Which Farms Should You Build? | The Minecraft Guide - Tutorial Lets Play (Ep. 93)

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[Music] good morning temple gang it's me your boy roman atwood is back baby welcome to the minecraft guy the temple is done yeah the biggest project that i've ever done is finally done actually done and i think it turned out really nicely look at this thing the top room is pretty sweet too more on that in the last episode though today is this episode so this time i was trying to figure out what i wanted to do in today's episode i put a poll on my instagram story asking for what kind of episodes you guys wanted to see somebody slid up on that pole and said hey what about all those farms that you build that we never see and uh yeah good point good point that's a good point today's farms so up to this one in the series we've built a grand total of 21 farms i think i think i've totaled everything up correctly some farms have duplicates two cow crushers two zombie farms but somewhere about 21 farms other than all of the villager farms those things don't count today we're going to switch it up a little bit take a look at every single farm that we built in the series up until this point i'm going to rank them in order worst to best and tell you which farms are actually worth it in survival minecraft two things though remember it all depends on what you want to do if you want to just have like a bunch of eggs then the egg farm is going to be your most important farm uh and also the second thing you gotta tap that like button hold on a second how long has that dirt been there has that been like the whole time like since i was building this thing or is it the enderman again oh boy the enderman absolute e-tier farm it would be like z-tier if there were a thing the nilium farm the first barb today that we're gonna take a look at is this boy right here so you walk up to it you bone mule the netherrack it turns into nylium which is great and all it's nice to have a source of nylon here you never know when you need it which is basically going to be never and you can just go to the nether and get a bunch of this stuff it's nice to have but definitely the worst farm that i built it's probably not worth it egg farm egg farm egg farm egg farm is the next farm but to be clear this is like miles ahead of the natalie farm it's at least useful but really the only thing i can say about it i mean it's efficient i have like a bunch of chickens inside of the thing and it gives me a bunch of eggs but i don't use the eggs for anything right now if i had like an automatic chicken cooker this would be pretty useful because eggs would be good but i i don't so the eggs are just piled up literally everywhere over here it's sufficient but for what i do kind of entirely pointless i can't even sell these eggs the next farm is straight across the world right over here it's a pretty new farm but it's a farm that i'm probably not going to use very much so the pig farm the big farm is great with a villager uh if you're gonna sell pork chop to the villager that's cool but we have sweet berry right here which is much easier also to be honest this pig crusher is basically like a worse version of the cow farm because you don't get any leather from it and come on they're pigs like leave them alone like they don't deserve it so fake farm is the next farm it's cool and it's good and if pigs were your only option it would be pretty good pork chops are good food but compared to cow farm it's nothing all right so this farm is definitely worth building early on to be clear like early game this is good this was great when i didn't need very much paper but now at this point when i want to make a bunch of rockets and maybe i want to sell paper to a villager and just in general have a bunch of paper this is not cutting it not at all this sugarcane farm needs to be upgraded and that's why it's so low on this list today it's a good farm and you would have to build this farm at some point but late game don't bother building it like this build it way bigger maybe flying machine something like that it just doesn't do the job but it's cool okay so the sugar cane farm is kind of like the first farm on those lists that i would say is moving up to be like kind of worth it like at some point you'll have to build a sugarcane farm this next farm maybe isn't necessarily worth it but it's definitely useful if you want to use these wood types now i'm counting this farm as kind of a like like a two in one it's a warp farm and another plant farm because it's just super simple you have another plant farm right here so you can actually use the warped wood farm without another plant farm you wouldn't be able to grow the gigantic trees it's not exactly like the best most useful wood in the game because of the colors they're definitely intense and can be tricky to work with but they are really really cool and honestly i hate to say it but like the crimson wood it's easier to use than the warped wood and the warp board is my favorite this is a tragedy to be honest on their own than other plant farms wouldn't be worth it i mean you could bone meal the things but just not worth it but paired with this warped farm gets a little bit better the wood is really cool it would be easier though to get