Mom and son missing after husband's secret life as male escort uncovered - Crime Watch Daily

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I'm Chris Hansen right now on crime watch Daily from here in New York [Music] City a handsome Air Force vet marries a single mom and helps raise her teenage son to him this was his family he was very protective of them until the day mother and son mysteriously vanish I knew something had to be wrong what looks like a picture perfect family is actually a House of Secrets was Susan scared of Jerry Jerry isn't who anyone thinks he is he's leading a double life and he's hiding a bombshell online she found out about your extracurricular activities then a security video captures a man's final minutes a strange car on his tail and then he's stabbed and dies a half block from his house you're starting to die today mystery in Nebraska who killed Jason bester it was somebody that was very angry right now go let's go Jason Mata with crime watch Daily I'm Michelle sigona from crime watch Daily this Elizabeth Smart from crime watch Daily it's Anna Garcia from crime watch Daily you got anything to say is crime watch Daily what do you mean you don't know she's 13 you're running away now welcome to crime watch Daily everyone I'm Chris Hansen we start today in Alabama and a mystery on Memorial Day weekend that's the last time the family of Susan osor Bor has seen or heard from the mother and her 15-year-old son and deputies tell our Jason Mata they don't believe the two left on their own Memorial Day Weekend a married mother and her teenage son go missing I know I'll never be able to pick up the phone and talk to her again friends and family fear the worst and so do detectives this is something violent it would appear yes now secret emails from the missing mom to her best friend she knew a lot more than what she ever let on to him lead cops down a sorted path sickening real sicking to a family's deep secrets we talked to the sheriff and he said that she found out about your extracurricular activities after a day of fishing with her son Evan on the cousa river Susan Osborne told her best friend Holly she'd caught a keeper just like I think he's the one I really want to give a chance she was talking about Air Force veteran Jerry Osborne from the day the two met Holly says Susan was Head Over Heels I remember her sending me pictures of text and she goes this is the guy I'm really really liking right now Jerry was the first man Susan dated after her divorce from Evan's father the following year they were married I don't believe he ever had a family before so to him this was his family Susan's mom Linda Anklam lived in Texas and owned only met her son-in-law a few times but she says he seemed to be a great fit for her daughter and grandson he was very protective of them he wanted Susie to look nice he didn't mind buying her dresses all the time he also provided them with a nice home Susan even quit her job so she could be a full-time wife and mother the last time Linda visited them in Alabama was Mother's Day she took me out for manicure pedicure we did lunch it was a great visit but just a few weeks later something completely out of the ordinary happened I went to Michigan in June for my granddaughter's graduation and I was sending her pictures all the time and I wasn't hearing anything she wasn't answering for several days Linda says her daughter had never gone more than a day or two without returning her text or phone calls in my last text was jokingly Susie if you don't answer my text I'm going to have to come to Alabama and look for you Linda considered calling the police but didn't want to upset her daughter who was always very private I said I just don't want the police to go to her door and she's going to say this is ridiculous that you're checking up on me she even sent Susan a letter but to her shock it soon came back marked not deliverable it made me sick and that letter came back mysteriously around the same time Susan also stopped responding to her best friend Holly who had moved away to South Florida just before Memorial Day the phone was disconnected I started thinking okay is she mad at me because I moved then when I couldn't get anyone on evans's phone either and then they were both disconnected I knew something had to be wrong neither knew how to reach Susan's husband Jerry I had no number for Jerry I knew he worked at the Air Force Space Linda admits she hardly knew Susan's new husband now after 2 months she finally called the sheriff for help right away Deputy spots something curious Susan's car in the driveway when we pulled up to the residence we started to realize that this was probably more in depth than we initially thought with a knock on the door they learned Susan and Evan aren't there only her husband Jerry Osborne Mr Osborne opens the door and he's thoroughly cleaning his residence then Jerry drops a Dear John surprise what does he tell you about his wife's disappearance that on Memorial Day she decided to leave him a man had come and picked her up and her son up Jerry tells cops the next day Susan returned taking furniture and other items from the house he also claimed to have proof that Susan and Evan were still alive he was able to produce a medical bill for Evan that he had obtained oral surgery a few days after they had supposedly left the bill was for a no-show for missing an appointment detectives are quickly realizing that Jerry's explanations just don't quite add up the next day they returned to his house