Which Double Standard Irritates You the Most?

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which double standard irritates you the most you get in before everyone else no one notices and doesn't care but heaven forbid you also leave before everyone else and you are lazy nope I worked the same amount likely more hours than you did just because you weren't here to see it doesn't mean I wasn't here if I'm working a night shift sometimes I'll want a beer or a glass of wine to relax afterwards and before I go to bed sometimes that happens to be at 8am my God the complaints I get people seem to think that it would be much better for me to wake up at 6pm and have a glass of wine for what is effectively my breakfast at that point great plan there I have to pass yearly workplace harassment sensitivity training and they make a big deal about age discrimination here's a kicker age discrimination only applies to old people not young for instance I could get in serious trouble fired for calling someone a dinosaur but yet every week people tell me I should grow a beard so I look old enough to work a lack of changing tables in the men's room guys can change diapers too damn it we aren't all living in a freaking 90s sitcom if I want to resign I'm expected to give two weeks notice if I get laid off it's effective immediately no notice whatsoever this isn't an employment that will state so yes they can lay people off at any time for no reason without severance pay also that means I can legally leave at any time with no notice it is still expected as a professional courtesy I understand why this double standard exists it still bothers me it's not gender specific but it's common to see on dating profiles that the person requires that their partner be fit athletic slim Etc while said person themselves look like the Michelin Man you should not demand your partner kill themselves at the gym on The Daily while you get to be a blob overselling yourself for a job is dishonest but under selling the duties of a job in the job description to either draw in more applicants or Justify underpaying for the job is totally fine and normal I've been chewed out for listing my 3.496 GPA as a 3.5 and I've also been chewed out for not being able to move an 80-pound box alone when the job application papers said must be able to lift 30 pounds I'm pretty sure I just hate the Working World LOL my job tells me I'm not to lift more than 40 pounds on the job but if I don't upload refrigerators it's bad customer service abuse in a relationship a couple weeks ago my now ex-punched me in the face at a crowded bar and it was just a spectacle if I mail had been the one throwing punches it would have been a different story people can be awful at times I'm actually doing much better since I have left her I have since reconnected with someone who means the world to me and I wasn't able to reach out to before I'd essentially lost sovereignty of my life and I'll be starting at a T1 law school next month so to anyone else struggling with something like what I went through reach out to me I'll be happy to lend my ears in some perspective thanks again you guys Brock holy crap abuse in a relationship is horrible no matter the gender involved it's nice to hear that you're out that relationship now stay safe Opie when you are applying to jobs you have to jump through so many weird and invisible Hoops be timely professional always polite and never negative it's like being a human chameleon for whatever job you happen to be applying for but then the people hiring are disrespectful to your time and energy and it's no problem no responding to emails after they contact you to set up an interview telling you they'll let you know in a week and then never letting you know Etc you just have to put up with it or risk automatically not being hired based on the comments a lot of people have similar issues it's amazing to me that people in hiring positions can't remember how hard it is to get a job or they just don't care after all the difficulty I've had it's a lesson to look out for the people who come after me instead of not caring now that I'm not in the situation I play video games and shifts longer than four hours at a time and I'm lazy someone watches the entire stranger things Series in one day and no one bats an eye it is quite odd when I lived at home I would constantly get bitched at by my parents for playing computer games for hours at a time yet they were both glued to the freaking TV literally all day when watching kids men are babysitting women are parenting on the other end if a woman takes a child out with mismatched clothes and hair undone they are a bad parent if a man does that it is cute and at least they are trying dude here and I also hate this double standard to add to that if a guy takes his kid to the park does something else fun with his kid he's an amazing father but if my wife does the same thing it's almost like she was supposed to anyway strangers have commented on how I must be a great father but I've never heard anyone say how my wife must be a great mother from when I was a kid if I left my toys out and one of my parents stepped on them I got yelled for not putting my toys away but if my dad left his tools out and I stepped on one I got told to watch where I was stepping I always hated the if you make a mess you clean it up but somehow I ended up having to clean up their stuff too I can't stand how single soldiers in the Army get pulled for all the crappy details and how their rooms are inspected weekly bit I as a married souljunko never got tasked out and I've never had anyone inspect my house and the military wonders why pvts get married right after eight and then divorced six months later it's easier to bring drugs into most music venues than clean water I understand the notion behind making guests dump their bottles but it really drives me crazy how backward security can be at a show it's cause the venues can legally overcharge for water when everyone is dehydrated but they can't legally make money off selling drugs so why should they care if you bring any from a few female workers at my last job this box is heavy get one of the boys to do it the box is 14 pounds of cat litter and your job description says that you need to be able to lift 40 pounds unassisted I work at a school and I'm the only man working