The Fujifilm XT5, Long Term Review - The Good & the Bad!

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[Music] excuse the attire I'm not supposed to be sitting here looking at you or supposed to have driven four and a half hours to the side of the country to Kent but my event got canceled as I was driving there so I've come back and I thought I'd do this video which I thought I'd finally get around to doing on the Fujifilm xt5 now this is a long-term review I've had this camera since it came out whenever that was so I picked it up on the day it was released and I've used it professionally every day since now I've been in the ecosystem of Fujifilm for about nine years so I've shot I started off the xt1 xt2 xt3 xd4 xd5 xh1 x100vx Pro 2. so I've had a lot of experience with Fuji over the years in a professional environment now I'm a commercial photographer I shoot a lot of products a lot of events I do a lot of filming I do a lot of portraits I do a lot of architecture into interior that sort of stuff so I use and obviously street street and landscape photography as well um more so on YouTube so I use Fuji a lot I use Fujifilm every single day and I've really really become very emotionally attached to the ecosystem so we're in this video we'll be talking about what I love and what needs to be improved with the future system going forward in general not necessarily just this camera but yeah that's what we're going to go on to today but just as a bit of a spoiler this is probably one of my favorite cameras I've ever owned so yeah just get that in there straight away so the Fujifilm xt5 I'll be comparing mainly to my xt3 now I've just re-bought this camera because when I picked up the xt5 I actually part X my xd3 at command cameras and I've had to buy another xt3 for an event well the event today actually so uh not actually use that xt3 yet but like the xt3 was one of my favorite cameras for a long term for a long time and that was mainly as a photographer I just love the ergonomics I love the screen I love everything apart from the battery and apart from the autofocus and a few a few of the niggles as well so when the xt5 was announced that it was basically going to be an xt3 on absolute steroids I was a little bit excited and to hear that it wasn't gonna have the flip screen of the xt4 which we're filming on now I I was more than yeah I was more than a bit pleased let's say I've got to say straightway though this is an almost perfect camera there's not much I dislike about there's a few little niggles but there's not much about it I just think especially with the new the new ecosystem the new lenses the food you're bringing out this is the 33 mil 1.4 and it is absolutely absolutely fantastic this combination this this this uh the xt5 with the new 33 is absolutely fantastic it's a bit heavy for street photography but as a as a professional setup uh this 50mm Prime on this camera is incredibly powerful I I really really do I'm this setup I am really happy with the the 50 the 33 and that one the 56 um I'm not so impressed with if I'm honest with you but it is still a phenomenal lens but doesn't doesn't compete in my opinion with the 33 but yeah it's still just a wonderful wonderful setup before we get into the good and bad on the camera I just want to point out my Zine if you want to support the channel and you're new to the channel and you want to help me make more of these videos and you're into street photography do check out my Zine and also if you are interested in a workshop or an online Workshop or critiquing your images jump over I'll put a link in the in the description you can jump over to the website have a look and see if that service is for you it's a really really good way of online improving your photography and talking about your street photography talking about your your goals or landscape photography whatever it is you want to or even it's just going through your Fuji system and just helping you familiarize yourself with the cameras and get a bit more a bit more confident using the actual cameras but jump over to the website check out mozine I'm on issue two at the minute so issue three will be coming out next month so uh yeah I'm looking forward to getting that together so issue one or two has been absolutely phenomenal phenomenally well received so really really grateful for everybody that's downloaded that and supporting the channel so uh yeah thanks so much let's get back into it we'll just touch on the video aspects of the xt5 it's absolutely fantastic I know it is because I'm filming an xt4 now I've had that for years I've used it professionally for a lot loads of my events and and this sort of video where I can see no matter what I do I can see that box is on my face and it never seems to miss Focus so I already love the Fujifilm cameras for video absolutely no problem I love a turnout I love all the settings that you've got all the customizability they're very very powerful video cameras absolutely love them that have never had an issue but I don't really use them in very demanding fast environments that much if I'm honest I I I'm kind of a lazy videographer now what I did know is on the xt5 it's got this great big red box which makes it easier for me to see at distance what I'm filming and instead of the tiny little