Where Did Bitcoin Come From? – The True Story

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I wonder if Ethereum or other currencies will become more popular than bitcoin. I guess it would be better to have a few currencies, rather than one in the future.

Also big oof to that guy that trashed a hard drive with 1400 coins on it back in the day.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/lickamaball5 📅︎︎ Mar 25 2021 🗫︎ replies
this video is brought to you by discord hi welcome to another episode of cold fusion in 2009 a man by the name of james howells proved himself to be a visionary he started mining bitcoin before anyone else had ever heard of it james managed to stockpile 7500 bitcoins when they were just a fraction of a cent per coin eventually his girlfriend made him stop she thought that the computer doing the mining was quote getting too noisy james later ended up throwing the hard drive in the trash and today this mistake cost him over 400 million dollars to get your money you would need that hard drive yeah there's a specific file on that hard drive called a wallet file which the bitcoin is stored in and without that file there is no way of getting the money back because there is no central central server that records a log of it in 2010 laszlo hagnex bought two pizzas for 10 000 bitcoin or about 35 at the time it wasn't the first transaction in bitcoin but certainly the most widely publicized unfortunately today these delicious pizzas cost him half a billion dollars is it true some people celebrate celebrate the the anniversary of the day you bought the pizza yeah may 22nd bitcoin pizza day so i it's really it's called bitcoin pizza day it is it's stories like this that make bitcoin such a fascinating phenomena its growth and adoption at least over recent years has been mind-blowing but the story of how bitcoin came to be is just as interesting despite bitcoin's young age when compared to traditional stores of value the fundamental ideas behind crypto may be older than you think so the question has to be asked where did bitcoin actually come from who is the mysterious individual who invented it sit back relax in this two-part series we'll find out you are watching cold fusion tv for many bitcoin is still considered a fad a ponzi scheme something that would disappear as quickly as it materialized the cryptocurrency has has its fair share of bad reputation through fake crypto frauds such as bitconnect and onecoin not to mention payment for narcotics on silk road what's happening is there's all these copycat cryptocurrencies that are going out there and there's no regulation on the on the actual level of bitcoin itself you're talking about this futures regulation but the underlying asset is completely unregulated it's a dark market bitcoin is worthless artificial gold which if it succeeded would facilitate a lot of illicit activity but the word is starting to get through that bitcoin is much more than that people are starting to look at our economic system with increasing skepticism currency is continuously being created food prices and bond yields are rising hinting at inflation and knowing that the long-term value of all fiat currencies over the last few thousand years has tended towards zero it's only natural to think that there may be some issues ahead i've outlined financial problems specifically in my how money is created video which all of you really enjoyed but it clearly highlights that there's a need for new thinking on the topic friedrich hayek winner of the 1974 nobel prize in economics stated the following in 1984 i don't believe we shall ever have a good money again before we take the thing out of the hands of government all we can do is by some sly roundabout way introduce something that they can't stop end quote while it's undeniable that bitcoin is not perfect it broadly achieves this goal and as you'll soon see it can't be stopped so before we continue it's probably wise to have a quick primer on bitcoin i first talked about bitcoin on this channel back in 2013 and since then we've done a whole bunch of episodes on bitcoin and blockchain but for those that are new here's a quick summary when you pay a shop using a bank card the shop checks with the bank to see if you have money to make the purchase the bank checks its records verifies that you have enough money and deducts that amount from your card it then updates its records and takes a fee for providing their services if you wanted to remove the banks from the system who would you trust to keep the records straight no altering or cheating no one would ever trust a single person with that much power but you may give your trust to a collective group of people many millions in fact the main idea is to not have a centralized record of transactions many copies of those transactions are distributed across the world every owner of each copy records every transaction in this new model the shop instead of checking with the banks checks with everyone's records to see if you have the money when the purchase is made all the record keepers update their records if an individual transaction record is fraudulent it doesn't agree with the rest of the copies of the transaction records and gets rejected this large group of people checking record transactions aren't people at all but a network of computers there is no need for third parties such as banks because the decentralized network keeps itself in check amazingly that means no bans no server shutdowns