Where to Have Afternoon Tea in London - The Langham Hotel

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[Music] pip-pip samijo drools guides here in which I wander around London and tell you fascinating facts about this city and people often say to me jolzi Oh Jules II just where should I go for afternoon tea well today we're going to go to the lam because when we opened in 1865 Union where they're most luxurious most Grand Hotel in Talavera so of course a few were part of the literati then this was the place to eat which of course it still of course why why why do you think we are here our sounds I hope you enjoy your afternoon tea today so we have quite a few different types of tea we have a regular afternoon tea so you go to with sandwiches scones and pastries and then we also have our option of high tea there's so many different types of teas high tea loads he mr. Tiki afternoon they so I've given you the erlang hand blender to blend of Assam which is a morning tea or classic English breakfast Ceylan which is a lovely decaf and subtlety evening tea and then you have Darjeeling which is a very very nice afternoon tea it's not as high in caffeine as like golden brown in color I've noticed that ever has poured in the tea first into the country used by China and this in particular this is Wedgwood bone china that was created for us with a & Langan pink rose but the quality of the china reflects the temperature that it can withstand so if you have slightly poorer quality crocks then you have to put the milk in first so that your tea is a little bit cooler when it fills up the cup but if you have really high quality china then you can put the tea first what if you just drink it out of like a Smarties mug that you got free with an easter egg boiling hot straight onto my tea bag we offer different changes in our sandwiches throughout the season so we change our summoners every two weeks we change our pastries every two weeks also as well oh wow so at the top we have some very very nice rye bread is coming with some beef pastrami as a celeriac remoulade so remoulade is a life style French mayonnaise after that a new beautiful bread with John Ross smoked salmon and that's with some horseradish mayonnaise cream cheese is number in chives and then you have a beautiful brioche bun with egg mayonnaise and it's coming with some asparagus from Kent I'll do me you know what you're gonna have KY this traditionally what we're having here is actually our afternoon tea a lot of people talk about high tea by I think Mac was cool fighty because it was served on a higher table but afternoon tea is the traditional one made famous caused by the Duchess of Bedford who was a lady-in-waiting to Queen Victoria there's a great famous quote where she said she had a sinking feeling I know it myself so between lunch and dinner so she decided she needed a mid-afternoon snack and so the aristocracy sort of popularized this tradition of having something in the middle of the afternoon and when we opened we were the first hotel to actually put that mid afternoon tea on the menu so this is the original place to come for afternoon tea and it's not I keep saying hi team I'm getting confused when they thought about having their tea up north because I went to Manchester University everyone was always say do you want tea and I was like what a cup of tea what nothing it's like gonna hate me Nana and so they they say to to mean dinner absolutely I'm so why whatever so we would've had our tea and that would be no kind of supper or our uni meal but tea when we talk about afternoon tea is a different different thing together so it's it's a meal that has three different elements it has the sandwiches it has scones and then patisserie and high tea is when you add a hot course to that meal so you might have poached egg dish or salmon dish or something a little bit sort of more substantial but hot this is quite a substantial meal to spread your jam and your cream on your score and then maybe use this little cake yes and did you say scorn or did you say sky I don't even know sometimes what I say what do you say I say I don't know we like we'll find out later because I have to use it naturally in conversation okay always I've influenced you this is going for me and I'm not showing he probably says Hoban as well instead of Holloman no because it's from hollow and burnt meaning River in a ditch oh yeah burn Old English I'm from the I'm from peasant Seville the Republic of pedantry yeah oh thank you very much you said freeing them freshly baked from the oven so your plain scones and your fruit scones and jams are also seasonal as well so what they do is they change them every few weeks so now reserving ruber from Yorkshire and strawberry though anything that's not seasoned is gone to their city in season all year round because they're so very very good well said there he said scone by the way just excellent there's a huge debate about whether you put cream on firstly you cut them into like this you do one with the cream and jam and then what about German cream so let's get this out here so this is gonna be divin shuttered cream because it's seasonal I'm gonna go for the this rhubarb one let that's that's that's pretty nice and then we're gonna try another doing the cream first okay there we go right so look so this is Devin chick courted cream and in Devon they put the cream first and in Cornwall they go for Jam first now let the question is what's easy is it easier look that works quite easy that's nice and easy a dollop of jam on top of the cream let's see how easy it is now to put cream on top of jam see see but how am I supposed to spread that it doesn't even come off see so the cream first is much easier no I think we just proved it scientifically we need to do a few more studies I think to be conclusive anyway look the most important thing is that this is going to end up in my gob [Music] that's it compared to Tom Carradine's baking and after wait wait until I try the scones though because that was that was his speciality and I did say scum pie has an excellent video on his channel called weird side where he goes to Tom Carradine's has compact on Carradine's a guy whose music you can often hear in my videos and Tom Carradine's bakes cakes for you doesn't it's amazing his weren't read though that's that is interesting of read sandwich with different types of Brandon see [Music] oh hello check these ones for children so you've got cream cheesy cover and chives and Gouda cheese with some beetroot bread some British ham and white bread and then some strawberry jam and brown bread now even I can do this jigsaw you're such a slob I mean it was a squirrel after all who said that a gentleman is never rude unintentionally ed miliband famously ruined his whole campaign by eating a bacon sandwich on camera badly what if I don't eat this sandwich elegant I was still in my my hope that my whole youtube channel may take one I prefer the 6002 myself and rhubarb is just come into season it's grown in sheds with candles so Scoob herb is much more sugary in tastes than and then your classic goober that grows in the garden which is more like very starchy or very tough and hard this is very very soft that's perfect for Jam making then you have the Moline with a coconut finish yay after that you have an apple and caramel subway and mousse and then you have a Weatherby and yuzu chocolate which is 66% in cocoa and there you have a chocolate leaf wrapped around I should be this is just a footage of me snuffing food of my fire you see they printed their name all over the chocolate no idea how they managed to do their technology nowadays yes everyone hmm well I got to say that and I can thoroughly recommend afternoon tea at the Langham it's just by ops or circus they should opposite the BBC Broadcasting House I don't if I mentioned that but if you've enjoyed my film don't forget to hit the subscribe button and of course you can head over to my website Jules Gomez comm if you want to find out more about me or even book a guided tour leave a donation or whatever it is Cheers
Channel: Joolz Guides - London History Walks - Travel Films
Views: 171,218
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: London, tourism, travel guides, julian mcdonnell, joolz guides, London history, langham hotel, high tea, the langham, afternoon tea, where to have afternoon tea london, london afternoon tea best, afternoon tea london video, afternoon tea london the langham, afternoon tea london, high tea london, tea and scones london, where to go for afternoon tea, typical english tea, typically english tea, typical english experiences london, things to do in london, british traditions tea
Id: FHwhqvnVgWM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 5sec (605 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 14 2019
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