armed with a search warrant and find him busy cleaning just like the day before when he found out that we actually were there to investigate the matter uh it would appear that he uh did some follow up clean up according to detective Anton there shouldn't have been much to clean he says Jerry had pulled off a major Home Makeover in just two months the house appeared to be almost completely remodeled on the inside Susan's friend Holly was in the house just weeks before Susan vanished and says a remodel was definitely not needed she had repainted the house probably less than 6 months before this so there was it was unnecessary to rip up the hardwoods and put carpet down there was no reason Jerry had also bought several pieces of new furniture telling copsy burned the old furniture in the backyard including mattresses and bed frames people living nearby on Waterview Lane were all too familiar with Jerry's fires so much um just Aroma and smell of plastics burning Nikki Miller says there were days during the summer when the sky was completely filled with smoke so much smoke they couldn't even go outside in their yard um and this is four and five houses down with all the remodeling and cleaning detectives were worried any evidence of Foul Play might be lost forever so they turned to a powerful investigative tool up next we contacted State Bureau of Investigations to assist us on what's referred to as as Lumin will cops uncover what cleaning couldn't hide no paper cut we're talking about here no no not at all and the secret Susan learned about her husband before she vanished she said I cannot let him know what all I know 60 days that's how long an Alabama mother and her son would be missing before deputies would first investigate their disappearance so why hadn't her husband notified them that she was gone Jason Mata is back now with that answer and much more what happened to Susan Osborne and her son Evan it's just as if they just fell off the face of the Earth missing since Memorial Day her family spent the summer worried sick I cried myself to sleep a lot I'd wake up with nightmares but bad dreams were about to become real life after a full two months with Susan and Evan missing Susan's mother finally reports The Disappearance to the Elmore County Sheriff's Department we're 60 days behind bball trying to work a Miss person case that that's not a good situation to be in but Jerry told Detective his wife wasn't missing he claimed she left him for another man on Memorial Day who's this man he was not able to provide anything other than a vague physical description as farfetched as the story sounded detectives learned Susan did the same thing to her first husband Evan's father did Susan ever up and leave previously Susan did but her brother Brian says it was only after her marriage had fallen apart and the circumstances were very different friend she had no money her water was being shut off so I moved every one of her possessions up to my house this time when Susan's best friend Holly Hatfield hears news of another man she is immediately perplexed she told me everything if she was going to leave him or do anything I would be the first to know during their initial visit detective St Jerry was busy cleaning they also learned that he'd done an extensive summer remodel of his home home all by himself he had freshly painted the inside of his house new carpeting had been installed old flooring had been taken up by him and disposed of new furniture had been put in the house and he had burned and disposed of multiple pieces of furniture because of the thorough cleaning and extensive remodel curious detectives were now left with one critical tool in the search for evidence what's uh referred to as is luminol luminol is a chemical used to detect blood not visible to the naked eye in a Crim watch Daily exclusive detectives reveal luminol used in the home Unmasked A stunning development how many indications of blood were there it was approximately 20 possible blood evidence was found in the kitchen laundry room and guest bathroom when you have this High number is that indicative of something sinister in Foul Play that's very indicative of something that's long the vient lines of uh not not a finger cut by any stretch of the imagination and you're saying you were only able to detect it with luminol because someone in this case you think Jerry went through great lens to try to clean it up absolutely the blood samplings have been sent to a crime lab to determine if they belong to Susan or Evan results will take a few months and hopefully that'll lend some cred to what we already believe took place that Evan and Susan succumb to Foul Play right whatever happened to her daughter and Grandson Susan's mom thought it would be captured on the home's elaborate security system she says there were cameras at every door I know that for a fact because I asked Susie was it necessary for them to have a security camera but when cops went to look for recorded data it was no longer there because what did he do he replaced the security camera he went out and bought a another one the 1st of June investigators say two cadav dogs detected possible human remains at or near a 55 gon drum where Jerry Burns his trash but none were ever found nothing is there right now cuz he was burning something absolutely Sheriff Franklin also believes some very suspicious evidence was found on Jerry's Computer but he's not revealing exactly what that evidence is are we talking about in the vein of how to dispose a body how to