Where to Stay in the Swiss Alps—7 Best Swiss Villages/Towns: Interlaken, Grindelwald, Lauterbrunnen

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if you're planning a trip to the Swiss Alps and wondering where should I stay then this is the video for you from Mountain views to Charming Swiss villages to Modern conveniences every traveler wants something a little bit different from their home base so answering the question where should I stay can be a little bit tricky after spending more than six months traveling the Jungfrau region we have lots of thoughts on where you could stay but we're not going to spell out the top five places to stay near Interlochen or the top 10 places to avoid near labor instead we're going to equip you with the most helpful information so that you can choose the best town or Village for your next trip we've narrowed down your home base options to seven towns or Villages worth considering and we're going to elaborate on why you may or may not want to stay there based on a few criteria such as proximity to popular locations conveniences the charm level and average Airbnb cost so if you're ready to scout out locations let's get started Interlochen is the gateway to the laotra Vernon Valley and the Jungfrau region it means Between the Lakes because it's nestled between Lake soon and Lake briens of all the places we'll mention in this video Interlaken is closest to the big Swiss cities and the airports in fact the first time we spent one whole month in this area we chose to stay in Interlaken that's because we really didn't know exactly what we were gonna do and interlocking was the most central location Interlocken really is the best location if you're looking to enjoy a variety of activities it's a great base for excursions along the Lakes such as gizbach falls on Lake tune nope that's the wrong Lake such as gizbach falls on brienne's or the castles along Lake tune plus it's awesome for adventuring further beyond the young for our region to places such as burn or Lucerne why because nothing is really that far from here even so don't be surprised to find that it takes about an hour to get almost everywhere especially if your destination includes a Mountain lift along the way so if you're only going to explore a smaller area in the mountains one of these other locations might provide better proximity to your plan Adventures but overall interlocking ranks in number one is a sightseeing Hub meaning less time on trains and more time enjoying the beautiful Swiss Landscapes as a tourist Hub Interlaken has all the amenities for real there are two train stations lots of bus routes with frequent stops loads of restaurants with International Cuisine big grocery stores pharmacies and the list goes on staying here also means that you're closer to the airports or wherever else you'll be visiting in Switzerland all of this also means that Interlaken is the number one home base if convenience is high on your list but for all that it offers inconvenience and location we definitely think it lacks the charm honestly the town feels like it was made for tourists and it probably was which means you cannot walk the streets without seeing shops selling watches cuckoo clocks and chocolate Galore thankfully unterzane across the river is way more authentic but we still gotta say interlocking ranks dead last in this category for Airbnb rental cost it sits right in the middle of the pack but there are a lot of good reasons why this might be the best choice for you if you're traveling on a budget obviously it's a larger town so there are just more options in terms of lodging from airbnbs to hotels and even hostels too if you book a rental with a kitchen you will save tons of money versus eating out all the time I am not kidding when I say you could easily spend more money on food than on lodging if you're not careful and the big stores like Coke and migros offer plenty of products in their store brands which means you could stretch your budget even further and because of its location you can enjoy endless Adventures without breaking the bank on Transportation costs which brings me to a few other factors you need to consider before choosing Interlocken as your home base when you stay in the area you get the interlocking guest card which gives you free Local transportation and scores you discounts on certain activities that means the train from Interlaken West to Interlocken OST the train from OST to buildersville buses within Interlaken and Builders field the bus from Interlaken to easel bald and even buses part way along Lake tune are totally free this is incredibly handy if you're traveling without a train pass which we almost never recommend or if you're traveling with nothing but the half fare card which we recommend surprisingly often but it also means that if you have the burner Overland Regional pass you'll get no additional benefit from this guest card since those routes are already covered I know we're throwing around lots of details about train passes so if you've never seen our Ultimate Guide to Swiss Train passes be sure and check that video out later another benefit of staying in Interlaken is it's usually warmer and sunnier than other places on this list but that's also a trade-off it's the gateway to the mountains which means you're not actually in the mountains meaning hitting the trail or enjoying that sweet smell of cow poo directly from your doorstep is pretty unlikely but you can watch the sunset from just about anywhere in town and gaze at the Jungfrau from hoamata or unterzane so Interlaken ranks fifth in this other factors category if we want an interlocking to be our home base we would stay within a 10 minute walk of the Interlaken host station the first area to consider is near the gymnasium bus stop just a short ride from Lake briennes the Interlochen oast train station and all the amenities near Interlaken West but you