Where Are We in Biblical Prophecy, Pt 1 - Predictive Prophecies of the Bible - Derek Prince

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we were going to say first chronicles chapter 28 verse 20 but I've decided we'll say the one from Psalm 117 I haven't worn Ruth you see whether she's a good pupil um this is really our Testament in both of us I don't think we would be either of us here if this Psalm went true it begins with verse what I donno begins with verse 13 and goes through verse 18 and the person addressed in the first place is the enemy but then it goes on to God you pushed me violently there are might fall but the Lord helped me but the Lord is my strength and song and he has become my salvation the voice of salvation and rejoicing is in the tents of the righteous the right hand of the Lord does not Alliant Li the right hand of the Lord is exalted the right hand of the Lord does valiantly I shall not die but live and declare the works of the Lord the Lord has chastened me severely but he has not given me over to death and if the Lord has if the Lord has not given you over to death you're not going to darkness oh we've helped I don't I suppose hundreds of people by teaching them to say I shall not die but live into where the works of the Lord I think it'd be only fair to you to let you say that saying after us the first time I shall not die wait a minute you you're so quick at learning you can say it with it's alright I shall not die but live and declare the works of the Lord again I shall not die but live and declare the works of the Lord once more I shall not die but live and declare the works Oh Lord oh man thank you sweetheart okay no I plan a series of six messages of which this is the first and the theme of them will be the predictive prophecies of the Bible I say of the Bible because there are prophecies that are not recorded in scripture I believe in the gift of prophecy today I believe there are prophets but there's one extremely important difference between the prophecies of the Bible and prophecies that may be given today and it is this the prophecies of the Bible have already been tested David said that the Lord his word is tested and he said in Psalm 17 the words of the Lord are like silver purified in a furnace of a seven times that's a vivid picture the silver is the message the furnace is the Holy Spirit and the earth is a human vessel but though they've been given through human vessels they've been so purified by the Holy Spirit's fire that they are totally reliable you do not have to check the prophecies of the Bible but any other prophecies given today you need to test them you do not need to swallow them whole I've often said to people you know what to do when you eat fish swallow the flesh and spit out the bones do the same with the kind of prophecies that are going around in the church today it's become very fashionable to be a prophet a matter of fact it wasn't nearly so fashionable with the real prophets they had a pretty tough time most of them as matter of fact the truth is that even being an apostle is not really fashionable I was preaching in Ghana on the ministry gates and there was a several thousand mostly young African men and I gave the picture of the apostle and I said how many of you would like to be apostles and a lot of them stood up I said wait a minute let me give you the job description before you apply and I read what I can't read tonight first Corinthians chapter 4 where Paul describes what it's like to be an apostle he said we are the refuse and offscouring of all things we're the last in the procession on our way to death so I said how many of you still want the job well some of them still stood up but not so many so let's be faithful to the theme of this conference reality let's be real let's not use religious language and nice phrases that don't really have the power of God and aren't verified by the way we live so I'm going to deal as I'm saying with the predictive prophecies of the Bible I believe this is a very neglected theme for most what we call charismatic or Pentecostals or not so much for evangelicals there has been a certain emphasis amongst them I believe many Christians are floundering they've lost their way they don't understand what's going on because they have not taken time to study the predictive prophecies of the Bible let me turn for a moment to Isaiah I'm getting pleased with myself I've learned to say Isaiah again I said that for years and then I had to learn to say Isaiah when I got to America and now I'm just getting back to Isaiah Isaiah chapter 46 verse 9 and 10 this is the Lord speaking the God of the Bible and it describes something that's unique to God and to the Bible this is not true of any other religion or any other so-called gone.only God accurately predicts the future even thousands of years before it happens and only the Bible contains those predictions there is no other world religion that has anything to compare with it now the Hinduism no Islam nor the New Age or whatever else the Bible is totally unique and it reveals a unique God who foretells what will happen and reveals it through his prophets as I've said even thousands of years before it actually takes place so these are the words of the Lord in isaiah 46:9 and 10 i am gone and there is