Top 5 Mistakes Holding You Back in Wo Long Fallen Dynasty

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if you want to become overpowered and will long Fallen Dynasty and do big damage to enemies and bosses as well as make the game as easy as possible for you make sure you're not making these five huge mistakes right now the first big mistake is leveling up faster so there's a way to level up faster that even I made this mistake a lot while I was playing and didn't realize it until later and it may be simple to most of you but as you can see I'm fighting a regular set of enemies here I finally get 16 000 XP in the bottom left hand corner it's glowing yellow so that means you have the option to level up if you just go to a battle flag and use your points you can see I finally built up the 21 000 here eventually I die as I fall off the edge of something and then I get my XP cut in half to ten thousand because you lose some when you die so once your XP amount is glowing yellow and you can level up the next Battle Flag you come across make sure you jump in level up and use your points because you can't lose points that you don't have so make sure every time you get the chance to level up you go ahead and spend points on something and you can reset those points later if you want the next big mistake is huge weapon and armor upgrades this is by far the most OP thing in this game and if you're not doing this you need to do it because it literally makes you double or triple as powerful in this game like you have to upgrade your weapons you can see my halberds here my dual halberds I've upgraded to 344 damage before they were like 150 before I upgraded them so now I'm doing literally double the damage by spending a couple materials and you can see the upgrade materials I have here as you play the game you naturally earn a ton of these and you can see my armor here it's got a lot of pluses on my equipped armor meaning I've upgraded them and get a lot better defensive rating on them so make sure you're going into the blacksmith in the Forge and upgrading that armor and you can see I also was able to get low equipment weight to make me faster if you ever need specific materials you can go into the map and find areas that give you those specific materials you need but make sure your upgrading your weapons and your armor both another big mistake is not using all your items I found myself just normally playing the game and trying to use my melee and Spills just normally as I was playing and sometimes I forget to use my items such as my bow and my throwables these are huge items that you can actually use especially in scenarios like this now granted I was going the wrong path and that's why this battle was hard for me which is why I ended up shooting the guy with the bow but the bows and throwables actually do a lot of damage so you can see so once you unlock the crossbow and the repeater crossbow those are obviously going to be the ones I think you're going to want to use because they do an insane amount of damage now now this damage scales with the water virtue phase you can see here it increases ranged weapon attack this is big because if you have a build for that you're going to do a ton of damage that way also I found trouble finding the repeater crossbow if you ever don't have one of these ranged weapons you can just go to the blacksmith and buy them you can see selling the repeater crossbow right here and the a plus damage buff for the water phase the next is using battle sets battle sets make the game super easy so once you go into the hidden village you can talk to this guy in the Little Shack right here you can actually reset your parameters and you can reskill your character from scratch so you can put points in whatever you want the big thing about this is you can do it an infinite amount of times and one character can get you as many builds as you would like so if you're not using battle sets once you're using your skills or you reskill a character you can go into the Battle Flag you can then go to battle sets underneath the battle preparation Tab and whatever your current setup is with skills armor abilities and everything you can just click on a new spot and actually save that here and it save your character just like you have it set up so you can swap between a ton of different builds this way so you can do a water phase build a fire build an earth build and you can swap them out super quickly and make it super easy now the one thing that isn't re-skillable from my understanding are the Spells so once you select a set of spells you're going to be stuck with them but each time you gain five levels you you can select a spell from each category So eventually once you get enough levels you're gonna unlock every single spell there is in the game anyway so that doesn't really matter another huge thing is finding and using usable so sometimes while you're regularly going throughout the game you see little loot spots right and I always grab them but sometimes I see one and I'm like I don't necessarily need it this is why you need to grab them all and this is where you need to make sure you're using your items there are certain really important items that you can find on the ground in general one of the most important items is the item that gives you one extra dragon's cure plot which is the dragon's vein Crystal one of these is the item that gives you an extra healing potion so you can see the dragon vein Crystal gives you an extra dragon's cure pot meaning each time you find one of these Dragon vein crystals and use them you up your total dragon's vein pots at the bottom left by one so you can see I went from a Max of three to four eventually you go to five to six to seven and if you don't check often you could have one of these sitting in your inventory not even know it and not even use it for a while there are a ton of boss fights that using one of these actually could have helped me out on and I didn't realize I had it because I didn't check my inventory that much and there's a ton of other useful items in here like Dragon secure powder and other things you can use for specific boss fights the final bonus item here it's going to be really self-explanatory but it's finding the route literally while I was playing this game and you can call me an Uber whatever you want but I would jump down in certain areas and I would really only see one way to go you can see you can see I'm only a morale rank one this enemies of morale rank eight I didn't realize that there's another way you could go here on this Mission so all I did was go and try and fight this guy to get the Battle Flag eventually I did it but it was way harder than it needed to be and it literally took me like an hour just to kill this guy I ended up finding the other way and it was way way easier so make sure you're checking your ways and which way you can go because if an area seems way too incredibly hard or difficult that's because it probably is and I've already made this mistake at least three times on three different missions if this video helped you out make sure to drop a like And subscribe and watch this other video on the right
Channel: CreativeGaming
Views: 79,025
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wo long fallen dynasty, wo long gameplay, wo long: fallen dynasty, wo long, wo long fallen dynasty mistakes, wo long fallen dynasty stop doing this, top 5 mistakes holding you back in wo long fallen dynasty, wo long mistakes, wo long fallen dynasty stop making these mistakes, 5 Mistakes Holding you back in Wo Long Fallen Dynasty, wo long fallen dynasty demo, wo long fallen dynasty gameplay, wo long fallen dynasty must know tips, wo long fallen dynasty guide
Id: IXirkdHOiu8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 14sec (374 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 05 2023
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