or blocking of payments because payments occur directly between people although transactions can be tracked they cannot be stopped so-called miners keep the network running by solving complex equations on their computers these people mine bitcoin in chunks called blocks that contain all of the recent transactions blocks are kind of like a page in a record keeping book the miners receive payment in bitcoin for their effort much like mining gold also like gold there's a finite supply of bitcoin to stop it from being devalued much like we're currently seeing in fiat currency there will only ever be 21 million bitcoins and the final bitcoin will be mined in 2140 so what gives bitcoin its value in reality it's just worth what someone's willing to pay for it so could the price drop to zero if confidence is lost yes it's possible but regardless it is a pretty interesting idea there's an argument to be made that the value of bitcoin is actually the trust and utility of the bitcoin network itself what the price is for that value no one is sure yet so yeah i think a really useful idea a blockchain is just a type of database it's a distributed ledger that that in some use cases like for a banking back office is kind of like a database upgrade so massive improvements in efficiency um but but probably not that transformative or disruptive when you take a blockchain you make it public and decentralized and then you add money to that you add a cryptocurrency then you're looking at something that um is is that first use case that offshore banking system that i think is fundamentally disruptive and disruptive financially economically and even potentially politically so how's bitcoin maintained bitcoin is open source so anyone can edit the code it's a misconception that the code has stayed the same for the past 10 years there's maintenance carried out to ensure smooth functioning this is done through a bitcoin improvement proposal or bip a bip is just a document that proposes core changes but to stop someone from inserting some code that says say give every cold fusion viewer a thousand bitcoin there needs to be 95 consensus across the last 2 000 miners basically it's a digital voting system on january 3rd 2009 the first block of bitcoin was mined within this very first block a special message was written it read quote the times 3rd of january 2009 chancellor on the brink of second bailout for banks this gives us a clue to bitcoin's purpose for existing a response to a broken financial system just nine days after the first block was mined the first bitcoin transaction is completed it was between bitcoin's creator satoshi nakamoto and another cryptographic enthusiast hal finney it was a healthy sum of 10 bitcoin worthless at the time as there were no exchanges to determine a price satoshi nakamoto would announce his invention of a new economic system on a cryptography mailing list on july 9 2009 how finney would help satoshi fix bugs and improve security in those early days [Music] while these steps mark bitcoin's creation and the first instance of application this is by no means the beginning of bitcoin's story for that we must travel back over two decades to the year 1983 [Music] in 1983 american cryptographer david charm is already experimenting with the idea of electronic cash he was part of a movement known as the cypherpunks they were activists who defended the idea of using cryptography and computers as a powerful tool to protect the privacy of individuals if you were to put it into political terms they were kind of like digital libertarians wanted to create a safer and more anonymous transaction system his efforts led to the invention of the blind signature protocol breaking ground and what would become known as the foundations for modern blockchain technology i created a whole a concept for how you could use ecash to make your payments and then the blind signatures could be used to basically prove things about you without revealing who you are classics they have kids at a bar and they want to or somewhere they want to get in they would say to prove that they have a they're old enough or they're they have a driving license or they're from a different state or whatever but they don't want to give their address and all this other stuff well that that's what you could do with the credential mechanism in the years that followed david chan began building his idea of a workable cryptographic electronic money system and in 1989 the company digicash was born a notable employee at digicash was cryptographer nick sabo nick would go on to be influential in the early crypto space but more on him later in 1993 digicash launched their ecash system a product that enabled the safe and anonymous transfer of money over the internet ecash was david's answer to what he considered to be the extremely unsafe practice of using credit cards online according to insiders at the time ecash was a technically perfect product that resolved many of the issues that came with credit card payments such as security concerns and fees despite his good intentions what david was doing was risky at the time because the us government sensed a threat a number of my colleagues and friends had secrecy order placed on them by the united states government which made it a federal crime to reveal what they were researching but you know to apply that to cryptography seemed uh a bit out of range the national security agency which is our main cryptographic uh authority in the united states you