Which Country Has The Best BBQ? l Brazil, India, The Philppines, Korea, The UK l Rank It l FT. 8TURN

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I'm going to say Brazil I would say Brazil really oh did I say Brazil hey this us I was like just s like America like America you guys hi today we have some new people new faces could you guys introduce yourself to the audiences sure I'm s and I'm representing the USA I'm and I'm representing the UK the Clapping wasn't there for me and it's very vindictive of what's going to go on everyone was like y s from the US and they was like all the UK right yeah hi I'm Vinci of horizon I'm the leader of the group and I'm representing Philippines hello I'm Yuki I'm from India hi I'm Kaye and I'm repr Brazil do you guys have any idea of what the topic is going to be about today are we supposed to I think it's like relationship that food because we did that last time today's topic is the best barbecue in the world [Laughter] wait no she's on to something with that one she kind of ate with that one so Ryan I didn't know the UK Ryan didn't know either I agree aren't they famous for like anroy pies anov Pi I don't think they barbecue guys the UK is a very it's a good place we have good things do you oh that's not we we do our barbecue a bit differently and we're going to compare today because maybe maybe you'll maybe you'll give UK barbecue a rating it might not be a good rating but it'll be a it'll be a rating I didn't even know the US had barbecue oh come on you know that's not true so what's what's Filipino barbecue say yeah Filipino you'll see you'll see later you'll see Yuki you're doing a lot of love thing what's what's IND yeah very haa what we what we put on the grill we bring the spices okay ohat and we have vegan options too so inclusive inclusive oh this it's going to be tough today I think so so I think UK is very confident today for some reason is it for some reason that's so why don't you know you start us off today so let let me give you a little brief introduction about UK barbecue so picture picture close your eyes relax your mind summertime it's hot it doesn't get that hot in the UK but it's hot enough okay isn't that rainy 20° in the UK we're talking about the UK babe we we have like our barbecue outside there's like shops you can go to to buy specific barbecues cuz the UK is such a mix of cultures right every culture has a different style of barbecue so like West Indian Caribbean people have like big drum like oil drum barbecues that like get ridiculously hot there's like gas cooker barbecues there's coal barbecues it's like what you find on like a campsite you just cook like I think anything and everything on it like but what about the barbecue what about the meat what about the food what does it taste like what does the meat what does the food taste like very important question so this is sounding very similar to the us as well in the UK copy us um this is crazy this Insanity actually plagi no the UK did not copy the us but barbecue culture in the UK was brought over from the Caribbean so like my family is from the Caribbean so that meat it's like often jerk chicken and things like that so that one that she's got Spice don't worry about that one you can buy disposable barbecues and people will buy just like packs of meat go to the park and just have at it and Grill but there's no like so no spice there no spice listen I'm being so attacked what people do with salt and pepper in my country is none of your bus oh people bake potatoes on the barbecue oh I love baked potatoes so you get a Plus on that we also do that in the US though I'm just speaking that why don't you explain bit of us barbecue then okay so in the US also Grill pretty much anything and because the US is so diverse there's a ton of different cultures that do it in different ways but I find that one of the things that is a bit unique is that we use slow cookers and Steamers and we'll be cooking meat for hours to like create that smokey I feel like I'm not really good at defending myself for this cuz M USA was like this sounds like America this sounds like America this sounds like what did we get what did we get we were we were given slow cookers slow cookers no Grill she was like have the girls too we have the girls too I just I get nervous I get nervous I get nervous I feel I got I got a little nervous it's okay at least in the South like crawfish broils and that's like a really I'm allergic to Seafood that's not very inclusive well I guess it's not all about you Ryan is it we were slamming you he you got this from America crawfish have you guys tried crawfish before I've seen like the the seafood boil on Tik Tok but I haven't really tried them myself crawfish isn't like that big of a Cuisine here in Korea what about in the Philippines have you ever tried crawfish crawfish no we don't have crawfish but we do have lots of other fishes but no no craw fish but then we have thousands of islands so it might be in one of the islands there when you guys are having barbecue what do you guys eat like cornbread like potato