no other i am gone and there is none like me in other words i am unique declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times things that are not yet done saying my counsel shall stand and I will do all my pleasure so that's a unique attribute attribute of the true God that he knows beforehand what's going to happen and he can declare the end from the beginning and in the Bible there are literally hundreds of passages in which God has done precisely that it marks him out as the unique God and it marks the Bible out as a unique book without any parallel in all the other religious literature of the whole world I want to turn now to a particular predictive passage that deals with the theme of prophecy found in 2nd Peter chapter 1 verses 16 through 19 that I'll read the passage in a moment but let me say first that the theme of this passage is the return of Jesus Christ in power and glory and I would suggest to you this is by far the most important theme of all prophecy at the present time is that which relates to the return of the Lord Jesus Christ in the Greek of the New Testament there is a special word parousia which is used for this particular event it means the presence or the return or the coming of the Lord and it refers to his coming in power and glory as a king to establish his kingdom on earth and what Peter is saying is when we told you believers about this we won't tell you some fable that we'd worked up some cleverly devised story but we are speaking from eyewitness experience because he said we saw on the Mount of Transfiguration --zz what he will be like when he comes back in power and glory and you remember his countenance shown as the Sun and his raiment was as bright as a light and then the God the Father spoke out of a clown said this is my beloved son hear him so Peter is referring to that event but he goes on to say there is something even more reliable than our personal eyewitness testimony and that is the prophecies of the Bible now listen for we did not follow cunningly devised fables when we made known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ or you could say the coming in power of the Lord but where I witness is on his majesty we actually saw him in his glory for he received from Gondorff on the honor and glory when such a voice came to him from the excellent glory this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased and we heard this voice which came from heaven when we were with him on the holy mountain that's the Mount of Transfiguration you can find this described in Matthew chapter 17 the opening verses and in the other two Gospels mark and Luke so Peter is saying we actually had a preview of what it'd be like when Jesus comes back in glory but this is very important he said there is one other testimony which is even more reliable and that is the testimony of the prophetic word of God always the ultimate and most reliable source of truth is the Word of God the testimony I witnesses is impressive but it never supersedes the testimony of the prophetic scriptures in 1st Corinthians 15 when Paul is talking about the resurrection first of all he says Jesus died according to the scriptures he was buried according to the scriptures he rose again the third day the Scriptures are the primary testimony then he lists a whole series of eyewitnesses who actually saw Jesus after he was risen from the dead but bear in mind the ultimate authority for any truth is the Scriptures the Word of God and so he goes on to say now in verse 19 we also have the prophetic word made more sure which you do well to heed as a light that shines in a dark place until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts so he says you've heard our testimony but it's more important that you give heed to the prophetic word of God which takes precedence over all human testimony and he says you do well to give heed to it that's the theme of what I want to communicate to you it's in your best interest to heed the prophetic scriptures if you don't heed them you'll be in a dark place without a light because it's the prophetic scriptures that are a light in a dark place and as a child of God you shouldn't be without the light God has provided the light for you through the prophetic scriptures but if you don't study them if you don't read them if you're not familiar with what they say you'll be in the dark when you should be in the light and a person who's in the dark doesn't know where he's going he ends up in all sorts of situations he would never have chosen and that's precisely true of Christians who ignore the prophetic word of God they will end up in places they never wanted to be in because they didn't have the light to show them where they were going and the dangers that they needed to avoid now Peter says we had the prophetic word made more sure and I want to raise this question how was the prophetic word made more sure for the Apostles and my answer is this the prophetic word became more sure when they saw the prophecies of the old test actually being fulfilled before their eyes in the life of Jesus they believed already but it became more sure when they saw fulfillment after fulfillment after fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies in the life of Jesus and I also want to point out that every one of