a lot of this stuff like on a gigantic scale by just going into the nether tree gang tree gang so these aren't much of farms they're like growing pads but they are essential you of course need an area to grow trees in your world this one really isn't a farm like there's a stretch in it it's just an area to grow trees but i'm gonna put it right here after the wharf wood farm in this ranking that's gonna be like the 13th best farm yeah trees they're nice next farmweek's farm oh i've already tell you guys about this a villager escaped and i trapped it in here they can't figure this out the villager traps here forever it's a mason villager it's not our actual mason villager but you live here in the snow farm snow farm nexbar snow farm is nice very easy to use grab a shovel stand next to it get infinite snow it's amazing if you use a lot of snow we've used some snow in some of the builds i don't know if you can see it from here but one of the villager houses has snow in it which is really nice snow is a great building block it's really cool but quartz is definitely better once you have access to like a lot of quartz the snow farm unless of course you need to build with snow isn't very useful snow farm will only get you snow you can only build it with snow or throw the snowballs that's kind of pointless okay hold up this wandering traitor has been like standing right here for like a couple episodes now like like i swear like since before the temple that we built um how is this thing still alive like like how was it here aren't they meant to despot or something like what are you doing go i don't want your sail okay so this farm is a butte it's a giant farm it's a cool farm the sweet berry monstrosity this thing over here the manual one this is the next farm now to be clear these farms at this point are pretty good farms like the snow farm i would say is a pretty good farm it's pretty much worth it in my opinion and same with this gigantic sweet berry farm right here i would say that this farm is is worth it you get a lot of sweet berries from this thing you can take the sweet berries over to a villager sell them it's very very easy to set up too you don't need to necessarily set it up how i set it up if you're into emeralds and they like this and just sweet berries in general definitely absolutely worth it this thing is a pure profit machine and it's gigantic which is cool the bamboo farm is definitely one of those farms that i come visit a lot off camera and basically move bamboo out of it because it's a beast look at this thing it fills up like crazy bamboo farm it's not entirely like the most useful thing in the world but you can take this bamboo convert it into sticks and then sell it to villagers and bamboo from this thing it's insanely easy insanely quick this thing just runs and runs and runs and there isn't really even that many bamboo plants i think we have one two three four five so that's five ten fifteen twenty twenty plants total and this thing fills up like constantly i always come check this thing off camera and unload it into like a random chest sitting around here this thing is absurd the best use for though definitely profit maybe fuel but profit for sure turn the bamboo into sticks sell them if you don't like emeralds don't build it you know i think about it uh it kind of goes without saying but there is an episode for every single one of these things there's a playlist uh burb you're over here why are you here there's an episode for every single one of these farms um there's a playlist i'll go ahead and leave it on the end card maybe pop it up on screen now but next farm honeycomb farm now this is a personal preference i'm highly biased here i like honeycombs i think they're a useful building block i think they look really nice the texture is super clean and bees these are amazing they're basically king honeycomb farm check this thing out it's been running and running well and i haven't even filled this thing up with bees like the goal here is to get like a million bees inside of this thing and i haven't done it absolutely not no way not at all some of these hives don't even have bees too once 1.17 drops honeycombs get a whole lot more useful because you can use them to wax copper blocks and craft candles right now it's really just honeycombs so not the most useful thing but in the future they're going to get pretty useful so if you're keeping your world into 1.17 i don't know if i'll be keeping this world to be honest but honeycomb farm absolutely worth it for the bees alone they're adorable they deserve a good life so honeycomb farm and the honeycomb farm is pretty easy to build it's like an observer dispenser a couple pieces of redstone dust very very easy to set up next farm this one right here we're back over at barry city this time the automatic version check it out this thing has been running not that much actually i'm pretty sure this farm isn't actually loaded in while we're over at the temple and it's brand new but automatic sweet berry farm if this thing were loaded in more and i think it will be once we start building more things in the jungle over here i plan to do that sometime maybe soon then it would be running over and over and over again getting me a ton of sweet berries which are really easy to use for emerald to profit