Which Fujifilm Camera To Get (XT3, XT4, XT5, XH2 or XH2s)

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over the last few weeks I've been getting a bunch of questions whether you should get an xd5 or an xh2s or an xt4 or an xt5 or an xh2 or an xd5 and any combination that you can imagine so to answer all of these questions I decided to put together this very hopefully short video just to give you my thoughts on all of these options I will cover the xt3 xd4 xd5 xh2 and xh2s currently I own the xh2s and the xt5 I've also owned and used extensively the xd3 and the xd4 now I don't own an xh2 I've used it briefly however an xh2 is a bit of a mashup between the S and the xt5 so I feel like I'm in a good enough position to give you my opinion on that camera speaking of opinions just to give you a bit of context I've been using Fujifilm cameras since 2018 and I use them for street photography travel photography as well as making these YouTube videos however this is not not every view this is simply an overview of all the main features and what you should consider if you are in a position to be looking at one of these cameras and finally if you actually care about photography I suggest popping back for the next video because this will be a very gear heavy discussion if size and weight is a huge factor for you then hands down go for the xt3 xd4 or xd5 now the xt4 is a tiny bit bigger and heavier than the other two however not to the point what you will really notice a difference unless you start comparing and measuring however if you're not traveling hiking or basically taking your camera with you everywhere you go then maybe the xh line of cameras might provide additional value and features but obviously in a bigger and heavier package and finally keep in mind that even small increments in size and weight do add up if you are walking around all day with a camera around your neck for example I can walk around for longer with my xd5 and let's say the 33 mil Prime then the xhs2 with a zoom lens before start to feel a bit uncomfortable at the end of the day it all depends on your use case personally I have both and I know the trade-off of bringing the bigger camera because I'll be using it for a specific purpose whereas if I'm going to be walking around all day I'll bring the xt5 because I know it'll be a little bit easier on my neck after 10 20 miles walked there isn't a clear winner here because it all depends on your personal preferences and the use case now to me the xt5 does feel better in the hand but that's because I have small hands if you have normal sized hands you might find that the xh2 grip is better and as a matter of fact most people do every time I speak to anyone who've tried both cameras they prefer the xh grip especially if they come from more traditional full-frame cameras which do have the bigger grip however as much as I prefer the xt5 I only prefer it with a smaller prime lens the moment I attach a bigger heavier lens like the 50 to 140 for example then the xh2 wins out because that grip really balances well with the bigger lenses whereas the xt5 the moment you attach those lenses it is very front heavy and you definitely have to use both hands and be let's say very steady when you take photos the xh line of cameras do seem to be built better which kind of makes sense because they are meant to be the flagships certainly comparing this xh2s to the xd5 there are quite a few noticeable differences in build quality the xh2s seems to use a better quality materials the buttons feel a bit better when you press them and generally just feels a little bit more solid the xt3 and the xt4 are comparable in quality however I personally feel that with the xd5 they have slightly reduced the quality of the materials now does it feel cheap no it doesn't but if you start to compare them then it does feel like a little bit of a downgrade in material quality now I can't speak about the reliability of the xh2 or the xd5 just yet because I've just not had them for long enough however with the xt4 and the xt3 I did have Sun water Ingress issues shooting in very heavy rain and a couple of times the top dials did fail when they had sand inside them from shooting in the desert or again water Ingress now looking at other people's experiences and my own experiences I would say it seems like that the traditional top dials as cool as they are on the XT line do seem to be a weakness in the camera's build quality personally if I had to go into a condition which I know would be very difficult whether it's heavy rain sand dirt I would probably pick the xh2s or xh2 over the XT simply because they just don't have all of those extra points of failure at the top in general there are only really two usability things that you need to decide on first of all do you want the traditional Fujifilm dials like you have the on the XT cameras or do you want a more modern psim approach that you have on the xh2 and the other thing to decide is do you want a flip out screen for video like this one so I can see myself or do you want an articulating screen which has a smaller footprint from my experience the traditional top dials on the XD cameras are superior for photography however for hybrid work or pure video work I prefer the xh2 also the little top screen on the xh2 and the xh2s is definitely a lot more useful than I originally thought it would be I use it quite a lot moving on to the screens what I found is that the flip out selfie screen is only really useful if you're filming yourself because then I can set up the shot I can see myself I can get a rough idea and start filming without having to run around all the time however for videography for photography for any anything which involves you being behind the camera and not in front of it the articulating screen on the xt5 and the xt3 is superior because it's a smaller footprint it's quicker to deploy and generally it's easier to frame things when you can look at them directly with the camera sort of like that rather than