these prophecies which we're going to look at in a moment was literally fulfilled as far as I can find there is no evidence in the New Testament of Old Testament prophecies that were spiritually fulfilled or metaphorically fulfilled their fulfill filmed literally I was a philosopher before I became a preacher which some of you may detect in me occasionally and I object to the use of the word literally because it suggests something which isn't real listen where's dong dong are you literally married sure you see what I'm saying I'm suggesting there's a way of being married without being married that's nonsense it's very dangerous what about another question do you literally pay your taxes I certainly do you see the danger of that question some people would say well I I pay my taxes metaphorically but I don't actually part with any money and it's just the same to talk about prophecies being metaphorically or not literally fulfilled it means they don't mean what they say and all the prophecies that I've discovered in the New Testament from the Old Testament fulfilled in the new were fulfilled absolutely literally in fact I would almost say in some cases horrifyingly literal I'll give you a list of seven Old Testament eleven Old Testament prophecies that were fulfilled in the life of Jesus into the new test and I'll point out to you and you can see for yourself how very literal the fulfillment of every one of them wants I'll give you the Old Testament scripture I won't give the New Testament because I trust most of you are sufficiently familiar with the record of the New Testament first of all number one Jesus was born of a virgin and it was a literal virgin not a non-american metaphorical virgin if there is such a thing if she hadn't been a real virgin our salvation would not be valid if she'd been merely metaphorically a virgin Jesus couldn't have been are saying Isaiah 7:14 tells us then second he was born in Bethlehem Micah five verse two it was a very literal Bethlehem the word Bethlehem in Hebrew means House of bread you could spiritualize that as much as you like but it wasn't Spiritualized it was an actual village in an actual country where he was actually born number three he was called out of Egypt the Old Testament prophecies Hosea 11 verse 1 Jesus as a small boy was literally in Egypt he was literally called out of Egypt and it was literally Egypt be very easy to spiritualize Egypt many people do it and it's legitimate in a way to take Egypt as a type of this world but the New Testament doesn't do that number 4 he taught in parables Psalm 78 was his 1 and 2 and it was literal parables real parables number 5 He healed the sick he literally healed people who were literally sick is that right how very disappointing it would be if he merely metaphorically healed the sick if I'm sick I don't want to be metaphorically healed I want to be literally the Old Testament Scriptures some of them are found in Isaiah 29 35 and 61 number 6 he entered Jerusalem on a donkey the Old Testament scripture is Zechariah 9 verse 9 and it was a literal donkey very literal number 7 he was flogged and abused Old Testament scripture Isaiah 50 verses 5 and 6 and it was horribly literal what they did to Jesus not metaphorical numbers number 8 his hands and feet were pierced Psalm 22 verse 60 and again I would have to say it was horribly literal there was no metaphor about it number 9 his garments were divided Psalm 22 80 and that Gospels record how they actually divided his four garments and cast lots for the seamless robe number 10 he was killed and buried Isaiah 53 verses 8 and 9 and it's remarkable because it says there they made his grave with the wicked and with the rich in his death but in the Hebrew the word wicked is plural the word rich is singular he was taken down for for burial with two criminals but he was buried in the tomb of one rich man can you see how totally accurate the scripture is and number 11 he rose on the third day the scripture that I have is hosea chapter 6 verse 2 how important it is that he literally rose it's a well-known fact that there are bishops in the amicus church who deny the literal resurrection there's no literal resurrection there's no forgiveness of sin there's no gift of everlasting life can you see how tremendously important it is that we don't make things allegorical that are said in the plain simple meaning of words now I want to go back to second Peter chapter one from him and take up one more theme he says in verse 19 we also have the prophetic word made more sure which you do well to heed as a light that shines in a dark place until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts that is a most beautiful picture if I can convey it to you in World War two I served with the British Army in the deserts of Egypt in Libya for three years and I saw something there which you can see also in other parts of the Middle East but for the most part we slept out on the sand we had no artificial light we went to bed when the Sun set and we got up when the Sun rose which is not what I do today and so I saw a certain phenomenon that happens at the time of the sunrise in the deserts of the Middle East not all the year but at certain times of the year there is a star or rather a planet called Aurora which means Dawn which rises