light there if I'm at the wrong angle I can't see that tiny little red light there I've got a great big red box that goes around the screen now which is fantastic but it also records past 29 minutes which has been for concerts when I record a piano concert and I can't move at all it really has been a while I could do with five of these things okay really good I'm sure the xh2 is exactly the same xh2s but they they don't have the record limit so I can record 45 minutes to an hour on it I always always plug in on the side there I always plug in a USBC power bank um make sure you buy the PD Power Banks plug them straight in there you're bypass in the battery that's in there it's fantastic they think you could just leave these things recording they're absolutely wonderful so yeah little PD Power Bank on the side this thing would cause past 29 minutes other than that I couldn't care less they're absolutely phenomenal really really love them video now hi ISO was something I was worried about when I first got the camera there wasn't really any information on it I have to say even though it's a higher resolution camera the iso hasn't really been affected that much in some cases it seems cleaner it's if there's good light there and the iso is high the files look cleaner I'd say in low light um the xt4 probably looks a bit clean it's probably easier to manage but to be honest with you you've got more probability on this when you've got the right lens on it looks sharper anyway so it's kind of a trailer for both whether or not the iso is actually affected by the megapixels in the camera it's not anywhere near it's not worth worrying about if you're thinking about where if you're worried about the high ISO I've been affected by the megapixels it's absolutely not but AFS hugely improved if I'm doing commercial photography and I'm back button focusing on a tripod to get the I always I'm always in manual I always back button Focus to get the to get the Brand's logo sharp or whatever I need to do when I punch in on the back of the screen using that dial on the back there when I punch in the the logo is always sharp it doesn't seem to miss it it does Miss but doesn't nothing like as bad as xt4 whereas I would focus shoot Focus shoot Focus shoot on the logo to make sure that I got for this one it'll get the next with this camera absolutely different story I can I can reliably back button Focus hit the shutter button zoom in and it's sharp um now that's really that's that's lens dependent for sure I use um product photographers normally on this 24 what do you call it 16 and 55 or you know the 5140 or say say for example on the 56 mil lights that that sort of basic setup and I find it works really really well I I have to say that on the some of the other lens it doesn't work so well but I do find it works well so single acquisition single Focus acquisition is massively improved in low light it's massively improved um and I just trust it more I also focus in continuous autofocus still feels it's a lot better than than it was on the xt4 I'd never use eye autofocus and on the x100v you can freaking forget it um it but this I would use IO autofocus in fact I do actually use want that custom button at the top there to assign that to switch between IO to focus and off um so it is definitely usable on the this 33 mil it's absolutely it is probably the best setup for eye autofocus I don't even think it's that good on the new 56 if I'm honest I think a lot of people are saying it is in continue in single it's fine but not continuous if I'm trying to take photographs of the kids running around I just don't find it works that well at all um being honest now if if I could ask Fuji one thing it'd be literally just to don't do any more new cameras for the next five years and just concentrate on getting this focusing algorithm right because I know that the lenses are capable it's not the lenses because the new lenses are phenomenal it's just something going on with the with the um the algorithm in continuous autofocus now I'm not a sports photographer but I do do weddings and events and continuous autofocus is so important but it's so important that it's reliable so that is probably one of my only things about the camera is the continuous autofocus um but I will say that it is massively improved of the xt4 and it's definitely improved over in low light as well so all together I'm sort of eight out of ten happy with it I wouldn't it's not a reason not to buy the camera but it's it's definitely something I do need to address and be a bit more honest about one of the reasons anybody buys a Fujifilm camera is the ergonomics in it it's just unbeatable they are absolutely beautiful cameras to use they're lovely looking things obviously but they're just they're just inspiring to use you want to shoot with them and the xt5 is probably the best of it now the only thing I've said oh you can see that I've put the grip on the bottom this is a small rig um L bracket sort of thing I've taken that bit off but it is an L bracket because I've got very very big hands and it for me it would be like it'd be like that if I didn't have a grip on it it's just it's just too small now that aside once you've got the grip on it and which obviously protects the one with the camera and gives it a bit more weight