get rid of blood it's not what uh me or you or any other person would search for but I don't know how in the world he would explain that way with the evidence against Jerry Osborne mounting what was still missing for detectives was a motive I said yes tell the investigator they need to call me immediately the answer might be hidden inside the secretive Communications between two best friends Susan and Holly he said oh there's emails and I said yes sir investigators learned Susan was sending Holly emails for for more than a year and Holly had saved every shocking one of them you could tell after he saw the emails that he knew there was more to the story up next what was Jerry hiding and was it worth killing over he probably has a little bit of different lifestyle than what Susan might have believed had Susan learned too much and Jerry answers our knock hey Mr osor but will he answer our questions now let's get back to our allnew investigation Into The Disappearance of Susan Osborne and her 15-year-old son once again here's Jason Mata Chris Susan's best friend believes that her aranged husband knows more than he's telling investigators she also believes that he was living a secret double life Jerry Osborne claims Memorial Day Weekend his wife and stepson walked out on him a man had come and picked her up and her son up but detectives don't believe they left on their own they say secrets from jury's past buried deep in private written Communications she knew a lot more than what she ever let on to him may have led to double murder the subject line of the email read don't mention this in text Susan Osborne was about to share an explosive Revelation about her husband Jerry she sent them through email cuz she didn't want him her text because he was kind of possessive over her phone evidently the email was to her best friend Holly Hatfield who claimed not long after the couple married 4 years ago Jerry became very controlling she says he'd read Susan's text and listen to her phone calls she would have to talk to me on speaker phone when he was around because I guess he wanted to listen to the conversation in January of 2016 Susan forwarded Holly emails that had been written by Jerry the first email she sent me was the screenshot of the emails back and forth between him and other men and then the second email she sent me the same day was the profile page back from 2011 for the escort page where he was essentially prostituting himself that's what it appears to be Holly says her jaw dropped hi there guys my name is Jay but there it was in print Jerry's ad on a website called I'm looking for older generous gentlemen to spend some quality time with your satisfaction is guaranteed every time your sexy boy toy is waiting hly says Susan was certain her husband Jerry was the one pictured in the ad how was Susan able to identify Jerry cuz it's from behind yes she say she was able to identify him from the tattoos and then there's a a bow yes um gift bow on his right but Jerry's in isn't the only thing that blew his cover the phone number that was in that profile page was a phone number I think he used to have Holly isn't the only person Susan told about Jerry's alleged prostituting past she called me and she was very very upset very sick she said Mom I need to explain something to you and tell you what I found Linda Anam says her daughter wanted advice about what she should do so I had asked her you know you need to talk to him and find out why because I thought this only happened in the past but I think that she believed it was happening all along Linda says she never talked about it with her daughter again but Susan did continue to confide in Holly so Susan finds out that at some point her husband was a male PR to and currently he's cheating on her with other men yes does she confront him she did later down the road at one point start mentioning to him some she' found out because he asked her why she wouldn't sleep in the bed with him but she says Susan didn't tell Jerry everything she knew a lot more than what she ever let on to him that's because Holly says Susan needed to carefully plan her Escape before she could leave her husband so she said I have to get a job first I cannot put the kids without insurance Holly however isn't sure if Susan was really serious about walking away I know she loved him and there were times that I would think with her it was like she was in Deni and she didn't want to leave him the last thing she said to me on May 16th the day we left Alabama was that they loved each other and that they had worked things out but after discovering her husband's secret sex life howy says Susan started to become paranoid one time me her and Evan went to eat in a restaurant and she made the comment that she would not sit with her back turned toward the door and I said is everything okay and she said said yeah I just have to be careful at the same time she claims Jerry became more controlling the last time me and her went to eat by herself he dropped her off at the restaurant and picked her up she was not allowed to drive there I mean this takes being possessive to a whole new dark and sorted level she had verbalized on multiple occasions that he was crazy and they had to watch out then just 2 weeks after Holly moved to Florida investigators and family Wonder did something cause Jerry to snap and murder both his wife and stepson we obviously think that you know this lady and her son you know they're it it doesn't look good right now cops say Susan may have uncovered too