immediately before the Sun and it is an amazingly luminous star and when it comes up it it lightens the whole horizon and one would easily think the Sun is rising but it isn't the Sun it's That star but one thing you know when you see Aurora arrives you know the next thing that's going to happen which is what Sun is going to rise and that's the star that Peter talks about so he says if you give heed to Biblical prophecy about the return of the Lord something will happen in your heart the morning star will arise and it will illuminate your heart and will give you a sure unshakable conviction that the next great event that's going to take place is what the coming of Jesus that's one of the main purposes of these prophecies is to make the coming of Jesus so real and so vivid that we never lose sight of it that whenever motivated by anything contrary to it I mean I've known the Lord now 51 years it's amazing that he's kept me that length of time and since I was saved I believe the scriptures I never had any doubt the moment I was saved I knew the Bible is the Word of God and I've always believed in the second coming of Jesus as a doctrine of the Bible never at any time have I doubted that doctrine but I've come to learn that that is not sufficient it's not sufficient just to believe a doctrine what God wants you to have is the Morningstar in your heart he wants you to live in the sure unshakeable assurance that Jesus is coming back and he wants you to live in the expectation of his return he wants you to be excited about it not just say well this is one of the doctrines of the Bible in Hebrews 9 verses 27 and 28 it says this and is this as it is appointed for men to die once but after this the judgment so Christ was often once to bear the sins of many to those who eat early wait for him he will appear a second time apart from sin for salvation to whom will he appear when he comes the second time to those who eagerly wait for him I want to ask you this question will that include you are you really eagerly waiting for the coming of the Lord I'm not talking about believing a doctrine I'm talking about something in your heart that motivates you that excites you that thrills you I have a dear friend who's a preacher and we've we've known one another for thirty years and he's a little bit different from me he's a little more informal in his expression anybody said one thing once they're always stuck with me he said when the Lord comes back he will expect to hear more from his bride than nice to have you back so are you excited be honest with yourself because God can change you one of the reasons you are here in this camp is to be changed and if you don't have that excited anticipation there is a way that you can get it I've learned this if I don't read the Bible every day and meditate in it and ponder it these glorious truths become kind of remote I still think their doctrines I accept them but they're not motivating the way I live anybody who believes in the return of the Lord Jesus should be motivated to live a life that's appropriate to that belief First Epistle of John chapter three this is another of our proclamations but I Libra sitting where she is the first three verses of first John chapter three behold what manner of love the father has bestowed on us that we should be called children of God and we are there for the world does not know us because it did not know him beloved no we are children have gone and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be but we know that when he is revealed we shall be like him for we shall see him as he is now you can say amen to that but there's a mark of those who really believe it and it's given in the next verse and everyone who has this hope in him purifies himself just as he is pure so don't tell us that you hope for the coming of the Lord unless you are purifying yourself unless you're seeking day by day to be better prepared to live a life that's more holy and more glorifying to go on because you can have the doctrinal belief but you don't have the evidence in your life everyone who has this hope in him purifies himself just as he is pure and God has only got one standard of purity that's Jesus so I'm going to ask you again are you really purifying yourself are you seeking day by day to draw closer to the Lord to live in a way that is pleasing to him to give glory to him to give him priority in your life I used to say for years even as a philosopher if God is willing to take place to take a place in our lives there is only one place we can logically give him and that is the first place if Almighty God the creator of heaven and earth is willing to dwell in us we cannot offer him the spare bedroom we have to give him the place of honor we have to acknowledge his worthiness I want to say just a word about the general characteristics of Biblical prophecy because there is so much confusion about prophecy in the church today and I want to say I believe in the gift of prophecy the Lord gave it to me in 1942 when I was in a military ambulance on my way up to the Battle of El Alamein I didn't know what was happening but I heard these words come out of my mouth and I realized I was prophesying and many wonderful things in my life have been shaped by prophecy but let me tell you I never accept prophecy until