can also walk to the O station in about eight minutes we stayed in this area last year and loved it we felt like we were so close to everything while tucked away in a quieter neighborhood surrounded by locals and as an added bonus we were just a short walk from Jana's favorite grocery store Aldi another good spot would be somewhere directly between the west and O stations which is where you'll find most of the hotels there are frequent buses and you're no more than a 10 minute walk from either train station so if you value convenience it's hard to beat this area though charming and quiet are not the words I would use to describe it keep in mind that the West station gives you all the amenities but it also adds an additional bus or train ride to every trip you'll take into the mountains so make sure you really value the shopping restaurants and other conveniences if you choose to stay here buildersville is just one train stop from Interlaken towards the mountains but it's often overlooked by tourists it's just a stop along the way to bigger and better things but we like to throw it into the mix as a possible home base and specifically as an alternative to staying in Interlaken it's no secret that we're kind of partial to this little village we lived here for three months this summer and pretty much loved everything about it especially once we found a local cheese shop and the Village Bakery our favorite hiking trails and the ease of Transportation connections there's one train station in town with departures every 30-minute Sports in turlockin and every 30 minutes in the direction of allowed to Vernon and Grindelwald it's also only an hour and a half from yunkra Yak which is only six to eight minutes longer than if you were leaving from vegan or Grindelwald meaning you're way closer to the mountains than you might actually think as an added bonus the cogwell train up to shiningo Plata also leaves from the village real train station for sightseeing it's basically as good as Interlochen because you're five minutes closer to the mountains but that also means you're one train or one bus away from reaching the Lakes compared to Interlaken which is why we we've ranked it as second for proximity to sightseeing Builders pro has a handful of restaurants hotels two grocery stores near the train station but there's not a pharmacy however you really are going to be able to find almost everything that you need from there maybe just not the extensive options you would find in Interlochen even living here for three months this summer we rarely found that we had to go to a bigger town to find a bigger store we also like that it sits along the route for bus 105 meaning in less than 10 minutes we can reach Interlaken West with shopping grocery stores and restaurants plus connections outside of the valley you can reach Interlaken by train in five minutes later Vernon and 15 in Grindelwald in 25 meaning you're really never too far if you need anything so for all of these reasons we have a grillersville as third for convenience but honestly we think buildersville is one of the most charming and authentic Villages that is still Central enough to be a great tourist home base you'll often find locals walking around the streets the houses are gorgeous the gardens are so beautiful and I love that Village world is surrounded by lots of local farms and really good Farm fridges too plus there's a playground on the edge of town that we love to go walk to and we often see local families just hanging out there together plus nothing is really like screaming for your attention like lots of the touristy places in other towns buildersville is hard to beat fourth off with authenticity that's really hard to say villageville is really hard to beat birth authenticity so it ranks second in this category I know if this place is oozing with charm you're probably wondering well what ranks number one on your list well stick around and we'll show you soon but how does it perform on cost well according to our Airbnb data it is actually the cheapest of the places we're ranking today but like Interlaken there's probably a few other factors you might want to know about a huge plus is that you still get the interlocking guest card when you stay in buildersville that covers all of the trains and buses from villageville to Interlaken meaning you can stay in a way more local and Charming Village and still have access to all the amenities at no additional cost well except for the cost of tourists which you have to pay no matter where you stay there are beautiful walks in the Hills surrounding the village and in the fields between buildersville and Interlaken meaning you can wander so much farther and and so much more Solitude than you could by staying in Interlochen there are also some really unique food places that we absolutely love if you're curious to see those you can check them out later in our interlocking food video while you enjoy great young craft views on a clear day and even be able to see all the way to Lake Brands keep in mind that you're still not actually in the mountains although you will still be able to enjoy The Sweet Sound of cowbells clinging or seat belts ringing especially in the spring and fall if we chose Builders world as a home base which we usually do we'd like to stay a little bit away from the main road and the train station to have some extra peace and quiet for example the train station is here and this is the main road between Interlaken and LA to Vernon bus 105 comes from Interlaken and then turns and heads up here on kirikasa we like this area within like a 10 minute walk from the train station but it's still near bus stops in added benefit is that when you're going to Interlaken you can hop on the bus one stop before the train station and snag a seat because loads of people get on the train station and it gets really crowded but we also think this older area of buildersville