there it's like a gym to me if I show up five minutes late to a doctor's appointment I have my app canceled and can be charged for it financially not criminally yet I can be on time and wait 45 minutes to an hour to see the doctor without receiving so much as an apology I have gone to appointments at the VA before I could afford insurance and had them canceled after waiting 30 minutes because the doctor didn't show Frick the whole of us Healthcare it's viewed as a good thing if someone goes to bed early and get out of bed early but if you go to bed late and therefore also wakes up later you are a lazy bastard but in the end they sleep the same amount of time and it's always the early bird that makes comments and act like they're Jesus because they got out of bed earlier getting drunk at the bar and acting like idiots with your buds is fine playing video games with your buds as immature and childish going out to happy hour four nights a week and getting hammered is no big whoop go home and smoke a joint and you can't get hired the way women can still be treated differently when my husband and I withdrew our 401K money to buy a house I was asked to have him sign a notarized document showing that he agreed he didn't have to do the same about me just last week we called a company to get new windows for the house and left a message to call back didn't know they called and my husband got an appointment I called a game to request one and was asked to have my husband present since he needed to sign on any work yes he is a co-owner but he wasn't told the same about me as a husband I've seen this I've also seen lots of places not respect my wife on the phone but when I get on the phone they bend over backwards it's pretty crazy it's reversed with kids though until my daughter was three every medical decision needed to be signed off on by the wife I also needed her signature to get a vasectomy weird all of it why I can't wear shorts to work when some women come in wearing skirts that might as well be a headband around their waist mental health is important for us all to talk about and understand you're depressed other people have it worse than you you just need to cheer up if you think like that let me explain to you what depression feels like it's like being homesick for a place you don't know a place you can't describe while simultaneously wanting to not be lonely but you also don't want to be around people you are so goddamn tired from feeling like there's a gaping hole through the middle of you a hole that can't be filled a hole that goes all the way through you you lay there at night staring at the ceiling thinking about how worthless you are how much you miss having a passion for anything how difficult it is just to get up and do normal things like shower and feed yourself you want a hug but you're so freaking gross from neglecting yourself that you couldn't possibly bear the thought of someone seeing you like that when you do finally get up to sit in a chair you just sit there for hours hoping to Christ that maybe someone will text you because no one has heard from you for a while but you just don't have the energy to actually respond if they do when someone asks how you are you just say you're fine because you wear the mask of someone that can function but you think that if you told someone how you really feel they'd run far from the weirdo that can't function like a normal person if you suffer from depression please tell someone don't suffer in silence talking about it makes it so much easier to deal with depression is a real mental health issue the more we can talk about it the less stigma that will be around it one day we can actually cure it but for now all I ask is to love yourselves and if you know someone with depression love them too because they desperately need at least one person to actually care and to treat them like a person and not a diagnosis thank you thank you so much that was beautifully written right now I am at a psychiatric hospital trying to fight my own severe depression admitted myself last week your statement just gave me a small slice of hope that there are at least a few people who understand our suffering men are not supposed to talk about their emotions just deal with them quietly there's a freaking reason why the suicide rate for men is five times higher you can decide to Frick get pregnant and have a baby at 16. people may judge but in the end it's okay but if that same 16 year old says she never wants kids she's told she's too young to make that decision friend of mine had her first at 19. second at 22 two weeks before her 23rd day her and her husband decided to was enough her doctor wouldn't even discuss sterilization because she wouldn't be 23 at the time of her Section therefore much too young to decide not to have more children so husband made an appointment nope at 24 he's much too young for such a permanent decision but both were old enough mature enough to decide to marry and have two kids just not to decide to stop having kids double-edged swords receive only praise for having more than the perfunctory amount of edges and get no mention at all of potential drawbacks one or two edges is irrelevant the only thing you should focus on is if the Pummel is removable to throw it at their enemy and knock him outend him rightly thanks you Cole to which my wife thinks it's perfectly acceptable to call a man a dong if he's being one she thinks it's unacceptable to call a woman a see if she's being one well then call her a dong everyone I work with whose kids gets tons of bonus time off just for mentioning that the kids are involved I get exactly what we're supposed to be entitled to when an attractive person gets away with doing stuff that other normal people would get judged in trouble for doing the same I have a friend who is super pretty and she always gets what she wants just by batting her eyelashes because she looks great kinda makes me feel like crap LOL women can wear dresses and open toe shoes to the office on hot summer days men still have to wear long pants shirts and dress shoes woman construction manager here I have to wear pants and a collared shirt every day I feel your pain I forget what it's for but a commercial has been running where a soccer player gets locked out of his hotel room while in his underwear Ahmed comes along snaps a