Which Celebrity Has The Best Apple Pie Recipe?

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hey everyone it is jesse from the tasty team and today i'll be testing out four famous celebrity apple pie recipes see which one is actually the best on today's lineup we have recipes from michelle obama gordon ramsay martha stewart and michael simon i read all the recipes measure everything out exactly as stated make sure it's fair and i got three my friends place them in a blind taste so which celebrity is the best episode recipe let's find out a burst is the queen of thanksgiving herself martha stewart she makes a pretty standard crust in a food processor by combining flour salt sugar and butter and then she mixes up eggs and water drizzle that in and blitzes it a few more times so a dough forms together you're going to take that transfer it onto a work surface and kind of push it together into a big dough ball cut that in half wrap each one in plastic wrap and pop them in the fridge while that's chilling get a pot over high heat and melt some butter you're going to want it to start browning and form these little speckles on the bottom they'll look burnt but don't worry it's what we're going for then you're going to take granny smooth apples peel them and you're going to cut them into eighths they're going to be pretty big chunks but that's what martha says put some lemon juice on them toss they don't brown and get another bowl you're going to combine some flour sugar brown sugar salt and vanilla bean mix that up so it's not really clumpy you're going to toss that with the cut apples and pour your brown butter right on top toss toss toss and you're gonna take one half of your dough roll it out into a disc with a bit of flour so it doesn't stick and you want it about the size of your pie pan to make things easier you can roll it right on your rolling pin then put it right on the disc take those apples and pour them right in the bottom and then while that's happening you're gonna roll out your other dough and put that right on top as well go around pinch it so it doesn't come open and crimp it so it looks nice and fancy poke some holes in the top let the steam out brush the top with a bit of egg to help the brown and sprinkle the top with sugar so it looks nice and glistening pop in the oven bake until brown and there you have it martha stewart brown butter apple pie it's like too much apple it's too much healthy it's super dry i was kind of expecting to have cinnamon flavor there's no slimy at all it's just a basic apple pie this is as basic as you can get up next is my first lady michelle obama she combines granny smith apples brown sugar cinnamon nutmeg salt and flour and pops in their fridge overnight the next day you're going to butter and flour a large rectangular baking dish so your pie doesn't stick and you're going to grab three rolls of store-bought pie crust roll those out you want the edges touching just a little bit and you're going to cut that in half so you have one and a half of those pop that right in the bottom and poke a few holes in it and then bring in your apples juice and all put them right in top it with a few more pieces of butter take your other one and a half pieces of pie crust place that on top and pinch it closed poke a few holes right on top to let the steam out and brush it with butter and put it in a 300 degree oven for three hours yep there you have it three hour apple pie this is an apple pie bar this is like a brownie but apple pie because it's definitely very flaky but it's definitely not buttery it's so sad like this filling is so good but it tastes like store-bought crust to be honest i'm into it up next is michael simon he starts fairly standard by combining flour sugar and salt in a food processor and blitzes that until combined bring in some cold butter pretty standard blitz it one more time but here's the crazy part he brings in sharp cheddar cheese and blitzes that right into his dough you're gonna bring in some cold water pour it on top to help it come together and if it's still looking a bit dry you can add a little bit more just to help it turn into a dough take this split it in half wrap it up pop it in the fridge just like the other ones then meanwhile take some granny smith apples and toss them with sugar brown sugar flour cinnamon nutmeg and salt toss that together and bring in some heavy cream and pour it right on top and toss it one more time take half your dough that's already rolled out pour those apples right on top dot with a few extra pieces of butter and bring in your last piece of dough right on top crimp it closed just like the other ones poke some holes and brush this with some egg and sprinkle it with turbinado sugar to make it nice and crunchy pop it in the oven bake until gold and there you have it a cheesy apple pie it has a nice iconic crust sound to it which i love it's kind of dry it's like apple pie that's like been sitting out for like five days this is as neutral as you get it's not too spicy it's not too sweet the crust is wait there's cheese in the crust it's so weird because there's like this afternoon of like milkiness and like mustiness that makes no sense because usually whenever you add cheese to literally any food it tastes better but this is the one case in which it's made it worse up next is gordon ramsay he takes a bit of a different approach with his crust and combines softened not cold butter with sugar and adds egg and blitz then until creamy you're going to add flour blitz it one more time and if it's looking dry you can add a few tablespoons of water with this dough just like the others you're going to smush it together divide it in half wrap it up and stick in the fridge to chill while that's chilling combine some sugar cinnamon and nutmeg in a small bowl toss that together and pour it right on top of some diced apples not sliced this time you want to coat them because we're going to be cooking them melt some butter and add half of that mixture to it you want to cook these until they're really nice and caramelized on the outside toss the sauce put those in a bowl and do the same exact thing with the remaining apples once those are cooked you're going to pour them right into a pie pan with half of your dough put on the rest of the crust right on top crimp it close and sprinkle with sugar bake and there you have it gordon ramsay's pie i kind of like it but it doesn't taste like apple pie the crust tastes like a shortbread cookie i really like this pie there's like the right amount of sweetness the right amount of acidity this is definitely one of the best crusts i've ever had that is crunchy crust that's all i've been asking for all day which celebrity has the best apple pie it's time to find out the second one actually is my favorite the really thick one that has like the filling that's like super brown and caramelly that's my favorite my favorite apple pie is number four because it has a really great crust it's definitely something that i'm always looking for in the apple after tasting all of these pies i think i've come to the conclusion that number four is my favorite because there was some dark caramelization going on there so i was really into that i don't know like the crust won me over so there you have it gordon ramsay has the best apple pie which recipe should we test next let us know in the comments [Music] you
Channel: Tasty
Views: 5,069,841
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BuzzFeed, BuzzFeed Tasty, K_fe, Martha Stewardt, Michael Symon, Michelle Obama, Tasty, Thanksgiving, apple pie, apple pie recipe, apple pie recipes, baking, celebrity, dessert, food, gordon Ramsay, holiday, homemade pie crust, how to make apple pie, how to make pie, pie, pie crust recipe
Id: JtyGQwohA80
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 56sec (416 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 14 2018
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