near the river is really pretty it's close to the train station and it's only a short walk from the beautiful Village of castagbiler it's probably true that Grindelwald The Village not the Harry Potter character needs no introduction but we're giving one to you anyway nestled in a bowl-shaped Valley at the base of the mighty Iger Grindelwald enjoys some of the most stunning scenery on the planet we stayed here for the first time this fall we weren't sure if we were actually gonna like the town because well we'll tell you why in a minute but we absolutely fell in love with the small neighborhood streets and the incredible Alpine Vistas and not gonna lie after staying here Jana hopped online and started looking at houses for sale if your sightseeing plans focus on you cry yoke Grindelwald fierst mannequin or finkstag then you could enjoy three or four days here without ever leaving the valley making Grindelwald a perfect home base for short trips focused on a small area but if your travel plans will take you to lauterbrunen murin Interlaken or to the lakes and Beyond then Grindelwald is a little less Central you'll have to make your way out of this Valley every time you want to leave so Grindelwald rigs fourth in sightseeing proximity for the Jungfrau region side note if any of those activities are on your Switzerland travel bucket list you can find links to our guides in the description below but for convenience you'll find Grindelwald has everything you need and then some there's a huge Coke grocery store near the main train station as well as a migros that's smaller in the center of town and way more restaurants than you will ever need you'll find lots lots of hotels and plenty of airbnbs and if you desire luxury this is probably the best place to find it there are three train stations Grindelwald terminal with connections to manlikin and agriculture Grindelwald grooned with a train that heads up along the base of the Iger to climb a shy dig and the main Grindelwald station which is directly in the village most of you will likely use the main station as your Hub and connect to the other stations when you need to there are also quite a few bus routes running through the village and Beyond so you'll have plenty of options for nearby Adventures because of this Grindelwald ranks a close second to Interlaken for overall convenience but now for a controversial subject we have a love-hate relationship with Grindelwald dwarf strassa the Main Street running through the village is overcrowded way too tourist focused and just not that Charming in our opinion there are high-rise hotels plenty of mediocre restaurants and just not that much that feels like an authentic Swiss Village so when it comes to this main area of Grindelwald we'd probably consider interlocking to be more Charming which is saying a lot but if you're willing to stay just a little bit away from the action there are parts of Grindelwald that feel the exact opposite we might really dislike the touristy center of the village but outside of that wow we could live there all in all it's really hard to rank Grindelwald on charm and authenticity because that will greatly depend on where you stay and spend your time so because of that we're placing it Fifth in this category that's perhaps the most famous place to stay in this region costs follow suit so it ranks fifth on our list in terms of Airbnb prices you can always find Budget options but they're fewer and farther between here and because of the location you're probably going to want to train pass like the burner Oberlin Regional pass or the top of Europe pass to control costs on Transportation by the way I don't think we've mentioned it yet but we're pulling this Airbnb cost data for one of our free spreadsheet downloads so you can find that link in the description below or on our website if you're interested we clearly have a lot to say about Grindelwald Switzerland because here are a few more factors to consider a benefit of staying in Grindelwald is that you receive the free local guest card in our opinion it isn't quite as valuable available it isn't quite as valuable as the inter locking guest card but you'll receive free transport on some of the local bus lines that means you could find a cheaper Airbnb in one of the more Charming areas of the village along a bus route without having to worry about the cost of additional Transportation the top of Europe pass for example doesn't cover any of the buses so the guest card could come in handy but the burner Overland pass covers the local buses as well as the mountain lines another great thing about Grindelwald is the sunshine because it's a big open Valley running east to west you'll see plenty of light throughout the day and the village itself is perched on a hill facing south which only increases the amount of sun you can enjoy according to Jana Sunshine is like medicine for the soul so she's a happy traveler when we're in Grindelwald on top of that the setting is absolutely stunning epic views of the Iger Shrek horn and wetterhorn an endless walking and Hiking options through the hills and Farms surrounding the village so where would we look for lodging near Grindelwald well definitely not dorvastraza as can convenient as that might be we really like this area just one street above the village which has one of my favorite cafes in the whole region and the far edge of the village just past the church both areas are serviced by bus lines plus are way more peaceful quiet and Charming with lots more locals while Grindelwald sits in a valley it's probably not the most iconic Valley in the unifra region because that well-deserved title goes to lachaburnin this has been on the tourist map for centuries because well just look at how beautiful it is it sits in a deep glacial Valley with Cliffs over 600 meters tall we first came here on our honeymoon in 2012 and we were blown away by the beauty