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like the video and subscribe right now and burb doggo will never poop on you ever again ready three two one to my future husband i'm sorry i started our family without you don't get me wrong i'd do bad for cheating on adam but i'm an heir as it's just in my nature plus he's a gemini he's got submissive personality not really my fault over here a female coworker talking about a date to another female co-worker she mentions how nice and sincere the guy is she then says she's not going on a second date other coworker asks why she tries several times to say why but can't due to uncontrollable laughter finally she says he turned out to be shorter than her other coworker also starts laughing uncontrollably what the duck brothers i thought you guys were meaning about women recently found out my 30 male wife 29 female is a shrek's worker we met in high school and dated during our senior year but we both had other plans she was going to college far away and i was going in the navy as my father and grandfather had done we sort of lost touch and dated other people until 2012 when we coincided at a mutual friend's wedding that night i fell in love with her all over again a few days later i proposed before going back to my duty station she said yes we got married in 2014 and she came to live with me in georgia we spent two glorious years together but in 2016 i was assigned overseas for the last two years of my contract and she came back home and stayed with her parents i got out of the navy in december 2018 after 11 years we moved into our new home in march and we were planning to start a family life was great until about two weeks ago two weeks ago my phone died and the warranty replacement was going to take a few days to arrive my wife said i could use her old phone in the meantime since it was previously on that same family wireless account the wireless store added her old phone temporarily to our account and we both went to work that day throughout the day i started adding some of the apps i needed to her old phone i realized she had removed all the apps from the home screen but they were still installed and visible in the app drawer i saw the old messaging app we used when i was stationed overseas and had a great time reading some of our old conversations feeling grateful that our marriage survived a two-year separation and we were happier than ever then it all went to [ __ ] in a text conversation from last year she was talking about student debt with one of her friends my wife said she got a degree but had never used it specifically she said something like i busted my ass for four years in college went into debt and now i give hand jobs for a living what she works at an all-female beauty spa in a local resort her clients are older ladies also i thought i never intended to snoop but after reading that i purposely went through her entire phone then i went through her laptop at home i didn't find much but what i did find was pretty shocking i confronted her that evening and she confessed to having private male clients whom she occasionally gets physically involved with she's been doing that since she came back home in 2016 to stay with her parents while i served overseas and she made it clear she has no intention of stopping she told me everything she does in graphic detail and said if i have a problem with it i can get on with my life without her we've been separated since june 30th spending the fourth of july without her was torture we finally met for lunch today i was willing to forgive and forget if she stops seeing these men but she's not budging not even a little bit she says her clients are tourists and businessmen from out of town and she practices safe shreks so i will not be affected in any way she claims to only do this a few times per month and says she wants to exploit her body while she still can and she doesn't even consider it cheating she says she loves me but i don't have a say in this matter my jaw dropped as she spoke who is this person i'm pretty open-minded but never in a million years i would have guessed my wife would be having shreks for money and speaking with such authority about it this feels like a bad nightmare that doesn't end i love her i'm dying without her but i feel hurt and betrayed and i'm not sure where to go from here she's not open to any type of compromise is accepting her and her newfound profession my only choice shrek's work has made it hard to date because i won't settle for men who won't spend money on me like before i was fine with men just taking me to a cheap restaurant or just for cheap wine and then they would expect me to duck them after that not anymore now i expect these men to pay for a nice dinner and if we take takeout food at your place you better make sure it is not cheap and that you have put some effort into your place i'm talking about candles etc because why would i give these mandy shrek skills and this [ __ ] for basically free mayo i feel sad for non-shreks worker girls who give their [ __ ] for basically a mcdonald's meal lol they do not even get an orgasm from the shreks blunt feminist liberal would rather go to a forest than a five-star restaurant conservatives need not apply save me the man tears don't be too nice it's creepy if you're under six feet can't spell read the landable earn under 30k upload shirtless selfies talk constantly about your beard and tacky tattoos and think you have sick banter then let's just not bother okay you can be less than six feet if you earn an extra 10k for every inch lost and you can earn under 30k if you're six feet five already divorced four times will you be the fifth husband by the way i get easily pregnant i'll let you guess how many kids i have if you don't swipe right i really don't understand hey what's up i submitted my application lol and basically i want someone to be there when my stupid boyfriend doesn't want to like someone to talk to duck chill go on dates [ __ ] like that because to be honest he basically just has me there and i'm over it [Music] also in my experience abusers have great dick too i'm attracted to 50 year old men who have money and nothing else to offer but great dick i'm obsessed with a guy who does sells drugs he's been a friend for a while now and we had stopped talking for a few weeks only to start again yesterday i shouldn't have answered when he called because