I have checked it and if I'm the one who's given the prophecy I'm the one who checks it most carefully I never go by a prophecy until I'm satisfied myself it really came by the Holy Spirit you see there's a beautiful scripture in Revelation 19 verse 10 just the last part of the verse it says the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy in other words all true prophecy bears testimony to Jesus he's the theme of all prophecy from genesis 3:15 right to the end of the book of Revelation and anything that doesn't bear testimony to Jesus should be questioned if it puts anything else in the place which is reserved for Jesus if it directs our attention in any other area but to Jesus it doesn't have the mark of biblical prophecy for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy he's the theme of all prophecy and then in John 16 verse 14 Jesus said about the coming of the Holy Spirit he will glorify me the holy spirit has one supreme purpose to glorify Jesus if you want the Spirit of God to rest on a meeting whether it's worship or preaching or whatever if you will make it your sincere aim to glorify Jesus the Holy Spirit will be happy to join you but he's not interested in glorifying anybody else but Jesus and when we find ourselves in a situation of prophecy or ministry of some kind where the attention is diverted to a human personality you can be sure at that point the Holy Spirit has backed off it may have begun in the spirit but it's not continuing in the spirit that's one of the surest tests of the work of the Holy Spirit is this D does it glorify Jesus he'll never glorify anybody else cuz no one else deserves the glory and then as I've pointed out already in the words of 2nd Peter the primary focus of all prophecy in this particular period is the return of the Lord God wants to keep us continually mindful of Jesus coming back let me give you just one other simple picture of prophecy you can consider prophecy as a map of future events now if you have a map say a map of a city it doesn't show you everything generally speaking if it's a map of the city it won't show you the color of the houses normally not even the height of the houses it won't show you the names of the people who live in the houses but it should it will show you enough for the purpose for which the map was made which was to get you to where you want to go and Biblical prophecy is like a map it doesn't show you everything and maybe it will not show you the things that you are interested in but it will show you if you're careful enough to get you to the right destination that's its purpose what is the destination well that's right I say eternal life to escape from Hell how many of you believe that hell is real he's gone I thank God that he saved me from Hell if I'd had my deserts I would have been in hell long ago I can't claim justice all I can plead for is mercy hell was where I should have been I've no doubt about that I think of a friend of mine who was a Salesman a commercial salesman in the United States he was also a preacher and he was making his living selling something and he had to drive around from place to place and he exceeded the speed limit three times so the sheriff who was the person in America that's responsible for dealing with that sort of thing the sheriff summoned him to his office and he was afraid he was going to lose his driving license and if he lost his driving license he lost his means of support so he prepared what to say and he walked into the sheriff's office and he said sir I'm not asking for justice I'm asking for mercy and the sheriff said no one ever said that to me before and he let him keep his driving license well I thought about that scores of times lord I am NOT asking for justice I'm asking for mercy can you agree with that are you happy you're not going to get justice the Bible says the wages of sin is death the just reward of sin is death if you want justice brother you can have it thank you we'll have it whether you want it on but the gift of God the free grace gift the unmerited undeserved unearned gift of God is eternal life don't ask for justice I heard a man say once all I want is justice and I thought oh if you only knew what you were saying now I suggest to you two reasons it's good to have a map two reasons that two ways in which a map can help us first of all it can keep us from trying to get to a destination that isn't on the map you say well how could that happen to a Christian well it happens to a lot of Christians a lot of Christians are busy with the destination that isn't on the map you can search the Bible you can't find it for instance there are people who are teaching that the business of the church is to take the world over for God and when Jesus comes back we'll just hand him the world and say here you are friends that isn't on the map if that's what you're trying for you're trying for something you'll never achieve because the Bible doesn't indicate that in fact if you come back tomorrow night I'll show you just how much the opposite is indicated in the Bible let me say this right now the last thing before Jesus comes back is the Great Tribulation we don't want to be responsible for that do we so let's not aim for something that isn't on the man then another reason for the map is to show you the