Which Class (Element) Should You UPGRADE In Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty?

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what's going on guys today we're going to take a look at which classes in well long you should be upgrading while the different classes do have distinct differences you could go into any of them and still be fine as long as you use a weapon that scales into that element these just allow you to use certain spells and create a bit more build variety there are five total different classes that are called virtues or elements these different elements are wood fire earth metal and water if you enter a Battle Flag you have the option to select level up pressing up on the d-pad for controller will increase your level if you have enough key to do so you're able to do this with any of the five elements and each provides different stats all of them increase your health and provide some defense to a specific element however there are some pretty major differences in what they upgrade wood is the first element you will see and it gives you access to lightning and plant-based spells you'll get the most health upgrades from this class as well as getting Spirit defense and additional spell duration Spirit defense is what allows you to take less damage from Spirit attacks which I believe are the red attacks enemies do spell duration increases the duration of positive effects you can give yourself and allies such as extra damage or increased armor this is the safest class to upgrade as it offers three major class upgrades while the others only offer two plus the difference in health increase is significant enough to make a difference fire is the next element and it will give you access to Fire and damage buff spells you'll get the most damage increase from this class as well as less consumption of your Martial Arts this means you'll be able to use your weapon abilities more often before needing to wait on your red bar to cool down fire seems pretty awesome as you not only get the most damage but the Spells are pretty cool launching Fireballs shooting streams of fire from your hands and activating what's called a Scorch comet this class feels very similar to your typical Firebender although it feels like fire will be your go-to if you want to focus on melee and martial arts since you don't get any major upgrades dispel duration or spell consumption next up we have Earth the most noticeable difference in this class is that it upgrades your max weight allowing you to wear heavier armor and take advantage of the stats those offer you've also gained a bit more deflect chance and it will probably be a bit easier to deflect attacks and you could elect more often as it won't consume as much as your spirit bar to do so so basically your typical tank class upgrade this one if you know you're going to be getting hit and want to wear heavier armor without losing your Mobility some of the spells from this class also increase armor or decrease damage taken making it the best for damage absorption and if you want to Earth Bend clearly this is the best option for you imposing slab generates Rock pillars in front of you that linger and explode when enemies touch them sounds pretty fun to me Now we move on to metal this element is a bit confusing in concept as it's your poison class all the Spells are based on Venom corrosion or Thorns you'll also gain Spirit stability with this class affecting the duration that a high level of spirit can be maintained for the best part however is the decrease in Wizard spell consumption this class allows you to use your spells more often and consume much less Spirit while doing so considering you could poison your opponents with metal spells This is highly beneficial if you're looking to be more passive and take enemies down over time this is the class for you it could highly benefit you if you're fully aware that you might struggle in combat the bosses can be quite aggressive in dealing damage while trying to focus more on blocking and deflecting would be a pretty good strategy lastly we have the water element and this is easily the stealth class for reference Bose seem to only scale in water or at least the ones I found so it's safe to say you'll be doing a lot of stealth spells such as turning invisible teleporting obscuring your view and trapping enemies not to say you have to go stealth though as this class offers some awesome ice spells as well Frozen Arrow Frost Lance and ominous chill I think you could definitely move into water even if you don't care for stealth although you may want to go into it as a support throwing points into another class more often as to stay balanced water is also the only class to decrease your deflect consumption allowing you to deflect more and more frequently one feature that's really nice with these classes is you aren't necessarily locked out of all of them if you don't upgrade them when you level up you'll occasionally get a wizard Point select wizard points at the flag and you could buy different spells in each element at the very top every element will have a point if you're able to buy a spell with it so when you upgrade you can buy skills from multiple paths for later on you won't be able to use the more advanced spells from each class unless you're leveled in that element but you can use the tier ones and the game warns you about this before you buy them leveling different classes will affect which weapon types you use certain ones scale better for different elements so maybe take that into consideration as well the main distinction between them is that you get a variety of different spells with each wood seems really good as more health is nice however I found the Spells of other elements such as metal and fire to be way better obviously a big part of build crafting is going to be which elements you choose to upgrade together for example metal decreases how much Spirit you consume when using spells wood however increases the duration of those spells use wood with fire to keep a weapon buff active longer use metal with fire to activate that weapon buff more often so feel free to get creative spending points here and there is never a complete waste as each helps you in different ways and that's about it guys just a quick little guide on what the elements do for you in which you should be scaling into remember that you will need to read each of the skills to see which ones you like the most thanks for watching and I'll catch you next time [Music] slow down foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: SheenShots
Views: 52,234
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Keywords: Which Class (Element) Should You Upgrade In Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty?, Wo Long, Wo Long Fallen Dynasty, Wo long how to, Wo Long tips and tricks, Wo Long Fallen Dynasty tips and tricks, Wo Long Fallen Dynasty best build, Wo Long Souls Like, Wo Long Fallen Dynasty Souls Like, Tips and tricks Wo Long, Wo Long Trailer, Wo Long Fallen Dynasty Trailer, Wo Long Gameplay, Wo Long Fallen Dynasty Gameplay, Best New Souls Like, Best Game 2023, 2023 must play, Wo Long Classes, Builds, Metal
Id: DGxmq7dhtm8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 0sec (420 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 02 2023
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