he got me in trouble the last time because my dad caught me he wanted me to give him a ride to his drug dealer's house and i did this was around 4am in the morning and i was feeling tired so he gave me a pill a few hours after the pill i started feeling the effects my brain was searing and i couldn't think coherently i could barely speak either while all this was going on the drug dealer had people coming in and out of his house gawking at me while i was losing my [ __ ] it didn't help that the guy i drove over had left immediately after i started feeling the symptoms and i was alone in a house with strangers that made it worse because i was trying to act normal when i clearly wasn't then i would get worked up when i couldn't act normal and start hyperventilating it was a bad trip while i ended up going to the hospital because i couldn't take it anymore now he's blocked me for the second time without any regard for my wellbeing and all i want now is to see his face and hear his voice what's wrong with me 34 female my boyfriend 28 male found out about a dark period of my life throwaway account as he browses read it i met my boyfriend about two year ago he is handsome kind generous and took care of me during pandemic when more than half of employees in my firm were furloughed three years before meeting him i was a druggie it was a dark period of my life the only thing i cared about is getting high in my next shot i was involved in shoplifting and pretty theft so i was never caught i had shreks with strangers to get enough to fund my addiction however when my friend overdosed then i got my act together cleaned up started taking courses to retrain my skills and was lucky enough to score unemployment in a construction firm then i met my boyfriend josh by luck i was quite open about my past addiction except about my shrek shall encounters to pay for my addiction two days ago someone found out about us and sent a video to him of me having shreks with two men in a car i can't recall who filmed it as i was high when i was with these men in normal circumstances i wouldn't lower myself to such level my boyfriend is furious and hurt and he started berating me first he wanted to know how many men and when i couldn't give him a proper answer and how can i he started insulting me called me offensive names and all other insulting words and even told me that if i have any dignity then i would jump from a bridge he even asked if i'm abusing any substance just to be high but still functioning that was very wounding to hear from him he left to another city for two days and asked me to leave the house before he returns i don't have any friends with whom i can stay my family live in another state this is out of question due to my job i'm a bit lost what can i do and how can i fix my relation with him i don't want to lose him at all despite of his insulting behavior tldr my boyfriend found out about my past and i was not exactly forthcoming about it [Music] i have five kids from five different fathers your role in my life would be their father nothing else [Music] featured comment your ex me gets featured in a mammalian video my friends he's too dangerous to be left alive if you want to be featured in the next video youth hashtag dankness divorced i'm seeking somebody willing to go to church regularly and somebody that has a good job that doesn't have tats also preferably the baby of the family or middle child firstborns tend to be controlling and only children are spoiled my parents made about 200 000 so i would like to find somebody who makes 100 000 or more like my father that does not pay 1800 in child support to pay off his ex's mortgage for her seriously i have wanted to be a stay at home on most of my life but eventually they grow up and if you have a sensitive echo please keep moving right along you should already have a healthy self-esteem at our age in this game we are already halfway through our lives women are meant to be a man's partner not their mother if i end up staying with employer and moving up i will be making around 100 000 unless i go into teaching or design and lastly please don't ignore something that i have said thinking you can change my mind because you have money etc i have dated enough strong-willed men set in their ways as well as men that still live with their mother please don't waste my time if you are getting offended by any of this then you are probably too sensitive for me good luck dating blows i'm a mother first but if you have a child get away from me i do not like other people's children i love carbs and cheese born in alaska raised in japan live short guys swipe left a man under six feet is not a real man sorry not sorry smoker swipe left 420 friendly pass make under 100 000 not interested also it sounds like she was banging a person she really didn't think of as relationship material guys don't get the idea of having wild impromptu shreks with strangers but limiting shreks with people you love to only certain acts you can try to explain it all you want but most guys are incapable of believing it don't expect that your future so will ever accept that idea that you are being slow or vanilla with him because you love him more [Music] so to the men that take care of another man's child it's not about who planted the seed it's about who tends to the garden how do i explain to my boyfriend that my past should not negatively impact his view on me i 27 female have been with my boyfriend 29 male for one year now i love him a lot and i like to think he thinks the same about me long story short he has known since we started dating that in the past i have had sugar arrangements with a small amount of men these were completely consensual voluntary and benefiting to both parties at the time he has brought it up recently and apparently has been having a really hard time dealing with this aspect of my past to my understanding he has negative stigma about the whole arrangement and what occurred between us he keeps questions whether it left an impact on my mental health whether it was all voluntary or whether i ever felt pressured and watch rectal acts took place some questions i answer and clarify and others i don't see it helping the case so i tell him so he's having such a hard time getting over this and sees its level of concern as an 8 slash 10 10 being break up this is ridiculous i don't know how else to explain it to him that it was