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don't really talk about it I don't really want to talk about it my house and my living situation who is we haven't really publicly spoken on it out of respect for their privacy lots of projects so many it's overwhelming honestly I'm H I don't know clear some of the confusion hey everybody I'm Marlo and today I thought I would make a follow-up video to clear some of the confusion from my last video I got so many questions regarding my house and my living situation so here I'm going to answer some of them firstly I need to address um for some of you who don't know because I still get this question a good bit and we haven't really publicly spoken on it too much um Mama Joe did pass away and um that's I don't really talk about it I don't really want to talk about it um but I'm just putting that out there for those of you who were unaware next question is do you still live at mama Joe's house I don't I moved to this house about 3 months after she passed away next question whose house is it and why do you keep saying we this is my childhood home and my mom lived here up until a few months ago she had a house built for herself and she moved into that and now I live here here and I'm planning on doing stuff and sprucing this house up lots of projects so many it's overwhelming honestly it's lots of years old and then it's been lots of years us living here so it just needs a couple of things who are you referring to when you say we who is we vlogging in my life is quite different from vlogging with Hannah and Valerie and and all of them um all of us are kind of used to it and we know the deal and we know what's going to be shown and people in my life um aren't quite used to it or aren't quite comfortable with it and so there's lots of times where I will refer to my friends or my family as we um or him or her and I might not introduce them because they're not comfortable with that they don't want to be on camera they don't want to their life to be open to the public which I completely understand and completely respect so if I'm ever saying we and I'm not really talking about who or what or where or showing you other people um it's because it's more than likely out of respect for their privacy and their wishes a lot of people are asking if I was fixing up this house house to live in or to sell and I'm fixing it up to live in it um we don't have any plans to sell it just needs a lot of work it's an older house um so there's lots of things that it would need anyway so currently I'm working on cleaning up and cleaning out and just getting this house back into a good shape which is something I'm excited to film and share with you guys but it's also very overwhelming to me um so just stay tuned that will be coming it's just H I don't know I've just been very overwhelmed with how much work um there is to do last question who lives there I live here with my roommate who is a very private person I respect that so that's all you're going to hear about that probably one thing I do want to mention because I've seen this a few times Hannah Valerie Jessica and Campbell don't live here they have their own house their own residence and I have mine we spend a good bit of time together but that doesn't mean that we actually live with each other so just wanted to clear that up that is the majority of questions that I saw I hope that I answered them thoroughly enough for you if there's something I didn't answer that you you've been wondering or something that you're confused about what I said in this video please leave a comment below and I will try to get to you guys and answer your questions thank you guys so much for watching I really really appreciate all of the Love on my last video and I will see you guys later bye
Channel: Do Stuff Go Places
Views: 7,507
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: do stuff go places, do stuff, go places, self-care, self care, caregiver, mental health, ordinary, caring for the caregiver, anxiety, social anxiety, anxiety disorder, introvert, introverts, simple joys, happy, fun, funny, independent women
Id: oQ30W4KbLVM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 51sec (291 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 10 2024
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