk_RNxY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 36sec (3996 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 06 2020
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