i have a butcher villager right in there i need to get a couple more in there to make it faster but emeralds the sweet berries is so simple the foxes just run and harvest them it's a really nice easy farm but it really comes down to how you want to play the game if you want to set this gigantic thing up and harvest it manually it will take time but you'll be able to get a whole lot more sweet berries faster or if you like to have this thing just run and you'd be patient and then eventually you'd come back and sell the sweet berries then this one would be better than the manual one okay so i have to come do some work in front of this farm very soon this area is getting really old like this but next farm pumpkin farm i honestly always forget that we built this pumpkin farm it is so close to like our cathedral and basically the center of our world here but pumpkin farm it is so easy to set up and really really good at this point i have an absurd amount of homies like check this out like so many pumpkins like way more pumpkins that i would ever need i think what i need to do is get a farmer villager and sell these things or just compost them or something bubblegums are a great light source that aren't torches i mean nowadays i always just go with lanterns i kind of spam lanterns everywhere but jack-o'-lanterns are a really really nice light source option you can set a pumpkin down or a patch of pumpkins and it lights up an area one jack-o-lantern in there of course and yeah they're really nice speaking of farms that i always forget about this next farm is actually in the basement of a villager house which definitely makes it tricky to remember now the ranking of these spawner farms is kind of really up to you like if you have access to a spider spawner and none of the others then the spider farm is by default like the best thing if you have access to a skeleton farm easy best easy but uh we don't talk about skeleton farms here it's a tragedy so next up is gonna be the spider farm they're pretty good for experience not the worst thing in the world there's definitely things out there that are better though the big one from this farm here is of course the spider drops we're talking string and spider eyes the string is great for profit as you can maybe tell here it's all about profit this time emerald's easy right here string to the villager simple it's insanely insanely easy which makes a spider farm it's so nice look at that nine emeralds right there from doing nothing a block of emeralds that's so simple i always love a good spawner farm too they're so easy to set up and they just have like nice vibes like i don't know i i feel like it's weird but like it just reminds me of early game in a simple and like older minecraft too you know that type of thing okay so i haven't checked this farm in a long time i'm very curious about it but the creeper farm what's going on here oh that's going on here i like it i like it interesting a bunch of random stuff in here too but the big stuff string and gunpowder oh this thing is amazing next farm creeper farm so if you use the elytra the creeper farm is a no-brainer you kind of need one of these things if you want to make a bunch of rockets which for sure you kind of need to what are you doing you're swimming against the current stop that give up yeah so creeper farms are really nice they're pretty easy to settle they don't require that much work but this one the clock in this one is not the best i've been meaning to come back in here and rebuild the clock because i always actually have to restart the clock off camera haven't mentioned it before but yeah the clock over time because this farm gets loaded and unloaded kind of messes up a little bit it doesn't seem to really affect the farm too much thankfully but i don't like it there's meant to be one signal moving through there not like six or seven whatever is going on over there but it's basically a bunch of spawning pads with trapdoors on it and then water that dumps out to flush everything off of the platforms they go down to the bottom get toasted up on the magma blocks and then turned into gunpowder super easy to collect all right down here and apparently pretty efficient i think what i'm gonna do actually is take a break and unload this thing entirely so then we can come back later and check on it for me i mean i i like to build every single one of these farms in every world but the creeper farm is the first like absolute must-have because the elytra the rockets the the gunpowder for like tnt now netherrite yeah it's like essential nowadays so creeper farm creeper farm for sure next farm zombie farm i actually have two of these farms in this world zombie spawner experience farm these things are so simple to set up we have one over here in the jungle and then i actually have one over at the flower forest based stew and then paired with like a villager and sell the rotten flesh over here because on his own rotten flesh is not very useful but the experience from this farm early game it's amazing this is a great source of experience before you have something like a gold farm or a blaze farm even like this is a really really solid farm okay so right now this farm is the most isolated farm by far this farm is the blaze farm i haven't been here in like a long time