many of her husband's Secrets at this point is Jerry Osborne a suspect he's a person of interest when I said Jerry Osborne is he a person of interest you're confidently nodding yes oh he's definitely a person of interest and he's probably our only person of interest detectives confirm exclusively to crime watch Daily that possible blood evidence has been found inside Jerry Osborne's house it's currently being tested to determine if it belongs to Susan or Evan with such a serious picture painted against Jerry Jerry a serious allegation was made by the sheriff we wanted to give him a chance to defend himself hey Mr Osborne my name is Jason Mata with crime watchat daily we're doing a story on The Disappearance of your wife and stepson we're hoping you can shed some light on what happened if you heard from her maybe heard from Evan I've been advised on the council not s anybody so if you have any questions refer to Mr TR Norman we talked to the sheriff and he said that she found out about your extracurricular activities as a male prostitute and you may have killed her and Evan is that true we can still hear Jerry inside so we continued asking our questions this looks like a fairly newly constructed home and yet you were ripping out the flooring repainting some serious demolition while your wife and stepson are missing the sheriff has named you a person of interest and he said you're the only person of interest did Susan find out about the uh boy escort website but Jerry made it clear he didn't want to talk to us so it looks like Jerry Osborne called the Sheriff's Department on us funny because we were just with the sheriff this morning talking about Jerry and his missing wife and stepson perhaps Jerry osor can come out of the house and clear this whole thing up hey look I understand what you're doing no problem at all just make sure you stay off of his property it was clear Jerry didn't want to talk to us but his lawyer did agree to a phone interview it's not the first time that that she's disappeared with people looking for her I will say it's never been on this scale while TR Norman agrees The Disappearance is odd you know if someone wants to stay hidden bad enough it's certainly possible if they're willing to go to those links Mr Norman told us the remodeling done after Susan allegedly left was actually Jerry's parents idea that they wanted to paint over some of the things in the house uh because it just looked so hideous not only did they dislike Susan's decorating they claimed she had spray painted vulgar phrases on the walls and floors before leaving the language that you probably don't want to put on your television show Trey didn't want to comment on the allegations that Jerry was once a male escort when we asked about the alternative lifestyle his only response was the way the world is now you know I don't know that there is an alternative lifestyle jer's lawyer believes his client has been unfairly convicted in the court of public opinion no one's given him a chance of of innocent until you're proven guilty Sheriff Franklin believes the test being done on blood found in Jerry's Home will go a long way in proving his guilt or innocence Sheriff when do you expect these lab reports back it's probably going to be a few more months and I know that frustrates the family probably it bothers me every day knowing that he is free and if Jerry Osborne did have something to do with her daughter and grandson's deaths what are you feeling now I feel hate I feel hate for Jerry after losing my husband and losing my daughter and grandson I feel dead inside I feel empty if you know anything about The Disappearance of Susan Osborne and her son Evan you can call the secret witness hotline for Elmore County that number is 334 567 5227 or submit a tip anonymously at coming up a Nebraska father leaves a convenience store late at night and police say he's got a killer on his tail here comes the suspect vehicle around the corner today all new details as investigators try to unmask a monster behind the wheel for 50 seconds he's stationary and we know that Jason's being killed at that time next welcome back to crime watch Daily in your car at a restaurant at the gas station on average every American has caught on security cameras more than 50 times a day and it's in Nebraska that cameras would capture a rather bizarre murder however there's one big thing missing here is Ana Garcia a quick U-turn in the street then flashing headlights a trip to the store turns terrifying then the vehicle turns around and begins to Chas Jason who was chasing Jason Vesper and why it was somebody that was very angry every moment of the father's fateful trip captured by security cameras we watched him on video there watched him leave we seen him come into the truck stop right up to the violent end for 50 seconds he's stationary and we know that Jason's being killed at that time starting to die 10 years after her father's brutal murder and time hasn't healed Danny Vesper wounds it's so hard for me to raise my daughter knowing that she can't see her Grandpa in fact in some ways it's made her pain even worse it seemed like I was doing okay for a while but now it's just harder to deal with over the last decade she's had to Mark many Milestones without her dad Jason by her side he had to miss my wedding and my brother's wedding and the birth of their children I wouldn't want anybody else to be my father Joshua Vesper says in the 17 years they had together his dad taught him everything he needed to know how to be