looking off to the side and trying to gauge where the center is because it can be a bit of putting at least initially when you start using an articulating screen oh and a couple of smaller points obviously if you like to use bigger battery grips of your cameras and the xt5 is not even an option because I can't take it and if battery life is critical to you then you need to get any camera that's not the xd3 because the xd3 is the only one that uses the older batteries which suck okay so this will upset a few pixel peepers but honestly there isn't that much difference between all of these cameras sure the xd5 has a few more megapixels and the xh2 S will be better in low light and have a faster readout and in general the image is out of the xt5 and the xh2s overall look a little bit more Punchy and a little bit cleaner however if you took a bunch of photos on all of these cameras from the xt3 all the way to the xh2s and then you've put them all together you muddled them up and you ask someone to pick out okay is that the xt3 or is that the xh2 most people or I would say all people wouldn't be able to pick out which is which of course if you start zooming in and studying each pixel and comparing them side by side you might start to see some differences especially with a larger sensor however generally speaking for most people they will not really notice any difference now personally if I had to choose I would go for the larger megapixel sensor mainly because I like to crop and it just gives me a bit more room to play with in terms of resolution as you'd expect the latest cameras do have the best autofocus the xh2s is a little bit quicker and more accurate compared to the xt5 and the xh2 however not to the point where that would be a big purchasing decision saying that the xt3 and the xt4 are still plenty good enough for most people if you rely on the absolute best autofocus and you can't afford to miss the moment then the xh2s is the one that would go for if you want a very good eye detect for portraits or even subject detect for cars Birds Etc then the xh2 and the xt5 will be great for that however if you mainly take photos of your holidays street photography landscape photography and just general photography that most of us do the xd3 and the xd4 will be more than good enough for that there's only one big feature to consider really and that's Ibis put simply if you don't care about Ibis or if all your lenses that you own are stabilized then the XD free will be great however if you know that you will be shooting at La lower shutter speeds you have shaky hands or maybe you prefer longer lenses then honestly having Ibis is a benefit if you look at jpeg settings and Fujifilm profiles all the core and the main settings and film simulations will be present across all cameras however if you want certain specific looks that are only applicable to the xd5 or the xh2 then obviously you'll have to go for them now Fuji do say and they do update their firmware for the older cameras but it's not always as consistent in terms of knowing that 100 of this film simulation will come to you XD free so if a particular simulation is like I must have it then obviously you'll have to go for the newer camera if you love using the viewfinder and you want to have the closest experience to having an optical viewfinder then the only camera to really consider is the xh2 or the xh2s because it has the best quality viewfinder the XD cameras still use the last generation which is not bad but comparing the two there will be a clear difference and finally the xt5 and the xh2 will have a huge megapixel stitching feature which will give you like an insane file however that only really works for still life subjects the moment something moves even a tiny bit that will completely destroy it and there's a huge post-processing workflow that comes with it so as amazing as that feature sounds it's not for everyone now if you're finding this video useful I just want to quickly plug my camera guides that I've made for the x100v the xt3 and the xt4 these are not meant to replace your camera user guides that you get your camera but they are my take on how to set up these cameras and how to get the most out of them I'll cover all the main settings both for photo and for video as well as settings that I personally use in these cameras to get the most out of them they're quite comprehensive will take you a while to get through it however I do honestly believe that they will Fast Track you from you know just getting your camera to getting the most out of your camera so if you want to support the channel and meet anyone to learn more about your xc4 xt3 or x100v Fuji G of linked them down below now I'm sure the question will come the xt5 and the xh2s camera guides they will come later this year I need a lot more time on the cameras before I can release something unlike Photography in my opinion this is where there is a very clear winner and that's the xh2s the footage has more dynamic range appears less digital and sharp and overall has that cinematic look about it which the other cameras at least in my opinion don't have that out of the box without further editing in well-controlled environments you can definitely get old cameras to look the same however when the environment is out of your control or you have a lot of contrast that's where you do see the xh2s just shine through over all the other cameras does this mean that the xt3 and the xd4 written off of course it doesn't however what I would say is if you're a video first person I would look at the later cameras however if you enjoy doing videos a hobby on the side it's not the main thing for you then the xt3 and the xt4 will be absolutely good for that as well same as with the photography if you want the best autofocus in video you want to be looking at the xh2s the xh2 and the xd5 are both still very very good however there is a tiny bit of a difference and if you're relying on AF for video then this is the best system you can get now