balances a little bit better gives you a bit of a workout at the same time once you've got your head around that the ergonomics the button layout the customer is a customization abilities in Fujifilm cameras particularly the xc5 is absolutely unbelievable I just I can't fault them for that if anything I'd like one more button and in the top there but every single button I've got I've got uh assigned on this I've got if I'm in video mode I've got them a sign I've got them Stills mode I've got them assigned and I use every single one of them it's definitely one of my favorite things about being a Fuji shooter is how customizable how tactile I can see my my exposure triangle or you know I just love it and I'd never want to leave this system now what I would like is it when I'm in video mode which I'm in today because I was supposed to be filming that event if I went to Stills now these some of these buttons won't work because I've had to assign them and every time I'm using this camera professionally for video I have to reassign two of these buttons to these d-pad buttons to to make sense for video but then if I flick back to Stills or flick back the other way wherever I'm that they're not they're not there because they don't work in in that mode so it'd be nice if the camera remembered the the customization for video and then when you flick to Stills it would remember what they were for Stills other than that I'd definitely give Fujifilm 10 out of 10. um um my opinion was obviously make the group make the make the bodies a little bit bigger but look how easy it is to rectify that one of the things initially was worried about when I first got the camera was the compatibility with some of the lenses some of the older lenses uh done filming on the 10 to 24th Fuji now on the xt4 that's a really really good lens but it's never been one of my favorites because uh I've always known it's had a limitation as far as being sharp it's not it's not the sharpest Fuji lens I own and I've known that now 24 or 26 whatever it is megapixel xt4 it's never or xt3 it's never been really that much of an issue it's easy to Sharp now I remember doing an event um on the xt5 when I first got it at wedding event or whatever it was and the 1024 and the interior shots I got from that didn't look that sharp and it was noticeable that you know a topaz the crap out of them and they were they were all right but they were they were rescuable now what we'll say is most of the other lenses in fact I think all the other lenses even the 18s the 18 and 55 kit lens is actually fine on the xt5 weirdly I thought the 10 to 24 would be optically better than the 18 and 55 but it's actually the 1855 really doesn't seem to have any weaknesses at all on the xt5 I didn't have the 16 to 80 kit because I don't like the 16 to 80 lens but I definitely don't think there's any anything wrong with buying an xt5 with an 18 to 55 I think it's a really really good combination a really really good combination now one of the other things I absolutely adore about the camera I think I've already mentioned it is the USBC on the side so obviously you can charge when you go to you get five minutes you can stick your power bank on there but these are actually you can actually run the camera on the power bank so if you um I I like the event I would have done today I would have plugged a PD Power Bank in there Pat PD just stands for power direct and they're not expensive you can get them on Amazon for like 30 quid um if you buy a power bank with PD in the title you can actually leave these running through a USBC that's absolutely incredible for events or anything whereas I just need to leave the camera going and not worry about it so basically I can film an entire day on One battery and it's absolutely wonderful so it doesn't really seem to touch as much of the power bank either but just being able to do that is so so powerful in fact I'm running off a PD power bank now powering the xt4 so yeah it just means I could film all day for them in this video now and it wouldn't be an issue I think file compression is something that people Overlook I was doing a workshop the other day three photography Workshop the guy not long has had his camera but the first thing I did when I went through and I'd look at all the settings was change the file compression because he was still taking photographs that were I don't know 65 Meg uh for Street photographers completely and that's unnecessary so by putting them the compression um on there it just means that you ain't going to worry about taking photographs of the 40 megapixel camera because you're worried about the file sizes well if you're still with me this far I do appreciate it thank you so much I hope you're enjoying the video so far before we get into the bad parts of the camera and there aren't many before we get into that just want to push again if you uh if you jumped over and checked out my zen I'd be internally grateful it helps me spend more time making these videos and taking time to actually put them together so and obviously going forward I can invest more time and put more effort into videos and getting out and doing more for you so yeah do jump over to the website as well and have a look at the Workshops the online workshops all that sort of stuff check out my