a great father and husband that's all I need in this world is my family and he'll forever be grateful for their last fatherson talk I said love you he told me love you back that final phone call was captured in this security camera photo taken just before 1:00 in the morning the day after the New Year 10 years ago my brother should have never been out that door that night never Kim a says it was a heated argument with his wife Debbie that sent her brother out on a bitter cold night in Scott's Bluff Nebraska she kicked him out of the house that night for giving Josh's cell phone back what had started as an argument between mother and son me being a teenager i' had gotten to a little bickering argument with my mother ended with an argument between husband and wife Jason left home to cool off and his nearly every move was captured by security cameras this video right here is actually aimed at the Vesper driveway at 12:46 a.m. Jason backs out of the driveway in his blue Dodge Dakota pickup there it is and now he's Northbound on Avenue AG it was a short trip up the street to the nearest convenience store a little over a minute later this is Jason at the truck stop by now Jason was on the phone with his 17-year-old son Joshua who was staying the night at his girlfriend's house he said that he was out driving around want to make sure I was okay for the moment everything was okay after the to hang up Jason is seen paying for his Dr Pepper and cigarettes he's the only one in the store besides the clerk on his way out he passes another customer heading in this is an elderly mail with a cane and they pass each other and they don't even exchange a glance at that point Jason leaves the store and appears to be heading home that's his headlights right there and he's pulling up to his stops sign it's now 12:56 a.m. the SEC security camera on city-owned property shows Jason stopped at an intersection it's where cops believe he first encountered his killer that's the suspect's car turning in front of him and we think that that car hesitates a little bit there might be an exchange I feel like maybe that vehicle pulled a little close to his and maybe he got a little upset whatever happened at that intersection the driver was about to be after Jason Vesper the same camera shows Jason Circle the block and return to the intersection he just keeps on go and doesn't stop the stop sign and he goes east on Overland his killer not far behind here comes the suspect vehicle around the corner then the vehicle turns around and begins to chase him around the neighborhood cameras at nearby community Christian School pick up the chase it's 12:57 a.m. the other driver is desperately trying to get Jason to pull over here they come a suspect vehicle is going to be flashing their lights with the other car's headlights now flashing on and off in his rear view mirror Jason drives for about another minute then makes a decision that would end his life then they stop for 50 seconds at 14th in Avenue F we know that Jason's being killed at that time for the first time since leaving his house Jason is just out of sight of security cameras The View blocked by a house and a tree cops say Jason Vesper endured a very brutal attack stabbed 16 times by someone cops can only describe as very angry and very violent despite the vicious attack Jason is still clinging to life and somehow finds enough strength to drive off security cameras once again track him there's Jason going south on Bryant and there goes the suspect vehicle actually the last time we see that vehicle Now quickly bleeding to death behind the wheel the father of two makes one last desperate attempt to get home where his wife was already starting to worry she having Mother's intuition was just thinking you know so this isn't right something's not right here Dany claims her mom had been trying to reach her dad but he wouldn't answer the phone that's not like my dad at all to be gone and not answer the phone so that was definitely the big red flag another big red flag a big red light we could see some bizarre light shining from down the street you know we just kind of thought strange things are happening here like we need to go check this out as soon as I got to the end of the driveway I noticed that was my dad's pickup Jason had driven off the road and into a neighbor's front yard Dany was the first to reach him when I opened up the door my dad was actually bleeding a lot he had his head down he was barely hanging on to life Jason Vesper had come within a block of reaching his family they were now desperately trying to get help oh my God my dad's bleeding in the mouth and nose up next who chased down and killed the husband and father they asked her to take a polygraph test and cops try a new approach to catch his killer as far as I know nobody had done this before the last minutes of Jason vester's life are caught on surveillance cameras stalked by someone and attacked in his vehicle the only thing that police can't see is who was holding the knife and stabbed the Nebraska father more than a dozen times Anna Garcia is back now with more on the search for the killer emerc oh my God my God 14-year-old Danny vasper makes a horrifying Discovery my dad's bleeding in the mouth and nose and I went to go help him and he was like go he's what just after 1:00 in the morning on a freezing cold Nebraska night she finds her dad Jason bleeding to death behind the wheel of his truck is he outside or in the street he's he's in someone's yard something cing with his truck