πŸ”΄ Is This Some Kind Of ATF Trap ?????

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The comments about kyle are bad to whining about how he smoked weed and didnt deserve his guns

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/twangzerr πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 07 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

This guys a nerd virgin

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/friendlydadseven πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 07 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

what a scholar

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/therealCowboycat πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 07 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Fell down the YouTube rabbit hole and stumbled across this, ears perked up when I heard "PFI Russia" mentioned.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/BloodrageEngage πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 07 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Dude says go larp playing cod but he actually looks like someone larping as a 2a freak. Those tribal tattoos don’t fit his arms his heads far to big for his body. Guys just weird all around.

Edit: don’t forget the part where he said he had a camera setup so if the feds came to his door with β€œintent to kill” he’d have the jump on them. Fucking what.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AyoJake πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 08 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

? def disliking the video

this dudes retarded and the epitome of having no idea what the fuck hes talking about

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/mxthodman πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 09 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

isn't "lib-ary" a meme at this point? He said it unironically...

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/NO_NAME_BRAN πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 07 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
i feel almost forced to make this video because i have seen so many posts regarding this thing warning people not to buy it because the atf will come and shoot your dog why don't you go back to playing call of duty or hanging black garbage bags over your windows so you can larp around your house without having to worry about your neighbor reporting you for suspicious activity companies that put out stuff like this should be supported now i get if it's a political thing like i don't want to send my money into china that that makes sense i totally get you no point in arguing that in the comments but sliding the china thing off the table the videos and posts i've seen on facebook warning people not to buy that are just ridiculous these are the same people that are claiming they're gonna throw on a hawaiian shirt and boogaloo and now they're advising people and they're worried about buying a lawful product and using it in a lawful manner it makes absolutely no sense what do we got right here this would be a full auto fire control group which was mailed directly to my house not only was this full auto fire control group mailed directly to my house i also had a library of books mailed directly to my house how to make a machine gun and we'll get back to that in a little bit i need to make a couple of points first i i apologize if you're not adhd because it'll seem like i'm topic bouncing because non-adhd people can't put things together as quickly as adhd people but just hang in there i'll make a point in the end and it'll all be worth it so it was like 2004 maybe it was shortly after i got out of high school i lost my driver's license on a [ __ ] ticket i was very upset about this ticket i was even more upset that they took my driver's license so how did i react well if they're not going to let me have my driver's license then i'm not going to file follow any moving laws so i never got my license back i never registered my vehicles i did not use insurance i drove everywhere like 80 miles an hour i didn't use my blinkers when people would be like bar time you know who's gonna drive us hold my big i got this eventually i got a girlfriend and she was like look matt how much would it have cost you to be insured this whole time how much would it have cost you to get your driver's license renewed how much would licenses have costed you how much would it have costed you to register your vehicle clearly not only did they pay for the tickets they paid with interest a lot of interest go get your driver's license and i'm like okay you're right because i used to just get angry like cops would pull me over and they'd be like you don't have a driver's license i'm like yep put her on my tab just write me a ticket one cop almost made me walk but it was like negative 20 out because he got really upset he pulled me over he's like hey uh you're driving a truck and these are car plates i'm like yeah i got the plates from a junkyard he's like yeah i was about to say the plates aren't even registered to you uh did you even license the vehicle i'm no but i got the title in the glove box proven i own it he's like well let me see your driver's license i'm like i don't got a driver's license he's like do you have insurance i'm like nope and he was gonna have my vehicle get towed but it was like negative 20 and i was wearing a hoodie i'm like dude i'm gonna make it what 30 minutes out here and i'm gonna die and then they're gonna see that you had an interaction with me how's that gonna look on the books and finally he was like well i'm gonna go on the north side of town don't ever let me