and that's really just because i have better experience farms now which is the main reason why i use this thing or you used to use it of course though this farm will supply you with a blaze rod suit which i'm actually going to bring some back with me to the base blaze rods amazing amazing source of fuel because they're so easily renewable all you need is a blade smarter and then like a bunch of pistons which kind of does get expensive there's sticky pistons too but in the grand scheme of things like this thing is not bad it's like pretty easy to set up and the experience is just so good it's one of the best experience farms in the game maybe the best spawner experience farm in the game for sure actually and the fuel the blaze rods great in an auto smelter which i don't have but they're great fuel a brand new 1.16 farm the barter farm the barter farm this thing is so amazing we still need to use it more to get crying obsidian definitely need to make that happen i need only like 16 more i think and then i'll have enough to finish the other hub but the barter farm is amazing if you have a bunch of gold like a gold farm or something absolutely set one of these things up because look at all the stuff that you can get from it like quartz nether bricks which are cool crying obsidian all that's amazing like look at this you can get all this stuff for gold which is just like it's so good like gold is pointless and you give it to the piglens and you get all this stuff barter farm is an amazing farm i honestly might build one of these things on like a bigger scale like it would be less good looking and and i just cram like a bunch of piglets into the thing and get like a bunch of gold and funnel it you know in that could be crazy i could get like so many free blocks like literal building blocks easily it's crazy all right right before the top three we have a farm that's right over here at the base of the temple the villager breeder villager farm so i've left the villagers out of today's video for the most part like all of the trades and all that kind of thing emerald farms you know but the villager breeder gets a pass because it's a farm for literal villagers not like trading with villagers or anything if you want to do anything with the villagers like iron farm just big trading hall have a bunch of villagers around your base villager breeder is essential it is necessary one thousand percent and they're pretty easy to set up too i mean it's like farmland a couple villagers some beds over there and then i have modifications on this thing how did you get out of this thing they all get out of this thing which is like crazy and you're gonna cause problems right there actually trying to get to that bed that's a hard no i'm gonna have to deal with you somehow some type of villager braider is an absolute must-have even if you take the villagers from villages eventually you're gonna run out build one of these things three villagers oh gamers we're in the top three now easy top three this is a no-brainer the gold farm it takes forever to get to because it's up at the top of the nether but the gold farm is absolutely amazing this thing is an absolute unit anytime i need experience i need to heal my tools which the pickaxe does need healing uh all i have to do is come up to this absolute beast right here so this farm definitely required the most work to to build out of all of the farms it's a grind to get all the magma blocks and then to actually build it it takes a long time it's a massive farm don't get me wrong but it's so cool like magma rings it looks really sweet and then the piglets spawn over there and then you stand here and just take them out like it's insanely insanely easy to use they all funnel into this spot right there and inexperienced in gold and it's crazy this farm is so so good but it's definitely late game like it's a huge huge project but it's amazing and then uh you pair this thing with the barter farm and you have a use for all of the gold that you get from this thing which is gonna be a lot you also get a lot of rotten flesh here you can sell this stuff to like a villager actually need to do that pretty soon and then sword suit which you can smell down to nuggets gold farm third best farm in this world highly recommend building it but it's a project all right my number two farm my second best farm one of my favorite farms of all time once i learned about this farm and how to build it i never went back this farm is a unit this thing is amazing the easiest best food farm in the game the cow crusher right here i have two of these things in the world i have one over here one over at the flower forest all you need to get this thing started two cows and a couple blocks you can build this thing easily on your first day in the game it's crazy like the cows go in the center you grab the wheat you feed them i must have fed them recently so they're not eating right now but this thing is the best thing in the world then you can build it on like i said like your first day and then have the best food in the game and a ton of leather too like an absurd amount it's so good it will literally ruin your experience with food like once you build that thing in in the game any other food farm it just does not compare it's nowhere near as good as that food farm like no