I would say a lot of times you would have like maybe different like side salads cornbread um I think every families a bit differently but we also would do like the grilled corn my family we always like grilling just different variety of vegetables maybe having like a fruit bowl I think it just depends on the family but that's kind of what my family would always do well there's this very famous barbecue in the Philippines and it's called Leon it's very simple cuz it's just a whole pig that's been roasted for ours and a whole yeah it's it's simple yeah the whole pig and yeah you just stick oh you just STI a stick and then it roll you roll it the people roll it and then it Cooks yeah and it Cooks on charcoal the app yeah it's garnished with an apple on the mouth yeah exactly I it's Tom and Jerry Tom and Jerry wow nice refence so do you always have the Apple like in like every part of the filippine well I think um in other parts of the Philippines they have their own ways of cooking the Leon cuz when I was was back in Sibu last week I ate it and there was no apple so maybe in some parts of the Philippines maybe they put Apple for maybe the flavor or just for design but yeah it maybe differs on some [Music] parts so yes but if I translate it into what it actually is you might not like it cuz it's liver sauce this is yummy yeah but it's it's it's it's like seasoned with pepper and like the oil so it's it's not just pure liver but it goes really well with the meat with the Leon so it's a must try so you say it's very famous yes it is so how is the famous the oh fig well last week I was just in Sibu right and I saw in the airport you you can actually buy some Leon and you can see the Leon there in thep in the airport yeah so before you fly you can have some Leon you know it's good it's good yeah it's just spinning it's just spinning there it's a slow spin slow yeah it's a slow spin so the pig is not confused it doesn't get you know dizzy confused cuz it's very like the US it's a slow cook yeah it's a slow cook and it's onco it does take hours and hours cuz the outside is very crispy and then the inside is just juicy and juicy juicy yeah I still right I feel tell you I tell you lechon is good Leon is good I can feel his passion oh my God you don't need sauce for it oh really you don't need sauce for it but you can still have sauce for it but it's that good since we talked about the Philippines how about Korean barbecue how is it [Music] like ain't nobody got time for 10 hours okay yeah when I tried it I was like like really surprised because they just brought out slabs of meat and it was like uncooked like in a restaurant in the UK you could never like the little Auntie came out with the ball she was like here you go because like since people have like their own way of likeing I like in my experience you like put it down and then it starts sizzling and then suddenly the the guy's like there and he's like I'll put it for you and I'm like yeah you you can do that yeah exactly it's nice bit service princess treat I actually prefer that though when I go for Korean barbecue I get into it's like a different culture thing it's like live cooking a little bit of ASMR as well little maybe a little burn from the oil and the thing is like we don't just eat Samer we eat it with you know Soju wow you don't eat you know Texas barbecue with so do you the combination of and like [Applause] or Al now 24 let's go okay then yes the fic yeah yeah you know show your IDE so I think the combination itself very top notch there like in the UK people don't ever do barbecue really without drinking it's like in the US we always have be yeah we have like when I eat curan barbecue sometimes I get really stressed because we have to cook and eat at the same time so like if I'm with my friends and I have to cook oh so you're the designated cook I used to do IA in experience every time I my friends are like you do it so like I don't eat much cuz I have to you know concentrate oh skinny Chef Legend she come I'll do it for you [Music] wow have you heard of some are flirting [Applause] I don't know that I don't know I don't know how do you not know K drama I know I have I've watched I guess I just didn't realize there was actually like called like some s flirting like there's a name and then the drama they're like oh yeah this is this is for you s was like that feel look real good you know too well you know marinated meat is also very popular in Korea as well so yeah you can treat yourself with your own whatever your feeling like yeah and in Korea in the US in the UK there's like 35 pieces I types of meat and in Japan there's like 15 but in Korea 120 w a lotay Slay Slay wow it's a hand movement what are you guys doing you know hey here hey y'all need to study your meat and like be a bit more sophisticated me what is the UK doing the rest of the meat just slapping it on now now slap it on in Call of the day we had more meat in Japan like why why is everything got to be attacking me I was we had s earlier now we got my man telling me about how many types of me he's got so so I'm