website as well let me know it's only been live about three months so if there's any mistakes let me know and uh yeah we'll get back into the bad bits now if I'm doing uh um commercial like photographing some a specific person working in a workshop and somebody walks around them I'll get a box on the back of the camera with my subject's face in it or hitting the eye and then all of a sudden there'll be somebody that walks up the side of it and the focus will just jump over to that person and I don't understand what and you can't seem to override it it's not like I can just touch my subject again and focus will go back to there or on the Nikon I can just tap that the left or right thing if it if it walk if you've got the bride next to a bridesmaid it starts picking up the wrong guy I can just knock left and it will go back to the bride I can't seem to override it on the Fuji if you know what I'm doing wrong if you've ever seen it it's just basically it's a grayed out box that'll appear a long object sort of thing and I've been in the menus and I can't see how you can turn it off I don't actually know what I'm looking for in the menus really but it basically is like it's Auto detecting other objects within the scene and you're like please don't detect please don't detect and all of a sudden it will just start you think is it going to jump over to other subject and it drives me nuts that I haven't got that full control and that's when I'm in continuous autofocus so just things like that I think that might be an easy fix for firmware though so if they actually do bring out any more Kaizen uh firmware updates hopefully they'll sort that one out because that's a bit of annoying that's an algorithm based thing and it's maybe they're still learning to know now I've mentioned it before but I'm I'm not happy with the evf rest I'm really fussy with things and I was looking at and like a queue the other day and I really wanted like a cube black and white um and I just that on paper the specs are the same it says that it says that the evf is the same res on that 3.6 million or whatever it is but it just looks so much better even the Nikon z7 which again is an older camera seems to be a bit clearer on the evf I don't whether it's the magnification I never been able to understand that side of the the camera settings but um it just doesn't seem up to up to par I just really wish for their money you're only paying 200 quid less than the xh2 and except uh yeah xh2 and um I just think you're getting so much more camera with xh2 if you like the ergonomics if you like flip screen and all that I just really wish um I just wish it was a better evf I was just desperate for a better evf and it's it's not bad it's it's a lovely camera to use you don't really notice it that much but when I go to the xt4 or the xt3 I don't actually feel that the xt3 is garbage or the xt4 is garbage compared to this and that's that's the way it should be it should feel like the xt4 the xt4 and three are nowhere as good as this as far as evf and but it's not that's good in a way because if we get to an event and all my cameras seem the same it's it's nice but at the same time you work you do want the newer camera to feel better don't you as I mentioned performance on this is lens dependent so for me the 56 Mark II 56mm to which I absolutely love that lens it's such a powerful lens it just it just doesn't give me the 85 mil tracking capabilities that I'd want if I was a portrait photographer so that's one of the things that annoys me I don't think that lens has got the focus ability that the camera's got whereas this lens is absolutely phenomenal so I am looking at the build shock 75 mil which Ville trucks have offered to send me to see if that's any better for focusing the other thing is the 1024 as I mentioned we just wish that I mean I'll probably have to buy the viltrox 13 mil uh for for my Architectural Interiors and kitchens that sort of thing because I just don't feel the 1024 is sharp enough or take the 1024 use the 1024 on the xt3 and upscale the photographs you can obviously just do that and then topaz the crap out of those files as well and you know we'll end up with I'm not I'm not a rep for topaz at all it's just really really good software so um yeah I just wish that all the lenses were a bit more compatible but I get that it's a new that it's new sensor and it's going forward and the old lenses were 24 they were built for I think they I think they um what's the word they resolve it's right resolve is that the right up to about 30 megapixels so they're not far off but I think it's just over 30 megapixel that the old lenses resolve I will say uh for Sports Photography again it's not got the buffer absolutely not the buffer fills up on it really really quick and it's no problem for me it absolutely is no issue for me I literally do uh at a wedding I'll shoot five frames a second or eight frames a second it's absolutely no problem a couple of a couple of bursts to stop as long as you've got good fast cards in there you're right I just wish um I just wish that that was I mean I assume it's a lot better on the xh2 in it so if you want a better buffer you get an xh2 simple as that now on the xt3 one of my favorite things the xt3 was the cable for the camera for the cable release is there