my right that benefited me at the time and it shouldn't impact his view on any woman especially his girlfriend how do i explain this better in terms he can understand this is absolute torture somebody get me off this thing i'm single divorced nine years i can take care of myself but i want a man who wants to be the provider i don't have shopping problems i'm not lazy or a mooch i'm just really tired of being everything to everyone and taking care of everyone else i want someone who wants to take care of me i want financial security and the ability to travel and enjoy a living life infp intelligent convo a must no bad breath or hygiene this is this is also why at my current weight and height i prefer guys taller than me i'm already going to be round a slash larger than my potential boyfriend i don't need him shorter than me too or the same height in which i'd stick out like a sore thumb funny enough i like really slender or skinny guys that are tall and lanky lol which already makes us an odd couple but it just happens to be what i'm attracted to [Music] i hate that men ask me to pay half half on the first date [Music] i'm a single mom to a six month old little girl and my second baby is due june 18th i'm a hopeless romantic and i'll have to cuddle up and eat good food i'm looking for something long-term i'm easy to talk to don't be scared to reach out i don't drink i don't smoke still 420 friendly leftist and atheist hella gay stoner cat mom chubby with a cute face duck trump do not message me if you're an all lives matter person duck the police duck white supremacy duck you white boy i'm not interested the next girl's not interested and nobody wants to see your dick [Music] someone found my female 23 video tagged my friends on my social media husband male 27 won't talk anymore hi everyone throwaway accounts to be anonymous a bit of background i was in a pom video in 2019 it was a very stupid decision and a moment of being dumb i admit this is the only shot i've done which i regretted deeply after a few months i left the state to start a new life elsewhere i start a small business last year i met a good man and we got married this year a few days ago some basement dwelling in seoul found my video and my social media which i believe is very hard to find but then again some men have a lot of time in their hands while that person never contacted me directly he made a fake social media profile and tagged my friends there including my husband long story short my marriage is now in troubles husband is away for work and he won't pick up my phone despite leaving tens of messages only some friends knew about my past so they are okay but my family and other acquaintances are shocked and there is a lot of resentment and passive anger i don't know what should i do i'm angry i'm hurt how can i deal with the damage done to my marriage is it possible to contact social media platform through lawyer and sue him would this be classified as revenge porn what are my options bishrectual woman i'm pregnant and i have needs during this quarantine want to help i can show more pics if we match single and willing to mingle p.s dominance is a major turn on question for women why are so many of you married to men you're not sexually attracted to i've also found that the guys i was most sexually compatible with were not men i would want a long-term relationship slash marriage with for me the two have never aligned and i don't think that's a coincidence couldn't agree more the men who i was with who were amazing and exciting in bed were all unstable in their personal lives the men who i would consider myself to be more compatible with on a long-term life level were still okay in bed but not as great as their unstable counterparts the men that are good lovers were lousy people and the men that were good people were lousy lovers this is totally me too went out with [ __ ] guys shreks was hot wanted not an [ __ ] guy lol and to my husband never really attracted to him shrek surely but he ticked almost every other box and now here we are that's tea anything when everything works except the shreks nothing works even if he ticks all the other boxes if he doesn't tick the shrek's box he'll end up getting cheated on or divorced [Music] sapioche rectual it's rare to meet such woman as i entender sensual feminine wise family oriented you will be happy and stronger with me russian world citizen well-educated 40-plus countries interested in strong ambitioned man investor entrepreneur or politician non-hired excluding ceo of big companies not course of money but due trace someone big deep and high can be only with similar spiritual master veda no married muslim rex talks if we don't match please do not write business plan one get an iud to let him hit a draw three i want you to come in me baby four call him next day and ask for plan b five stack that fifty four dollars six find a new man seven repeat am i doing this right my passions are shopping wine and being gorgeous if you're not six feet five don't talk to me i won't message you first not looking for hookups no facial hair i don't know why tinder says i'm 30 i'm really 48. music is my life don't ask me on a date if you're broke if you can't handle me at my worst you don't deserve me at my best sushi and pumpkin spiced lads no but stuff on the first date it's hard being a single mom or so i'm told i don't have kids single pregnant ashamed and my close friends live in other states i need a companion badly 29 female long story short last year i moved to a new city with my boyfriend and got a job but we broke up i was lonely and got pregnant soon after that it may have happened during a girls trip with my out of state friends but i'm not even sure i decided to keep the baby but didn't realize how shameful i'd feel about how it happened i avoided dating or making friends because i didn't want to talk about it then the pandemic hit and i've been really afraid to venture out at all but i've never needed a guy more just someone i can be close to and tell me everything will be okay thought about reactivating my tinder but our first meet would have to be at one of our places because it's hot as duck outside especially while pregnant any ideas on how to meet an honest and safe guy i saw there is a reddit group for meeting people where i could see their posting history but not sure if there's a better idea [Music] hello all i realize i post