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what's up fire fam my name's karen fire and welcome back to canada excels today we're gonna be looking into places on the all of sipta where we can go and find some nice named crafters and fruits some really good locations to search for these kind of things so let's get to it before we get in the meats and bones of this video i must tell you something first though how the npc spawners actually work is if you want something of high quality such as a named one they often will have a much lower percentage of a chance to spawn so they can have a one to five percent chance usually that would only be kind of like a one percent chance for most of them so you must know that you're not always going to get what you want via this kind of thing so you're not always going to get a named alchemist as soon as you see a location if i show one off today you might have to kind of refresh that spawner by keep killing the things that spawn there to be able to get one that's how it works on the exo lens this is how it works on sipta i'm just showing you some locations i found some really good ones and some of the ones that have more permanent spawners do bear in mind some crafter spawners are randomized so one day it might be a alchemist there the next day it might be a carpenter and the next day it might be an armorer or it might always be an alchemist so that's kind of what we're talking about here on the differences just so you know if you want to test for yourself if you have a solid spawn if you really want something specific you need to go into your file settings for single player or on a server and you need to set your npc spawner to a very low amount so something like 0.1 percent so they will spawn a lot so every time you kill them off they will immediately respawn and that is a great way to test if this is a certain spawner that you need so this one for instance always will give out alchemists so this is kind of what we like here if we want a good alchemist we just have to keep killing them off and hoping that a nice one will kind of spawn so that's the kind of test you do to be able to know if you want to test it yourself on certain spots that you think may be good for these areas so definitely yeah go into the files change that npc spawn timer or you can just listen to this video please note the normal game won't actually allow you to be able to give yourself admin and go through the server settings what i mean by that is if you were to go into settings right now that would revert your npc spawner you actually have to type in make me admin into the console so you can avoid that so there you go make me admin just simple like that and that way you'll know what to be able to activate this so like i said if you go into settings it will reset it if you do it that way and give yourself admin through the console then you don't have to go into the settings panel which means you can then go ahead and test those spawners out where's the black smith anyway we're talking about spawn as the star of alchemist so as we are showing you already this is a good spot for alchemists because it will always be alchemists so it's a good place to come to be able to get yourself an alchemist so cold heart ruins you could have a chance of getting something really good or you could get a chance of getting something bad or mediocre or kind of good if you want a chance for a named alchemist definitely come and check out this location over here ruins of new chemi there's also a couple of other crafting spots around here so i've noticed we have a carpenter over here we've got some random spawners as well but it's definitely worth a uh check out you might find something cool here another good spot for alchemists is this location you just seem to get a lot of them that kind of spawn under here consistently so over here quite close to the other one actually the uh lace runner the birdman where's the black smith t is for taskmaster our next location is for task masters now my friend found this as a pretty good location for getting task masters because you have a chance of free of the spawners or for other spawners being able to poof one out this is one of them do bear in mind some of these spawners can spawn other things like a carpenter or something but i'm just showing you this is a really good location because we've always seemed to be able to get a really good task master here and it's very good and easy to farm here the uh the mobs aren't too challenging uh they're stygian so they're kind of like the relic hunters on the other map and this is another one on the boat so you can get a chance to get quite a few taskmasters to recycle through here so it's quite a really good location to be able to farm them out so this place is right here there's no map location for it it's just a massive dock you really can't miss it just down from there is also another really good location for taskmasters we have found because they have one at the archery camp so you'll have little uh archery place with a taskmaster they're kind of teaching them how to do stuff this one there has a chance of spawning a named one yes it does if you wanted to know also there's a zaf priest here as well that you can get but also here is another task master that seems to spawn quite a lot it's one quite a lot because they're telling kind of the other things what to do so you always have a chance of getting one over here so it could be good or it might just be one of these master genuine ones or something else but you're you'll get something if you want to know this location this is the new kemi docks just down from the other one so they're two really close spawners you can continuously farm out another pretty good location's gone for a taskmaster as a one of the big corsair camps it is a really big one actually where you can find all sorts of different kinds of fruits including a uh named cook we have right here but more importantly this guy has decided to spawn here so he's kind of kneeling at the fire side if we have a look on the map we can see the ashen core right here on my player marker could be a place you could find one where's the black smith now we're looking for armorers this is a place you can get a constant armor a spawner this is nice where they actually spawn is on this pile of people right here well two people so far and he kind of just patrols in this kind of circle around the fire so this is one location right at this place on the map here another good location for amarez is over here right on the edge of the map actually but you can always get a consistent armorer spawn here so you can find something nice heretic haunt is the place you're looking for i'm about to this camp this is also a good place for armorers right by the jailer up on this top section here you could also get a bunch of other crafters here so it makes it a really good location for fruits unlike other locations so if you did skip that part then here's another little reference the ashen core is where we are at where's the blacksmith now we are looking for blacksmiths this is a place where you'll get a constant blacksmith spawner so here's a pretty decent location and it's really unpopulated so it could be a good place to come to if we take a look on the map right here it's right at the end of these two four pathways right over here another good location to go for blacksmiths is right here so we have this blacksmith