on xt3 see that anything sharp so it's there so if you do a landscape photography and you've got your cam you've got your screen like that your cable release goes in the top there on the XC on the xt4 and xt5 it's down here so if you've got your L bracket on a tripod you can't access that there must be a reason why they've done it but it's it's there on them what is it it's down the bottom anyway it's down the bottom there on there why do they do that I mean please just on the xt6 or xt10 or whatever it is just put it back up there where it belongs there's so much flipping easier right the my menu on this thing when you buy a Fuji cam one of the first things you need to do is to go in and create a my menu so that's that so but basically at the bottom of your thing you've got this my menu and you can just customize the crap out of it and it's phenomenal but if I go out of that and go up there up to video or something then press menu again it goes back to video it doesn't go I want it in a way it's good that it remembers where I was but I'd like it to go to my menu every time like it does on the xt3 and I think the xt4 so every time I press menu it goes into my menu which I can assign everything that I want in the friggin menu that's the point of it so it doesn't do it on xt5 and again I'm hoping that's a firmware thing and they can fix it please to conclude I'm in love with the camera I am absolutely love with the camera I give it sort of well I give it 10 out of 10 if I still was coming for the way I shoot because I'll flip a little bit the battery is amazing Ibis is amazing focuses and single focus is amazing which suits me um the way I shoot is absolutely fantastic if my kids are running around I start to get a bit nervous because I don't want to miss any of their photographs I'm often taking pictures of the kids and stuff like that I want to make sure I'm not going to miss anything because it does it does upset me when when pictures of my kids miss more so than my commercial work actually but um does it know obviously you've got the user experience the ergonomics is amazing the Fuji colors are amazing uh the compact size the power to size ratio if that makes any sense the value for money what's in that honestly is unbelievable for the money is unbelievable I don't even think the lenses are that expensive to be honestly but I just think it's an incredibly powerful work work course and it's obviously got the two memory cards as well I'm going to mention the two memory cards I like cameras all cameras now to have a built-in memory I don't understand what my drone which is two years old it's got a built-in memory I don't understand why everything these cameras don't have built-in memories but other than that it's fantastic what else is that um a little bit Fuji colors I love me fast minimal editing I love the fact that if a customer says to me can we have the photographs from the event at the end of the evening I can say yes I can get them right in camera I can give them the jpegs everybody's happy no editing for me if there is any editing it's very very mine our food your colors are amazing just shoot everything in classic Chrome and jobs jobs are good and um absolutely wonderful you don't need to edit anything I love I love the things um for for Street selfie for weddings for events it's fantastic the res upgrade is a huge huge thing for me I love the fact that all my all the details seems to be a lot more professional looking I don't struggle to edit them to get them nice and sharp and everything like that um yeah absolutely lovely uh and obviously you got still got me screen xt3 screen which I couldn't be happy about that is it I think just needs a better evf and the up update the the algorithms for the um I uh AFC continuous auto focus mark would be my my black man continuous autofocus so yeah let me know um what you think of that I hope that video wasn't too long it was a freaking light here I'm probably gonna have to delete off of it um but yeah it's just a wonderful wonderful camera and if you are thinking about getting it um you'll love it so hopefully that found that useful and I'll see in the next one don't forget to check out my Zine if you're into street photography if you're not into street photography and you want to learn how to um use your camera and how to become a better photographer there is no better way than um than Shreveport is the ultimate way of learning how to use your camera setting your camera up your way and understanding photography and being ready to see a shot and uh getting you out and about so yeah street photography is a must if you've never tried it give it a go see you next one guys thanks for watching
Channel: Gareth Danks
Views: 78,176
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Landscape photography, fujifilm photographer, photography vlog, fujifilm xt3, fujifilm xt5 long term review, xt5 review fujifilm, xt5 review fuji, fujifilm xt3 vs xt5 comparison, is the fujifilm xt5 any good, fujifilm xt4 vs xt5 autofocus, fujifilm xt4 vs xt5 video, fujifilm xt4 vs xt5 comparison, gareth danks street photography
Id: ieJFcB2i6Hs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 57sec (1377 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 28 2023
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