know for protecting secrets and breaking codes they got a new director and he started writing letters to all the scientific associations telling them that they should not have conferences or even sessions at conferences that covered cryptography i felt it was just too important so i risked spending the rest of my life in jail to set cryptography free digital cryptography was so frowned upon that some early crypto enthusiasts had to smuggle code through shirts or tattoos much like bitcoin the ecash product began gaining incredible levels of attention from buyers at the height of the hype david charm was contacted by none other than bill gates gates wanted to integrate ecash into every copy of windows 95 it's rumored that he offered 100 million dollars for the project david charm declined the offer and every other offer that came after that according to ex-employees david's stubbornness and paranoia made it hard for him to trust the intentions of those interested he also assumed that there'll be better offers around the corner he wanted ecash to be perfect he believed in the importance of his work in 1996 he stated quote the difference between a bad electronic cash system and a well-developed digital cash will determine whether we have a dictatorship or a real democracy due to infighting david eventually lost control of digicash and the company fell into the hands of external investors digicash began pitching their products to banks several of whom were interested but the vast majority of banks at the time were conservative and would rather stick to lucrative credit cards rather than an experimental product by 1998 digicash was bankrupt signaling the end of the very first wave of digital currency before we continue here's a quick word from today's sponsor discord discord is a place where our cold fusion community can get together and chat setting up the server was really straightforward and only took a couple of minutes i've added separate chat categories for technology business finance medicine and future video suggestions i've decided to do this because over time i've noticed that i've received a lot of interesting emails from professionals in industry and just awesome people in general who tell me interesting stuff that's going on in the tech world so i'm sure bringing all of you guys together will generate some interesting and great conversation i've been meaning to create a discord server for a while so when discord reached out to me i thought it was perfect so come over and have a chat it's free and takes just 15 seconds to join check the link in the description to get started [Music] it seemed like the world was just not quite ready for electronic crypto money but this did not stop progressive thinkers from seeing potential in the idea after all it wasn't the idea that was bad it was just well ahead of its time and had the added issue of having no strong leadership in 1999 famous economist milton friedman even said that quote an electronic cash was necessary for the newly found internet and was also a logical tool for limiting government overreach i think that the internet is going to be one of the major forces for reducing the role of government the one thing that's missing but that will soon be developed is a reliable e-cash a method whereby on the internet you can transfer funds from a to b without a knowing b or b knowing a he would go on to say that the monetary supply and monetary policy should be set by a computer where it could not be corrupted by humans in the mid 1990s the market exploded with companies that were based around cryptographic money they were all riding the wave of attention that digicash had generated in 1996 even the nsa got in on the action they published a paper titled quote how to make a mint the cryptography of anonymous electronic cash they described their own fairly impressive version of a cryptocurrency but it proposed the need for a centralized bank to keep tabs on transaction records going directly against the heart of the movement the movement did continue and before long some intriguing ideas began popping up on message boards some of these ideas were very valuable to what would later become bitcoin b-money for example was designed by university of washington graduate wei dai published in 1998 b-money was designed as a way to enable online economies to exist entirely free from outside regulation b money was ultimately theoretical and while popular it never gained enough traction to become a reality other ideas within the online community were less helpful jim bell's assassination politics essay for example in the essay he proposed an encrypted currency system to be used by disgruntled citizens unhappy with their political representatives money could be anonymously donated to a pool until the amount was high enough for someone to accept the bounty and assassinate a politician it was a concept that eventually led to belle doing some prison time in all of this chaos the idea that stands out most in hindsight is bit gold proposed by ex-digicast employee nick zabo in 1998 nick had the idea that instead of a digital currency being a token that represents fiat money the digital currency itself could be a valuable commodity and it would be awarded to miners for completing cryptographic equations sound familiar where bit gold differs from past attempts was the complete distancing from any reliance on banks nick zabo explains quote i was trying to mimic as closely as possible in cyberspace the security