matter what there's nothing that you can do to change it and you'll need to build one in every single world so if you don't want that to happen don't build this thing ever it's it's overpowered it's crazy so what does that leave us with one final farm the best farm in this world and to make it a little bit more spicy it's an originally designed farm too the amazing the simple the small compact iron farm right here this iron part is actually an original design and kind of cool thing about it a couple other people have used it in videos like pewdiepie and stuff it's like absurd like hey i don't know i'm constantly like fanboying over this stuff it's crazy but the iron farm is a no-brainer once i built this iron farm everything about this world changed because it's literally free infinite iron and iron you use it in redstone you use it for tools earlier on you use it for like everything and it's a simple farm it's three villagers a zombie a water platform and lava blade down here it's so simple to set up what's funny is for the longest time i actually like wouldn't build an iron farm because i thought they were kind of cheating like really overpowered which they definitely are probably both but it's amazing once you build one it changes everything it's kind of like the cowl crusher once you've set one of these things up in your world you're always going to need to set one up because they're really easy to set up and what they get you the free iron it's irreplaceable it's literally irreplaceable like once you have an iron farm you don't need to go into the caves like ever again i mean you need diamonds but if you have diamonds and you get mending and then you upgrade it's another right and you're just careful then you you have it and you never need to go into the mines again on one side of thing absolutely amazing best farm in the world for sure easily the only farm that could compete would be the cow crusher on the other side of things it's game breaking entirely game breaking so farm tearless that's how it goes farm number three gold farm farm number two cow farm farm number one iron farm for sure absolutely those three farms are arms that you definitely need to build in your world 100 100 of them is gonna depend on how you like to play what you actually like to do but that's going to do it for all of the farms other than anything trading villager related now last episode in the monstrosity of the temple i completely forgot comments of the day i had it ready forgot about it did you know activated rails make any mobs including you get out of my mind no i didn't know this i literally didn't know this i i went through the struggle of designing the panda monorail thing i didn't even realize that this is what i activated like i thought it was activating the the redstone rail like literally hey i literally which by the way let's check this out so i had these two pandas i think it was uh which one was it it was you for sure i think it was you do you i think these two pandas bread and then mutated uh are you gonna do it again oh you did it again you did it again you did it again okay look at those two pandas right there those two pandas mutate a child get out of the water this is not good not good not good knockout very stressful get out of the water get out of the water don't stand in the water okay so there you go i'm happy that i at least got it on camera those two pandas mutate into that panda right there which is perfect uh the other pandas though i'm not even gonna try but uh yeah genuinely had no clue that that's what activator rails do definitely good to know that i could usually get out of the mine cart like this is mind-blowing i don't even need the cactus thing anymore maybe i'll replace it okay look fine fine fine fine fine maybe you'll breed and create something new create something new no i'm tired of these rolling pandas today's comment of the day flashbacks when wild the villager reader i will probably never build here so i won't do the bad question is will you ever do the back of the villager breeder like from the temple episode of course i'll do the back of course i i just won't be able to show you the back is 100 done and the episode is also 100 over and done thank you for watching today's episode i hope you enjoyed it very different maybe i'll do another episode like this at some point in the video once we have more farms because we're still missing a couple big ones like the ocean monument farm raid farm even like a melon farm that's gonna do it though for today's video if you enjoyed it now is the perfect moment quite literally to leave a like and subscribe if you haven't subscribed yet subscribe today big shout out to my patrons mr pd watch hush psalm 34 thank you all for watching i'll see you next video it's been me your boy waddles [Music] goodbye [Music] you
Channel: wattles
Views: 357,174
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft farms, minecraft must have farms, minecraft farm tier list, minecraft good farms, minecraft useless farms, minecraft bad farms, minecraft survival lets play, minecraft 1.16, minecraft guide, wattles
Id: kVIbbx27FGM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 16sec (1336 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 08 2021
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