WHERE I'VE BEEN | why I stopped posting & what I'm doing next

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hello I'm back from the dead I haven't really posted on YouTube for quite a while I feel like I'm finally at a place where I can share a little bit more about what's been happening in my life over the last few months with you guys um and just to explain why I have been absent from YouTube if you want to sit down and have a little catch up with me then let me make my dinner I literally just got home from work and then let's have a sit down chat it has been a really long time since I last posted on YouTube and there are plenty of good reasons for that the biggest one I guess is that Gustavo and I bought a place in Amsterdam some of you already know about this because you follow me on Instagram and I've shared a little bit about that process and what it's been like so far but perhaps you didn't know about that so yeah we bought a place in Amsterdam um that was a very big decision and on our part basically our two-year lease was coming to an end and we had to find another place and the rental market in Amsterdam is so competitive and crazy even though it was a lot of money to spend in the short term in the long term it would be a financially better decision for us because we decided that we like Amsterdam and that we would like to stay here for the unforeseeable future so we started looking for a place in April we managed to find a place bid for a place get that bit accepted and move into a new place on the 1st of September [Music] thank you [Music] what I think Gustavo and I didn't anticipate was how stressful this process would be for us I think also a big contributing factor behind why we were so stressed was because there were lots of other things happening at the same time in our lives because zaro started a new role at pretty much the exact same time that we moved in and as for me I'm still relatively new in my current job on the 1st of September literally the day that we moved in I had to coordinate and organize a really important event for my work and it's a new job so I felt a lot of pressure to perform well and make sure that event would go perfectly and then on top of that we decided to paint the whole apartment ourselves but I think we underestimated just how tiring this whole process would be by the time we moved into our new home we still hadn't finished painting the apartment and so we moved into what was essentially a construction zone and we were just having to just keep painting while trying to look professional and put together at work um it was just a mess and the other thing that made everything really hard was that in our old apartment it was all furnished and so we didn't actually own very much Furniture we had to learn where to get furniture how to install light fixtures we had to learn where to buy a paint what paint Brands were the best etc etc etc thankfully we have friends who had gone through this process before they were able to give us tips they were able to give us advice I will put together a video to go through all those things of course because I don't want anyone to struggle like we did I really found it very hard so that's already one video that I'm promising to make for you guys so yes anyway all of that was happening and um right now it's nearly the start of December and we still don't have everything put together in our home you know I can show you actually uh you know for instance this is the ceiling of our dining room right now there's no light fixture this is part of our wardrobe which we only recently ordered and clearly haven't put that together yet we have a door just leaning against the wall here it's um meant to be on this Frame but it wasn't fitting properly so Gustavo took it out of the frame we're taking out one step at a time the other thing that was also taking up my time is that I'm studying for my masters part-time and on top of that I was also trying to juggle Dutch classes every week and trying to keep up and not fall behind and if you've learned a language then you know it's not enough to just study it the day before like language learning is something you need to study every day and requires a lot of energy a lot of time a lot of effort and to be honest I haven't really given my Dutch classes as much effort and time as I would have liked this month though I had a bit of a wake-up call I came down with a pretty bad cold at the start of November and got over that I thought it was okay then literally one week after I had recovered from my cold I came down with another cold and this one was really bad in fact I'm actually still a little bit sick from I'm still coughing um and this has been the third week that I've been sick I've realized that in the last few months even before we moved into our new home um I have been putting my health second place and I haven't been working out I have not been eating well I felt guilty for not making videos even though I really wanted to I was just kind of approaching a lot of things in my life with a lot of negativity and I actually think it played a really big role in my immune system being so poor and me ultimately getting so sick this month now the home is finally at a place where I think it's not causing us so much stress I have just submitted my final assignment of the year for my Master's Degree so hopefully if I pass that subject then I only have one more subject left and in three weeks time Gustavo and I are actually also flying back to Australia to spend Christmas there for the first time since we moved to the Netherlands so that means we haven't been back home in two and a half years that's a really long time that's the longest time I've ever ever spent away from Sydney when we booked the tickets it might sound a bit over dramatic but I shared a little tear because I hadn't realized up until that moment how much I missed home and how much I needed to go back home as much as I love Amsterdam and Amsterdam is my home as well we bought an apartment of course it's our home um but at the same time I haven't seen my parents in two and a half years haven't seen a lot of our good friends there's so much in our lives that we've missed out on um and because this year has been so stressful for me and also for Gustavo I think it'll be really good for us to go back and re-center ourselves and be in a familiar environment switch off a little bit especially right now it's getting so dark so early it's getting colder I always actually struggle at this time of the year because I'm always shocked by how dark it gets and how short the days feel it just is really hard to get out of bed at this time of the year so I feel like at this time of the year it's important to put your health first and nothing should be more important than your health upon reflection I think Gustavo and I just put too much pressure on ourselves to do well at work to get the home in order as soon as possible to be there for everyone else but ourselves even with my Master's Degree I was like it's okay I don't need to get distinctions I don't need to get high descriptions I I just need to pass my subject and that's okay I feel like I have space to breathe now um things are kind of getting back on track for me which is good I have to say that I am on Instagram a lot these days uh because it's just a lot easier to share what's happening in my life and what I'm going through on a day-to-day basis so if you're not following me there already and you're interested in life in Amsterdam and just you know what expat life is like go ahead and follow me there and I have written the scripts of a lot of videos that are going to be coming up soon so stay tuned watch this space a lot of them are going to be about our home buying process but also I want to talk about you know my transition into my new job and how I made that change and also just my thoughts about my first job in Amsterdam my experience will be really helpful for other people out there this is meant to be just a really short video from me I just wanted to let you know that I'm alive can't wait to come back to making more YouTube videos I'm gonna finish the rest of my dinner now and I guess I'll try [Music]
Channel: Leesa Yu
Views: 2,653
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: life update, life update q&a, living in amsterdam as a foreigner, buying house in amsterdam, moving to amsterdam vlog, moving to amsterdam, amsterdam expat life, amsterdam vlog 2022, why i stopped posting, asian australian youtubers, australian youtubers
Id: HrSU_E0mA2k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 49sec (589 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 25 2022
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