catch you driving again or i will make you walk and i will have your vehicle towed so i sold that vehicle and got a different vehicle and he never caught me again the point is if somebody were to come after you for this particular fuel filter more specifically the feds and charge you with a felony crime they they're not necessarily charging you with a felony crime they're breaking the shackles of so uh society because if you already have a felony and you can't own a gun and you're a patriot so obviously you're going to own a gun and you're already breaking one law why just break one you might as well break them all that's when you have unlimited nfa items and you're going to spend some time in federal prison so you're going to get a bunch of contacts and then dumping your knowledge onto the black market would be extremely profitable that's when you're probably going to be driving a new production escalade and getting welfare checks so they would definitely pay for that so they would look at this and be like okay so would he be more of a nuisance to society if we let him buy this which he may or may not commit a felony with or charge him with a felony and then when he's definitely going to commit a bunch of felonies after that what would be worse we have less than 200 agents in wisconsin we have a population of over 5 million any one of those at this very moment may or may not be committing a felony gun crime in the garage any one of them any one of them now here's where the fire control group comes up may look like they're committing a felony but if we were to raid them we'll look like a bunch of asses because they weren't now this full auto fire control group why did i buy this well this was back in the obama administration and i had watched a lot of news then i was listening to bbc radio uh alex jones that's why i whenever you asked me oh did you hear about the new bill hr whatever the hell i'm always like no because i can't watch that crap anymore i enjoy sleeping at night i just have to let it go and pretend that it's not happening always i literally do not sleep i get all worked up high blood pressure so anyway during the obama administration all these news organizations convinced me obama was coming for me and i'd see all these people being like oh he's king obama and he's coming for us and he's doing all this evil stuff and not one of them were doing a damn thing about it so what did i do well i put a camera up because i live in an apartment complex pointing at my door and then i ordered a whole bunch of crap so from the outside looking in anybody would have looked at my orders and like he's making machine guns he's probably got a couple of them but from the inside looking out these packages were literally still in the box i kept them in the box for a couple of months with the books and i set them on my counter right underneath of it instructions how to make a cutaway if you don't know what a cutaway is it's a non-functioning firearm well you can't even call it a firearm because it couldn't shoot a projectile it's not possible and they basically mill all this out so they can show how the firearm works so from the inside looking out it looks like i was making a demonstration piece for because i just started my youtube channel at that time for my youtube channel from the outside looking in it looked like i was making a machine gun and my plan was because i stayed up like every single night watching that freaking monitor waiting for something to happen if i seen them stack up and it looked like they were coming in with the intention to kill i'd know where they were in the wall and i'd get the jump on them if it looked like you know one guy coming with a warrant i was gonna let them arrest me i was gonna go into court and just have an utter [ __ ] show i already had money saved up for so i could get a really good lawyer i was just gonna drop the hammer on them and be basically become a martyr and make an example out of them and they think about that crap every time before they go and try to raid a house they don't want to jump into a sticky situation now if you purchase this and you get it for a lawful because usually with gun laws i'm not a lawyer i am not offering legal advice i am not giving legal advice do not come here trying to get legal advice but usually it comes down to intent if i intend and they can prove i intend to committal commit a felony gun crime they can usually charge you with it again i am not a lawyer so you would have to provide intent like when they come into your house basically would have to be full of gunpowder and already drilled out it would have to be an open and shut case so if you were to buy this without the intent remember that's important without the intent to commit a federal gun crime like say you're buying this for a solvent trap and you're cleaning your gun and then after you own it you're like wow this thing really sucks ass at its job i think i'm going to take parts from this and make a silencer so then you engrave a serial number on it you fill out a form four you send it in you get your form four back with the approval you make it a silencer again i'm not a lawyer but you're good to go and these kind of companies should be supported because that is the cheapest way to make a silencer and well i'll get into other things now you're like well you know that that would just be easy to do that's why it's illegal what does that kind of look like right here we got a muzzle break doesn't it look strangely familiar if i were to take a piece of metal machine it out so it fits on these threads and it fits on here tightly i have made a silencer just by covering these holes hell i could probably even wrap this in tape