they'll always be at the blacksmith bench so he always has a profession of a blacksmith so of course you get those kind of spawns here so this is a baywatch camp where's the blacksmith now we move on to carpenters and this is a good spot for one so we're gonna go up here you see is a carpenter's bench and there's always seeming to be a carpenter spawner right here so you can get a mix of t1 t3 and then you can also get the t4s coming out this one this is a good place to look at we are at the uh frame place right here another pretty decent carpeted spot is right here we were here earlier looking for an armorer but here is a carpet to spot just above i did have a name one spawn here as well that's quite nice so you should always get carpenters via this spot so this is the watchtower area right here another good spot for carpenters is over here in the dark land so the isle of dusk very dark here but always seems to spawn a carpenter so that's quite nice right here on the map where's the blacksmith if you're looking for tanners there's another one at baywatch camp so here we go again she has this turning bench so you should always get a tanner out of this spawner whatever class that may be as you see we're getting a bunch of the same kind of looking ladies right out for some reason but you'll be able to get some tanners here either way so we're checking on the map here we go baywatch camp for tanner's they don't have too many consistent spots but this seems to be one of them in the accursed area now that it still seems to be a thing where they like to get stuck on the stairs and they kind of like to patrol so you can see these three are getting absolutely stuck although of course when it comes to killing you they will find the exact right path to come to you so that's fine but pretty much you're covered here to the uh tower watch keep and it's just over here where's the black smith now i'll be honest cooks are probably one of the most common thing to be honest now to be honest cooks are probably one of the most common things on the alice scepter when it comes to looking for full spawns one of the great places you can find one always is under these broken lay shrines there just seems to be an abundance of you guys but there is one under this one at the leisure under the goblinoid there is also one in the fiends and there is also one in the bird men they're just everywhere so um those are really good locations at most camps you could also find cooks as well um all over the place so definitely give those ones in the middle a try first and if not i you shouldn't have a problem getting a kick on this map at all [Music] now we're looking for smelters this smelter seems to be one that is very consistent here it's always nice to pick this one up this one is right here at the frame place the neck heavy throne not whatever you call that another good consistent smelter spawner is also over here so you can come check this one out this is over at the uh ruins of new chemi where's the blacksmith i'll show you my now favorite spots to come to in general for just a variety of fraus in general not gonna lie as annoying as this one is with all the traps it's the far better one out of all of the three they're three massive camps this is one of them this one has awesome crafter spawners in it in comparison to the other two where it doesn't have ones that are quite up to scratch in comparison so if you haven't seen this place already this is the ashen core this is a very good place to come for fraus another good place is a place with the name that i can not pronounce which is always nice isn't it but oh well we are here and it's good for fraus and i love coming here for that reason so you got plenty of those up on those kind of areas over there and you got a general bunch around the area great place to come definitely do come to the throne area for a variety of raw another good variety spot is this place we've already been a few times here in this video but you got not one not two not free and where's the other one there is another one over here somewhere there is about four to five different crafter spawners here nope my bad there's six different crafter support no eight different crafter spots here this is god tier if you want to just try and get something good out of these ones when it comes to random kind of good spawns to consistent spawns also sorry nine different spawners here you could come for craft tier people so definitely do come here very good place for all of your kind of needs here baywatch camp very good place for cooks this does seem to be quite a lot of cook spawners as well here and randomizers this one used to be a cook when i first came here but it's now smelter so it's a very good place to be another really good spot for an assortment of things is this place you get all sorts here you get task masters dances conferences blacksmiths cooks you name it there is many spots for these kind of spawns to come across even priests like the new religion one that you might find uh useful as well uh so there's a bunch of spots around this location here we have already been here in this video new chemists and another one i really do quite like is over here you've got a nice variety here too you've got priest cooks dancers bearers and more task masters in this area plus it has loads of chests the neat thing about this area is you can literally go on a circuit it's a really good place actually so you can start off up here there's a nice uh camp there and there and there you could also visit here so there's a bunch in a row and then you have like a bunch around here dusky inlet and there's a secret one kind of around this area too i believe or it might be over here somewhere there's a really good area to just go around the beach in a circuit kind of like that and then you should find some really nice spawns in these locations there seems to be quite a nice variety and even on this point right here you got a bunch of stuff also so there's some really good spots a lot of them do seem to be in the south for some reason so if you need some really good crafters uh you probably don't want to live up north i'm not gonna lie otherwise you're gonna be traveling a lot or trying to uh you know you guys still get some really good ones up north there just seems to be more variety and more spawners for crafters or good named crafters down in the southern areas anyways that's just my take on it and what i'm kind of giving out for advice if you're stuck and you don't really know where to lick i hope this video helps you out anyway thank you for watching i love you and i'll see you in the next one [Music] let me give it up to you give it until [Music] you
Channel: KiahOnFire
Views: 69,259
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kiahonfire, Kiahonfire Youtube, Girl gamer, conan exiles, conan exiles isle of siptah, conan exiles isle of siptah named crafters, conan isle of siptah t4 crafting thralls, conan isle of siptah named blacksmith, conan isle of siptah named armourer, conan isle of siptah named alchemist, conan isle of siptah named smelter, conan isle of siptah named cook, conan isle of siptah named carpenter, conan isle of siptah named taskmaster, conan isle of siptah where to find named crafters
Id: SNjkX5Yfh1o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 1sec (901 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 02 2021
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