right way to get to the right place and keep you from taking the wrong route now Ruth and I came in a car here yesterday from Bromley and we had a man but we didn't the man who was driving the car didn't make the right use of the map and we went miles around I never realized how difficult Mormon wants to get to it and yesterday but he didn't use the map right now you say what kind of wrong route could you suggest let me suggest one hoping to get into heaven without any problems without any suffering without any difficulties that route isn't on the map jesus said narrow is the gate and difficult is the way that leads to life and there are few who find it surprising how seldom this that scripture is is preached on today difficult is the way that leads to life and there are few who find it they don't make the right news of the map you see and Paul and Barnabas said to their new convents in acts 14:22 we must through much tribulation enter the kingdom of God so if you're going a route that says no tribulation no problems no difficulties no temptations just want to warn you you won't get into the kingdom of God it's not the way let me say two final things by way of warning and I hope my way of help I think the people who make it most difficult for some of us to really study Biblical prophecy is the people who know it all you know they can tell you what's going to happen next who the Antichrist will be and everything but they're always wrong and the strange thing is when they're wrong they usually don't bother to tell you that they were wrong there was a man in the United States who was prophesying that Jesus would come back some date in September 1988 and I mean he had a tremendous following he sold millions of copies of his books oh jesus didn't come back do I need to tell you that so he said he got the date wrong it should have been 1989 and he didn't come back 1989 you know what people discovered on hoods all the time he was teaching this he was using finance to build up a tremendous ministry base why would he need that if Jesus was coming back I mean I've I've met people who turn me off because they were so sure about everything well let me give you this familia scripture familiar to us at any rate Deuteronomy 29:29 Deuteronomy 29:29 that's easy to remember isn't it the secret things belong to the Lord are gone but those things which are revealed belong to us and our children forever that we may do all the words of this law so there are two kinds of things secret things and things that are revealed there are a whole lot of things we'd like to know what God doesn't reveal them they're secret and we waste our time trying to find out the secret things because if God is going to keep them secret none of us are going to break down secret but the problem is for instance if I teach on certain themes almost invariably the first person that comes up to me afterwards will say this if you can understand this language pre-made or post you know what that means is he coming at the before the tribulation in the middle of the tribulation at the end of you only when I answer I don't know and it doesn't embarrass me the LEAs the right of fact I'm not convinced that the in the light of what's going to happen those questions will actually make sense at all but as far as I'm concerned that's a secret thing jesus said you don't know the day or the hour that the Son of Man is coming so Jesus said you don't know it it's a waste of time trying to know it you are no smarter than Jesus but what about the things are revealed why are they revealed and Moses tells us that we may do them see I find the people who are interested in the secret things aren't doing the things that are revealed he agrees with me I'm glad to have people behind agreeing with me you see I'll give you a simple example I'll come back to it tomorrow the disciples said to Jesus what will be the sign of your coming Matthew 24 verse 4 and Jesus gave them a specific answer one clear definite answer we'll go into this in detail he said this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations and then the end will come that's a specific answer to a specific question when will the end come when this gospel of the kingdom has been preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations so now you've heard that but if you're not doing it don't expect to hear any more from God because obedience releases revelation disobedience cuts it off I know lots of Christians who believe that passage but they're not doing anything about it I want to say for Ruth and myself we live for that I don't want to go into a lot of details but we are reaching more than 120 nations with the Word of God we have a radio program in ten languages that reaches every continent I don't claim to be specially gifted I just seek to obey what God tells me to do but if you hear the prophetic word and don't obey it you will hear no more or rather you may hear but it'll be it'll be false because the pathway to deception is to refuse revelation I didn't plan to say that what I'm going to say it again the pathway to deception is to refuse revelation and I could give you lists of people who are on that pathway because what God revealed didn't suit them it didn't fit in with their private plans or didn't fit in with their special theology