Where I've been | Ep. 56

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- Look what a cool car Tage has. -I'm just filming your cool car - Can you film in the darkness? - Yeah - What? - Yes - Good camera equipment you know... - See you! - No problems! - Bye bye! - Down here is the magic pond. - Hello my loves - I'm out in the forest with Nanook - We have missed you so much! - It feels like it was an eternity again since my last video. - Ohh a dragonfly! - So how are you everyone? - I hope you are good - I hope you had a good summer - Or winter... - Whatever season it is where you live... - As you can see it's autumn here now. - It's the beginning of autumn. - Things are changing color - It's a beautiful time of the year - You know... - We have... - Some kind of mushroom that we call "corpse mushroom" - "Liksvamp" in Swedish - And they smell.... - I guess they smell like a corpse. - You can smell them now and then and it's smells terrible. - I'm just going to sit down here - I need some sunlight in my face. - I need to take advantage of every minute - of this warm sun on my face - Because soon the winter is here. - So it's September now - It's Tuesday September 14...I think. - Ya... - Since I haven't done a vlog in a month - But I have filmed alot - Or not alot but...yeah - I have some things that I would like to share that I've been doing. - Nanook! - You know what... - I think I'm just going to squeeze in - Or put together some clips from the end of my summer. - That I haven't showed you. - It's always fun to show you a little bit of what I've been up to - When I've been away for a while. - Let's roll the clips! - Such a beautiful place. - I love van life. - Hello! - Hello there - Nice! - Are we going to continue? In the end of July, me and Johan went out on our very first trip with the van. We were out on the road for about a week. And we had no plans on where we were going, except that we knew that we wanted to go North. And that's how I love to travel. No schedule and no pre booked events. Just taking things as they come and be able to go with the flow each day And staying as long as you want on every place. It was a very needed vacation for both of us. The past year has been extremely tough in many ways. And no matter how peaceful our home is I think it's so important to sometimes get away from daily routines and work and everything known. And just be in the unknown for a while. It gives space for new energy and new thoughts and feelings to arise. Because if we are in a totally new place Nothing reminds us of our daily routines or daily thought patterns that might cause us to feel stuck or stressed. At least for me thats a really good way to come back to the present moment if I've been feeling stressed for a while. - It's a good way to slow down and to also get some perspective. Being away, just for a few days, makes me see more clear what I really love and treasure in my life And what I long to come back to when I get home. And also what things or patterns I wish to change because it feels heavy to think of coming back to that. - Coffee - And a bun - With a view... - Now we are at Stora Sjöfallet. - It's the first time that Jonas is here. - What do you think about it? - Majestic - Majestic...yeah that's the right word for it. - These mountains are huge. - You can't really see on the camera how huge they are. We drove to many beautiful places this week. But we spent most time by this river, very close to where we have our cabin. I just love this place so much It has everything The dancing waters... The mountains... The forest... It's just a very special place to me. In the middle of August, me and my family went to the island Gotland in Sweden. For something called "Medeltidsveckan", which means "the medieval week". It's always been my dream to go there. And even if it was a bit special this year because of the pandemic I really enjoyed every second of being there. I felt so much at home in this medieval atmosphere. And for the first time in my life I felt like I could dress up in my favorite clothes and still feel like I fit in. (Swedish bagpipe-maker Max Persson) I didn't film so much when I was here But I really hope to come back again next year. The music, the people, the energy... It was magical. On our way home my parents picked up their new family member. A little Golden Retriever puppy called Harry. Harry has now been here for about a month and he is growing so quickly. And he has a lot of energy. He really loves Nanook and wants to hang out with him all the time. But Nanook is not that interested I think he thinks he's just annoying, crazy puppy. But I'm sure they will become really good friends as Harry gets a little bit older and wiser. August turned into September, which is a beautiful month here. The air feels fresh and the light changes And makes everything look golden. And you can really sense how the energy shifts in nature this time of the year. And I love when that happens. I feel more comfortable and more energized as the summer ends. I don't know why really... I just feel like I can breathe deeper And I feel calmer. The pressure that summer can bring upon us is gone. And it leaves so much space to just be. This is also the best time for picking lingonberries. As always I want to pick enough berries to have lingon juice for the whole winter. We often take Nanook to the forest in the evenings And that's a great time to pick some berries while he gets to run free for a while. But most of the time he just ends up eating tons of lingonberries instead. - Nanook is eating berries. Lingonberries. - It's so cute to watch him. - Wow - You got a lot of them. - Yeah - There is so many flies! - Crazy amount of flies! I just saw a fox! It ran that way I want to chase it But mum won't let me... - We are going to take a dip - In the cold September lake. - Look! - This is too beautiful. (Do you hear the double echo? It's coming back twice) - Look at this! - There is two swans over there... - ...sailing. - Oh wow it's so beautiful... - Let's do like Wim Hof - Come on! - You get really warm! - Stand like this...in a "horse stance" - It doesn't really look so cold outside - It looks like it's June or something. - But it's a cold, raw September evening. - It was so good! - So cold but so nice as always. - When you swim in the summer - The water is too warm to really get this... - This special effect that you get from a really cold swim. - Ouch! - My fluffy bag. - Can you film me so they can see how big my new camera bag is? - Watch out for the fence - But it's nice and big! - Let's go home - Nanook have collected so many animals. - We burn up all our bills... - Yeah Now in September I've been spending a lot of time just being in nature and doing things that brings me joy. I've been out in the woods with my dog and my camera each and every day. I love to be in the forest this time of the year. There is almost no mosquitos left. And on sunny days the temperature is so perfect. I've also been working a lot in my art studio again. And I've been selling away most of my paintings to give space for making new art. I dont know why but as the darker time of the year arrives I usually feel more inspiration to paint again. - Hello again! - Did you have a nice movie-time? - I'm on my way back home now. - I'm going to eat some dinner - Make some dinner. - And I thought I had lost Nanook because I had not seen him in a long time. - But now I just saw him down here. - Nanook? - Im gong to head back home, and tonight I'm going to... - My nose is... - Im so sorry about that. - Come here now Nanook! - This dog is just escaping. - Come here now! - Wait Nanook, stay there! - Stay there - Where is my tripod? - Where is my tripod? - I left it somewhere... - When I went to get Nanook because he was running away all the time - I dropped down my tripod - And now I can't find it. - And now Nanook is running away again. - Come here! - Come now! - Walking slower than snails... - I found it! - I found it! - And I forgot I even had my camera on. - Come on now doggy! - I also dropped my jacket somewhere. - Because it got warm. - Hopefully I will find it on my way back home. - Are you coming? - Alright my loves - I'm going to put down my camera now before I drop it or something. - But... - Thank you so much for watching this video! - Please take care everyone - My jacket! - Take care everyone and I will see you soon again! - I love you! - Bye bye!
Channel: Jonna Jinton
Views: 732,892
Rating: 4.9813261 out of 5
Keywords: jonna jinton, jonna, jinton, sweden, norway, finland, scandinavia, north, nordic, village, vanlife, rural life, cottage, house in sweden, small village, into the woods
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 45sec (1545 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 24 2021
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