photo and then unlocks his room she posts a photo to social media hundreds of women Ogle it and pass it along ends up on the news Etc it's supposed to be hot and funny I'm a guy and I found the whole thing offensive if it were a half-naked woman in this scenario instead of a guy this would be the opening scene for a Lifetime movie about sexual harassment if you want men to have more respect for women's personal boundaries and such you should extend that same level of respect to men as well fat shaming is so mean and insensitive but it's totally fine and acceptable to tell someone they're too skinny it's gross and that she's not a real woman how easy it is for a father to lose custody of their kids but the mother basically has to be convicted of murder for her to lose it this is a thing both parents are equally able to raise a child but even in my own loving relationship I get the BS that I am not qualified to look after my daughter for more than 10 minutes must add that this does not come from my girlfriend but just about every female and male person I meet I can't imagine what it would be like to try and break that down when it comes to sharing custody unicorns can go anywhere and be welcomed and treated like a minor deity but I go into town to get some smokes and there's pitchforks pointed at me physical abuse in a relationship girl slaps a guy in public and people might wonder what that butthole did to her guy slaps a girl and it's considered serious assault I really love avatar The Last Airbender it's such a good series anime LOL that's just for kids nerds don't you know even Japanese people frown on people who watch anime I mean as long as they don't like the movie then I don't care parents spend their nights on Facebook or playing games on their tablets alone normal I play games with and talk to people I know all over the world many outside the states and that's unhealthy on a hot summer's day it's totally acceptable for me to wear a skirt and strappy sandals to the office but male co-workers still have to wear long trousers and closed shoes probably about to step on a landmine with this one in my experience if a black mandates marries a white woman he's doing great if a black woman dates marries a white man she is a traitor to her race I've heard it both ways Biloxi black Beach week go to the beach as a white person during this time and get your butt beat have an all the white Beach weekend beat black people for coming and we'd be on the news rich people can't be suicidal because they can afford help I didn't know depression could be cured with money I got into a huge argument last weekend about Chester bennington's death because someone said I have no sympathy for people who commit suicide good for you but you've never experienced that you can't just magically make depression go away and calling a suicidal person selfish or saying they shouldn't be suicidal doesn't help the problem at all females can say I'm just one of the guys and like traditionally male activities and it makes them cool guys who say I'm just one of the girls and like traditionally female activities are seen as gay and weak men have to put the toilet seat down then lift it up for themselves easier if everyone just adjusts it to their needs as and when or everyone puts the lid down too for extra hygiene I am a woman but have never understood this rule everyone men and women should probably close the entire lid when they flush to limit how much bacteria gets in the air but I honestly do not ultimately give a crap what position the seat and lid are in when I get there I always take a moment make sure there's toilet paper and adjust the seat if needed it's not like it's an obvious task its sectarian and or xenophobic to make fun of a foreigner in America who doesn't speak English or understand the Customs very well they are doing their best it's also sectarian and or xenophobic for Americans to go anywhere without speaking the language or understanding the Customs very well they deserve to be mocked for refusing to learn and acting like bullish Americans how about we cut everybody a goddamn break for not getting a PhD in every culture in the world before they travel everyone can say any crap they want about Christianity and it's celebrated to do so it'll land you the front page of Reddit even mention another religion in a slightly negative light and its suddenly religious discrimination and judge in the same manner as racism guys can go topless in the summer in public but even where it's legal women can't due to social stigma this extends to breastfeeding come people I want to see more public boobies I've lived where it is legal for women to Go Topless but never have seen it but even fully clothed women stand a high chance of being harassed in public so I can see why they aren't doing it except at a music festival but there was a pack of naked people Canadian here in the United States apparently that there are race quotas and colleges based on the sap score for example an Asian student could get a much higher score than an African-American but they would still refuse his college application it's truly fricked up yup I remember in high school we were all really jealous of this one kid who could prove he was some fraction of Native American an euphoric account he had worse scores than most of us but because of that we all knew he could basically go to whichever school he wanted to women can wear men's clothes men can't wear women's clothes at least my wife is cool with me dressing like a woman and putting on makeup a woman wearing a man's large t-shirt or hoodie around the house is cute a man wearing a woman's jacket looks like a stuffed sausage and if makeup is applied then they look like a stereotypical W I know because my GF couldn't resist dressing me up she got a kick out of it and had a good laugh but man makeup sucks it's sticky and just overall uncomfortable if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: UE Stories
Views: 19,886
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Keywords: double standards, worst double standards, double standards genders, double standards women, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2023, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 0sec (1200 seconds)
Published: Tue May 09 2023
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