Which 3D Scanner should you buy? Shining3D's Best 3D Scanners 2024

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[Music] 3D scanners you want them we've got them but which scanner should you buy we've got the whole lineup at vision.com 3D scanners but we get the questions a lot which one's right for my project are you reverse engineering are you scanning people are do you need full color do you need Metrology great accuracy I'm going to break it down for you today and show you exactly the difference between the whole lineup of shining 3DS in scan 3D scanners and free scan 3D scanners at vision.com scanners where we sell and support and have all the accessories for these amazing measuring tools so let's just start out at the top or the bottom rather which is the einar now this little guy is very inexpensive really just a hobbyist grade Scanner with some very powerful inter internals it's very small it's entirely handheld it does full color and it uses infrared scanning so you can do hair and people and stuff like that and you can do pretty well with objects but I will say it's a hobbyist scanner in comparison to all the other options on this table right now it really doesn't hold the light but for the budget the experience with this thing is aund times better than pretty much anything at the same price point that brings me to the Ein scan SP this is the next one that's actually can be used for professional applications now specifically fixed scanning turntable scans you can put this on a tripod and scan an object from multiple angles and move it around but mostly this is a tripod scanner so you set your object on here anything smaller than a basketball and you can get really high resolution really good scans and it also does color but it's structured light so it struggles with dark objects reflective objects things like that so it's good if you got a ton of small parts starts to scan at a good resolution I believe it's about 40 to 50 Micron resolution and it's good scanner it's pretty good that's pretty inexpensive as well but if you're a professional you're probably going to want to step it up a notch the next turntable scanner the Pro HD let me just move this out of the way so the Pro HD has been around a while they've upgraded the projectors a lot so it has very bright structured light still struggles with some dark objects and reflectives but it's a lot better than the previous first this is also handheld so that's kind of nice unlike the SP you saw there you can do handheld scanning with this I will say it's nowhere up to Snuff with the H2 HX and those other scanners but it still does a pretty darn good job if you're mostly doing turntable scans that brighter projector also really helps get different types of objects and surfaces so over the S if I'm doing turntable stuff and a lot of it this will be a much more versatile option really then it's still at a good price but there's maybe even a better option in the handheld realm which would be the Ein scan H2 we'll talk about the HX in a minute now the H2 actually just recently came out and they upgraded a lot of things from the original H so this is pretty much the best color scanner it's all handheld uses infrared or white light but it'll capture really good detail really good color texture it's also pretty good at large objects the IR car and whatnot has a very large field of view so if you want to do a full car especially if that car has got color decals this is your best option if you're doing AR VR or video games or miniaturizing people the H2 is pretty much going to be my number one go-to choice because it's designed for that especially people this is the one that's really really good at people when you need full color by the way the H2 is the latest version of the H moving right along we've got the HX the Big Brother of the H and H2 so the HX adds lasers blue lasers and that really really helps with dark objects reflective objects shiny objects and it also upgrades the accuracy to 40 Micron so you're getting much more accurate scans and it's just excellent for reverse engineering just about anything because those lasers are going to work on just about every surface now it also does have structured light mode we use a structured blue light you can see a video I scanned the entire back of a Transit van very easily actually with that structured light mode and no markers the lasers do always require markers at least on the HX the free scan combo we'll get to this free scan Trio in a second now this one oh man I tell you it's a go-to it's a Workhorse we got hundreds and hundreds of these in the field pretty much nothing but positive reviews they last a long time they don't really break there's not many technical issues and frankly we've been really happy with it and so have all our customers so this is a great one hard to go wrong and for the price point it's very very good this is really the Baseline for high-end professional scanning but some of you are going to need Metrology grade accuracy you're going to need to be able to inspect your parts if you're in a machine shop obviously you want the accuracy for reverse engineering but for inspection that opens up a whole new gamut of workflows and things that you can use these scanners on to save time and money I should also mention most of these do come in cases so the Pro HD the einar they come in these nice really actually high quality nice soft cases they are it's like a hard outer shell covered in fabric really really nice just compact you can take them anywhere really good to have and then once you get to the HX you get a big old box like this and this will fit an airline overhead bin so you can take it on the plane with you comes with the calibration board in there everything fits inside cables Cable Management all that sort of stuff and you can also put markers on the box as we've done here to use it as a scanning surface in laser mode so really really handy but then we get to the free scan combo which comes in this case which is a really nice case they compacted everything down and You' got it all right inside so you got your free scan combo of course this one's really my favorite the frees scan combo because it just fits in the hand really nice it's made out of metal it's super tight and Compact and it's got all the laser modes so you get 26 lines seven lines and single line but you Al get the infrared out of the H2 you don't get the color