and it would be counted as a silencer yeah it wouldn't work for [ __ ] but it's still that would be breaking a federal law why aren't people getting all up in arms about this muzzle break being like oh don't buy that because the feds are going to shoot your dog what about this moderator all i have to do is get the right size washers run a spacer in between it drop them in there put a plug weld at the end i just reactivated this moderator nobody's getting up in arms about troy and how they love giving handies to fbi snipers that like to shoot innocent women and children nobody's freaking out about that but they're freaking out about this that's ridiculous go back to playing call of duty and even that pfi russia guy they hit him with felonies i don't know his whole story so maybe maybe he was more of a nuisance not being a felon than he was as being a felon but i suspect because of the connections he most likely made in federal prison plus his knowledge dumped onto the black market eventually the temptation will be too much to resist and he'll commit more and more federal crimes because once you become a felon your chains are broken there's nothing to resist on and my girl said i can't set up the feds or anything anymore she put a kibosh on that once we had children and children's change a lot of things so that's why i became totally legit and i don't do anything that would ever deserve a felony so if they ever did hit me with one yeah then i'm gonna drop the hammer now you're probably gonna hammer down in the comments but what about that glock auto seer that's a different story and i don't know how they're arresting those people i don't know their stories i didn't even catch wind of this until after it was all done to be honest if i would have seen that on the internet i would have bought it not knowing what it was i mean i would have known but i wouldn't have known it was a legit part i wouldn't have known it was a legit part till i went to the gun range and let off a burst of full auto that's when i've been like oh oh god i ripped it out of the gun and threw it and i was sat there for a second that i went and the weeds found it like shoved it in my gas tank drove home dropped my gas tank retrieved it smashed it with a hammer and like burnt it with a blow torch and just prayed the fence didn't show up the people that got arrested unless they were posting videos or some sort of proof that they knew what it was they were using it for what it was for and then putting that on the internet like that i can see because clearly they figured out what it was and they still pursued it that i could see them getting rated for but really the people that should have been arrested was customs because it should have never made it through and the fbi agent or the atf agent that failed to let customs know to intercept those packages why that's a different story because that itself is the machine gun that would be like i can't get the pins apart right now that would be like buying a receiver with this third hole already drilled that's what that part is to a glock now i don't fully understand the mechanics of the glock because i never really cared about the glock 18. like i said i would have bought it thinking i was building a clone of a glock 18 and then when i figured out it was full auto would have immediately come out and i would have destroyed it but i wouldn't have known it was full auto because i don't fully understand the mechanics but from what i understand just that one glock part shoved into a glock you now have a machine gun i could be wrong about this correct me in the comments if i am but that's why that's different because that itself is the machine gun where this is a fuel filter or a solvent trap or whatever the hell you want it to be it is not a silencer it is a legal piece of metal and you could go to just about anybody's garage and grab legal pieces of metal that could make a silencer how about a potato i could shove a potato on the end of my gun and it will in fact reduce the sound am i going to get arrested if i buy potatoes yeah it's going to suck at reducing the sound but it's a hell of a hell of a lot easier than doing this thing so am i more likely or putting more intent towards building a silencer by buying a bag of potatoes or this the potatoes are cheaper they're easier to do so anyway i just wanted to drop this video because it's ridiculous the same people that are like oh hey i want to boogaloo and fight for rights or telling you not to buy this thing and i'm not targeting any specific person it's all over facebook it's all over youtube all over instagram everyone's like oh don't buy this atf trap they have much better things to do than track down these which are not illegal and arrest people for not breaking federal crimes 200 agents against 5 million believe me they have far better things to do like running gun traces and [ __ ] like that anyway if you'd like to help support the channel got my patreon right there if you like check out any of my other videos click on the links up here also i got affiliate links in the description down below just by clicking on that link and doing your amazon shopping i get a little kickback for it because you went there off my channel thank you for watching don't forget to subscribe
Channel: undefined
Views: 275,591
Rating: 4.2245083 out of 5
Keywords: coloma, resale, crs, firearms, Solvent trap, Silencer, Homemade silencer, Solvent trap silencer, Fuel filter silencer, Chinese silencer, Atf, ATF raid, Atf trap, Call, Full Auto Glock
Id: mIL2ApIxcuI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 42sec (942 seconds)
Published: Sat May 23 2020
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