and even though we've been here dozens of times since then we're still just in awe of this glorious place especially in the spring when all the waterfalls are just brimming with snow melt latch Brandon is perfectly situated for exploring wangan and Young friak on one side or game of all the Marin and the shield horn on the other side and in fact like gimovald nope Grindelwald in fact just like grindel small you could stay in the large burning Valley for days with endless sightseeing opportunities without really having to leave the area it's also just a 20-minute train ride from Interlaken so combining those factors we've ranked this third for proximity to sightseeing because it's so easy to get up into the mountains or out to the Lakes from here but the sightseeing isn't as well matched by the amenities there's a convenience store in the train station and a coke grocery store nearby of course there are restaurants and tourist shops in the village but nothing has really stood out to us is very memorable two train lines a bus line and a cable car all leave from the main station and take you in pretty much every direction in fact the bus line runs down the valley past removac Falls to special Berg which is the lift that takes you up to gumawolf burn in the short one if you're coming with a car there are two parking garages you can use to park in the valley but they can definitely fill up especially during peak season also keep in mind that there is one road that goes into and out of laojibune Valley so on a nice day or the weekends it can definitely be bumper to bumper traffic for these reasons lots of burning ranks fourth for convenience like Grindelwald Dr Vernon feels like it used to be this really authentic Charming Little Village tucked deep into the LA Tribune Valley but now it's flooded with tourists year round however if you go outside of the village you're now in the land of farmers and locals and lots of cows too but make sure you stroll all the way back to the end of the valley and you'll get the views that inspired authors like Tolkien and you'll even pass some of our favorite Farm Bridges along the way but this category is about ranking The Villages and so when it comes to authenticity and charm we have ranked latibrin as fourth in that category however it can be a surprisingly budget destination ranking third for average Airbnb cost if you go down farther into the valley you can find some killer deals and there's campgrounds out there as well plus you're never really that far from a bus line so if you're willing to give up a little bit of convenience you can find a pretty good deal on lodging okay here are a few addition National factors to consider before choosing launcher Burnin as your home base you do get a local guest card for staying here although we don't really think that's a reason to choose to stay in La Tribune because it really only provides a discount to tremelbuck Falls as far as we know it doesn't provide any discount on Local transportation so if you do plan to stay farther into the valley definitely consider the Swiss travel pass or the burner Oberlin pass because those are the only ones that cover the local bus lines another consideration is sunlight Lodge of brunon Valley is a deep narrow Valley that runs north south which means not as much sunshine and if you're like me I crave the sunshine so dark places can be kind of difficult also lesson tends to mean cooler temperatures so either you'll be a fan of that or not so much but holy cow what else can we say about the beauty of this place especially in the spring when the cliffs are plunging with snowmelt I mean ashburton Valley is just like a fantasy land but combining all those things we've still ranked entreprene as six out of seven for these other factors to consider honestly I don't think we would choose to stay in La Tribune probably because of my preference for more Sunshine but if we did choose to stay here I think we would probably go farther into the valley and stay maybe on a farm in an Airbnb or on a bed and breakfast just to have that Charming peaceful nature and again we're never really that far from the village just a bus stop away but here's the thing if we're going to be that close to the mountains we'd rather just be up in the mountains so that's where we're taking you next now we've arrived at the Alpine Villages where Mountain View's Scenic hikes and sounds of cowbells promise to fill your days and for many Travelers vingen is near the top of the list although we haven't personally stayed here we've been in and through Vegas many times and we've talked with a handful of our viewers like you who stayed in vein and loved it vengan sits on the train line toward yum Frau yolk in One Direction and down to lautreprunin any other this makes it seem pretty close to a lot of Adventures in the region but the reality according to try time trying timetables but the reality according to train timetables is a little bit different you Frau yolk as close as it is takes an hour and 25 minutes and reaching Grindelwald murin or Interlaken even though it seems like you could reach out and touch them will require multiple train connections but there is a cable car to mannequin with some of the best views around that leaves right from the village and a train down to Lao de Brennan takes only 13 minutes so throwing together the good and the bad vigan ranks fifth in sightseeing proximity for the region like loudtron there's a convenience store at the train station and a small cope grocery store across the street but we find that prices in these small stores are usually higher than the bigger ones because there are less budget options available there are lots of tour shops and activities and quite a few restaurants for a small village and we think it's really nice that banging can be reached by train which isn't the case for the next two spots on this list vegan is a car free