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what is up folks welcome back to the channel it's nice to see you I'm a gone for a minute and I kind of want to get on here and like just explain a little bit you know tell you guys where I've been if you've been around since like the OG days the Ohio days team dry scoop and all that I know there's only a few of y'all cuz we were small back then right A lot of people found me off of the new anabolic recipe stuff and stuck around from then but if you've been around since the beginning you probably know I from the jump I've been one of the most consistent creators you probably followed especially as a oneman team guy three videos a week four videos a week around the cookbook time we bump up to like five videos a week cranking out content right then somewhere around December of last year my life kind of got tossed in a blender had a bunch of crazy stuff going on and um since then the consistency has been uh tough you know life an a bar tons of other things but um essentially you know since the beginning of this Channel today actually marks 4 years since I've dropped any music at all now I know some people on here have no idea I ever did music have no idea about any of that stuff right people from the beginning remember clout week oh my God I saw have nightmares about that if you ask me Remington since you were a kid if you could have like one dream job right it wasn't being an astronaut it wasn't I don't know being a a model it wasn't any of that stuff like my number one dream was to just make music I absolutely loved it first project I ever put out prototype I was definitely learning on the job like all the first songs I ever made all by myself mixmed all that [ __ ] I learned and put those songs out do I think it was bad no do I think you know if I had to rate it be like a five out of 10 okay listening back I got better for my second project but I dropped it right when I moved down here right when lockdowns hit so I couldn't do any music videos couldn't really promo it and to be honest um you know I kind of rushed that one too and then boom fast forward 4 years right after I put that project out I told myself that I needed to focus on what was really making me money what was going to be my lasting Legacy right we dropped anabar shortly after that and I became like consumed and like this is what I have to do right like this is the path laid out for me this is what I have to follow and um somewhere around 10 months ago I was kind of just sitting around and I was thinking about the fact that I was getting older I think if I went to my deathbed not having ever given this music thing like an honest shot and when I say honest shot I mean like putting everything I had into it heart soul like really taking my time trying to truly craft a masterpiece I don't think I would have been on my death bed at the end of this thing knowing I didn't really go after one of my dreams and like being able to really see it and fulfill it I don't think I would have been able to I don't know pass over to the other side and really be happy about that right so for the last 10 months especially the last few I have been locked in finishing up my album and it's done I can't stand you I can't stand how the [ __ ] you live I can't stand how the [ __ ] you live who the [ __ ] you think you I can't stand how the fu you live officially drops this Friday 10:00 a.m. no matter what time zone you're in 10:00 a.m. pre-orders are up on iTunes right now if you still listen on iTunes you can pre-order it but for everybody else whatever streaming service you use Spotify music all that it's going to be on there and I am uh so excited for you guys to hear it I started recording this through like the craziest part of my life and this thing is a roller coaster I don't know if I've ever put more time effort passion everything into a project more than this right here like we're regardless of what happens if this comes out and I pass away the next day I think I will die a fulfilled man cuz I know that if I was ever going to be remembered in the music Lane as a certain type of artist or like whatever like I don't feel like my music was ever up to the standards I wanted it to be and with this one we're there and I confidently say that for those of you that really enjoy my music or maybe you've never listened to it but you like hip-hop I'm telling you I sound way different than anybody you've ever listened to you're going to love it if you like hip-hop if not I'm not here to sell you on the genre as a whole I grew up on it I love it all my heroes are rappers all the only I listen to his rap if you don't like it I understand but I will tell you this whatever you're thinking in your head about how good I am or like how cringey I am way better then what your brain thinks I promise you and if you tune in on Friday 10:00 a.m. wherever streaming service uh you know you use I promise I'm going to blow your mind so yeah just wanted to give you guys an update on that we're back now to regular schedule programming so just wanted to make this video let you guys know about that I'm going to put the links in my description box right I actually have a new YouTube channel that I'm going to put all the music stuff on so we're going to music videos droing everything will be over there I'm going link that in my description box as well as long as the first pinned comment so you can go ahead subscribe to that channel that's where everything music's going to go like I can't wait for you guys to hear this legitimately I had to teach myself how to shoot these music videos color grade them do the special effects far as I got a whole studio up there I to teach myself literally everything since I had my hand in every single part of it and nothing was left up to anybody else truly this is uh my masterpiece so I encourage anybody out there if regardless what you do if you have a dream if you have something you really want to do I think uh it's good for the soul and just good for for everything to at least give it a shot right I don't care if I put this out and only a few people listen to it in my head I know that I did something that uh I'm truly proud of so hey that's where I've been at guys appreciate you so very much check out the stuff Link in description and yeah back to regular schedule programming real soon and um sorry for keeping you waiting baby peace [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] ping n carac 40,000 on the pay out a lot I cash no payment head to the top all diamonds in my bracelet diamonds in my auto [ __ ] I'm going too hard blow me in the lard party like a rockar I be looking on your [ __ ] he coming back like who we are who this beat the case he never told he to
Channel: Remington James
Views: 16,382
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Remington James, High Protein Recipe, Low Calorie Recipe
Id: gYt6SbW28-k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 37sec (337 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2024
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