and trust characteristics of gold and chief among those is that it doesn't depend on a trusted central authority end quote if david charm's ecash was an early ancestor to bitcoin then bit gold was the missing link although it was an establishing building block for the future of cryptocurrencies it was only theoretical and also flawed for one it had far less concern with privacy and also had some technical shortcomings when it came to mining so along with b money bit gold was never widely adopted so then despite all of its exciting progress the cryptographic money community fell relatively quiet for a decade then in august of 2008 the domain name bitcoin.org was anonymously registered in october a paper titled bitcoin a peer-to-peer electronic cash system was posted to a cryptography mailing list signed satoshi nakamoto in this paper nakamoto presented to the world the fundamental outline for bitcoin as it stands this paper started a cryptographic chain reaction that changed the course of financial history today nation states want to start their own digital currencies the city of miami wants citizens to be able to pay bills in bitcoin to be able to offer our employees to get a percentage of their salary in bitcoin allows our residents to pay for fees in bitcoin and also would allow allow for taxes to be paid in bitcoin it also a request of the state legislature to make bitcoin an acceptable currency for us to potentially invest in the future paypal mastercard and apple pay are now integrating bitcoin tesla has bought 1.5 billion dollars worth of bitcoin and general motors is contemplating putting bitcoin on its balance sheet large financial institutions are now accepting exposure to bitcoin what separated bitcoin from past attempts was the overcoming of the double spending problem unlike physical stores of value digital money is simply data and data can be replicated and this allows the potential spending of a single coin multiple times in the past this issue was solved by involving a trusted third party to oversee transactions in the case of ecash that third party was banks but to nakamoto that defeated the point and much like nick zabo attempted with bit gold the intention with bitcoin was to create quote a system for electronic transactions without relying on trust bitcoin succeeded in overcoming the double spending problem by implementing an updated record of who owns what and at what time as discussed earlier this was the birth and implementation of the blockchain with the double spending problem solved the system was brought online and tested and it worked by 2009 bitcoin was up and running in july of 2010 it began trading at a value of 0.0008 us dollars and had risen to 0.08 dollars by month's end but of course nobody really cared here's the very first reddit post about bitcoin in 2010. it was down voted the first reference of bitcoin in tv history was the program good wife in 2012 when bitcoin was at a price of 3.41 i went online and i bought one bitcoin last night really it's the future i don't know it didn't feel real oh real's gonna change just watch here's a talk about bitcoin to an empty room in 2013. when was it a hundred dollars literally nobody cared here neutrality mean neutrality in bitcoin means being able to adopt bitcoin in any culture any language any religion any geography but there were some believers though chamath palapatiya shares his views on bitcoin at 135 dollars owning that currency and allowing water to find its level particularly in the developing markets is huge and if you don't think that this thing is going to rip when brazil goes through a devaluation when the indian rupee continues to get crushed when you have all of this money trying to get in and out of these countries where there's massive you know political instability or monetary or financial instability you're being naive it doesn't matter what happens in the united states it doesn't matter what happens in japan doesn't matter what happens in the eu it doesn't matter it matters what happens in argentina in venezuela in kenya in brazil in india in russia in china and when you look at where all the activity is it's in all of those markets yeah this will be born out of a people's desire to have unfettered access to capital despite finally cracking the code to a working electronic cash system satoshi nakamoto has mysteriously chosen to remain completely anonymous on april 26 2011 satoshi nakamoto would send his final verified email and vanish satoshi still owns a million coins which have never moved from his digital wallet if the price of bitcoin was to reach 197 000 it would make him the richest person in the world so satoshi nakamoto being such a mysterious figure has fueled speculation and false claims who is satoshi and why did he vanish we'll explore this as well as some concerns about bitcoin in the next episode so thanks for watching i hope you learned a thing or two in this episode be sure to check out the discord and also follow me on twitter and instagram my name is digogo and you've been watching cold fusion cheers guys have a good one [Music] cold fusion it's new thinking [Music] you
Channel: ColdFusion
Views: 378,043
Rating: 4.9456501 out of 5
Keywords: Coldfusion, TV, Dagogo, Altraide, Technology, Apple, Google, Samsung, Facebook, Tesla
Id: W15A7Lf0_fI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 25sec (1405 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 25 2021
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