Village which means you can't Thrive there but there's a parking garage down in the LA to burn a train station and trains run late at night so this ranks fifth on our list for convenience for most most of you looking for Swiss charm I think you'll find a lot to like about vegan the architecture is beautiful and you'll find plenty of those half timbered buildings with flower boxes on the windows but it also caters a bit too much to tourism for our liking and it feels a lot like grindel evolved in that regard basically imagine an authentic looking Village that's been expanded for tourism the hotels are taller the shops are geared towards tourists and their amenities like spas and playgrounds and even mini golf too if you're looking for more of a resort feel you'll like it here don't get me wrong it's not ugly at all but if you're wanting something more authentic then vingen probably isn't the place for you coming in sixth on our list another reason to look elsewhere is the cost with average Airbnb rentals being higher and vegan than anywhere else on our list and because of its location transportation and parking costs could easily get out of control if you don't choose a good train pass here are a few other factors to consider like loudtron there's a vegan guest card but we just don't think this will offer much value to most of you but compared to you should see a lot more sunlight because of its higher elevation and somewhat south facing slope plus when you're here you're actually in the mountains some of the best views of Latter Brandon Valley murin and shilthorne can be enjoyed here and you can do plenty of hiking as well but keep in mind that the hikes will be pretty much straight up or straight down regardless of the direction you go so for these other factors we still rank vengan's seventh like laucha brunon vegan is another place we probably wouldn't choose to stay there's a lot to like but it just doesn't really suit our style they're a good but not great hikes from the village in our opinion and we really like to be able to walk out our door and have numerous Trail options on top of that if we're in the mountains we want a little more peace and quiet to enjoy the natural beauty and vegan is a little too much of a pass-through place for day Trippers to be that but if we were to choose a place to stay here we'd probably look for something across the train tracks in this area or just outside of the village in the opposite direction as you gaze from banging across to the other side of latiburnian Valley you'll see Merin the next spot on her list and in full transparency we honeymooned here in 2012 so we'll try to be as impartial as possible and we'll live after that Promise by starting with the fact that murrin ranks dead last on our list for proximity to sightseeing and that's because it's just so difficult to get up or down from here you either have to take a cable car and a bus or you have to take a train and a cable car just to get down to Lodge burden although it's not very essential in their region there's so much you can see and do from right here in our opinion you could spend an entire weekend up here without ever having to go down to the valley there's just one small Coop grocery store here and like invangan the prices tend to be a little bit higher and while the restaurant options aren't plentiful there are still enough choices to keep you happy for at least a week we also think that the food here is generally better compared to lacharun and bangkan maybe the best part about staying up here though is that you can truly hike from your doorstep some of our favorite hikes in the whole area are here and there are options for just about every ability level something to keep in mind is that this end of Marin is connected by The Marin BLM which only runs until around 8 PM so if you're planning to return to Marin later in the evening you'll have to use this Shield torn Bond on the other side of the village it's only about a 10 minute walk between the two but keep that in mind when you choose your lodging for Marin and don't forget that the section of the Shelton bond from staselberg to Marin is only covered by the Swiss travel pass or the burner Oberlin pass and if you decide to drive here Marin is a car free Village so you'll have to leave your vehicle down in the latch Vernon valley below so for all these reasons combined Marin ranks sixth in line for convenience but for a Charming Alpine Village with all the necessary amenities Merin is hard to beat it feels so much more quaint than vengan although it sees plenty of tourists too and while it's one of the most popular ski areas around it somehow managed to still remain pretty traditional but while it oozes the charm it's maybe not as traditional as we would like because so many tourists come and so few locals tend to stick around but it feels incredibly authentic once you get out of the village and to the mountains it's just you and nature and lots of cows so while it's far from perfect we think myrn is one of the most romantic spots around which is why we chose the honeymoon here it's a great spot to just slow down hike and enjoy some views in the unified region for these reasons myrn comes third on our list for charm and authenticity I know I know you're still curious which one is number one on our list but hang on it's coming up next so we're almost there overall myrn comes in six on the list for average Airbnb cost and that's because the cost can vary so widely depending on the time of year you visit of course during ski season the rentals are going to be Peak Sky High but you can still find some pretty good deals if you come visit in the summer like the cost of a rental your budget contains dramatically based on how you travel for example if you go to the grocery store and cook a few meals you have the opportunity to save a ton of money likewise we really recommend that if you stay