this is where I would say there is a huge difference between the xt4 and the xt3 and newer generation cameras so if the difference between the xd5 and the xh2s is like this the difference between the xt4 and the xt5 is more like this and obviously the xh2s the difference is even bigger so if you are relying on eye tracking if you are relying on subject tracking or general stickiness of the autofocus then I would look at the newer generation cameras [Music] this is where we're starting to see an even bigger difference between the xh line of cameras and the XT cameras put simply the xh cameras have a lot more video specific features of the xt's don't have however these features are only really useful to people who take their video extremely seriously or even make money from video the xh2s will let you record in 6K using the entire sensor give you 4K 120 and have a much faster readout speeds so less rolling shutter whereas the xh2 will give you an 8K image however you're not getting the other features personally what I would say is if your camera is always on a tripod and you're filming still subjects the 8K xh2 might be better because you can then crop in more and recompose whereas if you're always running and gunning with a camera out and about or filming motion then the xh2s will be better in my opinion both the xh cameras will let you shoot in prores which is an absolute dream to edit however to store it is a pain in the ass because the file sizes are enormous not to mention that you have to use the CF Express cards now which are more expensive as well as getting a CF Express card the reader which again adds to the cost and finally both cameras let you use the photometry settings that you have in photography but for video this just lets you be a lot more creative with your shots now the xd5 lets you shoot in 6K as well or beta a lower quality it also lets you have the photometry settings which is good but it skips out on everything else I've mentioned and finally the xt3 and the xt4 don't really get anything that I've just talked about a few other small difference is to keep in mind the xd5 still comes with dual SD card slots whereas the xh cameras as I've said will come with an st and a CF Express the xt5 and the xh2 cameras also have other smaller improvements throughout the user experience more customizable function buttons more customizable menus and a general speed boost when you're using the menus navigating changing settings things like that and the final thing to think about is the specific use case so for instance if you're going to be shooting in busy markets in cities you don't want to be walking around with a huge camera looking like a professional because they'll just attract attention whereas if you're going to be shooting Wildlife then you do want a bigger body for the bigger lenses so it's something to think about when you're looking at which camera to get now let's talk about cost and value right now in my opinion the best value for money Fujifilm camera is a second hand xd4 you can pick up a Min to use the xd4 for around a thousand pounds and if you don't mind a bit of a wear and tear I've seen them go for as little as 8.50 now you can save even more money by getting an XD free however if the features like Ibis and a better battery life are important to you then I would definitely suggest spending a bit more money on the xd4 now if you want one of the newer systems the best value for money is the xh2 because it's only a fraction more expensive than the xd5 but you are getting a lot more features for your money however keep in mind that there is the extra cost of the CF Express card but if you shop around you can find a pretty good deal also you don't need to get the CF Express card the reader you can always just plug the camera straight into your laptop or just use the CF Express as your permanent internal backup and then take your SD card in and out to transfer files and finally the xd5 and the xh2s at least in my opinion are not the best value for money cameras for most people of course if you need them for their own Niche purposes they're great if you make your money from this like I do great but for most people they just don't need them [Music] if you're on an extremely tight budget get a Fujifilm xd2 if your main focus is photography and you don't shoot sports or Wildlife get the xt3 or the xd5 if your main focus is photography and you do shoot sports or Wildlife get the xd5 or the xh2 if you're a die-hard sports a wildlife photographer and you're making money from that get the xh2s if you're a video or a hybrid shooter get the xd4 especially a used one if you want to take a video a little bit more seriously get the xh2 if you want the absolute best video quality and performance out of a Fuji body get the xh2s if you want a two camera system for both photo and video I would say get the xd4 for video and then the next D3 for photography and of course if money is no issue or if you want the best quality because you do this for work then get an xd5 and an xh2s okay that's everything for this video I hope it was a quick one and I hope it just gave you an overview of my thoughts and opinions on all of these questions so if you're watching this video you've probably found it through YouTube or I've directed you to it from Instagram or whatever else I get asked these questions of course if you have further questions please leave them down below but keep in mind I don't know all the answers um so hopefully if I can't answer than someone else might have figured it out and answered it for you in the comment section okay that is all thank you ever so much for watching this video thank you for the support and I'll see you in the next one bye foreign [Music]
Channel: Roman Fox
Views: 109,878
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4JPoTzoXrNw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 59sec (1079 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 07 2023
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