asking you I don't even know about brail yeah yeah what about bra what about Brazil yes what about Brazil okay then I'll tell you about Brazil yeah Brazilian barbecue is like one of the most famous barbecues ever so we have two types of barbecue we have the one where you go to the restaurant and then we have the one you do like outdoors in your house we have the swimming pool you know everyone's happy cooking together like you have a grill and beer and music we always we don't do barbecue without music but if you if you go to the restaurant they have this big thing called Shu has kada it's like a really big grill and they put the meat in the like but not like that but we put in the sticks and then you just like for a few but it doesn't take hours it takes like maybe like I think 30 minutes 40 minutes yeah and then they go to to your table and they just cut it for you in front in front of you and then you take it and there's like a a lot of type of meat it's chicken por steak too and yeah we also have garlic bread which is amazing it's really good amazing I can't even fight against Brazilian barbecue though cuz I love Brazilian barbecue sauces that you have with or um I think the the meats are very very like flavored so we don't have a lot of what do youat on the side we have this thing called like V which like tomatoes and yum onion tomato and onions and some yeah vegetables we cut it and then we eat it together that sounds delicious yeah so if you go to Sharia like the Brazilian L one we also have a salad bar we have also Brazilian food and a lot of salad but the salad is not sweet it's usually very like sour to help digest the meat and yeah we have a lot of salad oh that's nice that's refreshing I was I was going to use that [Music] word you do a lot of a lot of people when they go to Brazilian musom they also want to try the Brazilian food in salad bar like rice and kada and other things but when I go I just eat meat because I mean I'm I'm not pay for meat and so actually like similar to Brazil salads we also have some similarities in terms of Indian barbecue and the thing is in India you have different kinds of barbecue we are a very diverse nation and for example in the Northeast and East there's a lot of grilled fish varieties available because it's close to the Sea you also have vegetarian options where you have like cottage cheese and if you are vegan maybe you can Grill the tofu at vegan restaurants but basically what they do is they take the cottage cheese it's called p and you put it on the stick and you put in like vegetables like capsicum oh bell peppers capsicums and then tomatoes and then onions and then you let it Grill just like Brazil and it like Gets Ready in maybe 20 25 minutes and then you uh put on spices and like lemon to make it a bit more refreshing to eat so you have those as an option for vegetarians and then obviously everybody has heard of tandur and tanduri chicken and tanduri food on the side you can maybe have like green Chutney which is like mint sauce and then you have lemon that you can like just put it on top and then you also have onions and like vegetables like tomatoes and all it can be either raw or a bit roasted on the grill as well to get a bit of a refreshing feeling so that's basically Indian barbecue for you and there's just so many kinds there's like seek where you have kebabs you have like yeah tandur so there's there's a lot of variety you can find in India when it comes to barbecue food so you've mentioned tandu and tanduri like a lot so when you add tandu tanduri in front of like a specific meat or food does that automatically become sort of like a barbecue cuisine so technically um we don't use the word barbecue because there's so many kinds but it becomes one type of barbecue so tandur is like the thing you make the chicken in and like you make the tandu chicken in it's like an oven but not really when I see them I'm like that's bra cuz not me I I P in so yeah because so if it has has been cooked in that it automatically becomes like tanduri chicken or tanduri paneer or tanduri fish so anything that has been made in there it automatically becomes tanduri cuz otherwise they would use the word grilled so if you go to an Indian restaurant you can see the difference that's a good [Music] tip is it for I think explaining things okay everybody V yes you think I don't know I think Korean wi yeah I don't yeah I don't really eat I actually won about I feel like you didn't wow W maybe Brazil and Korea [Music] K I'm going to say brail I would say brail really did I say brail hey hey I love Kor but like hey hey it was your amazing speech skill yeah I amazing pres are proud in the comments I hope they are they should be so sad [Music] second wow really you got you confident confident you you K-pop I think kpop [Music]
Channel: Awesome world 어썸월드
Views: 178,963
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: EU_cMtmxLEU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 52sec (1372 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2024
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