but you get the infrared so you get a really big field of view I've got a scan a CO back here that we did in probably less than 60 seconds and it just Nails it so it's not necessarily for scanning people per se but the speed at which it scans makes it actually a really good application if you don't need the full color so this is also Metrology grade inspection grade 20 Micron accuracy that's 02 mm very highly accurate you can actually scan all the way down to 01 mm Point distance or resolution so you can get ridiculously detailed scans you take this thing or the HX for that matter and you run it on a carbon fiber plate with the resin and you'll see the individual strands of carbon fiber it's absolutely amazing so really good one here and again it comes with this great case with everything you need right there inside you keep your markers up top it's actually a good thing to mention all these scanners come with like 3 to 5,000 markers that's not something you have to buy with the scan it's really down the line when you run out in 6 months to a year depending how much you're using the markers so that's awesome option really really good great to use just a joy I didn't think it was going to get better than the aex and then they gave me the free scan and we were like okay this is awesome lastly we have the big brother the free scan Frio now this one is pretty awesome because it's basically the free scan combo but it's a lot bigger and it allows you to do 98 ler laser lines which means you can actually scan in laser mode with that 02 mm actually 20 microns without markers so you can get the accuracy of laser or large areas without putting a bunch of markers down all over it so if you're scanning cars or underbodies or engine Bays or large Parts you can scan those now you can scan even larger Parts with the photogrammetry mode because they included these scale bars now these are magnetic you you stick it on anything metal and it'll stay but this bar is programmed to see and determine how big the object is in relation to it so that you can go over not just 6 feet at a time without losing the volumetric accuracy but 20 30 40 fet like huge scans think airplanes think entire cars in one go that kind of thing that's what this thing enables a little more expensive but man if that's what you're doing then it's absolutely worth every penny and again comes comes in this nice box that holds absolutely everything you need and also fits in an airline overhead bin as far as accessory go you know what are you're going to have to buy software you're going to have to buy uh all those markers all the time you know different things there's a couple things that we make here and that we use here and that we include with every scanner and that is a can of Disappearing scanning spray asub very very good stuff basically disappears in a number of hours but there's different versions also so this one's about 2 to 4 hours whereas this one's 24 to 36 hours in my experience then you've got transparent now this is really just a dulling spray so if you're on a highly reflective but colorful surface where you want to capture color if it's super shiny it's going to have a hard time but if you Matt it down with the transparent it has a lot easier time capturing that we carry all the different markers and different sizes of markers and we also make these scanning pyramids which are Super handy if you don't want to stick a bunch of markers on an object you can just place these all around and you'll have plenty of markers for your lasers to track with now there's a new version of this coming out very soon and again we include a can of the spray and a pack of the pyramid markers with every scanner we sell free of charge that's just one of the benefits of buying from Vision Miner but on top of that you get our support and you get our team now we train pretty much everybody in the office how to use these things so anybody that picks up the phone can at least give you some tips and tricks but more so here to help you you know we've got them all so you can send us apart and we'll figure out the best one to scan it with and we'll do that live on a video demo with you no slides or presentations or corporate BS stuff like that we're just going to answer your questions and show you what you want to see these are just awesome scanners and there's a really good chance it can work for your application but I want to make sure of that and I want my team to get on demos with you to make sure it's going to work before we sell you one cuz the last thing I want to do is for you to get it and it doesn't work if you check out all our scanning videos it's just me and some other guys just scanning stuff and showing you the workflow if you got questions or if you want a one-on-one with one of the guys on the team then give us a call shoot us an email we'll schedule out a demo or we'll just answer your phone questions right there on the spot or you send us an email with pictures of what you're doing and we'll be like ah you might need this one or that one even if it's something we don't sell we're going to make the proper recommendation to get you moving in your business so you can save time save money so you're using calipers and r ERS and all kinds of you know measuring tapes and stuff right now it's incredible how much time these devices can really save yet we're here to help you figure out the right thing for your business thanks so much for watching if you like content like this want some more of it or have questions leave them in the comment below and hit that like button subscribe if you want but either way have a positive rest of your day and I'll see you on the next [Music] video
Channel: Vision Miner
Views: 6,037
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3d scanner, shining 3d, best 3d scanner, best 3d scanners, best portable 3d scanner, best mini 3d scanner, einstar 3d scanner, 3d scanner for 3d printing, 3d scanning, best light weight 3d scanner, best compact 3d scanner, best handheld 3d scanners, best 3d scanners for small objects, 3d scanner review, best 3d scanners 2024, best handheld 3d scanner, best 3d laser scanners, laser 3d scanner, einscan, shining3d, freescan, optimscan, cmm, point cloud, reverse engineering, 3dscanner
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 1sec (721 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 20 2024
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