got to wake up did he have an accident but Dany and her mom Debbie weren't sure just 20 minutes earlier Jason left home now he was barely breathing struggling to tell them what happened to or something he nobody else around in the area within maybe seconds or or minutes they realized this was much more than an accident the first murder of 2008 in Scott's Bluff was also one of the most brutal in recent memory Jason Vesper stabbed 16 times his injuries so severe there was no way he could have been saved the pathologist tells us that after Jason was stabbed he had 1 to 3 minutes uh to live it was was a violent death he suffered immensely and I was just in shock catching the killer or Killers was the top priority for police chief Kevin Spencer we can account for Jason through video from the time he pulls out of his driveway until we get the 911 call but cops have yet to determine who was behind the wheel of this vehicle the first time we see this car is when it when it turns in front of Jason's pickup that's car was following my brother and flashing their lights and flashing their lights and not actually know who he was when Jason pulled over the decision cost him his life that's where Jason is stabed Jason was stabbed at one place but was somehow able to drive away then plowed into a snowbank that's where cops found him at the time they had no idea he had been stabbed somewhere else by the time police realized it was too late in those two days the sun came out it warmed up and the snow started melting so whatever was there was gone what might have been there the police chief thinks possibly the suspects own blood I think it's likely that they've injured themselves there wasn't much for forensics in this case cops are only left with the security video identifying the suspect's vehicle was not easy it was well below zero the windchill was 18 below there was frost on the lenses when the headlight Shines on the camera it just kind of washes the picture so it's just really bright cops have even turned to a professor at Northwestern University for help he developed this process for us it didn't exist as far as I know nobody had done this before by analyzing the the shape and size of the car's headlights he came up with a narrow range of vehicles that it has to be an 85 to 88 Cadillac Dev Ville or Fleetwood or an 85 to 90 Oldsmobile 98 cops searched extensively for more video of those makes and models from the night of Jason's murder we've watched all of the cameras from the truck stop we pulled all the the incar video um tapes at the time from our patrol cars we watched all of the tapes that night but the suspect's vehicle has never been located it hasn't stopped investigators from looking for someone of interest I think it's normal for a police to investigate Family First detectives learn Jason left the home that night after a heated argument with his wife got slightly physical cops wanted Debbie to take a lie detector test we know she didn't do it so whoever did it is out there getting rid of evidence possibly leaving town and yet they're wasting time on the family but Debbie was eager to take the test and clear her name maybe too eager the polygrapher wanted her to wait because he thought she was still too upset to get an accurate reading Debbie however insisted she was too stressed that it wouldn't even function properly Jason's 17-year-old son Joshua is believed to be the last person his father talked to just minutes before he was killed cops also asked him to take a lie detector test I knew obviously I was innocent so I cooperated with everything they wanted police chief Kevin Spencer won't reveal the results of those polygraphs but says right now he does not suspect anyone in Jason's family was involved in his murder I think this is a random act of violence I don't know that there would be anybody laying in weight and expect him to leave leave at that time of night the Chief won't name any names but says over the last decade a handful of people have been questioned some we've cleared and some we haven't and we're interested in U continuing our conversations with those people the murder of Jason Vesper is never far from the police chief's mind and not just because it remains one of the city's most high-profile murder mysteries I work for the scasa police department but also because the chief Works alongside Jason's Sister Kim a naturally at this point 10 years later you're going to be frustrated Josh and Danny Vesper recently sat down with the police chief to talk about the upcoming 10th anniversary of their dad's murder how's your mom doing she's doing good as good as she can Jason's wife Debbie sent crime watch Daily this state Jason was a great husband and father and a great in general we love him and miss him very much we hope doing this show will get the case solved the past 10 years have been very difficult for the whole family we need somebody to come forward and tell us who did this the family hopes a $10,000 award will one day motivate someone to do that if the circumstances were different and this was me that this happened to I know my dad would never give up he was such a good guy everybody loved him and he did not deserve to die the way that he [Music] died
Channel: True Crime Daily
Views: 2,419,047
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Id: myaOzgPlAvU
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Length: 38min 41sec (2321 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 07 2024
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