this with the risk of being ripped to shreds but i'm seeking advice i was married i started and only fans basically [ __ ] out and exploited myself my husband obviously found a better woman and left so here's my thing i realize how disgusting my actions were that's not something i need help with i also realize i had several partners before i married my husband now that it's over i wonder if i could ever actually be an attractive mate or if i would be doomed to live my life with a beta frankly i would rather die alone that to settle for a beta male but i have heard some men say that after a woman has three partners she is incapable of pair bonding i will say oddly that i feel i was a broken woman yet i do still feel like the only man i'd ever desire children with is this husband that i mentioned obviously that is not on the table i only say that because i don't think that my ability to pair bond is permanently damaged any thoughts is there such thing as a recovered [ __ ] or should i just hang up the towel and bank on ever having children thank you in advance for people who actually give me practical advice and honesty instead of just ripping me to shreds [Music] i agree which is why i will have six baby daddies having all your kids by the same man seems silly his resource is only gonna go so far and be spread so thin give your kid their own dad 48 divorced three kids anti-vaxxer flat earther alcoholic ex-stripper cat lady soccer mom suicidal depression ex-porn star gun owner [Music] i thought that was the normal thing before i planned not to marry a guy if he didn't have a house but i don't know hahahaha my god the options are reduced hahaha that is not normal the standard lowered well yeah all of them are poor at this age unless i find an older guy hahaha like 27 year old so he already has his money and a house and then we get married by joint property and we buy a bigger house damn and that one i can fight if i get divorced my god you are everything that scares me why i just want to be protected legally also i have plans of building more things in my ranch and that would be inheritance so the guy wouldn't be able to fight that because inheritance and donations indeed you frighten me are not included in joint property i mean if i inherit my house and we sell it that money is mine hey i think you are really interesting [Music] why hahaha tell me we no longer go for looks we go for maturity stability loyalty and peace if only you had this mindset before you became a single mom [Music] 26 female have been in a very happy slash healthy nine-year relationship with my boyfriend 27 male we've never dated or had shreks with anyone else and now i'm anxious to explore other people first and foremost our background we met when i was a sophomore in high school and he was a junior we started dating when i was 17 and he was 18. since we were so young when we first met slash dated we were both virgins and had little to no dating experience we had no expectations of maintaining a long-term relationship but as time went on it felt right to be with each other we talked about spending the rest of our lives together within six months of dating since everything flowed so effortless in our relationship we decided to moved in together eight years ago i'm honestly surprised it's gone so well we coordinate chores finances quality time friends etc better than most relationships around us we've had fights of course but we communicate so honestly and openly that they get resolved quickly and with almost no hard feelings he's truly an amazing partner and constantly surprises me with his compassion mindfulness and growth i'm so incredibly grateful for the life we've built together i know i'm fortunate to have found someone that exemplifies these qualities particularly at our ages so all that being said this is where i'm in need of advice within the past year i've found myself fantasizing about dating slash having shreks with other people i've never acted on any urge and have been completely honest with my boyfriend about these thoughts he's admitted to feeling the same way but he also recognizes that i'm probably more ambitious to do something about it we've talked about an open relationship and he's very adamant that it will most likely be the demise of our relationship i've reassured him that if we put up very clear boundaries and practice open communication we may be able to work something out he said that he's open to the idea that he doesn't want one night stands he thinks he's just wired differently and that he can only have shreks with someone he knows and trusts therefore he would want another monogamous relationship and says we would have to be broken up for that to happen from what i'd gather it doesn't seem like he wants an open relationship and i know better than to coax someone into that situation the thought of breaking up deeply hurts me and will crush him i know i want to be in each other's lives but i'm just starting to question whether it'll be as friends or partners i don't think my curiosity to explore will fade and as i get older i feel as though it's important to do it at this time in my life each day this one slash need is becoming a non-negotiable for me has anyone experienced this in their relationship if so what did you and your partner decide to do this is all uncharted territory for the both of us and i want to treat it with the dignity and respect it deserves any advice will be greatly appreciated and thank you in advance tldr i've been in a healthy and great nine-year relationship with my boyfriend but i've been fantasizing about dating slash having shreks with other people i don't know what to do since he and my urges are both very important to me [Music] earth is flat that seems a bad of it is a ducking hoax if your profile says something casual i'm just already going to assume that you want to hook up eight month old baby girl don't waste my time ducking hate this app because i don't chase boys so i hate messaging first [Music] you've been visited by the cool trouser kate you will be blessed with soft comfortable pant but only if you comment cool pant kate you
Channel: Memellion
Views: 190,758
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: yFtLcJ9pX9g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 16sec (1756 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 05 2021
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