here you get a train pass to help cap your transportation costs since every time you leave the village you're literally going to be taking a train or a cable car alright here are few more helpful things to know about Marin Marin also has a guest card but unfortunately we don't find it to be that helpful although it does give you a free guided tour to this fruits waterfall but if you have our guide tomorrow then you already know how to get there of all the spots on our list Marin is the highest sitting at 1 650 meters in elevation meaning it's definitely going to be the coldest of all these places unlike vangen you won't see quite as much sun and when it rains you'll definitely be in a misty cloudy fog but absolutely no other spot offers better views of the big three the Eiger Monk and Yoon Crow sometimes it seems like they're so close that you could just Reach Out And Touch them plus there are waterfalls Alpine patches and Mountain Huts that you can reach with no Transportation other than your own to feed so with all these factors in mind we have ranked maroon as first on this list in case you can't tell we would definitely stay in Merin again and really there's no bad spot to stay in town although personally we probably would not stay on that main road between the two stations just for more peace and quiet this row Road running down toward gimovald or this one going slightly uphill from the train stations would be really good options too but if you really want to get away from it all there's so many little Huts peppering all the hillsides around Marin and there may not be a more peaceful place on Earth [Music] much of what applies to Merit applies in gimmel vault as well however you can't dial up the charm at authenticity any more than this Alpine Village to be fair we haven't actually stayed here yet but many of you our YouTube audience stayed here this summer and loved it and we've spent plenty of our days enjoying it as well from the village you can quickly get onto hiking trails where you'll hardly see anyone else so if hiking is a reason for coming to gimmel Vlog you won't be disappointed beyond that it's not very well connected though similar to mirin but since it sits one station lower on the shield horn Bond you'll save a few minutes traveling to most places so it ranks sixth on our list for proximity to sightseeing like mirin gimmel vault is also a car free Swiss Village if you stay in gimmoval we highly recommend the Berner Oberlin Regional pass because it covers Transportation on this section of the schilthorn bond which is the only way in and out of town unless you want to walk a lot there's no grocery store here so you'll have to do your shopping in murin or loud super in although there are a handful of farm fridges and restaurants we often like to stop for drinks at pinch and gimmelwald or buy local ice cream from Esther's guest house for these reasons gimmelwald ranks that lasts for convenience but let's be real you can't get much more authentic than gimmel Vault it's a working village with active locals and Farmers the buildings are Beyond gorgeous the gardens are Lush and it's a lot of fun to watch the animals in the nearby Farms you'll see precisely stacked wood piles everywhere reminding you that wood is still a primary heating source for many homes and here you're 100 in the mountains tucks further back into the valley than in any other place on this list so all of that earns gimbabald first place on our list for the most Charming Alpine Village it's not hard to find affordable lodging in gimbal Vault but keep in mind there aren't a whole lot of options so for what it does have it rakes second on our list in terms of cost but it's going to take a little more effort and planning to cook at home if you're staying here so food could easily break your budget if you're not careful here are a few other factors to consider like mirin a guest card is included in your stay but it probably doesn't offer much to entice you whether in sunlight will be pretty similar as well but since gimvald sits 300 meters lower you'll probably how about probably you'll probably see temperatures a few degrees higher as well but seriously walk just a little ways out of town in any direction and you'll find hiking trails and Scenic spots that hardly anyone but the locals will ever see the hills surrounding gimbal Vault are unspoiled Majestic nature at its finest there's really not a bad spot in gimbal Vault but we've observed that so many people who visit the Village Walk from the cable car station down this road to about here and then turn around and head back so if I wanted to have a peaceful spot to myself I'd probably look for something that's not in that section right there but really compared to mirin and especially to vegan you'll feel like you're getting the mountains all to yourself here obviously there are a lot of details to consider when you're planning your trip to the Swiss Alps Beyond these tips about where to stay we've crafted a complete guide about when to visit month by month including a free spreadsheet download of Airbnb stats weather facts and train pass data check that out next and we'll see you in Switzerland
Channel: Aplins in the Alps
Views: 287,687
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Interlaken, Wilderswil, Grindelwald, Wengen, Lauterbrunnen, Lauterbrunnen valley, murren, gimmelwald, swiss alps, Best time to visit switzerland, best places to visit switzerland, swiss alps vacation, Switzerland itinerary, Most beautiful places in switzerland, Best places to stay in switzerland, Most beautiful villages in switzerland, where to stay in switzerland, swiss village, swiss town, swiss vacation, travel switzerland, visit switzerland
Id: 4CR9oGeWw6I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 15sec (1815 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 12 2022
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