Where did Gandalf the Grey live?

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have you ever wondered where exactly Gandalf the gy lived where did he hang up his hat after a long day and where exactly did he hide his fireworks Factory now we all know that San lived at Eisen guard his great tower filled with many Treasures such as the paler oen had everything he needed from books of lore to all the ingredients necessary to build himself an army worthy of Mordor but what about Gandalf did he have a cozy Wizard's then tucked away somewhere and radagast the brown well known for his Affinity with animals and magical herbs he resided in rosabel nestled in the southern region of merkwood his humble abode housed potions lotions and magical plant fertilizer not to mention it served as a warm shelter for his injured animal friends and what about the elusive blue Wizards well they Linger on the edges of our imagination their whereabouts shrouded in mystery now let's focus on Gandalf after thousands of years wandering Middle Earth did he have a permanent residence unlike the other Wizards Gandalf was the one actively doing his job not taking days off to put his feet up while Saruman buried himself in books Gandalf roamed the lands gaining knowledge of its people lore and hidden dangers he was well known among all the inhabitants of Middle Earth from the common bam and butterbur to The Majestic Kings of elves men and dwarves even higher beings like Treebeard and Tom Bombadil recognized his presence so did gandal have a secret Haven it's never explicitly mentioned in the law but perhaps his home was wherever he was needed most he stayed in places like the Shire Min tyth rivendel and laurian maybe he kept a few belongings in rivendel and lauan safe trusted places where he was welcomed the elves who who knew Gandalf the longest called him myth rander meaning gray Pilgrim or Wanderer in synin and indeed his life was a Perpetual journey across Middle Earth his lack of settling in one place demonstrated his Restless Spirit he was no mere resident he was a nomad a seeker of wisdom and a guardian of Hope now let's delve into the mystery of Gandalf's hidden caches with so much time in the wilderness it is not hard to imagine in Enchanted caves concealed from Mortal eyes where he stashed supplies and artifacts these secret sanctuaries could have held everything he needed for his tasks Scrolls of Forgotten spells Elven rope and perhaps even a spare wizard hat not to mention a spare Barrel or two of old Toby and being the main adversary to Saron having no fixed address was indeed an advantage his enemies couldn't predict his next move or maybe he had a hidden residence so well hidden he whispered incantations to ward off Intruders ensuring his Secrets remained safe so dear viewers did gandal have a hidden unknown residence or was he the ultimate couch Surfer staying with whoever would put up with him and now the fireworks Factory remember those dazzling displays at Bilbo's 111st birthday party well we know Bilbo's presence came from arabor and Dale it's possible that gandal would was allowed to make his fireworks in the forges of the dwarves imagine him there Dawning a fireproof cloak surrounded by Sparks and laughter it's unlikely he would have been manufacturing fireworks in the Tinder boxes of lauran or rivendel or perhaps the dwarves themselves just delivered the presence to a more convenient location such as Brie and he was still P enough with soran at the time who allowed him the use of orank as a place to create the fireworks maybe they even created fire firew works together setting them off from the top of orank over a glass of wine we may never get an answer so do leave your opinions Below in the end my friends Gandalf's true residence was not a physical place but a legacy a tapestry woven from Courage wisdom and the flicker of a Wizard's staff so where did Gandalf live he lived in the hearts of those he touched in the winds that carried his wisdom and in the stars that witnessed his deep s and remember fellow conquerors sometimes the greatest magic lies in the questions left unanswered and if you made it this far please don't forget to subscribe and join our growing Legion of inquisitive lore Seekers
Channel: Fairly Fictional
Views: 5,889
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: VOs18fQJNv0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 46sec (286 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 11 2024
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