and you remember what Peter said the prophetic word is a light in a dark place you reject it turn from it and you end in the dark I'm not saying you're not saved that's between you and God but I am saying you're going to have a lot of unnecessary problems you're going to walk into a lot of situations you shouldn't be in you're going to be confused and fearful when you don't need to be I'm going to say one more passage and this is preparing for tomorrow hopefully Deuteronomy 18 verses 18 and 19 the words of Moses to Israel Deuteronomy 18 18 and 19 17 and 18 no 18 19 I will raise up for them a prophet like you that's like Moses from among their brethren and will put my words in his mouth and he shall speak to them all that I command him now the New Testament writers are in total agreement that prophet was who Jesus that's right so we know from the New Testament the person who fulfilled that prophecy was Jesus and he's the only prophet of whom God would say that he shall speak all that I can on pip and then he goes on to say it shall be that whosoever will not hear my words which he speaks in my name I will require it of him brothers and sisters to ignore the prophetic prophetic teaching of Jesus is very dangerous because if you will not hear it God says he's got a require it of you that'll be a very hard interview when you're alone with God and he says why didn't you listen to the prophetic teaching of son what excuse will you give there is no valid excuse that's all I have to say for tonight except one thing I want to ask you a question be honest with yourself are you at this moment eagerly and joyfully anticipating the return of Jesus I'll say the game are you at this moment eagerly and joyfully anticipating the return of Jesus because if not the Morningstar hasn't written in your heart and you were headed for trouble so if you have been able to receive what I've said tonight and you really want to be in the will of God and you want to be a bead into Scripture and you recognize that your heart attitude towards the return of Jesus is not what it should be but you'd like to change or rather you'd like God to change you we on the platform would like to pray for you specifically on that issue that in the course of the next six days you will be changed in that respect that when this camp is over you'll leave with a shining excited anticipation that Jesus is coming back now if you'd like us to pray for you if you make a decision that you want that because God won't force it on you but that's what you want that's how you want to live let me tell you this I moved amongst many many different kinds of Christians in many countries but I discover when Ruth and I are amongst people who are excitedly anticipating the return of Jesus we are in fellowship with them immediately there are no barriers and there are the most wonderful people all around the earth from many different nationalities you have this one thing in common they are longing for the return of Jesus and let me tell you if you're not I think God is going to let things happen in the world and in your life that make you appreciate how much you should have been longing so if you want to be changed in that particular respect they're not talking about any other change at this moment and you would like rather dawn and the rest of the people who are on the platform to pray with you and for you now just take a deep breath don't act hastily but if you really want to be changed and you want our prayers then stand to your feet right where you are brother dong come with your tea join me in prayer I tell you if you get changed this camp will be one of the highlights of your life may you leave here walking on air people will tell you what's happened to you if you come into money say no I just believe Jesus is coming back I mean brother Don I want you to join with me Lord you see these dear people standing before you here tonight as evidence that they want to be changed in their attitude concerning the return of Jesus and Lord we believe you can do it if their wholehearted in that desire you'll do it for them you're in the business of changing people's hearts and lives so we pray for everyone standing before you here tonight that there will be a sovereign action of God in their hearts and lives before they leave this camp they will have had that glorious experience the morning star will have risen in their heart and their hearts will be shining with light Thank You G and they'll be saying Jesus is coming back Jesus is coming back amen thank you
Channel: Derek Prince
Views: 77,024
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Keywords: sermon on biblical prophecy, derek prince sermons, bible study for women, bible study about end times, bible study about prophetic times, endtime prophecy, how to face the last days without fear, israel bible study, perilous times will come, sermon about end times, sermon about prophetic times, sermon on the day of the lord, sermon on the day of the lord is near, bible study on prophecies, bible study on prophetic times, bible study prophetic times, Prophetic preaching sermons
Id: o-LmpvCCwb4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 39sec (3219 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 09 2015
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